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62.06% Eternal Twilight / Chapter 18: chapter 18

Chapter 18: chapter 18

After some hours I woke up and saw the two of them sitting on the sofa while Jasmine was playing with my ball.

She raised her head and saw me then said " you awake already?

How do you feel now" she asked " Am okay" I answered then jasper came close to my bed

" What happened to me," I asked trying to remember what happened to me

" You had some headache this morning" Jasper replied sitting beside me "Headache?"

I asked them but no one replied and kept staring at me.

I left them and walk to the washroom then I heard them talking about me

" how come she doesn't remember she had a headache?"

Jasper asked his sister "Is it because of the mixture I gave her to drink?

She's okay so calm down" she said assuring him cheered up

" So that means she can't remember what happened between us last night ?"

" of course she does. I just got her mind off the headache that all"

she said and knock on the door " Do you need help Bella?" she asked

" No am okay in here" I answered and smiled to myself then I suddenly remembered what happened between us last night.

I stood under the shower looking at my body and feeling Jasper's touch on me again and how he made love to me bringing out the pleasure that was hidden in me for years.

I closed my eyes and I could feel him around me that very moment I didn't understand what was happening to me under the shower.

Jasmine knew what it was that's why she earlier on asked me if I needed help.

Yes I needed help and it was jasper I needed that very moment " Babe, are you okay in there"

I heard his voice and wished he could join me under the shower

" She needs you jasper cause she just remembered what happened between you two" Jessica broke the silence

" so do you think I should go in there?" he asked her but she didn't answer him

" No need she will be okay any moment from now," she told him and I became calm at once and came out of the room.

Jasper was about to hold me then Jasmine stopped him " No don't. I got this"

she told him and walked up to me " Are you okay Bella?"

I stare at her and then look at jasper who was also looking at me " Do you need Jasper" she asked again then my eyes blinked

" No" I finally said to her " okay … Jessica and Alice stepped out of the house so there's no need to ask about them"

she informed me before I could ask about them " Let me get you something to eat"

she disappeared and later on, came back holding a plate full of chips and a glass of juice with her " Have this"

she handled it to me and I ate a little. Jasper wanted to get close to me but his sister was standing in the way.

She moved fast to him and whispered something into his ears

" You have to leave now and come back later in the evening and see her cause I have to make sure she's okay"

"Okay," he walked to me and whispered into my ears " I love you" then he kissed me and disappeared leaving me with Jasmine.

" How did you know jasper was going to do something like that last night?"

I asked her leaving the plate on the table " cause I saw it coming"

she answered and smiled at me " is that why you said I should be ready for him" then she nodded

" And I know you enjoyed every bit of it" I started blushing the moment she said that " look at you you blushing already"

she added and laughed at me " I…I… yeah I did and I loved it" I said shyly and she sat beside me

" Yes I know you did and you felt like having him again when you went to the washroom when you suddenly remembered about it"

" How did you know," I asked her and she laughed at me " cause I know sissy besides I know you want him again this evening"

she said and I became shocked she already knows about it " Do not have it too much though you need it" " why"

I asked her " Nothing really just that his venom is stronger than yours and anytime he releases it in you, you will start developing some features of him and with that, you will be able to smell him even when he's far from you"

she answered " so it's not healthy for me," I asked her and she smiled "it's good for both of you but not for you and your family"

she answered " since you love it and want it I can't stop you from having it"

she added " Thanks for explaining everything to me," I told her " your mom will be coming today," she told me and stood up

" I want to see jasper" I informed her and she only look at me

" He will come and see you later in the evening" she answered " where is he gone to," I asked her " he's gone out to get a present for you" then I smiled and she saw what I just did

" I have to go now, Alice and Jessica are coming here, " she said and gave me a hug " take care" she added and disappeared.

Ewu_Rama Ewu_Rama

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