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100% Jujutsu Kaisen; We all die at one point / Chapter 1: Mentally Insane
Jujutsu Kaisen; We all die at one point Jujutsu Kaisen; We all die at one point original

Jujutsu Kaisen; We all die at one point

Author: MychemicalAce

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Mentally Insane

When you're admitted into a mental hospital it means two things

1) your mentally insane

2) after you get out, you start being watched.

Nobody told me that seeing things meant it would get me in trouble. It all started when I turned 5, monsters appeared everywhere, I had more nightmares, and of course there was the voices.

Yeah, yeah, I'm just paranoid, just a crazy bitch. Too bad there's proof.

In my bedroom lies a tiny doll, it's filled with photos of weird things I found, drool, blood, bones...

I started collecting them seven years ago, I was 10. My polaroid eventually broke so now I carry a camera, it can take videos and keep photos in storage. Why not use a phone? My phones photos mysteriously disappear or don't get taken, it's a weird glitch.

And back to earlier, my parents admitted me into a mental ward a week ago, this is the one thing I can do, write in a journal, the hospital doesn't allow journals like this but the previous owner ripped out their pages and hid it in the wall.

"Y/N! Time to go to group." The door had cracked open and there stood a nurse who I vaguely recognized, she had black long hair in a bun and dark skin. "I know it's stupid but please..." I stood up and walked towards her. Her name tag had the name "Cam" on it and she smiled.

"Let's go." I nodded and walked along with her towards the room where Dr. Waters always therapized us, if we started acting good we'd get permission to leave for a while but come back and get appointments, this would ruin our future lives but the hospital didn't care.

There is 5 people in my group. Annie, a masochist arsonist who used to be punk rock, they dyed her hair back and took away her piercings, Rose, a twelve year old girl who used to believe in creepypasta and was brainwashed by the stories to kill her friend. Bread, they apparently lashed out on their parents.

There was actually two more who I didn't pay attention too, they were quiet as well.

I sat down in my chair and blinked at Annie who glared at the ground in silence. "Fucking idiots..."I could swear I heard her mutter

"Okay group, lets start with Y/N. Y/N go over your story again please." I sighed. This was the one time of the day I spoke.

"I believe in occult spirits, they prescribed me as mentally ill after I ran away. That's it."

"Y/N, please, don't use the word mentally ill here, and open up a bit? There's more to the story." Dr.Waters will not shut up.

I stayed quiet and he moved on to Annie. And then to Rose, then to Bread, and then to Chris and Page. I stayed quiet and looked at the ground the whole time, he didn't understand, as of right now in this room there was a fly-head on his neck.

My hands were in two bracelets that detected mood though, if I tried to kill it, they'd sustain me.

"Dammit..."I muttered, now back in my room. If I want to get out, I have to start acting good.

-The next day-

I smiled in group and told the whole story, even how my parents were nice little workaholics. No, I didn't want to run away anymore, I wanted to get a job, have friends, go to college, that's what I convinced myself and them anyways.

After a month, they let me out.

Dr. Waters smiled "Your daughter is perfectly normal now, she holds no grudges, and she needs some air. We will have some appointments concerning her though, please consider signing her up for a group practice maybe some therapy."

And I was out. I wore jeans and a grey sweatshirt as I walked along the path of my old school, A student with pink hair was throwing a ball, it hit far more than what the gym teacher threw. Some superhero strength that was. I walked pass a black haired kid and blankly stared at him. He looked shocked, maybe he remembered the oven was on. I snickered and walked into the school building.

I'll take a nap in an empty classroom, maybe re-read that manga about that band. I pulled manga out of my bag and flipped to the first page. Soon enough I was sleeping.

When I woke up it was pitch dark. "Wait...what happened?" I asked myself, I could hear glass breaking and people whimpering. I COULD GET PROOF, THEY WON'T THINK I'M CRAZY!

Or at least I think they will, those assholes are so ignorant. I looked out the door and I saw a purple blob, it squished into the lockers and moved towards the classroom I was in. "ooUghHGh" it squeezed out more tiny blobs of purple and they slowly came towards me. I ran over to the window, I was on the fourth floor, it looks like I'd have to fight.

I punched the window and it cracked, I pulled a piece out. The blobs had entered the room. "pretty woman..."I heard the biggest one mutter a mouth appearing on it. An eyeball appeared now. I took a deep breath and ran towards the blobs and poked the glass into the biggest ones eye, then I pulled the glass out and shot it through the other blobs.

"How's that for a pretty woman?" I asked, but the badass moment was over, they started to heal. "shit!" I was out of glass and nowhere near the window. They came towards me and I smiled "Time to go!" I jumped over the blobs and ran out of the classroom into the halls.

There was more of them now, but they weren't blobs, they were fly-heads. "This would be a good time to

take a photo, wish I had a camera." I said to myself and I punched another window. Now I had a weapon and no mood bracelets, the mental hospital couldn't stop me now.

I ran to the three fly-heads and poked each of them in their eyes. Suddenly a howl sounded out from the stairs, and I could hear someone approaching. I'm in enough trouble already, I don't want to be some mutts dinner.

--??? POV--

There stood a girl, she had blood flowing out of her hand which held glass, she was fighting fly-heads that idiot. Everyone knows a mortal can't fight curses! She must have just started seeing them tonight.

The girl smirked and she threw the glass through the fly head. They...disappeared? Who is this girl?

I walked up behind her and touched her shoulder, she jumped and put her hands onto my hand, before I even knew what was happening I had flipped onto the ground and she was above me. "Who the hell are you? Are you from the hospital?!"

I shook my head, hospital? "No, I'm from jujutsu tech, what hospital?"

"shit. You think I'm insane don't you? I mean I did get into a mental hospital...wait you're the boy from earlier!"

--Your POV--

He had the same spiky black hair, I got off of him and lifted him up. "I'm Y/N, you?"

"Fushiguro, you still haven't answered my question, what hospital?"He asked

I blinked "I didn't? A mental hospital."


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