/ LGBT+ / Her romance

Her romance Original

Her romance

LGBT+ 20 Chapters 13.6K Views
Author: DaoistvKS4g1

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I locked my door incase jace wanted to keep wandering around the house.

I placed my hands on her neck with hers around my waist then her lips mashed against mine as if she was trying to to flatten my mouth I hungrily pushed her back, her mouth Opened To mine and then I put my tongue in her mouth and she granted me access and deepened the kiss. tendrils of her hair brushed my soft cheeks and I held her face in place as if to keep her from escaping I worked my mouth on hers with our tongues dancing gently and our touches syncing.

I pushed her on the bed with enough time to take off my dress and I pulled down her armless top.

I drew circles on her soft succulent breast with my tongue then I bit her pink nipples playfully. And I heard her moan softly.
I went downwards with my hands.


She's an high schooler living in fantasy and a big dream .
She's in a phase of her life where she can't determine her sexuality with the opposite sex because of her past life and experience .

She's a great gal with cool humor and when she creates a world in her head she lives in it big .

She just wanna have fun and experience life .

Her mind is her secret place .

Please read I promise it's worthy of your time

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Author DaoistvKS4g1