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90.47% Is this just a dream? / Chapter 19: The Seal

Chapter 19: The Seal

Arion is standing in front of this door, he doesn't understand completely why it is here or where it came from. Because the door is surrounded by nothing, it isn't an entrance to another room or an exit it is just standing in the middle of nowhere. There is no real reason for a door to be here. "Where the hell am I?", is Arion thinking. "If I go by what happened, I am currently inside the lock, as it felt like I was being sucked in. Just thinking about it won't solve anything, but as I am probably inside the lock, maybe I am able to open it from here". Without wasting more time on thinking around, he gets closer to the door.

It seems like it is just a giant stone door with a stone foundation, it looks sturdy and very heavy. The more he looks at it, the less interesting it gets, it just seems like a giant gray stone door, with nothing else. No drawings, no writings, no signs, nothing, just plain stones. As nothing really gives him any hints on what to do, his thoughts start to wander around and he decides to simply open the door. The moment he touches the door, in an attempt push it, the sensation he got when he touched the box, reappears. He can feel that the door is sucking in his powers. Now he is unsure if it is the door that is sucking them in, or something behind the door. Now, without really thinking much, Arion decides to step back a little and just straight on send his powers towards the door without touching it. He raises both his hands, while standing around two meters in front of the door. He closes his eyes, so that he can better image the flow of his powers, from his hands into the door. Arion pushes with all his might, without holding back. He doesn't get the feeling from before, so he isn't sure if this actually works, so he opens his eyes. To his surprise there is something shiny coming out of his hands. It doesn't seem to be a cloud or anything he knows, yet it seems to flow a bit like water, straight onto the door. To his surprise, the door seems to react to his actions, as some shiny blue writing appears on it.

"This door is not just any door, it is a mechanism for protection", is the first sentence that appears. Arion doesn't really have much time to think as, after the sentence that appeared, soon disappears again. After the first sentence vanished the second starts to form, while Arion continues to send his powers towards the door. "The door is not protecting you, but it is protecting it". The second sentence gives Arion the impression as if that what is in the box, would be something alive. This peaks his interest and excitement. As the second sentence disappears, the third one appears: "To open this door you must be strong, but not necessarily muscular". "All Sentences must appear, for the door to be openable", is the fourth one. Considering the size of the sentences and how they are written, there must be four more. "If you succeed to open the door, you two will be bound together". "Your life will be its life and its life will be your life". ��One life, two souls, bound for the rest of time". "If one soul vanishes, the other will be dragged along". As this last sentence is located at the bottom of the door, Arion thinks that this must be it, but it doesn't seem to be the case. All sentences reappear at the same time and fill the complete door, from top to bottom. Shortly after, they disappear again and big letters appear in the middle "Your decision, your fate". This new sentence vanishes just after it appears, leaving the stone door in a slight blue shine that moves from the inner parts to the outer parts. It seems like the shine itself splits the door in half, revealing a round stone entrance with two doors. Now that the entrance has revealed itself, Arion stops to send his powers towards the door. It is unclear what is awaiting him after opening the door, because the messages are not very specific. The only thing that seems certain, is that something alive is behind it and if he decides to open it their lives will be bound together. So if one of them dies, the other will die too, at least that is, what he thinks, what the messages explained. Arion is packed with excitement and isn't really thinking about his actions, as he already starts to open the door. Arion peeks inside the opening but is unable to see anything in particular, so he pushes the door open all the way. The same moment it is opened completely, it vanishes instantly and leaves a foggy cloud where Arion is standing. Due to the fog, Arion is unable to perceive anything, and has to wait for it to set itself. As it slowly dissipates, Arion is able to perceive a silhouette of a person in front of him.

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