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50% Greyback (Harry Potter Fic) / Chapter 2: Council

Chapter 2: Council

Standing in one of his bases in the Midlands, a large, magically lit cave, with chairs spread out and many beds littering the area, Fenrir pondered the future. This cave was one of his safehouses for the Werewolves who joined his cause. A place away from the public eye, where they could catch their breath and avoid scrutiny. The room was filled with up to 70 Wizards, Witches and children. All apart of the pack the previous Fenrir had created in hopes of taking over the Wizard community.

Although a part of Fenrir wondered how he got to this world, the other part told him to move on, to forget what used to be, because he would probably be here for a long time. That's why he's decided to put that time to use. A piece of his mind was still attached to the goal of helping Werewolves across the Wizarding World, now he just had to figure out how to accomplish this.

Fenrirs thought's were cut short as he caught sight of two scruffy looking middle aged men in black robes approaching. His memories told him they were Elias Hatch and Griffen Gnats, two long time followers of Fenrir. They had both been in for a shock when their boss appeared a few days ago with orders to discreetly retrieve their forces from You-Know-Who's reach. Especially Elias, a long time pureblood supremiscts, long before he'd been bitten all those years ago.

Despite the unexpected chain of events, they'd followed his orders with only a fraction of hesitation.

Trailing behind the two intimidating men was a small frame, scrawny and famished looking. Dressed in the same black garms was young women who looked to be in her late teens to early twenties. This was Sylvia Lace, graduated from Hogwarts not too many years ago, had a bright future ahead of her as an Obliviator for the Ministry. That was until she'd been infected with Lycanthropy, same as everyone else here.

Fenrir had seen it a million times. Shunned by friend, family and everything inbetween all that remained was a life of crime for the young witch. She had been one of the few unlucky enough to have their little secret exposed to he public, being forced to register as a Werewolf with the ministry, the same way an animagus was forced to register by law. Obviously she wasn't going to get any kind of job with 'Werwolf' on her resume. Of course he had been more than willing to lend a helping hand.

Turning around, Fenrir lead them deeper into the cave.


Griffen had never really bought into the blood supremecy stuff, his father was a muggle you see. Although he took he mothers last name 'Gnats', that still made him half-blood, so how could he believe muggles and muggle-borns to be lesser? He just didn't understand. It made sense that purebloods wanted to buy into that rubbish, but other halfbloods had been joining the dark lord in his quest and he wanted to understand why.

Then suddenly he was just like them. Doing You-Know-who's bidding on Greybacks behalf, and Griffen prayed his boss would realise that You-Know-Who didn't give two sickles about the Werewolves in his army.

Fortunately it seemed he had. There was no coming backing from this. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named wouldn't let this betrayal slide, and Griffen doubted he was the forgiving kind. 'Done with all that foolishness', he grinned, feral teeth sharp enough to startle many woodland creatures.


They eventually arrived at a small room carved into the side of the cave, inconspicuous, yet easily noticeable if one were to walk by. Luckily nobody did. The small room resembled a muggle study in many ways, the old furniture creating a Victorian atmosphere. There were two seats in the room, Fenrir took the large one behind the desk whilst Elias took the other. Griffen and Sylvia remained standing on either side of Elias.

An awkward silence proceeded for a moment, broken by Fenrir's gruff voice, "I've brought you here for one reason, and one reason only..." The trio bristled, their anticipation peaking, "To explain why we are no longer serving under You-know-who, and what I plan to do next."

Griffen looked to be calm at this addmision, although the other two we're anything but. Elias's face twisted into an ugly snarl, "I assumed you and our Lord had mearly come to a minor disagreement Greyback and that we'd soon be returning to business as usual, but to think you have truly betrayed him." Fenrir inwardly sighed at his words.

There was a reason he had specifially chosen these three to explain his agenda, and that was beacuse Fenrir didn't have entire control over his pack. The pack was seemingly split into three groups. There are those who were loyal to both him and the Dark Lord Voldemort, this group was lead by Elias. They were made up of purebloods who had been banished by their families after... you know. Despite their families disgust towards them, years of pureblood propaganda has kept their loyalty to the pureblood cause strong.

Then there was the group Loyal not to Fenrir, but to what he wanted to accomplish. The liberation of Werewolves everywhere. Although some may not always approve of his methods, to them it was still far more than what the Minsitry was doing to help. Something was always better than nothing. This group was lead by Griffen. They had caused quite the uproar when he'd announced their new-found alliegance to Voldemort.

Finally there was the group Loyal to both him, and the cause. Lead by Fenrir himself. Probably the largest group, however the size and strength of the other two were not to be underestimated.

As for why Sylvia was here, well he'd get to that part soon enough. The young girl seemed to have taken quite the shock at his summoning of her and was unsure of her place in all this.

Fenrir kept a straight face as he thought his answer through, "Yes Elias, I have betrayed The Dark Lord. We no longer have use for him and his Death Eaters, it seems i've stumbled upon quite the gift." He couldn't help the grin that broke out as they tried to figure out what he meant.

Elias looked ready to counter his dismissal of the Voldemort, yet Griffen beat him to punch, "Must be quite the gift if you're willing to put us at the reciving end of the Dark Lords wand. Word is Death eaters have been spotted all across UK looking for their 'lost pets'. Their words, not mine'" Griffen was happy with Fenrir's decision, however he wouldn't show it until they were in the clear.

Hearing his counterpart, Elias smirked, "Griffen isn't wrong Greyback. This better be enough to keep everyone here safe."

Fenrir stood up from his seat and began to take his robe off, "What would you say if I told you Werewolves wouldn't have to fear the full moon anymore?" His robe slid to ground and he began to remove his shirt, "... That we could transform whenever we wanted, wherever we wanted. Remaining in full control. Being even better when transformed than before."

The trio, even including the silent Sylvia were ready to call him out on his bollocks, when suddenly Fenrir began to go through an all too familiar change. The previously 6'3 man had grown to over seven foot, his skin darkend drastically and fur sprouted all over his body. Where Fenrir previously stood was a large, terrifying beast.

Reaching for their wands they held it at the ready, looking for the slightest movement from it, not sure if Fenrir was in control. A purple flash of light escaped Elias's wand, hitting Fenrir square in the chest. The sudden attack startled Sylvia into casting a silent protego, a blue barrier coming to life in front of her. The perpetrators eyes widened as his dark curse simply dissapated as it hit Fenrir, like a drop of rain slamming into the immovable concreate.

Griffen was the first to speak, "F...-Fenrir? Is that you?" The trio watched in astonishment as the beast nodded his head, before slowly changing back into the Dark Wizard they all knew. "Yes it is Griffen." He growled, still somewhat mad at the attack on him a moment ago. He wasn't sure how he'd fair up against magic in his other form, not having had the chance to test it out yet.

'That could have been worse then it was if I wasn't so surprisingly Magic Resistant.' He muttered inwardly. Deciding to put it behind him Fenrir began to explain what they saw whilst putting some clothes on. As Werewolves they had all seen eachother naked at one point or another and had gotten used to it by now.

He elaborated on his previous statement on them not having to worry about the full moon, claiming to be the the first Werewolf to evolve into this new breed of Lycanthropy. Fenrir made it clear he planned to share this gift with the pack, wanting to use this new strength to finally give the Werewolves a say in the Wizarding World, an equal chance in life as everyone else.

Of course he had one condition...

TheTrueDao TheTrueDao

Thanks for reading, please leave a comment if you want to see more. Possibly a few ideas of what you'd like to see. Have a nice day

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