Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
"Need more practice," Law mutters.
Sitting in his building a few kilometers away from UA he's currently on the couch. Looking through the one-way glass wall at UA atop the massive hill at the edge of the city, the gargantuan stadium he was in moments ago dwarfing all the nearby buildings.
Currently, he was on the couch, the same place he last spoke to his parents. His visor was on the coffee table in front of him, accompanied by his second meal shake of the day. And his upper body was completely exposed.
Looking down at his left arm he could see reddish-purple bruises littering his hand and arm. The entire limb and connected shoulder were sore.
And both his legs were in the exact same state.
"Energy efficiency of Curtain is still trash," he says aloud. Then takes his shake and downs a mouthful of the vanilla-flavored drink.
He turns on the tv, muted, to track the progress of Cementoss making an entirely new stage and repairing the arena after the finals.
"Blocking one of those attacks from Bakugo nearly took everything I had," Law says, now delving into his full assessment. "Curtain is new but that's still unacceptable, not to mention I need to get my physical power up so if I'm unable to handle the constant shockwaves my body doesn't get messed up."
He takes a look at his arm and shoulder before the bruises begin to heal, and two seconds later they're completely gone. In truth, he could have healed them whenever he wanted, but confirming the visual state of his body is always good to be absolutely certain. At atleast in situations where the enemy can't punish him for such cocky actions.
"I'll also need to get Curtain down to being second nature, it still takes almost a second for me to go from thought to action with it...way too damn slow for me. I guess I could drop rubble on myself to train it, but I need to make it at least six times more efficient. I would have passed out if I had to make another Curtain for even one second after blocking Bakugo's attack."
He takes another mouthful of his drink, forcing it down.
"God I hate this weight gain diet...there has got to be a better way to get the amount of calories I need...whatever, problems for tomorrow."
He notices the rubble almost cleaned up for Cementoss to begin repairs.
"At this point if I fought the USJ Nomu again it would go the exact same way. I don't have a way past super-regeneration yet, and my Curtain can maybe take two punches at best before I black out from fatigue... I'd have to pull another one of those omni-slash moves out of my ass to kill it...fucking pathetic," he mutters before getting dressed.
Leaning back in his seat and forcing himself to drink the 1800 Calorie shake, his second of three daily shakes.
At this point eating is a genuine chore for Law, at first he tried preparing meals beforehand. But now he's so sick of seeing food that he just blends everything into a shake and has it that way, and it's only been two weeks.
The thought of doing this for years to bulk up and maintain his new muscles is excruciating to him.
"There has got to be a better way to---" his words are cut off by his phone ringing on the table.
Someone he hasn't seen in months, but he certainly expected this call the moment he went public as a Mystery Class. In fact, the main reason they kept his Quirk classification a secret for this long is to prevent Japan from being flooded with calls exactly like this.
The caller ID only had three words, 'President John Harrison', with a small American flag picture behind it.
Law puts back on his visor as he answers, wanting to maintain the slightly robotic tinge to his voice that the visor gives.
"Horizon?" A cool and collected voice asks, clearly an older gentleman, seemingly amused by this whole situation.
"John, it's been a while," Horizon says, speaking perfect english. "Don't suppose you're calling because you need another check-up?"
A soft chuckle flows through the phone, "no no, the whole family is fine. Honestly, we've never been better than these past few months after you came to clean us up."
"And you've been sticking to the diet?"
"Religiously," the president says. "But, well, I didn't expect my family doctor to be Mystery Class, I mean. YOu mentioned that you'd be starting school this year but I didn't think I'd be sitting on the couch with my kids and seeing you at the UA Sports Festival."
"Well, it never really came up," Horizon shrugs. "How'd the family take the whole 'cutting Todoroki's head up' thing?"
"The missus is mad at you for showing our kids that, the kids cried...they'll get over it, not like you hurt anyone."
"Very true, and I won, it's been a good day."
"That it has been...and I'm hoping I can make both our day a lot better," John says. "But before we continue, you are a real Mystery Class, right?"
"Yes, don't believe me?" Horizon asks. "Nezu would have released a statement countering it if I wasn't."
"I know, and I do trust you, you're my doctor for christ's sake. But it's just a bit odd that your Hero Commission hasn't sent me or any other world leader a notice not to contact you. That's standard procedure for any top hero. Hell, I can't even contact any of Japan's top three hundred without calling Pantu first."
"Hmm, I assumed she would have put a warning out too."
"I guess she has absolute faith in your patriotic spirit huh? So...how unshakable is it?"
Horizon chuckles, knowing exactly where this is going. "Very shakable, but, she knows I don't ever break contracts, you know this too. And I've got a few more years playing hero for Japan until the contract is up and I get what I want."
"What if I can double her offer?" John asks.
"You can't," Horizon says. "Look you control the richest most advanced country on the planet, but I need to finish this contract before I do anything, at that point, we can talk."
"Mmm, fair enough, a man of integrity, that I can respect. But seeing as I'm up for re-election next year if you even just made a small trip back stateside I'd help me out a lot, and I'd make it worth your time."
"I'll probably be too busy becoming a top hero over here, but I do plan to leave Japan when this is all over."
"Yeah, what can you offer?"
"Well considering I control America, a twenty billion annual salary, on top of having all expenses paid so long as you take residence and citizenship within our borders. You'll have a full Pro Hero license immediately but only work when we really really need you, best to keep our miracle elixir safe after all. And whatever else you want...oh, and you don't pay taxes ofcourse."
"And this is for the current me, what about me after a few more years of training here?"
"That entirely depends on your status at that time, how high are you aiming, top 10?"
"More like Symbol Of Peace," he hears the president choke on the other side of the call.
"Won't it be a bit disastrous to become their Symbol Of Peace then just leave?"
"Not your country, do you really care?"
"Fair enough. Well, we can always negotiate at that time, but what I offered you earlier is the baseline since you're a Mystery Class...and a warping healing one at that."
"Mhm," Horizon mulls it over for a second, seeing much merit in moving to America after this contract is complete. "America is nice enough, has everything I really need, I guess after this contract is done we can talk John, assuming you're still president at that point."
"Oh, I will be," John laughs. "After I tell the big political lobbyists that I have you already considering moving to America in a few years they'll make sure I get elected next year, can't have a man with Horizon's personal number out of office right."
"So you insured your spot with this one phone call, very clever."
"You have to be clever to become president, but you need to be a good president to remain president," John says. "I'd like to think I'm both."
"I don't think even the people who hate you can deny that," Horizon shakes his head at how ridiculous this man always is. "There is one thing I'd appreciate if you could do for me actually..."
"Oh, what's that?"
"Can you stir the pot in the background, just a bit?"
"How so?"
"Well, I assume you were the first to call me because you used America's influence to bully the other world leaders into backing down, right?"
"Threatened them with sanctions they couldn't afford," John says. "What about it?"
"Then you're in a perfect spot to get them thinking I'll never leave Japan, everyone wins, especially since Japan will feel extra safe with me so persistently sticking around."
"But you'd lose out on the other offers."
"Can they offer me anything better than you? Because I don't think they could even match your offer," Horizon says.
"True," John thinks about it for a few seconds before he grunts. "Alright, I'll put the word out that you refuse to abandon Japan as things stand, that should help boost you in the local hero ranks over there, and I'll tell my people over here that when your contract is done we get the first bid. But I hope you know there is already an intense political shadow war behind the scenes just for access to you, this could get ugly, you cool with that?"
"Sounds like we've got a deal, and next year if I'm not busy doing hero work or school I'll pop over to the states to shake your hand, maybe some lucky press takes a few pictures of us at lunch or something."
"That'll easily keep me in office, just the usual annual checkup."
"And everybody wins, perfect," Horizon says. "It's always a pleasure talking to you mister president."
"Likewise doctor, now it looks like the stage is just about done...oh, that reminds me, congratulations on the gold medal by the way, certainly a performance for the history books."
Horizon chuckles at that, glancing over to his tv to see the arena nearly fully repaired. "The first of my many entries in the book of history sir..."
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
'I hope this ceremony is quick,' Horizon thinks to himself, standing on a circular concrete pillar as it slowly rises out of the floor under Cementoss's command.
The dim lights is suddenly replaced by the afternoon sun. Silence destroyed by the cheers of the roaring crowd.
Three such pillars rise out of the lawn in the fully repaired arena. In the middle on the tallest stands Horizon, still in his full PE Uniform with the front open.
To his right on the second highest spot is Bakugo, both his arms in casts and bandages wrapping most of his torso, silently staring down at his feet with an unreadable expression, clearly deep in thought.
And to his left on the third place pillar is Tokoyami, standing proudly with both hands at his sides, perfectly neat and respectable.
And standing in front of them are all the first-year students, looking up at their winners.
"Your podium spot winners!" Midnight proudly announces, gesturing to the three students.
She steps in front of Tokoyami and waves toward him, all the cameras turn to the boy, "in third place, actually sharing this position with his classmate Todoroki -who is currently dealing with other issues-," she casts a slight glare at Horizon. "Is 1As warrior or darkness, Tokoyami Fumikage!"
The crowd goes wild, and Tokoyami can't help but flinch at the sound of people chanting his name, trying his best not to blush.
"And in second place," Midnight walks in front of Bakugo for everyone to focus on him. "Showing off his incredible explosives move in every stage of the competition, Katsuki Bakugo!"
All the cheers become support for Bakugo, but he just keeps staring down at his feet.
The echoing support of the people being warped and twisted by his own worldview, shifting and melding with his inner voice. And Bakugo hears it all.
He hears that he'll never be enough, and he can only agree...
"And finally, the person you've all been waiting for, mister miracle himself, HORIZON!"
The crowd shakes the stadium, completely growing out Midnight's words.
Down in the mess of students Jiro flinches and covers her ears as the chanting begins.
Seeing all the cameras on him Horizon creates a room just big enough to reach 1A's homeroom a few hundred meters away and gives a simple command.
His PE Uniform swaps out for his full Hero Costume, now revealed for the entire world to see as he points his weapon to the sky.
And the crowd can't seem to get enough of it.
And unfortunately for anyone with sensitive ears, it only gets worse when All Might appears, leaping from atop the stadium down into the arena with absolute ease.
Not wanting to waste time All Might quickly move to take the medals and begins handing them out. All while trying not to imagine the annoyed look he knew Horizon was likely giving him below that visor.
While picking up the bronze medal and moving toward the stairs at Tokoyami's pillar he notices Izuku out of the corner of his eye. Seeing the boy with his right arm in a cast and bandages across his legs and torsor, a complex expression of sadness, disappointment, and pain, is written across his face.
'This was only the first year young Midoriya, I'm sure you'll get one of these medals and make your debut next time...but I hate to imagine what the competition will be able to do by then,' All Might thinks while approaching Tokoyami.
In truth he knew Izuku's lackluster performance in the eyes of everyone would hurt the boy, but he was more worried about the pain that would come tomorrow.
With over three decades as a Pro Hero he knows exactly how the media loves a good story, and the moment he landed in the arena he could feel the atmosphere shift.
It was no longer as simple as the people seeing All Might hand out some medals.
The way everyone perked up with hope would have been normal at his arrival, had those looks been directed toward him.
But they were all looking between him and Horizon.
Between the best heroes from two generations.
Between the future Symbol of Peace, and the person he'd be passing that torch to...
He just hopes Izuku is able to handle the realization of how the world views them. And keep working despite everyone telling him how futile his efforts are.
"Young Tokoyami," All Might says, towering over Tokoyami as he places the bronze medal around his neck. Giving him a short hug and pat on the back he takes a step back and then continues. "You've clearly got a lot of work to do before you can fully control that Quirk of yours, but it is powerful, so I'm sure you'll be able to protect and save a lot of people. Just don't become too reliant on it, alright?"
"Your words humble me, taming the darkness in my soul is my burden and I will be sure to conquer it," Tokoyami nods politely.
"Uh...right," All Might fake coughs then quickly moves on to the silver medal, not sure how to respond to the little edgelord.
'Teens are so weird these days...' he thinks to himself while approaching Bakugo.
"Young Bakugo," All Might doesn't see the boy look up to even acknowledge him, and wisely decides to just give him a short hug before putting the medal around his neck, and still he doesn't respond. "Clearly winning means a lot to you, and I don't disagree with your views on what it means to be a hero. Always giving your all to save as many people as possible, to always win...but the sad reality is we as people can only do so much. Part of growing is to accept what you can't do, and perfect the things you can..."
Bakugo just stands there like a statue as All Might takes the gold medal and moves over to Horizon, only giving the boy a pat on the shoulder.
"Horizon, and in full Hero Costume no less," he chuckles, seeing the boy in his suit and holding the sword. "You truly do make being perfect look easy. Your presence has a profound effect on your peers, forcing them to improve just to keep up, all while you yourself are always improving. But being a hero isn't only about fighting and saving, it's also about this," All Might puts a hand over his own heart. "How you make people feel in here, words are a powerful thing, especially yours. You've got everything else down enough to already be a top pro, I have no doubt when you understand how to inspire people that my era will officially be over..."
The entire stadium seems to hold the same breath, a deathly silence befalls everyone as All Might gently place the gold medal around Horizon's neck.
As if passing the torch, from one Symbol of Peace, to the next...
While everyone looked at the scene with stars in their eyes, feeling safe knowing that All Might was teaching to prepare someone like Horizon as his successor, beneath his visor a set of completely different thoughts were swirling.
'Huh, so the medal is real gold,' he first thought. With it handing in the middle of his chest he gave it a quick scan. '500 grams of solid gold...in today's prices that's like $25,000. Nezu really has more money than he knows what to do with, well, me too I suppose.'
Then he looks around at all the people staring at him, as if they'd seen a second lifeline. All their hope for the next generation, the generation without All Might.
And he rolled his eyes.
'This is way too fucking easy, these worthless people are so desperate for someone to solve all their problems for them that they'll just throat the first cock that they think can do it...pathetic, but whatever, works for me...'
---30 Minutes Later...
Now back in his full school uniform Horizon sits at his desk in the 1A homeroom under the golden light of the setting sun. Everyone else was still changing and getting cleaned up so naturally he has some time to himself.
He looks at the gold medal still around his neck for a moment, playing with it in his left hand as he takes out his phone with the other.
Quickly finding the best pictures people took during the sports festival and posting them to his 'Yay!' profile, now at 70 Million followers.
One picture for each of his best moments, and there was no lack of options since everyone had eyes and cameras on him.
The first was him grabbing the banner at the finish line of the Obstacle Race, his first win of the day.
The second was him sitting on his classroom chair atop a floating stone, playing a game on his phone while everyone else competes in the Cavalry Game, his second win.
Then there were his personal favorites, the pictures from the fights.
Him holding Monoma and healing him.
Him standing casually and looking up at Shinso, who was doubled over a thin cement pillar that suddenly rose from the floor and knocked the wind out of him.
The picture of Horizon looking down on Shoto, holding the beating heart in his hand, that was his second favorite.
Buts his true favorite...that had to be him standing in a crater with Bakugo on his hands and knees groveling at his feet, and his foot firmly on Bakugo's head keeping him under his boot, right where he belongs.
And the final pictures he posted in this collection, one of All Might giving him the medal, and a full shot of him in Hero Costume wearing the medal, perfect for the hero-worshipping sheep.
A few moments later and their other students enter, all aside from Shoto and Iida.
Horizon keeps playing with his medal as everyone silently enters and takes their seats, suppressing their excitement at just finishing their first sports festival since Eraser was one step behind them, now at the front of the room.
"Alright listen up," Eraser says, drawing all eyes toward himself. "Good work out there, it should be obvious where you have to improve so just keep working at it. You've got the next two days off so I'll see you all here Wednesday morning, but then we should have all the internship offers sorted out, dismissed," he quickly shuffles out of the room.
The moment the door shuts behind Eraser the entire class erupts like a powder keg of excitement, everyone bombarding each other with questions.
And while all of this was going on, small conversations starting up, and people throwing praise and compliments at Horizon from all sides.
He sees a small Hero News alert on his phone, one that would lead to a complete change in the future of UA, and especially class 1A forever.
'Hero Killer Stain strikes again! Claiming his 70th victim! The Number 19 Pro Hero found dead in Hosu City hours ago, the hero Inginium is no more...'
Volume 3 complete, please leave a review if you can. All speculation for the future of this story is welcomed. And yes Tensei Iida is dead.
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