Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
Horizon appears in Aoyama's room, standing silently as he goes completely unnoticed.
Aoyama was currently staring at himself in one of the many mirrors covering every surface of the room, Horizon appeared to his far left putting him just barely out of eyeshot.
'Well if this is the spy, no wonder All For One didn't give him a good Quirk, he's just not worth it,' Horizon thinks as he watches him do a few poses in the mirror.
"Hey, Frenchie!" Horizon calls out.
"EEEEPPPPP!" Aoyama nearly jumps out of his own skin, holding his chest and breathing heavily as he stumbles back. "Horizon? I didn't hear you knock," he says, coming to his senses and trying to seem calm.
He notices that Horizon is in entirely casual clothes -above his body glove of course-, but it is a strange sight, to say the least. He also didn't have his sword with him.
"I didn't knock, or use the door," Horizon says. "I've just got some questions for you."
"Oh, well I'm always happy to help a classmate and fellow Hero in training!" Aoyama says excitedly, meaning every word.
"Perfect," Horizon immediately disappears and Aoyama feels his large hand palming the back of his head, fingers acting like a vice to keep him stuck in place.
"Uh...this is a bit painful," Aoyama says.
"Just a few more seconds," Horizon says casually. And a few seconds later...
Aoyama's vision goes black for what seems to be just a moment before he wakes up face-first on the floor of his room.
Feeling entirely exhausted he barely managed to sit up and look around, looking over at Horizon who was scrolling through---
"What are you doing with my phone?" Aoyama asks in a tired voice, slowly shaking off the weariness as he stands up.
"Nothing apparently, it's clean," Horizon shrugs and drops it on the bed. Walking over to Aoyama he reaches down and grabs him by the head, easily lifting him off his feet till they were at eye level with each other.
"Argh!" Aoyama struggled but couldn't pry Horizon's fingers off him, and he couldn't seem to activate his Quirk either. Trying to shoot Horizon -who was standing directly in front of his Naval Lazer Belt-, only caused him to feel more exhausted.
"I'm gonna need you to tell me, are you a spy for the villains?"
Aoyama's eyes shot open, "what?! Why would you think that?!"
Horizon tightened his grip causing the boy to scream out. "Answer the question, are you a spy for the villains?"
"No!" He lied, and Horizon detected it. "AHHHHHH!" Aoyama's screams echoed through the dorms all the way outside, causing most of the students to wake up in a slight panic.
"I know that's a lie, so instead of asking again I'll get to the important bits, how'd you contact them?" Horizon's voice was eerily calm, setting off every kind of alarm in Aoyama's head.
"I didn't---ARGH!" Horizon gives him another not-so-gentle squeeze. Then he reaches up to Aoyama's arm, and without a moment of hesitation.
He snaps his arm like a twig with pure grip strength.
"ERAHHHHHHHHHHGH!" Aoyama's screams bounce off the walls, making sure everyone was awake.
"Now look at what you made me do," Horizon says in a low growl. "Tell me, how did you contact the villains...or I'll move on to the bones that aren't broken...yet."
Aoyama gives his most determined look even as tears flow down his face, refusing to say a single word to Horizon, focusing on the searing pain in his arm instead.
"Fine, be like that..." Horizon grabs him and shoves him face-first into one of the full-length mirrors, cracking the mirror and cutting up Aoyama's face. As he keeps pressing Aoyama against the mirror, slowly grating his face from the very top all the way to the bottom of it, his voice is failing to conceal his anger at this whole situation.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" Aoyama's screams echo out yet again as he desperately tries to reach back and stop Horizon.
Soon after there is a loud banging on the door, but Horizon ignores it while Aoyama can't even focus enough to make words.
"Whenever you're ready to talk," Horizon says as he's almost done grating his face down a third of the mirror.
He only gets more screams in response, and louder banging on the door.
"Mmm, Shambles," he warps everyone else out of the dorm and into the lawn, effectively silencing the pounding on the door.
As he's still grating away at Aoyama's face, the screams keep echoing out, as Horizon begins thinking aloud.
"You had to have contacted them at the Summer Camp, but no phones or tech was allowed aside from the teacher's stuff, my items, and---" even as he's almost done with the right side of Aoyama's face his head shifts down, looking at the belt around the boy's waist.
"Lifestyle Support Items...it's in the belt," Horizon growls.
Aoyama immediately tries harder to struggle out of his grasp, and Horizon simply and quickly swipes his face the rest of the way down the mirror. Now completely and permanently disfiguring the right side before lifting him off the ground by his hair.
"No! You can't!" Aoyama screams as Horizon reaches around to rip off the belt across his midsection. "I need it, it's a Lifestyle Support Item!" Aoyama reminds him.
Much like Horizon's visor, Lifestyle Support Items are effectively part of your human rights, they cannot be removed even if you are arrested, therefore items like Aoyama's Naval Laser Belt are required to have a safety feature, in case he needed to be arrested and have it sealed up.
As Horizon grips the top of the belt he feels both Aoyama's hands grab onto his wrist, desperate to stop him, "my rights!"
"You're a traitor, a dealbreaker...you have no rights," Horizon says as he rips it off and drops Aoyama in the shards of the mirror.
Aoyama crumples to the floor, expecting his Quirk to go haywire and cause him even more pain now that his belt was gone, but nothing happened. He looked down at his bare stomach and didn't see any laser coming out of his naval.
His mind couldn't understand what was happening, but he barely had the energy to stand, and the pain in his face was almost paralyzing.
His broken left arm was already numb and swollen, and looking into a fragment of the mirror, the entire right side of his face looked as if someone tried to use a cheese grater to expose the bone below.
He couldn't even feel it, just numbness and an occasional short burst of excruciating pain mixed in when the fragments touch the nerves.
And the only doctor that can properly fix this, is the one who did it to him. He'd be disfigured for the rest of his very miserable life.
As Aoyama came to terms with what was about to happen, what he was about to experience, and what his parents were soon to go through because of him...a new set of tears begin flowing.
Absolute despair.
While Aoyama was having a mental breakdown on the floor behind him, beginning a longwinded speech and a list of excuses.
Horizon was tearing open the back of his belt, exposing the motherboard.
'Hmm, I'm not very good with computer stuff...but that blinking light is probably a tracker or transmitter...and that, must be a storage drive,' Horizon says as he takes another look at the components.
With SCAN he can't actually read letters or differentiate the colours of things, and since he isn't versed in technology more than the basics...mostly due to time constraints while studying many medical fields, an understandable reason.
Breaking down the components via material composition was impossible for him.
He couldn't tell the components apart until now, reading the labels, and even now, they didn't look entirely out of place for this level of advanced equipment.
With his back turned so Aoyama couldn't see he quietly removes the data drive and pockets it.
'If this has info leading back to the League Of Villains, it's best if I use it so that the commission doesn't get it, since All For One has spies in there. Plus this way I can hunt them all down solo, get all the credit, and get Yagi his chat with Shigaraki...everyone wins,' he decides.
Holding the belt in his right-hand Horizon turns around just as Aoyama ends his grand speech...which he barely paid any attention to, it was everything he expected honestly.
The moment he figured out that Naval Laser was incompatible because it was bestowed upon him by All For One, everything else fell into place.
Horizon rolls his eyes as Aoyama finally shuts up, done with his ranting.
About him being born Quirkless, his parents finding All For One to give him a Quirk so he'd be accepted into high society, about them being threatened with death if he didn't do everything All For One was saying.
Looking down at him Horizon just sighs, "every time one of you quirkless fucks tries to play hero it's a pain in my ass...why can't you just accept that life isn't fair. Not everyone is special, some people like you are just meant to be throwaway side characters, you're just not the Hero of this story, I am..."
Aoyama looks down at Horizon's feet, not sure how to feel about that.
"But this was my chance, to be a Hero, to save mama and papa, to be like all of you," he looks up at Horizon with pleading eyes.
"You're a traitor, a dealbreaker, you're nothing like me."
Aoyama actually manages to suck in a deep breath, ignoring the pain for a moment to make his point, "you fight for the family you will have one day, and I did these heinous things for the family I have now...we may have taken different paths, but we're the sa---"
Horizon immediately kicks him in the face, hard enough to lift him all the way up to his feet as if he were standing, and grabs him by the neck
"We are not the same!" he yells, before taking a moment to try and compose himself. "And no matter how nice the motive, it doesn't change the monsters we are, good luck..."
Aoyama's expression turned from absolute fear to confusion with those last two words.
Then a moment later he was thrown harder than he'd ever been before, hurled all the way back to the other end of the room, and smashed through the window. His entire world went black for what seemed like barely a second as he experienced pain like never before.
Standing in Aoyama's room, Horizon was looking at the hole in the wall, and the now-shattered mirror that was covering it seconds ago.
Then his gaze dropped to his right arm, with blue energy mist rising from it.
Yet the moment he focused on it he felt as if a nail was hammered into his skull, and his Quirk entirely shut off.
Staggering backward until his back hit the wall. He reached up to hold his head, but only felt his visor.
"Ugh," he groans in annoyance, "that's new... so sick of this fucking bullshit."
Shaking it off as best he could, Horizon walked over to the hole in the wall and looked down at the front lawn of the 1A dorms. Classes 1A and 1B were gathered there with Eraser and Vlad, all crowded around Aoyama who was a mangled mess on the floor.
He seemed barely conscious as Deku and Momo were tending to his wounds, Vlad King was trying to get his class to go back to their dorms but they were being rowdy, and Eraser was on the phone, likely trying to wake up Recovery Girl.
But after a look at the crowd Horizon figured it was Nezu on the other end, they all clearly knew what happened here, and realistically only Nezu could get anything out of him if that was the case.
He feels a slight sting as he opens a Room just big enough to warp down in front of the crowd.
Most of them take a cautious step back, a very smart move.
"You're expelled!" Aizawa immediately yells, "I don't care if you're Nezu's favorite, go pack your things!"
Horizon just turns to look at Eraser, then ignored him and walks a few steps to where Deku and Momo were trying to treat Aoyama.
Momo was currently crouched down beside Aoyama as Deku was trying to put some splints on his mangled limbs, she was making bandages for his face, but they both stopped to stare up at Horizon with wide eyes.
Horizon just lifts a foot and presses his shoe against Aoyama's disfigured face, "Arghh!" his pained scream ripples out, sending a cold chill down all their spines.
Eraser readies his Capture Weapon and almost throws it out to stop him, but restrains himself. Not wanting to get sent to the other side of UA, he was still needed here to sort this out.
Aoyama groggily wakes up to see Deku and Momo's worried faces above him, then fear manifests on his face and his eyes fall to Horizon.
"Oh look, the traitor is awake, you shouldn't waste time trying to help it."
Deku moves to argue but is silenced by what happens next.
Horizon casually warps Aoyama's heart back into his hand and drops it on the lawn, "try not to lose that again, I won't be so gentle next time."
Seeing everyone just staring at them in surprise he looks over at Eraser who was glaring at Aoyama, and tosses him the belt. "Have Nezu take a look at that, it's how he got them to the summer camp, it has a tracker."
"Mmm," Eraser just grumbles as he looks down at the blinking tracker. "You know you've got some questions to answer, both of you..."
"I'll send Nezu the video of our," Horizon glances down at the brutalized Aoyama, "friendly chat," he says before warping away.
As he warps away Aoyama is left with only Deku tending to his wounds.
Some of the others wanted to help, but after their friends died because of him, they just couldn't bring themselves to do it.
Now sitting in the grass on the other side of Aoyama, opposite Deku, Momo just stared at the boy in wonder. Not sure what was going on in his mind, watching him try to tend to Aoyama with no hesitation.
She looked down at the injured boy unsure of what to do, even as Eraser finally got into contact with Principal Nezu.
For the first time in her life, she was unsure if a person deserved her help. But she did it anyway.
Making bandages and gauze as well as some alcohol to clean the wounds, she'd wait until Recovery Girl was here to deal with the heart.
But even while she treated him, Aoyama looked up and saw a blatant expression of disgust on her face, one that never would have been there had she not been so enraptured by a certain someone...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
---1 AM...
Horizon was sitting patiently behind his desk in his office at Central Hospital, staring at the laptop in front of him.
His keyboard was pushed to the side along with the monitor on his desk, they were usually what he'd use, connected to Japan's medical database and Nezu's supercomputer back at UA.
Allowing him to run simulations and scout patients from all across the country to be sent here, to the Miracle Suite.
Checking his phone he sees it's 1 AM, his private client would be here in just over an hour, he now has all his clients meeting him here and is using the hospital instead of meeting them at hotels and such.
His eyes glance back to the laptop, seeing the files almost transferred out from the data drive connected to the side of it via an adapter.
He'd been careful with this, inserting a villain's hardware into any computer is dangerous. So he bought a fresh laptop and didn't connect it to anything before plugging it in.
He also broke the webcam that came installed onto it, just in case. The last thing he needs is to plug this into his phone or his actual computer.
He's sure Nezu's security can easily handle it, but the risk simply wasn't worth it.
While Horizon sat patiently in his office he leans back and unlocks his phone. He opens it to see the 'Future Heroes' group chat running wild as 1A and 1B students are discussing Aoyama's betrayal.
He looks to the group chat icon, seeing what was the picture of everyone at the summer camp already replaced to get rid of the traitor.
Skimming what the rapid conversation was discussing, it was mostly about people being unable to sleep, even after detective Tsukauchi had rushed over to question everyone else, and the teachers turned the dorms upside down in one more search.
Looking at his direct messages he sees one from Nezu, confirming that there wasn't a second traitor, at least not a knowing one.
He sees a slew of questions from fellow students about the whole situation.
No messages from Sero, because he knew Horizon best among all the students.
And a concerned message from Momo, asking if he was all right.
'I'm fine,' he sends her a fast reply and can't help but shake his head. 'Did you really think diaper boy can hurt me, seriously?'
'Not at all,' her reply was instant. 'I was simply asking how you are dealing with the betrayal from someone so close to us. Some of the others aren't taking it well at all, it's quite a scary thought after all...'
'It really doesn't bother me, I expected this on some level, that's why I wear the visor. You idiots gave him all the info about yourselves and by extension your families, you should be worried, not me.'
Momo types for a while, then deletes the message, then send a new one, 'you're right. I suppose that's why so many of us can't sleep, we're all just here trying to help each other feel safe.'
"What the fuck does that mean?" He asks himself. "Did all these losers dogpile in the common room or something?"
'What do you mean?' he sends her.
'All the girls are having a sleepover in my room at the moment, learning about Aoyama was, a lot.'
Horizon's new laptop beeps as the data drive finally opened up, spewing dozens of folders onto his screen.
He glances back down at his phone to see Momo typing another message and interrupts her, 'hero work, gotta go,' before putting his phone down.
"Ok, let's see what we've got here," Horizon begins sorting out the folders. Finding file after file of recorded audio from Aoyama's belt.
All useless garbage, Aoyama wasn't around to hear anything critical, and definitely nothing that can hurt me.
All For One had already spread information about Weld making my life annoying, nothing I can't overcome with just one more slash...but what the fuck is this..."
Horizon finally gets to a file simply titled 'Hero Public Safety Commission,' and his interest is piqued.
"What the fuck are these names," he sees dozens of folders within this folder, all labeled with things he'd never seen before.
"Are these all heroes?" he opens the first one.
"Raised and trained by the commission to..." Horizon shakes his head, hardly able to believe what he's reading. "To eliminate Pro Heroes that threaten the stability of society via corruption or heinous acts."
He's taken aback by this, not by the fact that this exists, but by the fact that it fell into his lap so easily.
"Why would this be here, it makes no sense to put this in the belt...unless," realization dawns on him. "All For One knew I'd find this, and he has something in here he wants me to see. Ok, show me..."
Sorting through all the files he sees dozens of Pro Heroes, most not household names. Just people that got into the top fifty and remained there until they retired or died.
A few were compromised and had to be put down by the others, but then he got to the people he could recognize.
"Kaina Tsutsumi, Lady Nagant. Mom was always a fan of yours...she thought it was suspicious when they said you just had a mental breakdown and got into a fight with other Pro Heroes.
Looks like according to this she...holy shit. Killed the previous President of the commission, and now she's in level 4 of Tartarus."
He looks a bit more, finding the final group, the current agents of the commission.
"Mind-Binder, well I remember what happened to him. Chrome, so you were Tetsutetsu's dad, and Shifter...guess meeting me didn't work out very well for all of you."
Horizon leans back in his chair and thinks it all over.
'So when they assembled a team to deal with 'Arsenal', they didn't just send Heroes, they sent a hit squad. If I wasn't there they definitely would have just killed her.
Mom knows too much about too many powerful people all around the world. International pressure to execute here would be too great for most countries to ever stand against.
Having this information from the commission itself is good, I can make sure they lose if they try to fuck me over, but I doubt it'll come to that.
I'm too valuable, they just need to be patient for me to solve their problems, and at this pace by the time I graduate, within one year of that I'll be #1, then they won't have any choice but to hand my parents over.
The contract is held and everyone wins...'
"I definitely can't let anyone know I have this, not until I eventually need a bit more leverage, prove that I can and will burn it all down if they try to fuck me over. Any sooner than that and they'll see me like a rabid dog that needs to be put down...I just need to play the part of a guard dog on a leash for them, at least for now."
Horizon lets out a frustrated groan, "why can't things just be fucking simple, do the job, get paid, and everyone moves on," he signs and continues digging only having one more file folder remaining.
'Keigo Takami,' he clicks it, and immediately freezes at what he sees.
"Hawks," he lets out in a low growl, then immediately catches himself. "No, revenge doesn't get me anything," he reminds himself.
"Hawks...is someone I'll be forced to work with, to play nice with, he's a top ten hero after all, and I'm Horizon, it's inevitable," he closes the file and begins sorting through the other data, sifting through it for anything about the League Of Villains.
'All For One, was that your plan? Make me kill Hawks or something so I end up in shit. Break my contract and get my parents killed, get me labeled a villain, and turn me against the Heroes...so you finally have someone competent on your team instead of the league of losers you're stuck with.
Nice try, but I'm a lot more, practical, than that. The last thing I want is to get any deeper in this Hero-Villain nonsense.'
A simple assessment, but sadly without the key pieces of information he lacks, the pieces All For One builds his master plan atop, even Horizon cannot figure out the vast and glorious scheme.
'Nothing about Shigaraki or his team, or where they make the Nomu, or how, useless shit---' his main computer alerts him of something, pulling his attention to it.
Horizon shuts off the laptop and checks the progress his simulations have made.
"Blah blah blah useless nonsense," Horizon mutters while looking at his research. "Bunch of useless shit about curing mental degenerative disease. Dementia, Alzheimer, I'd have to sink weeks into solving those and they can't even work for me.
I guess it makes sense since my brain patterns are similar enough to someone within the final stages of those, at least for the seconds that I'm blacked out.
But since I'm the only person in the world that can map the genome efficiently and accurately enough to solve it, I'll keep this in my pocket until I need leverage...'
"Alright," he looks down at his phone to check the time. "Time to get to work being a doctor, then just that party later..."
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