During the helicopter ride, Damien kept Katherine entertained through their headsets and microphones by telling her some facts about famous spots that they passed by, promising her that they would tour those places on their next visit.
At some point, he had to check on his emails and that gave her mind some time to wander back to her thoughts about gaining back her memories. Learning that she was capable of speaking another language made her question her identity again. At what part of growing up did she learn how to speak it? Had she always spoken the language? Had she visited France before?
All of the questions in her head didn't make sense to her because for the past five years, she had believed that she didn't have any relatives and she had been alone. She even visited the orphanage that was listed in one of the documents that she had back in her old apartment but when she got there, it had been shut down for many years.
Thank you for reading! ♥ We can still catch up on the next rank!
I didn't think I needed to clarify this but I realize I had to
They live in:
Harbor City, Esmea.
Esmea is a fictional state in U.S. (beside Florida) where a lot of Asians settled in centuries ago. They have some traditions from Asian countries that they still follow until now and have adapted a lot of American cultures.
This is fiction — rules/laws don’t follow the ones in the real world.
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