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9.3% Miracle! / Chapter 4: Uncovered

Chapter 4: Uncovered

Haven Academy...

Cinder Fall's body is floating in water, ice chunks surrounding her. A closeup of her right eye suddenly opens up, twitching as she comes to terms with her current situation. Bubbles escape from her mouth as she struggles to get upright in the water. She activates her Maiden powers. Cinder is gasping for breath.

She is crawling out of the pool of water onto the shore of an underground cave. Cinder holds her hand out and tries to activate a small flame in her hands, but it dies out quickly. Cinder grunts in frustration, slamming her Grimm-like fist to the ground, unknowingly opening up an exit to the cave. She looks up to see light pouring through the crack as well as the sound of howling wind. Cinder then looks up to notice the Vault under Haven Academy where she fought against Raven Branwen. Cinder then uses her Grimm fist to punch at the crack in the wall.


Cinder staggers out of the cave and into the rain. She struggles to walk for a bit before collapsing to the ground, dragging herself through the mud. A woman is approaching her.

"Gods, are you okay?" The woman asked, holding a basket of food, looks down at Cinder in concern. "Where did you...?"

Cinder crawls forward, revealing her Grimm arm. The woman gasps and drops her basket. Cinder then looks up to the frightened woman, activating her Maiden powers and smiling evilly...

"We need to take the Relic to Atlas?" Ruby asked.

Team RWBY, JNR, Jared Shay, and Qrow Branwen are back at the house in Mistral.

"That's what Oz said." Qrow said.

Everybody looks to Weiss Schnee.

"You've got to be joking…" Weiss said.

"What is this? Avatar? Are we basically Team Avatar?" Jared asked.

"Team Avatar?"

"Oscar is like the Avatar. And we're his companions."

"I mean, bright side, we finally get out of this house!" Nora said, excitedly..

Weiss sighs.

"Well trust me, I'm not crazy about it either. And without the Spring Maiden here to seal the Relic back in its Vault, it's our best option." Qrow said.

"Atlas may be the safest kingdom we have at the moment, but their borders are closed. General Ironwood called everyone back." Ren said.

"Eh, not everyone." Qrow said, activating his Scroll, showing a hologram of a highlighted portion of land. "The city of Argus is a ways north of us and it's the primary trading port between Anima and Solitas. They've got the largest Atlas military base outside the kingdom. There's no way they'd leave it abandoned, and if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort us straight to Ironwood."

"I mean, we do have the missing Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company." Blake said.

"Ex-Heiress, actually." Weiss said, sadly.

"True, true. But if there's a chance of reward money, I say we go for it." Yang said.


"We're not mercenaries...we will be if we sell the Ice Queen like that." Jared said, laughing a little. "I don't mind a little money."

"Hopefully the first option will suffice." Ozpin said.

Oscar Pine, letting Ozpin take over, walks into the room.

"Glad to see you're feeling better." Qrow said.

"Likewise, and while I'm sure we could all use more time to recover, I'm afraid time is of the essence." Ozpin said.

"Right, as long as that thing's out in the open, its power could fall into the wrong hands." Blake said.

"And we brought it with us while traveling with the Doctor." Weiss said, crossing her arms. "For Space 1969. Mostly as a test. To see if traveling with it was safe over there."

"It was risky enough." Yang said.

"We couldn't let it risk getting to our enemies." Ruby said. "Over here."

"But the Daleks or the Cybermen having it is so much worse!" Jared said, annoyed.

"Speaking of, what does it do exactly? Qrow never really told us." Jaune said.

Everyone looks to Ozpin, who turns around to face them.

"Of course." Ozpin said, detaching the Relic from his hip. "The Relic of Knowledge has a wonderful, and incredibly dangerous ability." The Relic grows into its original size as it was found. "Its user can ask any question, and the lamp will provide an answer."

Ozpin places the Relic down, and it floats on the table.

"Intriguing…" Ren said, in awe.

"That's incredible…" Blake said.

"Indeed. However, it's not without drawbacks. The lamp cannot tell of events that have yet to happen, and it will only ever answer three questions every one hundred years." Ozpin said.

"Well, I guess that's not so bad. Adds a lot of pressure though." Yang said.

"Then let's put it to a vote! What should we ask first? Oh! Can we ask for more questions? CAN WE ASK FOR MORE QUESTIONS?!" Nora exclaimed.

"They're not wishes…" Ren said, facepalming.

"And we don't have a Genie." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "That is played by Robin Williams or Will Smith."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to ask it anything at the moment." Ozpin said, chuckling and Nora grunts in frustration. "The questions were used before I sealed it away."

"Well, at least now we know what it is. And we'll be sure to keep it safe!" Ruby said, smiling.

Argus Limited...

Back in the present day, Ruby scours through the train wreckage and picks up Dust bullets, before looking to see the Relic of Knowledge slightly buried in the snow nearby.

Yang is complaining as she struggles to get Bumblebee out of the snow, "Great! This is just great! We're stranded, Jared's in and out of it in our adventures, we lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!"

"It's not my fault that I don't feel like myself, Yang." Jared said, looking over at the six giant crates. "They're not damaged. Thank goodness. I was afraid that one of the things would leak out."

With one final heave, Yang manages to extricate Bumblebee, but falls over to the ground, with her motorcycle following suit as she's partially covered in snow.

Jared took out his phone and he called Shizuku, "Shizuku? Yeah. I have crates that need to be transported to the TARDIS. Thanks. I know, I know, I'll pay you back."

A portal opened up below the crates when Jared walked up to them, and then all six crates disappeared in front of him when they entered the portal.

"My name is Maria Calavera, and I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair." Maria said, tapping on her prosthetics, which open wide and close, before opening narrowly again. "Okay, I'm starting to see your point."

"Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now, we'll just be inviting even more Grimm." Qrow said, grunting.

"Does that even matter? Apparently, we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven." Blake said.

"Grimm on top of the Silence? Whoop-de-do! Like that's all that has ever happened since we left Haven!" Jared said, annoyed.

"Oh, and how could I forget about that?" Yang asked, turning to Oscar. "What happened to 'no more lies and half truths'?"

"Yeah, I think it's time we got an explanation…" Oscar said.

Oscar's eyes glow as control of his body is switched to Ozpin, who furrows his brow at Yang's accusations.

"I did not lie to you…" Ozpin said.

"Well you certainly didn't tell us everything about the Relic." Weiss said.

"Please, now is not the time."

"No, we're past that! I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything!" Yang said, angrily.

"This is the Doctor all over again, to be honest. Like I have to know everything." Jared said, walking towards Oscar. "Mostly to help others and to come up with plans."

"It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the Relics. It's faint, but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin, but I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, I feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safer option." Ozpin said.

"You know, I'm getting real tired of people choosing what's best for me." Weiss said.

"Is that why you chose to lie to everyone about Lionheart too?" Yang asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I believed the Kingdom of Mistral deserved better than the truth. And I believed Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his lifetime of service, and not for the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years." Ozpin said.

"Missteps?!" Yang exclaimed.

"What Professor Lionheart did was reprehensible. I am not here to argue differently, but does one lapse in judgment truly negate all of his good? Do we not all have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Salem found him."

"Look, we're supposed to be in this together. You can trust us! We're not gonna turn our backs on you."

"Like, come on. The Doctor was hard to crack at first. When he was all big ears." Jared said, smiling. "We want to help you. Like how we helped him."

"Do you really think Leo was the first?!" Ozpin exclaimed, raising his voice.

Everyone stops.

"That he didn't say those exact same words to me? I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I…" Ozpin said, while he suddenly stops and realizes something. "Where's the Relic?"

"Right here." Ruby said, holding it in her hands. "It got scattered in the crash."

"Please, hand it over." Ozpin said, reaching his hand out, but Ruby hesitates.

"So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?"

"That's not what I meant to suggest. Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as though it is my burden to bear." Ozpin said, sighing.

"But, you said it couldn't do anything right now."

"What burden? You have people to be with you to help you carry it! Come on, please. Let us help you." Jared said, looking at Oscar.

"Why does it matter who carries it?" Blake asked.

"I need you to listen to me…" Ozpin said, reaching his hand out, but suddenly is stopped, stuck in his position.

"Oz?" Qrow asked.

"Hurry...he's...trying to stop you!" Oscar said, fighting back for control.

"Stop her from what?" Yang asked.

"He's'll find out what he's...hiding!"

Oscar suddenly collapses, Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Jared glare at the boy with intense looks while Ruby holds the Relic of Knowledge defensively.

"Her name is Jinn. Say her name to summon her." Oscar said.

"Her name?" Ruby asked.

The wind picks up much more gradually, blowing snow even harder.

"This really is like Aladdin." Jared said, happily. "Oh, my god. That is awesome."

The Relic starts to glow in Ruby's hands.

"Jinn?" Ruby asked.

Suddenly, the snow stops, floating in midair.

"Time stop." Jared said, looking around. "Of course."

The wind stops blowing too.

"What?" Qrow asked.

Ruby then lets go of the Relic as it floats a short distance away, cyan smoke emanates from it. Suddenly, the lamp is enveloped in the smoke, and from it, a giant, semi-nude feminine figure emerges. He skin and hair colored blue, and decorated with gold jewelry and ornaments. The figure stretches and moans as she has been awakened once again. This is Jinn, the aforementioned being inhabiting the Relic of Knowledge.

"Wonderful." Jinn said, and everyone stares in awe at her. "Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?"


Cinder, now dressed in the clothes of the woman she encountered earlier, steps out of an alleyway. Her Grimm arm is bandaged up. She looks to her left and notices a holographic screen showing portraits of her and her allies. A subtitle below says 'LAST KNOWN LOCATION: HAVEN ACADEMY, APPROXIMATELY ONE MONTH AGO'.

"The perpetrators, Cinder Fall, Hazel Rainart, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black have still not been seen since the attack and are presumed to have fled the city. The Mistral police department is offering a reward to any citizen…" The newscaster said.

Cinder, realizing she's a wanted criminal, puts her hood up to conceal her identity. She walks out into the rainy streets of Mistral, among crowds of people with their umbrellas up. People still carry out their businesses as usual, both legally and illegally. As Cinder continues walking, she notices a symbol - a spiderweb with a spider in it - etched into the wall.

Cinder then walks into a restaurant, with some of the customers bearing tattoos similar to the symbol she found. She then walks up to Lil' Miss Malachite, who she presumed is leader of the gang.

Lil' Miss notices Cinder just as she was about to have her meal, "That's far enough."

Her two bodyguards walk up to Cinder, blocking her way. Cinder tosses down a sack full of Lien on the table.

"Okay." Lil' Miss said.

The bodyguards step back and Cinder takes a seat across from her.

"You're Lil' Miss Malachite?" Cinder asked.

"I'm Lil' Miss Gon'-Skin-You-Alive if you ever take that tone with me again." Lil' Miss said, taking out her fan and she looks to the Lien on the table. "Looks like your life's savings."

"It was somebody's."

"Cute." Lil' Miss said, laughing before she closes her hand fan. "What do you want for it?"

Cinder pulls out her scroll, showing portraits of Jared, Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Team RWBY.

"I'm looking for these travelers." Cinder said.

"Well, sweetheart, you came to the right place." Lil' Miss said.

Cinder jolts a little as she looks behind her, noticing a man entering and being greeted by his group of friends sitting around a table.

"A little jumpy today, hmm? You know, I used to be afraid of spiders. Want to know what I did about it?" Lil' Miss asked, while chuckling.

"Learn to kill them?" Cinder asked.

"Oh no, the world needs spiders. I just made the spiders work for me."

Cinder looks around, noticing all of the customers have the tattoo of spiderweb, insinuating that they all work for Lil' Miss.

"Give us a week, we'll find your travelers." Lil' Miss said.

Cinder then gets up and leaves.

"Lil' Miss, we already know where they are. That big guy asked about 'em last week." A bodyguard said.

"I know we know, but what we don't know is who here in Mistral might be asking about her…" Lil' Miss said.

The snow…

Maria adjusts her goggles to get a better look at what's in front of her.

"I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer…" Jinn said.

"That's enough!" Ozpin said, angrily.

Everyone looks to Ozpin, who managed to regain control over Oscar's body.

"...two questions this era." Jinn said.

Everyone is shocked, despite Ozpin telling them that the Relic won't work for them beforehand.

"He lied. You've got to be kidding me." Jared said, crossing his arms. "Ozpin…"

"It's a pleasure to see you again, old man." Jinn said, chuckling.

"Ruby, please...don't." Ozpin said.

Qrow glances to Ozpin, and steps forward, "Hey."

Suddenly, Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Jared get defensive at Qrow.

"Qrow, I trust you, okay? Don't stop us. We need to know." Jared said. "Ozpin lied to us more than the Doctor. I lie too, but not as much as him."

Ruby stares in disbelief.

"Do whatever you think is right, kiddo." Qrow said, relenting.

"Jinn?" Ruby asked, pondering her question.

Ruby turns around to face Jinn, who has a curious look on her face, while Ozpin grits his teeth in anger, "What is Ozpin hiding from us?"

"NOOOOOOO!" Ozpin said, angrily.

Ruby gasps and looks behind her. Ozpin lunges forward and is about to touch her, but suddenly, Ruby finds herself alone in a blank white space.

"Wha...what? Weiss? Yang?" Ruby asked, walking away.

Yang looks around, "Blake? Ru…"

Yang looks around, and Weiss then appears, also calling out for their team leader.

" Ruby?" Weiss asked.

Weiss looks around, and Blake then appears.

"Yang?" Blake asked.

Suddenly, an environment manifests, showing a path leading to a castle in the distance. A woman humming can be heard in the background.

"Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower…" Jinn said, narrating.

"Ruby? Weiss? Blake? Yang?" Jared asked, clutching his head in pain. "Girls? What's happening?"

Smoke envelops Blake, and Jared appears where she was. He looks behind him.

"...that sheltered a lonely girl." Jinn said.

A rather beautiful woman sitting in front of a mirror then appears. Ruby is seen walking up to her.

"Named...Salem." Jinn said.

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