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65% Her romance / Chapter 13: Chapter nine

Chapter 13: Chapter nine

Bloom 🌝😈

I felt betrayed and lost for the second time. Though I vowed never to cry but I think shedding a little bit of tears isn't prohibited.

I walked aimlessly after leaving Avery's house, I'm very sure she was at home I heard movements and sounds from her room and the difficulty in speaking with the constant moans were hitting me hard.

I walked back to school cos why not?. That's like my new favorite place, only when it's empty though . I resort into walking down hall to the cafeteria I went straight to where the kept their meals took three slice of pizza, a bowl of steaming hot soup and a can of soda.

I walked into the now empty staff quarters and ate my food in comfort.

I heard my phone beep beside me at I bent down to pick it up.

4:05 pm


Hey babe sorry 'bout earlier I'm home now. Meet you at ray's???

4:13 pm


Ice queen where are you don't tell me you've forgotten about our hangout the guys are waiting. Be there by 5 pm or else...

4:17 pm

Chad 🤓

Hey, we r at ray's. Don't forget to bring my text book along. Summer's almost over I need it to prep for shl

4:20 pm

Her mother 🤐

Lock the doors your dad and I are gonna be out for a few.

After reading all my messages I turned my phone off. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.


I woke up from my short slumber around 5:57 pm, I'm soo gone.

I stood up in a rush to straighten my clothes and I carried my now empty bowl and can of soda to another teachers table and I combed my hair on miss Molly table.

Serves them right. I chuckled and left the school premises.

I decided to take the bus so I'll get home quicker.


I've been thinking of a way to talk to this girl in my class and yeah I found out she's called April. Her name is April.

During class today she was so distracted by the girls with her and one particular guy who sat next to her who I'm guessing he's her boyfriend or something.

My eyes were literally on her throughout the entire period I even caught the girl that wears black all the time caution her.

And I saw her boyfriend smile at her like a million times. That group is filled with unserious set of people just two girls are taking their lives serious because they appreciate education or whatever.

So I just kept on saying stuffs most of which I've never even heard in my entire existence. And each time our eyes connects it's like time freezes, the way she bites her lips subtly sends me into a silent isolation and a different dimension. Yet, she probably has no idea about the effect she has on me, how she sends me into a shuttering mess with just a gaze, lip biting and her innocent looks. Then she tears her eyes away leaving me hanging and thinking about how to gather my self and the sentence I've started in the middle of my class.

It was a hot mess.

The students are gonna probably wonder if I'm alright each time that shit happens.

In a nutshell today's class was absurd cos I kept zoning out.

After the class I called her and asked her to wait behind. Not like I wanted to, but prior to that period her dad came to the school on a short notice from work after reviewing her weekly assessment.

He came with the complaint that she's weak in geography, history and social studies and that she's barely trying to scale through the cut off mark. Well, since I'm the teacher I was there during the annoying meeting and the principal made me promise to give her extra classes while miss molly said she'll do her best which I know she knows is a lie.

Well I called her and gave her my address and told her to meet me at home before 6:00 pm. I bet she's there already cos she's never late to my class.

End of flashback.

The moment I alighted from the bus I just started running. And guess what !!!!!...

When I got the the front of my parents beige colored house there was no fucking human waiting in front of the house!!!.

Maybe she left ....or maybe she didn't bother coming.

Well it's for the best I said loudly as I walked into the house and locked the door I was greeted by half darkness and total silence.

I guess mom's still out with her husband I took off my shoe and Walked barefooted into the kitchen enjoying the cold floor under my feet and the smell of freshly baked potatoes.


I walked out of my bathroom after taking a bath for like 20 minutes I was about to remove my towel when I heard the door bell accompanied with a loud bang on the front door.

I skipped down the stairs and put like two potatoes into my mouth at once. I opened the door with the hope of being greeted with my parents annoying face or whatever.

The moment I opened the door I slammed it shut almost immediately.

It wasn't mom and dad !!! It was April!!! Freaking April !!!!

One ...

Two .....


I took deep breaths, composed my self and reopened the door.

I took her appearance in from head to toe, she wore a purple and white polka dots gown. The gown was skimming above her knees.

I managed to say whatever my brain processed for me at the moment cos are skin was wonderful and it was greatly yearning for my touch "I'm sorry????, you are early"

"No I'm actually kind of late because I had some stuff to sort out" she said and smiled still standing outside.

"Oh my bad come in" I said holding the door for her.

Yeah as per her slow attribute is still in her she just kept staring at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and entered leaving me still holding the door. How rude.

"You have cheese or is it potatoes smashed all over you face and your hair is dripping" she said while dropping her bag on the floor.

That's when I remembered the fact that I was still in my towel!!!!!.

Today just isn't my day. I ran upstairs to fix my self. I checked my closet for something casual so I wore a black polo and a blue sweatpants and I slipped my leg into my flip flops. I left my hair the way it was and went downstairs.

"Sorry about that" I said and laughed nervously.

"It's ok" she replied

"So you ready to study?"

"Yes, actually no, I'm starving my dad's girlfriend has been making us eat left overs spaghetti she heats in the microwave every morning" she began "and I'm not really sure it's gonna end anytime soon cos she cooked a pot full" she continued lamenting about this 'girlfriend' which I found very funny "my dad doesn't even complain that's the worst part. He eats the spaghetti with grilled chicken every morning and evening with a happy countenance. The food is boring already" she finally finished her complaint.

Girl friend? Where's her mom and her dad looked really responsible from what I've seen.

Well his appearance and speech are better than that of the man who donated sperm to my mom.

"I'm sorry?" I began unsure of what to say "well there's baked potatoes and coffee, we also have pepperoni pizza and if you don't want any of that we have groceries in the fridge and in the cabinet you can make yourself what you want" I said staring at her with keen interest.

She just laughed and said "Pizza is fine. Who cooks in this era"

My parents !!!!

Normal people!!!

Only rich kids eat take outs and McDonald's !!

"This way to the kitchen then" I said and stood up.

"Funny how you are in my class and I never got to tell you, your drawings are beautiful" she said following me.

"You kept That?" I asked and stopped abruptly with April bumping into my chest and time froze again.

Neither of us had any idea of what to do. Left to me I felt like placing my lips on hers while skimming my hands down her body.

Her cheeks were red from blushing so hard.

"Uhnmmm..." I cleared my throat loudly.

"Yes I kept it, it's cute" She laughed nervously and made her way into the kitchen leaving me behind.

Well that wasn't smooth.

"Let's start with the pizza" she said sitting on the counter.

I sat on a high stool facing her we both held a slice of pizza each.

"I hate silence" she said breaking the perfect silence I was building

"Too bad cos I love silence" I smirked at her and stood up I slightly rubbed my hand against her thigh on purpose cos the gown was already up to a very dangerous length and I couldn't afford to miss a touch on those perfectly glowing skin.

I ran up the stairs almost dying, can't recall a day I've been very happy and super hyper about something talk less of a human being. A minor. My student.

I got to my room and rummaged through my closet for my MP3. I finally found the black colored music box that I rarely use and I was halfway down the stairs when I realized.

W. T. F.

Why I'm I trying so hard to please this girl, we are supposed to be studying not doing whatever the fuck we are doing.

I brought my self to the kitchen slowly letting my eyes sweep over the girl sitting on the counter with a slice of pizza in her hand.

Why sit on the counter ?? There are counter stools and kitchen chairs perfectly arranged here for a reason.

"What's that?" She asked as she raised her head up

"You said you don't like silence" I replied raising the MP3 up.

"Oh that's true, thanks" she gave me a shy smile and took a gulp of the drink In front of her.

I connected to my Bluetooth and let the music shuffle it self to our hearing.

After like 20 minutes of eating and dancing gently to the music April spoke.

She stopped the music and asked "Yo !!!! Are you depressed or something?"

I looked at her with confusion clearly written on my face "what's the problem" I questioned looking at her.

"All your songs are like very slow and sad and very bad." She got off the counter and went to the living room " I'm very sorry but you have bad taste in music" she yelled from the living room.

She went to the living room to take something from her bag.


You calling Billie Ellish bad music "what's good music to you?"

I asked her with one brow raised as she walked back in with her phone in one hand.

"Play your favorite" she said in a mocking tone trying to hold back her giggle

I took my phone and scrolled through my music album "Challenge accepted" I said and flashed her my brightest smile.

I played "My strange addiction" by Bille Ellish.

"Omg you call this your favorite" she laughed so hard while hitting my back gently.

This is weird I thought looking at her.

"Play yours" I said when her laugher subsided

"This one is called devil doesn't bargain by Alec Benjamin" she said as she danced to the song she looked so proud of her self.

To be very honest the song was dope it's so lit the beat, the rhythm and the lyrics all flowed together in great accordance and harmony.

But because I'm bloom!!!!.....

I stopped the song and spat out "You have weirder taste".

"Play another one of your songs" she was already rolling on the floor. Like what's so funny to her

Next one was happier than ever by Billie Ellish

"Wanna drink something hot ?" April asked smirking.

I looked at her and nodded.

She brought out two bottles of tequila.

"Did you plan this?" I asked her already drinking my fourth cup

"I'll never tell" she smirked at me and resumed her seat in front of me on the counter.

We kept playing different songs on her playlist; Justin bebier and Alec Benjamin. Kept playing repeatedly.

"That's bullshit" I said laughing really hard.

"Yeah it is. Wait what's bullshit" April asked me gulping the alcohol from the bottle.

"My life!!! My childhood!!!! My entire life is crap" I said getting light headed

"Girl you are drunk" April said as she took another mouth full of the hot liquid

How is she doing it. That shit is basically rushing down hot pepper. It burns down and the Taste is awkward.

"Your playlist is just Alec Benjamin and Justin Bieber" I said disconnecting her from the Bluetooth.

"Yeah they are the best, you can also listen to Nicki Minaj and cardi b" she said and adjusted her gown.

"No thanks" I said bluntly

To me all they do is rap and talk fast.

Real music are Kehlani, Billie Ellish, Tatiana Manaois and Dua Lipa.

I played IDGF by dua lipa next.

"Oh I love this one" April said and jumped off the counter dancing excessively. "This is the first non depressed song you've played since" she said laughing in a really weird way.

One really slow and nice song played next and one thing led to another and we held each other and danced. We kept moving left, right, front and back.

Things became steamy as her body became really close to mine I can practically feel the heat coming from her core and the way her heart was racing.

It was beating so fast and I had the urge to kiss her, she leaned forward so gently like she's expecting something from me.

I spinned her and she fell back with my hands on the small of her back and hers on my neck.

Like for once the universe agreed with me and the song stopped.

I stared straight into her eyes with her hands around my neck she came closer so did I.

She was like only one inch away from me, from my face, from my lips... from my hunger !!! I could feel her Breath on my face and the way she stared back at me was so innocent.

And of course as per fate and I are enemies another song resumed.

"I should clean up this mess" she said as she frees her self from my grip.


It was 10:04 pm already.

"Time flies quick" I commented looking at my phone and Turned off the do not disturb barrier I placed on my phone to avoid calls and messages.

"That's cos we were having a great time" she placed the last bottle in the waste bin and cleaned the counter.

"I suppose" I said staring at her bent back as she wiped the counter clean.

With my eyes still glued to her perfectly shaped butt I said "I would drive you home but I don't have a car"

"Thanks, the next bus should be around 10:40 pm or I can just take a cab home" we carried the last garbage nylon and threw it in my neighbor thrash can.

We went back inside so April could take her bag.

"Thanks for the tutorial" she said and winked at me.

"I'm sorry, I'll teach you properly tomorrow" I smiled at her

"Tomorrow it is, same time ?" She chuckled and turned to leave

"Thank you for coming" I smiled and opened the door for her.

"It's no big deal" she whispered into my ear

You shouldn't have done that you silly ass you just snapped the last rope holding my consciousness and integrity.

I drew her for a short hug to hide how much I wanna fuck with her.

I held her face in my hand and gave her a gentle peck on her cheek. I let my lips linger a little longer for a Normal peck before closing the door and sitting on the floor with my back against the door and my face in my hand.

The house no longer has this bald dusty scent it now smells like freshly brewed coffee. It smells like April.

I picked my phone after sitting on the floor for thirty minutes to see loads of messages and calls from my friends and so called girlfriend.

Well I don't regret spending the day with April.

Raymond 😍

You wack brain, we were waiting Avery had a very huge surprise for you.

Chad 🤓

You spoilt it all. If you see Avery's body. It's lit.

Why did chad see Avery's body.

Bootang ❤️

Hope you are fine I've been calling your line.

Sweetheart I'm worried sick.

Be here at 10 pm I don't care what your parents have to say.

Baby Are you fine?.

Bunny pls pick up your phone.

I'll reply them tomorrow I promised my self with that I went upstairs and laid on my bed thinking about today.


Uni is about to commence another session and I'm here on the other hand having a steamy session with a 13 year old.

But damn ...that girl possesses the body of an angel and her mind is literally the most innocent.

What made me change my mind and drop a peck and not a kiss was the lay ting rope of resistance, I knew if I taste her lips I won't stop till she tastes my bed.

Glad I accepted this bizarre job I've made close to sixty thousand dollars in less than two months. Teachers are kinda rulers in some areas.

I love the fact that she scents like home made coffee. She's so satisfying.

Oh fuck what's happening to me I've had several one night stands and I've seen women that smell better but never for once I've I fantasized over them.

Fuck Avery for putting me in this mess. I would have cleared my sexual desires with her and cleared my mind at ray's place.

In all sincerity that girl is cute and hot and sexy and ...


Hey beautiful ❤️

How was the chapter? Took me a whole day but it's fine. Leave a comment on what you think and pls vote😍

Thanks for coming this far with me

Celine cares❤️

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