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16.44% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 62: CHAPTER 058(Peerless)

Chapter 62: CHAPTER 058(Peerless)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene


'I hope this ceremony is quick,' Horizon thinks to himself, standing on a circular concrete pillar as it slowly rises out of the floor under Cementoss's command.

The dim lights is suddenly replaced by the afternoon sun. Silence destroyed by the cheers of the roaring crowd.

Three such pillars rise out of the lawn in the fully repaired arena. In the middle on the tallest stands Horizon, still in his full PE Uniform with the front open.

To his right on the second highest spot is Bakugo, both his arms in casts and bandages wrapping most of his torso, silently staring down at his feet with an unreadable expression, clearly deep in thought.

And to his left on the third place pillar is Tokoyami, standing proudly with both hands at his sides, perfectly neat and respectable.

And standing in front of them are all the first-year students, looking up at their winners.

"Your podium spot winners!" Midnight proudly announces, gesturing to the three students.

She steps in front of Tokoyami and waves toward him, all the cameras turn to the boy, "in third place, actually sharing this position with his classmate Todoroki -who is currently dealing with other issues-," she casts a slight glare at Horizon. "Is 1As warrior or darkness, Tokoyami Fumikage!"

The crowd goes wild, and Tokoyami can't help but flinch at the sound of people chanting his name, trying his best not to blush.

"And in second place," Midnight walks in front of Bakugo for everyone to focus on him. "Showing off his incredible explosives move in every stage of the competition, Katsuki Bakugo!"

All the cheers become support for Bakugo, but he just keeps staring down at his feet.

The echoing support of the people being warped and twisted by his own worldview, shifting and melding with his inner voice. And Bakugo hears it all.

He hears that he'll never be enough, and he can only agree...

"And finally, the person you've all been waiting for, mister miracle himself, HORIZON!"

The crowd shakes the stadium, completely growing out Midnight's words.

Down in the mess of students Jiro flinches and covers her ears as the chanting begins.








Seeing all the cameras on him Horizon creates a room just big enough to reach 1A's homeroom a few hundred meters away and gives a simple command.


His PE Uniform swaps out for his full Hero Costume, now revealed for the entire world to see as he points his weapon to the sky.

And the crowd can't seem to get enough of it.

And unfortunately for anyone with sensitive ears, it only gets worse when All Might appears, leaping from atop the stadium down into the arena with absolute ease.

Not wanting to waste time All Might quickly move to take the medals and begins handing them out. All while trying not to imagine the annoyed look he knew Horizon was likely giving him below that visor.

While picking up the bronze medal and moving toward the stairs at Tokoyami's pillar he notices Izuku out of the corner of his eye. Seeing the boy with his right arm in a cast and bandages across his legs and torsor, a complex expression of sadness, disappointment, and pain, is written across his face.

'This was only the first year young Midoriya, I'm sure you'll get one of these medals and make your debut next time...but I hate to imagine what the competition will be able to do by then,' All Might thinks while approaching Tokoyami.

In truth he knew Izuku's lackluster performance in the eyes of everyone would hurt the boy, but he was more worried about the pain that would come tomorrow.

With over three decades as a Pro Hero he knows exactly how the media loves a good story, and the moment he landed in the arena he could feel the atmosphere shift.

It was no longer as simple as the people seeing All Might hand out some medals.

The way everyone perked up with hope would have been normal at his arrival, had those looks been directed toward him.

But they were all looking between him and Horizon.

Between the best heroes from two generations.

Between the future Symbol of Peace, and the person he'd be passing that torch to...

He just hopes Izuku is able to handle the realization of how the world views them. And keep working despite everyone telling him how futile his efforts are.

"Young Tokoyami," All Might says, towering over Tokoyami as he places the bronze medal around his neck. Giving him a short hug and pat on the back he takes a step back and then continues. "You've clearly got a lot of work to do before you can fully control that Quirk of yours, but it is powerful, so I'm sure you'll be able to protect and save a lot of people. Just don't become too reliant on it, alright?"

"Your words humble me, taming the darkness in my soul is my burden and I will be sure to conquer it," Tokoyami nods politely.

"Uh...right," All Might fake coughs then quickly moves on to the silver medal, not sure how to respond to the little edgelord.

'Teens are so weird these days...' he thinks to himself while approaching Bakugo.

"Young Bakugo," All Might doesn't see the boy look up to even acknowledge him, and wisely decides to just give him a short hug before putting the medal around his neck, and still he doesn't respond. "Clearly winning means a lot to you, and I don't disagree with your views on what it means to be a hero. Always giving your all to save as many people as possible, to always win...but the sad reality is we as people can only do so much. Part of growing is to accept what you can't do, and perfect the things you can..."

Bakugo just stands there like a statue as All Might takes the gold medal and moves over to Horizon, only giving the boy a pat on the shoulder.

"Horizon, and in full Hero Costume no less," he chuckles, seeing the boy in his suit and holding the sword. "You truly do make being perfect look easy. Your presence has a profound effect on your peers, forcing them to improve just to keep up, all while you yourself are always improving. But being a hero isn't only about fighting and saving, it's also about this," All Might puts a hand over his own heart. "How you make people feel in here, words are a powerful thing, especially yours. You've got everything else down enough to already be a top pro, I have no doubt when you understand how to inspire people that my era will officially be over..."

The entire stadium seems to hold the same breath, a deathly silence befalls everyone as All Might gently place the gold medal around Horizon's neck.

As if passing the torch, from one Symbol of Peace, to the next...

While everyone looked at the scene with stars in their eyes, feeling safe knowing that All Might was teaching to prepare someone like Horizon as his successor, beneath his visor a set of completely different thoughts were swirling.

'Huh, so the medal is real gold,' he first thought. With it handing in the middle of his chest he gave it a quick scan. '500 grams of solid today's prices that's like $25,000. Nezu really has more money than he knows what to do with, well, me too I suppose.'

Then he looks around at all the people staring at him, as if they'd seen a second lifeline. All their hope for the next generation, the generation without All Might.

And he rolled his eyes.

'This is way too fucking easy, these worthless people are so desperate for someone to solve all their problems for them that they'll just throat the first cock that they think can do it...pathetic, but whatever, works for me...'

---30 Minutes Later...

Now back in his full school uniform Horizon sits at his desk in the 1A homeroom under the golden light of the setting sun. Everyone else was still changing and getting cleaned up so naturally he has some time to himself.

He looks at the gold medal still around his neck for a moment, playing with it in his left hand as he takes out his phone with the other.

Quickly finding the best pictures people took during the sports festival and posting them to his 'Yay!' profile, now at 70 Million followers.

One picture for each of his best moments, and there was no lack of options since everyone had eyes and cameras on him.

The first was him grabbing the banner at the finish line of the Obstacle Race, his first win of the day.

The second was him sitting on his classroom chair atop a floating stone, playing a game on his phone while everyone else competes in the Cavalry Game, his second win.

Then there were his personal favorites, the pictures from the fights.

Him holding Monoma and healing him.

Him standing casually and looking up at Shinso, who was doubled over a thin cement pillar that suddenly rose from the floor and knocked the wind out of him.

The picture of Horizon looking down on Shoto, holding the beating heart in his hand, that was his second favorite.

Buts his true favorite...that had to be him standing in a crater with Bakugo on his hands and knees groveling at his feet, and his foot firmly on Bakugo's head keeping him under his boot, right where he belongs.

And the final pictures he posted in this collection, one of All Might giving him the medal, and a full shot of him in Hero Costume wearing the medal, perfect for the hero-worshipping sheep.

A few moments later and their other students enter, all aside from Shoto and Iida.

Horizon keeps playing with his medal as everyone silently enters and takes their seats, suppressing their excitement at just finishing their first sports festival since Eraser was one step behind them, now at the front of the room.

"Alright listen up," Eraser says, drawing all eyes toward himself. "Good work out there, it should be obvious where you have to improve so just keep working at it. You've got the next two days off so I'll see you all here Wednesday morning, but then we should have all the internship offers sorted out, dismissed," he quickly shuffles out of the room.

The moment the door shuts behind Eraser the entire class erupts like a powder keg of excitement, everyone bombarding each other with questions.

And while all of this was going on, small conversations starting up, and people throwing praise and compliments at Horizon from all sides.

He sees a small Hero News alert on his phone, one that would lead to a complete change in the future of UA, and especially class 1A forever.

'Hero Killer Stain strikes again! Claiming his 70th victim! The Number 19 Pro Hero found dead in Hosu City hours ago, the hero Inginium is no more...'


Volume 3 complete, please leave a review if you can. All speculation for the future of this story is welcomed. And yes Tensei Iida is dead.

next chapter

Chapter 63: CHAPTER 059(A Day In Tokyo)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene


"Huh, green..." Horizon says, currently sitting at a metal desk and holding a small eyeball between his fingers, now reassembled and securely in a jellylike cube of space.

On the table in front of him is another identical eye, along with the five-month-old baby they belong to, sleeping happily as if it weren't currently in surgery.

Horizon places both the eyeballs beside the baby and Shambles all the parts to properly merge together, then leans back in his chair and stretches.

Looking at his watch he sees it's just barely noon and immediately gets up, packing his medical bag, a simple white duffel bag with his blue logo on either side, then picks up the still-sleeping baby in his other hand.

Cradling the baby to his chest he takes his bag and gently opens the door, immediately greeted by a Latino couple. The man in a simple black suit and his wife in a blue dress, both immediately rise to their feet as they see him enter the room.

"Complete success," Horizon says quietly, not wanting to wake the baby.

They both rush over and the lady all but snatches her son out of his arms, hugging and kissing the baby as tears stream down her face.

She mutters a stream of 'thank god' for this miracle, and Horizon uses all his willpower not to groan and roll his eyes.

'God wanted your baby to be blind, but yeah...thank him...whatever,' he keeps his opinions to himself since these are just normal customers he'd likely never see again, traveling to the other side of the world just for his services.

After the family gawks over their now fixed baby the man leads his wife out of the room before returning to have a small chat with Horizon.

"You truly are a miracle worker," the man says in his native Spanish.

"You flatter me," Horizon responds in the same language.

"Truly, I just wish more people could experience this, or you could have more openings."

Horizon chuckles at that, "but if miracles were common then they wouldn't be miracles...and I wouldn't get to charge so much."

The man can't help but laugh at that, remembering the nearly half a billion dollars he paid for this appointment. "A very wise policy, but think of all you could do with more than one client per week."

"I wish I could do almost a dozen every week like last year, but sadly I'm in UA six days a week, it just can't happen," Horizon shrugs. "To the highest bid goes the miracle."

The man shakes his head and smiles bitterly at that, "then I am thankful to be the highest bid this week, doctor," he extends his hand.

"Again, it's just Horizon," Horizon shakes his hand...

---5 Minutes Later...


Horizon suddenly appears into his penthouse suite in Saitama Tokyo, only a few blocks away from the hotel that he had just been operating in.

"Finally!" he groans, dropping his medical bag and removing his visor, revealing his face covered in sweat, hair matted to his head.

As he summons the card he just swapped with back to his person he begins undressing, ready to just get cleaned up and find something to eat.

Completely exhausted from performing a five-hour surgery.

Not only performing Lasik Sugery on both eyes, but also brain surgery and nerve reconstruction to connect those eyes to the brain.

5 Hours.

400 Million USD.

2 Healthy working eyes.

A fair deal? Not really his place to decide, all he knows is he got paid.

Getting ready for a shower he looks out his window to see the city in front of him. From where he currently was, Minato prefecture was 25km away, the home of the All Might hero agency, currently not operational since he's in Musutafu to teach at UA.

But only 5km away in the heart of Saitama prefecture was the massive 50-story tall Endeavor Hero Agency. The most active and effective hero agency in the world, with the most annual incidents resolved for the past 15 years in a row, globally. Just barely poking out among the other buildings in the skyline of that particular area, but half the height of the building Law was currently standing in.

While most Hero Agencies were smaller and more modest, more along the lines of Best Jeanist who only had a 5-story building, Endeavor and All Might had monolithic skyscrapers, earned by the sheer number of cases they've resolved.

"No wonder this penthouse is so fucking expensive," Law grumbles. "Would have to be a dumbass to commit a crime this close to Endeavor and his flaming idiots, and just one prefecture over is king meathead himself...for now."

---30 Minutes later.

Sitting at a balcony table in a restaurant only a few blocks away from his penthouse Law is enjoying his lunch.

Wearing a simple black t-shirt, short sleeves to expose his tattoos, and a low cut to show off a bit of the ink on his chest. Along with simple blue jeans and a black belt, his white and blue watch was swapped out for a black and gold edition.

Grilled beef, white rice, fruits and vegetables, and a glass of orange juice. Nothing fancy, dessert is what he was really here for after all. This restaurant is famous for its Parfait.

Feeling his phone vibrate on the table Law flips it over to glance at the screen, slightly missing the fact that the caller ID would just appear in his visor when it was on, now aware that he'd have to make sure nobody saw Nezu's name if he was calling him.

He glances about for barely a second, all the other patrons focused entirely on their food.

"Gild, what's going on?" Law asks, relaxing back in his seat.

"Everything is ready for tonight," a cheerful man answers through the phone. "All the fighters are lined up, the tickets are sold, invitations sent out...and we've even got some early bets starting."

"The best fighters?" Law asks.

"Well you only gave me two weeks to put this together, but a big pot always attracts the best fighters...and they've never seen money like this before, hell I've never seen money like this before."

"Anyone special?"

"Well you wanted brawlers, we got some E and D list Pros, and a special treat or two, but no Pro above that would get caught dead in this, reputation and all that shit."

"Tch, don't they know laws only apply to poor people," Law chuckles.

"Obviously not, that's why they're heroes," Gild laughs so hard Law has to move the phone away from his ear. "Anyway, not everyone can just make a generous donation to the cops retirement and disability fund like you alright."

"Hey now," Law sounds amused and offended. "I don't bribe them to give me a pass...I also donate to the fire department...ya know...the Matani Estate is very charitable to our brave servicemen and women."

Gild laughs into the phone again, "you say that like you don't remember what happened the night we met..."

"Uh," Law thinks about it for a second before lowering his voice. "Yeah we were in Shibuya after the supercar auction, and you tried to fight me because your favorite girl was in my room and you were in the mood to do coke off her tits..."

"Wait..." Gild thinks about it for a second. "Oh yeah...guess the fire was with someone else huh."


"Well, anyway, I'll send a car for you and whoever you're bringing tonight."

"It's just me tonight. The new job keeps me busy sadly," Law says.

"Well I'll find some pretty things to keep you company in your private box, I'll call if anything changes."

"Gotcha, just---"


The building opposite Law suddenly begins crumbling as a gigantified villain, 15m -45ft- tall, erupts from it and begins swinging wildly.

"---Gotta go Gild," Law says before hanging up. Simply remaining in this seat as all the other patrons begin scrambling about, watching the fight with mild amusement.

'Honestly, I feel like every other villain has gigantification with how common this shit is...'

But as he's about to get bored the massive, lanky and thin, grey-skinned villain is suddenly attacked by a flying hero blasting out of the building.

Delta Stream, he wore a skin-tight all-red suit with a long flowing cape, and hanging from his arms was another hero wearing a grey and blue costume with a red cape, the suit rose into a hood that covered his right eye, leaving only his left eye and mouth exposed, X-Less.

Watching the duo zip around Law couldn't help but enjoy the show. Some may call it gluttony, or maybe just being ungrateful. But the human desire for more is insatiable.

And for as long as he could remember, Law Matani has always been jealous of those who could fly.

Delta Stream throws X-Less high into the air, and on the way down he lines up his eye blast, and first a wide laser down at the villain, completely knocking him out.

'Laser eyes are so damn cool,' Law thinks to himself. 'Maybe in ten years I'll have enough energy for that...'

But not before the wild flailing arm catches Delta Stream with a lucky strike and knocks the hero into the road below.

And without any physical augmentation effect on his body, simply pure flight is his only ability.


Watching from two stories up on the balcony Law sees X-Less holding Delta Stream in his arms as the hero takes his last breath.

If only they had a doctor on the scene with a healing Quirk, or even better, someone with a warping Quirk that could have helped him avoid being hit.

But alas, Horizon was not at the scene, just Law Matani watching with uninterested eyes as yet another hero dies.

"Fuck," Law mutters under his breath, turning around to see the entire restaurant empty. "I'm not gonna get my parfait..."


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