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1.82% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 6: CHAPTER 005(Critical Wounds)

Chapter 6: CHAPTER 005(Critical Wounds)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


Rushing toward Chrome, the massive metal-plated brute, Law glances at Hawk, seeing the hero rocket toward his mother, swords in hand and three dozen small feathers flying alongside him like sentient knives.

'Direct confrontation isn't our specialty, assassination is,' Law thinks, his mind racing a thousand miles a minute to solve this problem. 'I need to save as many tricks as possible in case they have reinforcements on the way, and I need to deal with Chrome quickly before mom gets overwhelmed by those feathers, she can't defend from all angles but also can't hurt Chrome, damn it...'

Both pairs separate slightly and break into individual duels.

Chrome punches down at Law with a massive metal fist, only for the swordsman to pivot and turn his back to the hero.



Blade clashes against metal skin as they swap places and Law slashes at his back. A large gash is left on the hero's back, but it draws no blood.

Law leaps away as Chrome swings back to swat him.

'Damn power types,' Law internally groans. Being an assassin, he rarely, if ever, comes into confrontation with a power type, and certainly not one that's in the top twenty Japanese hero ranking.

Law tries to aim the point of his sword at Chrome to attack his insides with a force bullet, but the hero closes the distance between them too quickly.

"Shining Fist!" Chrome yells out, his dazzling metallic fist striking Law's sword, sending a wave of numbness up Law's arms as it knocks him across the roof.

Law rolls across the ground, then looks up just in time.

"Shining Stomp!" Chrome yells as he descends onto Law, aiming to stomp on the assassin.

'Idiot heroes are always yelling,' Law internally groans as he swaps places with Chrome.

Law fell a few feet to the roof and landed on his feet while Chrome suddenly appeared on the roof instead of falling, leaving a small crack because of his momentum.

As Chrome realizes what happened he rushes Law, but the assassin was already a few meters away with his sword raised high.

'Injection shot!' he commands while Chrome charges.

"Argh!" Chrome collapses with a heavy clank, cracking and chipping the concrete roof.

Law had aimed for his thigh, tearing through the artery and tendon without breaking the skin, the hero collapsed in pain as his fleshy insides we shredded. Chrome grits his teeth and makes an erratic, mad dash toward Law, realizing what had happened and making it difficult for the boy to aim.

'Injection Shot!'

The shoulder.

'Injection Shot!'

The gut.

'Injection Shot!'

The brain, finally killing the hero.


Chrome's forehead slams against the concrete as Law turns toward Hawks and his mother.

What he sees makes his blood run cold, but only for a moment, before it begins to boil.

During Hawk's short but lethal battle with Kiku, the assassin showed her decades of experience.

During one of their clashes she slashed Hawk's face, cracking his visor and nearly destroying his right eye.

"Ugh!" he groaned, the feathers on his back pulling him away from her as he thrust his arms forward.

All the feathers on his back react and lash out, four dozen small blades shredding the assassin.

Kiku freezes, eyes wide as she looks down at her own body, as if she'd been sentenced to death via firing squad, there were almost more holes than solid flesh on her torso.

Understanding what just happened Hawks leaps forward with both his swords, taking advantage of this moment to eliminate her before anything unexpected happened.

As both his blades were about to make contact, however.

"MOM!" he hears before he disappears. Slashing at the empty air in front of him when he appears at the far side of the roof. Looking down at Chrome's body at his feet, no blood or visible damage of any kind, presumably unconscious, the hero couldn't tell that his dear friend was already dead.

Turning around he sees Law cradling Kiku as she takes what he expects to be her final breaths. His feathers tore through her and danced around inside her torso, putting all her organs into a crude blender, she was dead, she had to be, right?








Law screams over and over, his palm over her heart, and faint blue energy transfers from him into her.

Unlike Recovery Girl's world-famous Heal quirk, instead of using the patients' stamina to force cell activation, Law uses his own stamina to regenerate their bodies. Thankfully his quirk had his body adapt to have much more energy than an average person.

"She's gone," Hawks says, walking up to Law with his feathers hovering around him, both feather swords still in his hands. "Surrender now, enough people have died today."

Looking at his mother as she struggles to survive, Law feels rage like never before, not toward Hawks, not toward this situation, only rage at himself.

Looking up his wide-eyed and pissed-off gaze clashes with Hawks's. He puts on a brave front, but using that much energy to keep her alive had his stamina greatly diminished. His room had shrunk from two hundred meters down to just barely fifty meters, but the steady, weak, but steady beat of her heart beneath his palm was well worth it.

'Now I just need to get us out of here so I can operate and save her,' Law decided as he gently places her down, rising to his feet, sword in hand.

Hawks sighs, "I see, so it's like that..."

Law immediately rushes the hero, Hawks rockets forward, flanked by a dozen feathers on each side, ready to bombard Law with an indefensible onslaught.

Before they clash Law shrinks his room, even more, to barely the size of this whole rooftop. Removing all the unnecessary clutter from his awareness he focuses entirely on Hawks and all the feathers flying about.



Law's blade clashes with Hawks, and the hero's eyes widen, realizing Law had swapped places with a feather at his side.


CLANG! This time Hawks barely reacts fast enough, blocking a slash intended for his back, his feathers heightening his senses and awareness to react nearly as fast as Law, but not quite fast enough to really block anything.

But Law had to allow him to block some.



Hawks lifts both swords and meets Law's strike to his left side, pushing back against Law, his confidence was built up enough.


Hawks reacts, and Law once again allows him to defend, blocking with both his feather swords crossed directly in front of him.

And as their blades meet.


Law's sword delivers a slash that separates matter, taking advantage of Hawks's confidence in his ability to parry. The hero's eyes widen in horror as his feather swords are cleanly sliced through.


After Law's blade breaks Hawks's guard he changes the type of slash he performs. Switching from Amputate which harmlessly divides organic matter, to Incision, which increases the physical and destructive property of his slash.

The moment his blade makes contact with the hero's armored chest plate it sinks nearly an inch deep.

Hawks doesn't even register the searing pain until after all his feathers instinctively yank him backward. The slash that would have cut his heart in two and ended his career right there instead only sank an inch deep before his body was pulled back by his feathers.

From his left shoulder to nearly his right hip Law's blade leaves a trail of blood and pain across his chest as all the available feathers slam into the hero and rocket away from the roof with him in tow.

The blood that sprayed out of Hawks's chest in his retreat splashed across Law's mask, the normal obsessively hygenic surgeon doesn't even pay it any mind as the hero retreats.

Law doesn't both to chase or even continue his assault, he drops his sword and runs back toward where his mother lays, fighting to desperately cling to life.

Dropping to his knees beside her he cradles her in his arms and places a hand on her chest.

"Booster Shot," he begs his quirk to heal her, and the blue light flows from his palm into her torso, her broken ragged breathing and irregular heartbeat don't change. Faint and barely there if at all.

"Room!" Law commands, expanding his ROOM, creating the largest ROOM he could to get them out of here.

He needed his operating tools.

He needed life support devices.

He needed...he needed.

"Home..." he says in an exhausted voice, "shambles..."

Both he and his mother disappeared from the rooftop...


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

next chapter

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 006(A Miracle)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


"DAD!" Law screams, suddenly appearing in the operating room of their clinic.

Kiku struggles to breathe as he holds her in his arms, rushing to place her on the operating table. Leaving his mask on, Hawks's blood drying and sticking the cotton to his face, ignored, he flicks his wrist and a scalpel appears in his hand.

Tearing off her top he sees dozens of stab wounds, tunnels made by feathers flying straight through her and exiting her back.

"Fuck!" he gets to work immediately.

A minute later Corazon barges into the room, the clinic thankfully already closed for the day allowing them to have privacy.

The man freezes at what he sees, his wife on the operating table, an oxygen mask on her face, struggling to keep her eyes open. Thankfully Law's quirk allows him to perform painless operations.

He sees Law with a blood-stained mask, carefully but quickly operating on his mother, both hands in her chest cavity.

"Crap," Corazon rushes to put on some gloves and join his son at the table, the slow and steady beeping of her heart monitor feels like sirens in his ears. "What hap---"

His question halts as they both freeze, Law carefully removes one of Hawks's feathers and lifts it up, it still subtly shakes as he holds it between them.

They both share a knowing look before his father speaks, "you need to get out of here, I'll keep her stable."

"NO!" Law argues, tossing the feather aside and delving back into the surgery. "If I leave she'll die, he destroyed her organs."

"L---" Corazon stops himself, knowing Hawks's could likely hear them with that feather, "son, you need to go."

"No, just focus on saving her!"

"G-go," Kiku forces herself to speak, her eyes meeting Law's for a moment before she begins to pass out, her heart rate quickly plummeting.

"Fuck!" Law makes a fist with each hand, leaving his thumbs sticking out, and placed them atop her chest, "Counter Shock."

His hands spark.

"Ah!" she jolts back awake, heart rate returning as he generated a current with his hands to act as a defibrillator.

"Booster Shot!" he gives her another dose of blue healing energy before he continues operating, paying his dad no mind.

Looking between his son and wife Corazon flattens his lips, knowing exactly how stubborn the boy would be.

"Fine," the man grits out. "You focus on her, I'm making sure you can at least get out of this clean," he rushes out of the room, pulling the Antibacterial Curtains shut behind him and following their plan.

All he had to do was make sure they couldn't track Law, because they all knew that the heroes can't actually hold him in custody.

Eyes flickering back to his mother as she passes out, heart rate erratic, Law keeps muttering to himself.

"I'll fix this, I'll fix this, I'll fix this..." Over and over for nearly an hour, before the sirens start approaching.

Law feels his mind becoming more and more exhausted by the second, he doesn't react when someone busts open the front door, turning the wood into splinters.

The feather at the side of the room rushes through the curtains, but he continues operating on his mother.

He hears his father yelling, three gunshots, then a body hitting the floor.

His quirk allowed him to know what was going on, his father was fine, but none of his shots had hit, not surprising for a non-combatant.

When the curtains are ripped open he sees Hawks staring at him with hate-filled eyes. His entire chest is bloodied, one arm across his chest while the other holds a feather sword. His red feather wings kept him off the ground to ease the pressure on his chest.

"Surrender, now!" Hawks demands.

Law's eyes focus on Hawks for a moment, seeing the sweat on the hero's face and the way he was careful with his injury, the venom in his glare, and most importantly, all the feathers already surrounding him and his mother.

Law returns his focus to his mother, and continues operating, "if I stop she dies," was all he said.

"She's already dead," Hawks insisted, "I put her damn organs in a blender, it'd take a miracle to save her, and you killed my friend! So get on the ground, now!"

"I can heal her, I am a miracle, just need time," Law says flatly.

Hawks takes a more aggressive stance, feathers angling themselves to cut Law into pieces.

Law ignores him, unwilling to ever leave his mother to die, so he continues operating.

"Fine," Hawks mutters, telepathically instructing his feathers to attack.

Two feathers tear into Law's legs, trying to make him kneel.

"Mmm!" he groans, but his arms and hands stay steady, his legs through sheer will remain standing, refusing to stop working on his mother.

"Fine, " Hawks says, "but you asked for this."

One long feather rockets directly to Law's neck, nearly piercing the skin before it stops, and through it all, he continues operating.

"WHAT?!" Hawks screams, holding his earpiece, he obeyed the order to stop his attack but couldn't understand why. "What the hell could you ever need him for?" he growls out.

Law listens in on the conversation, at least on Hawks's side, but doesn't stop operating, doesn't even bother to move the feather from his neck.

Hawks grits his teeth and is seething at the sight of Law, "this monster killed Chrome and you want me to wait?!"


"Who's to say he won't just warp away, we won't get this chance again!" Hawks argues.


"You can't be serious? You expect him to honor that?"


"Fine! But if he gets away this is on your head Nezu, this entire trap was yours anyway," Hawks grumbles.

Law notices the feathers returning to Hawks's wings, the steady beep of Kiku's heart monitor is the only sound in the room for almost a minute.

"She's your mom?" Hawks asks.

"Yes," Law answers surprisingly quickly.

Hawks sighs, "can't believe I'm saying this, you can finish working on her if you agree to come with me afterward, and we'll keep you up to date on her status, we just want to ask you a few questions."

"Deal," Law doesn't even hesitate, not with how much is at stake.

---Task Force Control Unit...

Within a nearby apartment, Nezu -A 90cm or 3ft tall white bear mouse with a scar across his right eye, wearing a pristine three-piece suit- sits at a computer desk. Through Hawks's body camera he's been seeing and hearing everything since the beginning of this operation.

He's now more thankful than ever that aside from the security posted outside only three pros knew about this operation, keeping it as insulated as possible was the key to catching Arsenal.

Looking at the three computer screens in front of him he sees Law still steadily working on saving Arsenal, and on a separate camera, he sees The Heart Thief -Corazon- being loaded into an armored truck outside.

Picking up his phone from the desk he looks at the time, nearly nine pm, yet he doesn't even hesitate to make the call.

It only rings once before a pleasant voice answers him, "Nezu? What's going on, I'm about to make a big drug bust."

"This is more important than that Naomasa, " Nezu says. "I'm sending you an audio recording, use your Lie Detector Quirk, if it's legit then get over here immediately to cover for me, I'll need to go see President Pantu..."

"Huh? What's this about?" Naomasa Tsukauchi asks, now much more concerned, especially if Nezu would have to go see Pantu, the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission.

"I think I found our friend a doctor," Nezu hears Naomasa choke at the other end of the call.

"Send the recording," Naomasa immediately demands.

"Already sent..."

Nezu leans back in his chair, paw pads nervously tapping the desk. Even with his Quirk -High Spec- giving him, a simple bear-mouse, intelligence beyond human comprehension, capable of outpacing the most advanced supercomputers, he never expected to stumble upon such a miracle, assuming this was real.

But all the evidence points to it being real.

The constant beeping of Arsenal's heart monitor was evidence that this was a real miracle, something they'd been searching the past four years for.

'Hawks definitely shredded all her internal organs, if he can save her...maybe he can even heal All Might...' the bear-mouse dared to hope.

Feeling his phone vibrate Nezu answers before it can even start ringing, "Naomasa?"

"It's real!" Naomasa's winded voice answers back. "I'm running to my car now, send me your location then go talk to Pantu!"

"Alright," Nezu hops down from the chair and begins walking to the exit, "when you get here make sure to keep his mask on, we need all the leverage we can get..."

The current date is April 5th, 2114, 1 Year until Deku's first day at UA, and 2 months until he meets All Might.


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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