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Write a reviewGive it a shot, you won't regret it. It's a different premise to most of the stuff on webnovel, and the writing style at least tells me the author's first language is English.
Author put MC in Hufflepuff, that should be enough to realize this story is not for you. I mean... who would EVER want to be in Hufflepuff?? I bet the author is a cuck or something.
I challenge you author to make an Marvel entertainment company in the world of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and release movies about Percy Jackson books and movies and adventure movies I know the Percy Jackson is another franchise but you can release it in Marvel in the Percy Jackson world and I can't make this book because my handwriting is bad so I'm challenging you to make it Marvel entertainment in the world of Percy Jackson in which Marvel releases movies like from other franchises DC and Avengers Iron Man and other movies and then Percy Jackson books and movies how will they be shocked then seeing Percy Jackson in a film the reincarnator will be rebond before the birth of Percy Jackson so he can have released the movies about him and other movies and let's see how the gods will be shocked to see the film about the unborn Percy Jackson this wouldn't disturb fates but it's just a movie Along the way release animes like danmachi and how not to summon a demon load and azur lane animes do you accept this challenge then your an coward what do you do not accept it other authors can choose this but if this one doesn't accept this is a good book i hope you this Marvel iStan Lee was reincarnated in Percy Jackson world as his younger body and as a background character using his wealth and money remakes creates Marvel entertainment this time using other movies from different franchises as they don't exist in Percy Jackson like anime and movies
PLEASE COME BACK! I will even let you have the avatar line! Please! Needless to say from my aforementioned desperation of continuing to read this article of blessed creativity that this indeed is a good literary piece. Take your time and enjoy this read because how i wish to wipe my memory to read this again 1)Writing quality - Chef's kiss (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 2)Characters - Fleshed out properly with enough screen time(page time idk man) that you get to have a feel of their intentions and backstories. 3)World building - Teetering between lore accurate and creative brilliance backed by good logic. 4)Plot - Enticing (tbh my monkey brain went "huh" in the 3rd chapter) Mind you I am a rather strict reviewer, but I have to give credit where its due. The way the story unfolds in a sense a brand new experience (being an avid reader of both novels, lightnovels, fanfictions and the sorts) it was a fresh experience with a certain tension and expectation of what would happen next keeping me hooked onto the story. Honestly now i don't wanna spoil it, go give the author some support by reading and gush over this book more, maybe he might come back if it rises in rankings. PS - Sorry for typing so long i kind of lost myself in there ehe~ i selected the wrong gif i don't know how to delete it ;c can't even add a new one ...
An actually good HP fanfiction on Webnovel? I must be hallucinating. If I had to criticize something it's how lucky the MC ends up being, IE, in the forbidden forest. Dude should've died multiple times over to the manticore, and someone definitely should've noticed his rituals. I enjoyed it though, so I guess it's something of a moot point.
One of the best novels i have read 10/10. Only downside is that no update has happened for (as of today 25/11/2023) 8 months :( hope the author comes back
Interesting premise. Grammar is good. Some chapters could be a little longer but it's been a nice read so far. Looking forward to reading more.
Haven't read it yet but first time I've see a hufflepuff MC. I'm so happy. I shall start reading now. This should be fun. TO INFINITY! AND BEYOND!!
I guess it has been dropped, how sad it was such I good story, I loved it and even if it's dropped I won't take it away from the library because of how much I loved it.
Pretty good. The story, characters, and grammar are better than most other novels, and there aren't too many AU elements, or at least none that are too drastic. My only critiques are that the MC's power seems to vary depending on the situation (like sometimes he battles giant mutant monsters and other times he struggles to fight 3 werewolves), plus he and his classmates are only first years, but they talk, fight, and act like they're at least 13. He also acts a bit like a pushover sometimes, with a sort of 'go with the flow' mindset, which isn't too bad (at least he's not spanking everyone who looks him in the eyes like some cultivation MCs), but it does get a little bit annoying. Last critique, and probably the main one, is that his reactions and the reactions of other characters are pretty exaggerated. Like someone will say hi to him and he'll be like 'gasp! I didn't expect ____ to talk to me! I should be careful not to say anything too suspicious' and stuff like that, which is a little cringe and makes it hard to take things seriously. Other than that tho it's really good and most of the AU elements are pretty good, especially cuz this hp verse is a bit scaled up so the fights are more than just 'expelliarmus! Avada yadda yadda!' (usually). Worth reading, better than most other fics.
Having read the 93 chapters currently available, I'm very happy and patiently waiting for more of this masterpiece. The foreshadowing never ends to how it will go on with the big end goal of what will happen to Lord Voldemort and Edmunds relationship going through the years and getting stronger (man I just realised this story will take a while to end...). All things considered, I don't understand why others cry like smoll children about MC being in Hufflepuff. It doesn't change him from being a perfectly good human being (I was surprised to grin at some of the more wholesome scenes or when MC did relatable stuff) with (finally!) good friends instead of being a loner while he still trains to grow strong (really, with Voldemort breathing down his neck why wouldn't he train?). In short: I got nothing to complain about the character design, mc and more may be oc but that's good. Their interactions are written nicely too. English's guaranteed good 👍. Story develops nicely, even if too slow for others. The author updates when he wants to and I feel that.
A story I highly recommend. It is a fascinating concept of origins and character development. It is a amazing read. I hope the author keep up the good work.
first fanfic i rate full star 5/5, the story, idea, background and character.. what more is the detail wow im amaze reading this story.. can author tell me the inspiration? u more genius than edmund for that..
I could rant a while on this book, but the only reason I'm hear is over the terrible story telling... if that's what it's called. The Grammer is great, but the story jumps around so much it's incredibly hard to even be invested in it. It's so random that it ruins the book. Lot of places holes and things that don't even make sense, like why did Voldi not read the Mcs mind once?
The writing quality is there, my only problem would be the story development. It piqued my curiousity and had fun in the beginning no less, but it just became stale and boring. We have Voldemort & Minime as the main and supporting characters yet we only get a bunch of grinding and rituals. The author wanted an AU HP story, which is a great premise but the MC is just so forgettable despite the lil Voldemort part. His social interactions are repetitive, it's like reading a Xianxia reskinned w/ HP setting and characters. The release spd seems random, I still hope author finished this ff.
As of chapter 93 it's one of the best HP fics I've read. After reading a lot of HP ff I've found that it seems to be a difficult thing to strike a balance between AU elements and canon rehashing when writing fan fiction. I feel that so far this novel has struck a sweet spot as instead of gratuitously genderbending characters or breaking the immersion with unneeded crossover characters and over the top pureblood traditions, the author has really taken his time to research the established canon universe and expanded upon it instead of replacing it. For example, most of the magical creatures introduced canonically exist within the potterverse even if they haven't really been explored in the originals. Original characters (other than the protagonist) are thankfully used sparingly and so far almost all of them have felt human and I actually found them likeable. Often times I see ff authors falling in love with their own characters and giving them overpowered or immersion-breaking abilities but here they are contributing more in a way of social and emotional development for the main character Edmund. Speaking of Edmund, he himself is steadily growing in his magical abilities and satisfying the power progression aspect most of us readers like. I would say that the he's definitely a morally good person but NOT an idiot willing to spill all his secrets or unwilling to take some extreme measures when required. However, one of the negative things about the novel is that it takes too much time to get a sense of who the main character really is. His origin is that of a stray soul taking over a body of a 11 year old alternate timeline Tom Riddle Jr (to achieve this beginning premise it took a bit too much wand waving from the author and didn't read too well IMO but it gets much more grounded after, bear with it!). As such, Edmund possesses both the memories of young Riddle and some of his original self. He knows the Harry Potter canon but can't remember his name. That's all we're told of his original self and memories. No mention of his original age or interests etc. Author glosses over all this and it's up to the reader to make conjectures about what kind of person Edmund is supposed to be. He feels neither like a kid nor an adult as while he makes friends of his own age in Hogwarts and shows emotional vulnerability with them and his parental figures, he can also act maturely and be extremely self-disciplined in way that wouldn't fit a child. I don't know if author intended this kind of vagueness in his character but I'd like it clarified in the story. Other than that, he's very likable and a joy to read about. I could say more things but this is already getting too long. I gave this novel almost 5 stars because while it's not a perfect by any means, it really shines through in this cesspool in which many worse novels are spammed with 5 stars for whatever reason. Also the grammar in this novel is great.
Reveal SpoilerI am at the 13th chapter so far. Don't want to look like a paid reviewer but I am loving the story. Things I love are, 1) The writing quality is good enough that I can read without correcting stuff in my head. 2) I like the characterisation of Voldemort and McGonagall. Very refreshing and far from being cliche. 3) The MC is interesting and realistic. Much better than usual older man occupying younger character tropes. 4) I love that the classmates characters are done in an age appropriate manner.
Honestly a good story but it’s way too- full of plot. It lacks focus. So much knowledge being crammed inthe head that i makes the story really bland and not memorable. It feels way too real, way too boring. That being said there are still pros to this story. It has a great way in developing the world. Anyways read it.
You got my attention. I am in ch 22. It's well written. Well, let's see how long this good story goes.[img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend]
The story is well written, the world building is interesting and throws a wrench in the MC's assumptions quickly. It is nice to have a sane Voldemort for once, he was a boring antagonist in the movies, but here you can see why he gained so much influence aside from his magical power. The characters are well done, and most characters are likable in their own way.
Me a encantado la forma en que vas desarrollando la historia y me sorprendió mucho ya que es diferente a todo lo que antes eh leído en lo referente al mundo de Harry Potter
MUY BUENO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t give the story five stars because of how often it’s updated… however everything else is very very good. The characters are likeable and the relationships between characters are very wholesome and nice. He plot is diverging from canon now and it’s gonna get spicy. It’s a very intresting book and I would recommend to all!
Absolutely amazing fic, definitely my favourite Harry Potter one, with a really cool concept. Give it a read keep up the great work author 😁👍
First! Well, at least first to give myself a powerstone... As mentioned in CH1 author comments, my stability of updates will be zero.... I will upload when I want, how much I want. So please, if you do leave a review, I would appreciate commentary on all other aspects of the story, as I fully admit that I will always be behind in this one. Thanks :)
Give it a shot, you won't regret it. It's a different premise to most of the stuff on webnovel, and the writing style at least tells me the author's first language is English.
Author put MC in Hufflepuff, that should be enough to realize this story is not for you. I mean... who would EVER want to be in Hufflepuff?? I bet the author is a cuck or something.
I challenge you author to make an Marvel entertainment company in the world of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and release movies about Percy Jackson books and movies and adventure movies I know the Percy Jackson is another franchise but you can release it in Marvel in the Percy Jackson world and I can't make this book because my handwriting is bad so I'm challenging you to make it Marvel entertainment in the world of Percy Jackson in which Marvel releases movies like from other franchises DC and Avengers Iron Man and other movies and then Percy Jackson books and movies how will they be shocked then seeing Percy Jackson in a film the reincarnator will be rebond before the birth of Percy Jackson so he can have released the movies about him and other movies and let's see how the gods will be shocked to see the film about the unborn Percy Jackson this wouldn't disturb fates but it's just a movie Along the way release animes like danmachi and how not to summon a demon load and azur lane animes do you accept this challenge then your an coward what do you do not accept it other authors can choose this but if this one doesn't accept this is a good book i hope you this Marvel iStan Lee was reincarnated in Percy Jackson world as his younger body and as a background character using his wealth and money remakes creates Marvel entertainment this time using other movies from different franchises as they don't exist in Percy Jackson like anime and movies
PLEASE COME BACK! I will even let you have the avatar line! Please! Needless to say from my aforementioned desperation of continuing to read this article of blessed creativity that this indeed is a good literary piece. Take your time and enjoy this read because how i wish to wipe my memory to read this again 1)Writing quality - Chef's kiss (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 2)Characters - Fleshed out properly with enough screen time(page time idk man) that you get to have a feel of their intentions and backstories. 3)World building - Teetering between lore accurate and creative brilliance backed by good logic. 4)Plot - Enticing (tbh my monkey brain went "huh" in the 3rd chapter) Mind you I am a rather strict reviewer, but I have to give credit where its due. The way the story unfolds in a sense a brand new experience (being an avid reader of both novels, lightnovels, fanfictions and the sorts) it was a fresh experience with a certain tension and expectation of what would happen next keeping me hooked onto the story. Honestly now i don't wanna spoil it, go give the author some support by reading and gush over this book more, maybe he might come back if it rises in rankings. PS - Sorry for typing so long i kind of lost myself in there ehe~ i selected the wrong gif i don't know how to delete it ;c can't even add a new one ...
An actually good HP fanfiction on Webnovel? I must be hallucinating. If I had to criticize something it's how lucky the MC ends up being, IE, in the forbidden forest. Dude should've died multiple times over to the manticore, and someone definitely should've noticed his rituals. I enjoyed it though, so I guess it's something of a moot point.
One of the best novels i have read 10/10. Only downside is that no update has happened for (as of today 25/11/2023) 8 months :( hope the author comes back
Interesting premise. Grammar is good. Some chapters could be a little longer but it's been a nice read so far. Looking forward to reading more.
Haven't read it yet but first time I've see a hufflepuff MC. I'm so happy. I shall start reading now. This should be fun. TO INFINITY! AND BEYOND!!
I guess it has been dropped, how sad it was such I good story, I loved it and even if it's dropped I won't take it away from the library because of how much I loved it.
Pretty good. The story, characters, and grammar are better than most other novels, and there aren't too many AU elements, or at least none that are too drastic. My only critiques are that the MC's power seems to vary depending on the situation (like sometimes he battles giant mutant monsters and other times he struggles to fight 3 werewolves), plus he and his classmates are only first years, but they talk, fight, and act like they're at least 13. He also acts a bit like a pushover sometimes, with a sort of 'go with the flow' mindset, which isn't too bad (at least he's not spanking everyone who looks him in the eyes like some cultivation MCs), but it does get a little bit annoying. Last critique, and probably the main one, is that his reactions and the reactions of other characters are pretty exaggerated. Like someone will say hi to him and he'll be like 'gasp! I didn't expect ____ to talk to me! I should be careful not to say anything too suspicious' and stuff like that, which is a little cringe and makes it hard to take things seriously. Other than that tho it's really good and most of the AU elements are pretty good, especially cuz this hp verse is a bit scaled up so the fights are more than just 'expelliarmus! Avada yadda yadda!' (usually). Worth reading, better than most other fics.
Having read the 93 chapters currently available, I'm very happy and patiently waiting for more of this masterpiece. The foreshadowing never ends to how it will go on with the big end goal of what will happen to Lord Voldemort and Edmunds relationship going through the years and getting stronger (man I just realised this story will take a while to end...). All things considered, I don't understand why others cry like smoll children about MC being in Hufflepuff. It doesn't change him from being a perfectly good human being (I was surprised to grin at some of the more wholesome scenes or when MC did relatable stuff) with (finally!) good friends instead of being a loner while he still trains to grow strong (really, with Voldemort breathing down his neck why wouldn't he train?). In short: I got nothing to complain about the character design, mc and more may be oc but that's good. Their interactions are written nicely too. English's guaranteed good 👍. Story develops nicely, even if too slow for others. The author updates when he wants to and I feel that.
A story I highly recommend. It is a fascinating concept of origins and character development. It is a amazing read. I hope the author keep up the good work.
first fanfic i rate full star 5/5, the story, idea, background and character.. what more is the detail wow im amaze reading this story.. can author tell me the inspiration? u more genius than edmund for that..
I could rant a while on this book, but the only reason I'm hear is over the terrible story telling... if that's what it's called. The Grammer is great, but the story jumps around so much it's incredibly hard to even be invested in it. It's so random that it ruins the book. Lot of places holes and things that don't even make sense, like why did Voldi not read the Mcs mind once?
The writing quality is there, my only problem would be the story development. It piqued my curiousity and had fun in the beginning no less, but it just became stale and boring. We have Voldemort & Minime as the main and supporting characters yet we only get a bunch of grinding and rituals. The author wanted an AU HP story, which is a great premise but the MC is just so forgettable despite the lil Voldemort part. His social interactions are repetitive, it's like reading a Xianxia reskinned w/ HP setting and characters. The release spd seems random, I still hope author finished this ff.
As of chapter 93 it's one of the best HP fics I've read. After reading a lot of HP ff I've found that it seems to be a difficult thing to strike a balance between AU elements and canon rehashing when writing fan fiction. I feel that so far this novel has struck a sweet spot as instead of gratuitously genderbending characters or breaking the immersion with unneeded crossover characters and over the top pureblood traditions, the author has really taken his time to research the established canon universe and expanded upon it instead of replacing it. For example, most of the magical creatures introduced canonically exist within the potterverse even if they haven't really been explored in the originals. Original characters (other than the protagonist) are thankfully used sparingly and so far almost all of them have felt human and I actually found them likeable. Often times I see ff authors falling in love with their own characters and giving them overpowered or immersion-breaking abilities but here they are contributing more in a way of social and emotional development for the main character Edmund. Speaking of Edmund, he himself is steadily growing in his magical abilities and satisfying the power progression aspect most of us readers like. I would say that the he's definitely a morally good person but NOT an idiot willing to spill all his secrets or unwilling to take some extreme measures when required. However, one of the negative things about the novel is that it takes too much time to get a sense of who the main character really is. His origin is that of a stray soul taking over a body of a 11 year old alternate timeline Tom Riddle Jr (to achieve this beginning premise it took a bit too much wand waving from the author and didn't read too well IMO but it gets much more grounded after, bear with it!). As such, Edmund possesses both the memories of young Riddle and some of his original self. He knows the Harry Potter canon but can't remember his name. That's all we're told of his original self and memories. No mention of his original age or interests etc. Author glosses over all this and it's up to the reader to make conjectures about what kind of person Edmund is supposed to be. He feels neither like a kid nor an adult as while he makes friends of his own age in Hogwarts and shows emotional vulnerability with them and his parental figures, he can also act maturely and be extremely self-disciplined in way that wouldn't fit a child. I don't know if author intended this kind of vagueness in his character but I'd like it clarified in the story. Other than that, he's very likable and a joy to read about. I could say more things but this is already getting too long. I gave this novel almost 5 stars because while it's not a perfect by any means, it really shines through in this cesspool in which many worse novels are spammed with 5 stars for whatever reason. Also the grammar in this novel is great.
Reveal SpoilerI am at the 13th chapter so far. Don't want to look like a paid reviewer but I am loving the story. Things I love are, 1) The writing quality is good enough that I can read without correcting stuff in my head. 2) I like the characterisation of Voldemort and McGonagall. Very refreshing and far from being cliche. 3) The MC is interesting and realistic. Much better than usual older man occupying younger character tropes. 4) I love that the classmates characters are done in an age appropriate manner.
Honestly a good story but it’s way too- full of plot. It lacks focus. So much knowledge being crammed inthe head that i makes the story really bland and not memorable. It feels way too real, way too boring. That being said there are still pros to this story. It has a great way in developing the world. Anyways read it.
You got my attention. I am in ch 22. It's well written. Well, let's see how long this good story goes.[img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend]
The story is well written, the world building is interesting and throws a wrench in the MC's assumptions quickly. It is nice to have a sane Voldemort for once, he was a boring antagonist in the movies, but here you can see why he gained so much influence aside from his magical power. The characters are well done, and most characters are likable in their own way.
Me a encantado la forma en que vas desarrollando la historia y me sorprendió mucho ya que es diferente a todo lo que antes eh leído en lo referente al mundo de Harry Potter
MUY BUENO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t give the story five stars because of how often it’s updated… however everything else is very very good. The characters are likeable and the relationships between characters are very wholesome and nice. He plot is diverging from canon now and it’s gonna get spicy. It’s a very intresting book and I would recommend to all!
Absolutely amazing fic, definitely my favourite Harry Potter one, with a really cool concept. Give it a read keep up the great work author 😁👍
First! Well, at least first to give myself a powerstone... As mentioned in CH1 author comments, my stability of updates will be zero.... I will upload when I want, how much I want. So please, if you do leave a review, I would appreciate commentary on all other aspects of the story, as I fully admit that I will always be behind in this one. Thanks :)