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33.68% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 128: CHAPTER 124(Full Dorms)

Chapter 128: CHAPTER 124(Full Dorms)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Is this what death feels like?" Sero asks in an exhausted voice. He and Horizon were currently walking back toward the dorms, the sun just beginning to set behind them.

While Horizon was once again spotless, Sero's clothes were bloodied and stained as usual.

As the boy barely had the energy to walk back to his room Horizon was idly scrolling through some Hero Network articles on his phone.

"Probably, take a look at this," Horizon shows Sero his phone.

"Huh, they added you to the S-Class listing, along with All For One and...Twice?"

"League Of Villains clone guy," Horizon says with a shrug. "Apparently his Quirk lets him make infinite clones of himself or his target once certain conditions are met, and the clones can use the originals' Quirk too."

"Damn," Sero thinks about it for a moment. "That listing is for people that can overthrow a small country on their own...its kind of weird to go from only All Might and Endeavor on it, to now the five of you."

"This goes public tomorrow, only the Hero Network knows for now, seems the commission really wants Twice locked away. But that makes sense, he's definitely the most dangerous villain in the league."

"Isn't tomorrow also the All Might tribute event over in Hiroshima? Seems like people will be swarming you at that huh," Sero says.

"That's unavoidable. I'll just head to Tokyo tonight, do some work at Central Hospital, then I'll head over to Hiroshima in the evening."

"Seems kinda hectic, even if you only need one hour of sl---" Sero's words fail him as they arrive at the dorms. The rather high-end 5-story apartment building -with an underground gym- is now fully lit up, for the first time since they've moved in.

"Looks like everyone is done unpacking," Horizon grumbles. "Bye-bye peace and quiet."

"I'm just glad Yui is finally on campus," Sero says as they begin walking up the stairs. "Not that I didn't enjoy spending all my time with you and Hatsume of course."

"I get it, kinda...not really, whatever."

"You could if you just---"

"Drop it."

They both arrive at the doorway and can already see some of their classmates gathered in the common area catching up.

"Well the important thing is that you're totally willing to... let's say warp me into her room...right?" Sero gives him a nervous smile.

Horizon just shakes his head and chuckles, "only if she asks me to, but honestly, her room is on the," he pauses for a moment and focuses on the 1B dorms. "Second floor, you can manage that easily enough."

"Uh can you not do the whole 'sensing people' thing on her, it's kinda bugging me."

"It's honestly not as pervy as everyone seems to think it is, also, I'm a doctor," Horizon says as they arrive in the common area.

Almost all of 1A was there just staring at them, or more accurately, staring at Sero.

"Dude are you ok?!" Kirishima yells as he runs over.

"It's cool man, Horizon always heals me after training," Sero says.

"You look like you fought a bear," Uraraka says. "What kind of training was it?"

"The effective kind," Horizon says. "You should have seen him on the first day, he was a mess. But after two weeks, he's almost not a little bitch, almost."

"You guys have been here for two weeks?!" Kirishima asks. "C'mon why didn't you invite me to join you?!"

Horizon gives an annoyed sigh, "probably because you never stop yelling..."

Moments later and Horizon is sitting on the couch in the common area as Sero rushes away to go shower.

Leaving Horizon to catch up with Tokoyami, Momo, Shoji, Kirishima, Mina, and Jiro.

"Really? My parents were against the dorm idea," Tokoyami says to Shoji. "But I convinced them that this was best to control the darkness in my soul."

"Well I live pretty far into the country so living here is easier than renting an apartment in Musutafu," Shoji says.

"Huh, mine just want me to follow my dreams, they know how much this means to me after all," Kirishima says.

"Same here," Jiro says. "Dad was really against me coming back to UA, but with All For One gone and after watching All Might's last stand he couldn't say no."

"Mine weren't that sure," Mina confesses in a somber tone. "But I mean, if we give up, then Kaminari's sacrifice isn't worth as much as it could when I explained that to them they understood."

"Yeah," Kirishima agrees. "What Horizon said really was manly, we've just got to work harder to save as many people as possible, that way people who sacrificed themselves are worth the most they can be."

Horizon looks slightly bewildered for a moment, before realizing Sero must have told them what he said about this situation.

'I'll need to have a talk with Sero about quoting me...but I guess it worked out this time.'

"My parents still aren't entirely convinced if I'm being honest," Momo says. "But we've come to an understanding, so I simply have to show them all the good I can do as a Hero."

"An understanding?" Horizon asks, not liking the forced smile she gave them when saying that.

"They just need time to warm up to the idea, that's all," the look she gave him screamed that there was more to tell, but she didn't want him to pry, so he just let it go.

"Well surprisingly nobody dropped out, definitely wouldn't have let my kids back here after all the shit we dealt with," Horizon says.

"You realize you're partly why we came back right?" Jiro asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well after you fought All For One for us, not to mention all the other things you've done, how could we not want to be by your side in any way we can?" She says while playing with her earphone jacks. "Plus having you around is as good a security system as we could get, you make me feel safe---make us feel safe, yeah, that's what I meant."

Horizon sees the sympathetic look Momo and Mina are giving her and rolls his eyes, "yeah yeah, if you say so. Atleast we don't have the 6-day school week anymore, that's a relief."

"You could say that again," Shoji says. "But I'm spending most of my extra time in the gym anyway," he gives Kirishima a fist bump.

"Plus we can't actually leave campus on our own," Mina whines. "Not until we've got a Provisional License and permission from a teacher...unless," she gives him her most pleading look.

"I'm not walking you around town," Horizon says. "Plus Nezu is pretty much trying to chain me to UA until Kurogiri is locked up."

"I guess you have as much freedom as the rest of us, the burden and responsibility of being powerful," Momo says somberly.

Horizon actually manages to laugh at that idea, "good one, but nope. I can do whatever I want, because I'm Horizon. I just need to keep UA in one piece so the Hero Course doesn't get scrapped. But he did limit my Hero days a bit more, down to 3 days a week instead of 4."

"He took away Thursday?" Tokoyami asks.

"Yeah," Horizon grumbles. "And my favorite restaurant usually has their special dish on that day...I guess I'll just have to use the fact that I'm Horizon to see if I can get it anyway. Plus the fact that now I'll be spending Sundays in Central Hospital..."

"Wait, that's real?" Jiro asks. "Sorry it's just, when I read that you were now healing certain people for free, it just...seemed so out of character for you."

Momo nudges her friend, "Kyoka! Regardless of how Horizon may act toward us, if he didn't care about people he wouldn't be training to be a Pro Hero."

"Yup," Mina gives him a devious smile. "You're just a big softie aren't you, I bet you just couldn't help healing the first sick person you saw in there!"

"That'd be the second bet you lost to me...and I'm still waiting on payment for the first one," Horizon's words cause her to just sit back and stare down at her lap.

"Man I can't imagine how hard it was to keep a secret like that," Kirishima says, confusing everyone for a moment before he continues. "Knowing All Might was running on limited time for over a year...must have been brutal, I'm horrible with secrets."

"I'm a doctor, it's part of the job," Horizon says. "As the post on my profile said, I did try to convince him a lot to stop being a Hero and conserve himself, but he has some kind of mental defect where he can't see someone in need and not do something to help, tragic really."

"You mean heroic, right?" Shoji asks.

"I said what I said..."

After a few more minutes Sero joins them, now cleaned up and ready to relax a bit before bed, and maybe walk over to 1B dorms to visit Yui.

"So are you guys ready for training tomorrow?" he asks them, noticing Horizon busy scrolling through something on his phone.

"Heck yeah man!" Kirishima jumps up excitedly. "I've been stuck at home bored out of my mind, nothing gives a good workout like UA."

"I believe Quirk control is what the next part of our training is," Tokoyami says. "I'm curious as to how the teachers will help us take them to the next level of mastery."

"Oh yeah you guys start training Super Moves tomorrow," Sero says, causing everyone else to get excited. "I'm sure they'll be pretty cool!"

"I wonder if they'd give me a sword," Tokoyami mutters.

"Ooo, a shadow sword!" Mina cheers.

"The point of a super move isn't to look cool," Momo scolds them. "It provides a large advantage when apprehending a villain, ending the fight swiftly and efficiently."

"But it also has to look cool," Sero says. "We started the Quirk part of my training a few days ago and he explained it like this," he glances over to Horizon, seeing the man not taking them on. "you've gotta make it strong to end the fight, but also cool so people can recognize it, its a fine balance like that."

"Oh, do you have any yet?" Mina asks him.

"Well, I'm still working on making my Quirk stronger for now," Sero says. "But I've got tomorrow off since Horizon is gonna be heading to Tokyo tonight, he wants me to spend the day just researching similar Quirks to see what kind of moves they have."

"Oh, like that guy you interned with, Kamui Woods right?" Kirishima asks.

"I thought so too, but apparently Wall Crawler is way better for my Quirk, good thing we've got lots of videos of him fighting villains in America huh."

"Well, it's a good thing you've got mister Quirk Specialist teaching you huh," Mina pouts playfully. "how come he isn't teaching anyone else?"

"It's best you don't know," Jiro says. "Trust me, it's not a pretty answer..."

Mina just gives her a confused look and Momo nods in agreement.

"Looks like a lot of big names are showing up," Horizon suddenly mutters, causing everyone to look at him, eyes still glued to his screen.

"What do you mean?" Sero asks. "At the party thing tomorrow?"

"Yeah, apparently Korea and Thailand are both sending their #1 Heroes..."

"Wow," was all anyone could say.

"It makes sense, somewhat. If they allowed them to leave the country, it would have to be for something like this, it would have to be for All Might."

"Those guys are pretty intense," Kirishima says nervously, "you're gonna be meeting them?"

"Honestly there aren't any #1 Heroes that aren't intense, but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before. Just think of it like talking to Endeavor," Horizon shrugs.

Jiro recoils at that, "you mean the scary angry massive dude that's always on thanks."

"Fair enough, either way, I need to finish my business here then go get ready to head to Tokyo, so I'll see---"

"Wait!" Mina yells out, jumping to her feet and signaling him to stop. "You weren't there for the dorm room competition, c'mon, let's see your room...uh, please?"

Sero immediately begins laughing, "this really isn't fair."

"Hey, the lady asked..." and Horizon would gladly take the chance to show off how much better he is.

And that's how they all found themselves here.

Standing in Horizon's dorm. They hadn't even discovered it because it simply wasn't on the floor map of the dorm building. All the assigned rooms were clearly labeled, but the 5th floor on both the boys' and girls' sides was blank.

"This can't be fair..." Jiro mutters quietly, yet everyone but Sero was thinking the same thing, he'd already gotten used to seeing Nezu play favorites with Horizon these past 2 weeks.

The entire top floor on the boys' side was converted into one massive dorm.

They were standing just inside the entrance, with a pair of couches and a small coffee table setup, much like Nezu's office.

A bit further in was a desk with his computer, and the three monitors currently active with various media outlets displayed. There was a large TV slightly further in at the foot of his large bed mounted to the wall, and finally another door, leading to his private washroom and shower.

"This is like a whole apartment," Kirishima says. "How'd you even get this?"

"I told Nezu I wanted it, also a lot of this stuff serves a function for me," Horizon says.

"Ok so the computer, that connects to UA servers. Nezu has a custom supercomputer here and I'm using that to help my work in Central Hospital.

Since I'm in the research wing with my Miracle Suite setup, this way I can run simulations while I'm here.

Just like how major companies use virtual simulations rather than animal testing...and I don't think Nezu would approve of me using animals anyway.

Then of course my bed...needed that to be bigger. The one I had at home wouldn't fit in the standard dorms and this is a slightly smaller version.

Closet and TV, the usual stuff. Private washroom and shower," he taps the side of his visor. "The ones everyone else has to use on the first floor are inconvenient for obvious reasons."

He then points to the corner of the room, "mini fridge, it's just for the stuff I might want in the middle of the night, oh, and this," he walks toward the windows and taps a button at the side.

Metal shudders extend from the top of the windows to completely seal them off, not allowing any light inside.

"Seems like a fire hazard," Momo says.

"I can literally warp..."

"But I'd say you definitely win the dorm room contest," Momo says, and everyone nods in agreement.

"I still can't believe your dorm is literally four rooms put together, you're so lucky," Mina pouts cutely.

"Well if you're one of the reasons people feel safe returning to UA, you can ask for stuff like this too, now if you don't mind, I need to get packed."

---2 Hours Later...

Sitting at his computer Horizon is pouring over every news article he can find about the special guests for tomorrow.

The last thing he wants to do is make any bad impression on them, having the chance to meet two Rank 1 Pro Heroes at once is monumental, 3 if you count Endeavor who will be there.

And four considering All Might will be there as well.

'I should at least be able to hold a conversation and play nice with the people I'll be compared to...'

After a few more minutes of learning anything he can about them, he double-checks his scheduled patients for tomorrow, then swivels around in his chair, looking directly down.

"Right, everyone should be getting ready to sleep, nobody to really bother us during our chat, time to see if my theory is right..."

Looking down at the floor, he was currently using his Quirk to sense past the ground, down to the 3rd floor.

Directly at Yuga Aoyama, his second candidate for All For One's spy...


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