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2.56% TRICKSHOT BY JUSTBORED21 / Chapter 1: Chapter 1.


Author: whitethief274

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1.

"Albus!" Deputy headmistress Minerva McGonagall barged into the headmasters office, shock and panic on her face

"Minerva?" Headmaster Albus Dumbledore blinked at the way his deputy and close friend barged into his office "what, may I ask, is the matter?"

"Harry potter!" McGonagall replied

"Mr Potter?!" Dumbledore jumped to his feet, Harry Potter was the boy-who-lived, the boy responsible for stopping Voldemort and Dumbledore knew he was the boy of the prophecy. He had last seen Harry when he had placed him with his relatives, the Dursleys. Dumbledore had great hopes for Harry, if all went well then Harry would follow on the path of the light before he would sacrifice himself for the greater good, though the last part was such a shame as Harry was such an adorable baby. "What has happened to him?"

"He has sent his Hogwarts letter back, saying he does not wish to attend!" McGonagall replied "Albus, imagine that! Harry Potter, son of Lily and James, not wishing to attend Hogwarts!"

"Worry not Minerva, I shall deal with this." Dumbledore promised her, all the while he was wondering what would cause Harry to refuse. He knew that the boy would likely not have a brilliant life at the Dursleys and expected him to jump at the opportunity to attend a school of magic, even if the Dursley's did treat him kindly he should still want to attend, after all what child wouldn't want to learn magic?

"And another thing" McGonagall continued, not the least bit calmed down by the headmasters words "you had left Mr Potter at the Dursleys?"

"Yes?" Dumbledore nodded

"Then why is the address registered to a warehouse in America?!" McGonagall slammed the letter on the desk, showing the shocked wizard that it had indeed been registered to a warehouse in America.

"How?" Dumbledore whispered to himself as he read the address.

Harry James Potter.

Old Abandoned Factory.

Hell's Kitchen. Manhattan.

New York.

"Is this the place?" Minerva asked as she, Dumbledore arrived inside the warehouse along with potions master and teacher Severus Snape.

"I believe so." Dumbledore nodded as he looked around the warehouse. Grey floors and grey walls, not much colour at all. It was dusty in a lot of places, in fact there was so much dust that Dumbledore couldn't help but wave his wand and vanish it all before he could continue looking around. He saw that some of the windows were covered with cardboard. In the centre of everything was a small cot with a blanket and pillow on top, next to it was an old table and what looked like the container from muggle take out food.

"The Potter brat lives here?" Snape sneered as he looked around. "Shall I assume that sleeping in a bed like a regular person is not good enough for him?" Professor McGonagall was about to respond when a sound caught their attention.

They all turned to see a small monkey walked in, the monkey paused when it saw them it then shifted into an aggressive stance and began making noises at them in an attempt to drive them off. However at it's age and height it didn't seem much of a threat to anyone.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming Loki." A voice called, Dumbledore perked up and waited for the owner of the voice to arrive. He assumed that the monkey was called Loki and if he was correct then the voice belonged to Harry.

Soon Harry came in, wearing a worn out pair of white trainers, black trousers, a light green shirt with an open grey hoodie with red sleeves. None of his clothes looked brand new or expensive, in fact they seemed a bit dirty and uncared for. He also had a black backpack on his back. Harry himself looked a little thinner than the average boy his age but was still a decent height. He had the classic black messy hair of his father and green eyes of his mother along with the lightning bolt car on his forehead from Voldemort just as Albus had expected him to have.

Currently Harry's attention wasn't on Dumbledore, Snape or even McGonagall. It was rather on the deck of cards in his hands that he was shuffling.

"Ahem." Dumbledore cleared his throat, causing Harry to look up at him in surprise.

Harry took a moment to look at these three strangers, first there was the old woman dressed in robes with a pointy hat and small glasses that hanged off the bridge of her nose. Then there was the scowling man with pale skin, a long hook nose, greasy shoulder length hair and covered in black robes that contrasted against his skin in the same way the moon would contrast against the dark of night. Then there was the old man in the centre, the old man had a long crooked nose, a weird hat and was dressed in bright purple robes while also having the biggest beard that Harry had ever seen.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Dumbledore said in the form of a greeting. "I am Albus Dumbledore, these are my colleagues Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape. How are you today?" Dumbledore asked, Harry was silent for several seconds before he finally responded.

"S...sorrrrryyy….no...….no speaka English!" Harry drawled as he slowly backed away from these obviously crazy people. " English speak a English..."

"Now I know that this may seem intimidating Harry but I assure you that we mean you no harm." Dumbledore said with a small smile, his eyes twinkled, a classic technique of his to help calm people down and let them drop their guards and trust him. Unfortunately it didn't seem to work on Harry who had just put his cards away as he scooped up Loki in one arm.

"Sorrrrrryyy…" Harry drawled once more. " speak a English!"

"Harry, I..."

"Sorry no speak a English!"

"Harry it's fine, we just..."

"Sorry!" Harry said before he turned and tried to run away, he was about to reach the door when it suddenly closed. He stopped before he crashed into it, he closed his eyes and groaned before turning back to the others. "Alright, what do you want?" Harry asked them in a tired voice.

"Oh, so now you speak English?" Snape said sarcastically.

"I'm a quick learner, now what do you lot want? If it's money then I'm afraid you are very much barking up the wrong tree."

"We are not after your money Harry." Dumbledore said. "You were sent a letter a few days ago."

"Oh yeah," Harry nodded before he placed Loki on top of his head and walked towards the cot, he sat on it before placing his backpack on the floor, he then grabbed Loki and transferred him from the top of Harry's head to the table. "I remember saying no." Harry said as he scratched Loki behind the ears. "Now who doesn't speak English?"

"We've come to talk to you about it Mr Potter, you see your name has been down since birth. Both of your parents attended Hogwarts."

"It is true, they were both Gryffindor's, member of my house." McGonagall said proudly.

"Yes, well I'm not really interested." Harry said. "I mean I've kind of got a good life here."

"My boy, it seems to me that you are in fact homeless." Dumbledore said as he gestured around him.

"Yep, by the way, I feel like I should let you know that in these parts the only people your age that talk to boys my age in that way that you do are those that want to play mummy and daddy without the mummy parts. And no offence, but I am not calling you daddy." Harry replied. Dumbledore frowned for a second before realisation hit him like a train and he understood what Harry was saying, he seemed to be about three seconds behind Snape and a second behind Minerva. "Besides, I am homeless but I like my life, so does Loki, don't you boy?" Harry asked Loki who made a noise of agreement before rubbing his head against Harry's hand.

"Well the brat clearly doesn't want to go," Snape said to McGonagall and Dumbledore. "I suggest we leave him here."

"Vampire McBlack over there is right, bye-bye now." Harry said as he pulled out what appeared to be a milk bottle from his bag. He opened it and then picked up Loki in his hands, he placed the bottle near Loki's mouth so he could start drinking out of it.

"Mr Potter, if you come to Hogwarts then you will be given shelter and free food for all of your time there." McGonagall said. Harry did his best to keep his expression neutral but at this point he was very tempted to just say yes so he could get some fresh food.

"I get free food here. I mean...not good food seeing as a lot of it comes out of bins but..."

"Mr Potter, I am sorry but you shouldn't even be in this country. If it was discovered that you were here then they would send you back to Britian." Dumbledore said. "It is also the law for a British born magical student to attend Hogwarts at least until their owl exams."

"Owl exams? Is that exams done by an owl? Or on an owl? Or with an owl? Do I have to fight an owl?"

"No, it's just the name of the exam." McGonagall explained. "It stands for Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. I'm afraid that the professor is right, you must come back and attend Hogwarts. It is for your own good."

"You know that if you were so concerned for my good then you could give me all of your money." Harry replied. "What happens if I don't go?"

"Then someone will come from the ministry and make you go." Snape said, impatiently, waiting for this to finish so he could get away from the Potter brat.

"Well that's not nice."

"It is for your own good Harry." Dumbledore said.

"I was talking about his breath." Harry said as he gestured to Snape. "Fine," Harry sighed before Snape could respond. "If I'm going then Loki is coming too."

"That will be a problem, monkey's are not allowed at Hogwarts." Dumbledore replied.

"Well Hogwarts is going to have to make an exception or it can forget having me attend." Harry replied.

"Very well," Dumbledore said before Snape could start going on about Potters demanding special attention. In all honesty it didn't bother Dumbledore much if Harry had a monkey, plus he was the headmaster and more than capable of making changes if they suited his needs. "Loki can attend. You will not have to worry about payment either, your parents had already paid for it when you were a baby."

"Well...that's good planning." Harry said as he stood up and picked up his back pack. "Okay I've got all my stuff now." Harry said as he picked up Loki.

"That is all of your stuff?" Dumbledore asked.

"No I forgot my solid bars of gold." Harry said sarcastically.

"What the hell?" Harry said, shaking his head after he arrived in England along with the three Professors thanks to a portkey.

"That was a portkey," Dumbledore explained. "it is a magical device that allows a person to travel long distances. Of course it can be uncomfortable the first time but you can get used to them."

"Fat chance." Harry said under his breath as he began petting Loki who looked like he hated travelling by portkey even more than Harry. "It's alright." Harry whispered into his ear. "It's alright boy."

"What's the matter Potter? Your monkey can't handle it?" Snape sneered.

"No my monkey is rather bothered by the smell in the air." Harry said before making a show of holding Loki in a way so he faces away from Snape.

"Now Harry, you will be taken to get your school supplies with Hagrid." Dumbledore said.

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