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17.24% Eternal Twilight / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

" Bella, I need your help" I raised my head and saw Jessica already in my room without me not noticing the time she entered or giving me a call to tell me she was coming over to my place. She walked to me and showed me some dresses and said " which one should I pick" she asked. I look at the two dresses carefully and pick the lemon green dress " I think you should go for the lemon green" I told her and smiled pulling my hair behind me.

" I knew you would pick the right dress for me" she said and typed something quickly on her phone then I realized she was going to buy the dress online. " what do u need the dress for .. going for a date ?" I asked her she started coughing " And when did I tell you am dating and so am going on a date with him?" she asked looking at my face " I don't know maybe having some affair somewhere" I answered her but she rather shook her head before talking " sorry dude , am not having an affair with anyone… just buying it cause it looks nice for me".

She stop texting and paid attention to me " I realized u were looking outside when l entered … what were you looking at ?" she asked and I raised my head and nodded " nothing really … just looking outside" I told her and she was okay with it.

" where is Alice ?" she asked looking around " am sure she will be in her room playing with her laptop or something" I said to her and went towards the fridge to get some water herself. " so are you going for the clubbing tomorrow" I asked her " oh yeah we are" she answered with a smile on her face. " you coming?" she asked but I told her I wasn't interested in their clubbing issues. She decided not to asked me again since I have already made up my mind not to go with them.

Late in the evening, mommy came back home with a man who seems to be looking around the house as if he was looking for something of his. I wonder who he was and why he's in our house as at this time of the night.

Mummy sent him to her room and within some short period of time u could hear noises coming from her room and Alice who was in her room heard the noise and came out to check what was making the noise.

She entered my room with her sleepy eyes wearing her favorite pijamas with her hair scattered. " what is making that noise in mommy's room?" she asked me while sleeping besides me on the bed . I kept quiet cause I know the reason why that noise was coming from mommy's room. " is mommy having sex with someone" she asked again with her eyes shut trying to catch some sleep but she was finding it difficult since the noise kept sounding in her ears.

" mummy brought a man to the house and they're in her room …with that noise I think they're making love to each other" I told her and she sat on the bed starring at my face " why will mom bring a man to the house can't they go to the hotel" she said with her voice sounding weak. The noise kept coming until it suddenly stopped and Alice showed a sign of relief and left herself on the bed and started sleeping. I pulled the cover clothe over her body and slept beside her trying to catch some sleep also but I was finding it difficult to do so. After struggling on the bed for an hour, sleep came for me finally.

" Bella get up it already past eight u still on bed" I heard Alice's voice while she pulled the cover clothe away from me. " what says the time" I asked her with my sleepy face " it nine sis and you need to get up" she replied and sat in the chair in front of the dressing mirror and started combing her hair. " are you going out Alice" I asked her cause she was already dressed up and look like someone who is going out to meet someone. " Not really trying to glow myself that all" she replied and gave me a smile and continued with what she was doing. I stood up from the bed and went to the washroom and had some quick bath and join Alice in the room. She came close to me and held my hair and started brushing it for me.

She later on held it with a blue ribbon and said " you beautiful sis". I smiled and thank her then I heard her saying from behind " if I were to be a boy would have made u my girlfriend" I started laughing at the silly comment she just made " Am damn serious sis … you are the type any guy would want to have as a girlfriend but you know what am going to be protective over you and no guy will come messing around with you ever again" she stated and storm out of my room leaving her phone behind. I wonder why Alice made that statement. Is it that she can't stand it when am hurt by someone's action towards me. I asked myself but didn't pay much attention to what she said.

I went close to the window and look outside and saw the same car that came to the neighborhood yesterday driving into that same place again but this time around there were lots of boxes in the car and that shows they're moving in today. The car suddenly stop at the garage and the man who is the head of the family came out first then his wife followed . Suddenly , the back door opened and a guy came out of the car with his back facing me.

He turned suddenly and our eyes met .. he kept staring into my eyes without blinking for a second. I felt weak so I took my eyes off and turned my back but I could feel his gaze still on me. I heard someone mentioning Jasper asking for help so that she could pick the boxes from the car. I realized he took his eyes off me and had his attention on his sister who asked for his help.

I turned back and watch the two siblings packing the boxes out of the car and sent it to the house. You could tell the guy was the first son and followed by the girl and also much resemblance among them. I look at the guy closely and I realized his blue eyes kept shining anytime he came into the sun. His curly hair was neatly combed and this made him look cute in the dress he wore. I stood there looking at him without taking my eyes off him for a second then he suddenly turned to my direction and realized I was watching him through my window.

I pulled the curtains to cover the window to prevent any more eye contact. I left the window and took in a deep breath. " I think we have new neighbors joining us in this neighborhood today sis" Alice blarb out bringing me some milk to drink " really" pretending as if am not aware of it " yeah I just saw them parking their stuffs out of their car parked in the garage" she added " that cool" trying hard to keep my face straight without letting Alice figure out whether I saw them or not so I took in the milk she gave to me and handled back an empty glass to her.

"thanks" I said to her while she place the glass on the table and pulled the curtains and watch outside. "Bella, come and have a look" I heard Alice saying to me so I stood up and went close to the window since I wanted to look at the new guy again. " look at those two siblings ain't they lovely especially the guy he's cute isn't he?" she asked and look at my face expecting me to give her a good response " yeah sort of" I answered her and kept watching them.

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