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86.36% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 19: Kotomi's Transformation

Chapter 19: Kotomi's Transformation

In the secluded high-tech base, Karin sat before her array of screens, a rare smile playing on her lips. For once, her meticulously laid plans had unfolded flawlessly. The satisfaction, however, was short-lived. The sudden appearance of Yuzuru and Kotomi in her private sanctum caught her off guard. "What are you doing here?" she demanded, her surprise evident.

Yuzuru, uninterested in pleasantries, wasted no time. His telepathic abilities, honed and powerful, reached into Karin's mind, bending her will to his. Karin, once a strong-willed and independent agent, became a mere puppet, her actions no longer her own.

As Yuzuru's telepathy invaded her thoughts, he gleaned valuable information. His ability to read minds made him dangerously knowledgeable. Commanding the entranced Karin, he directed her to operate the machines, initiating the AI to fabricate new DCMs.

The machine, demanding a DNA sample, prompted Yuzuru to produce a small cylinder bottle. Inside were the tissues he had collected from Ryuuji's monstrous form. He understood the immense potential locked within that DNA - power he coveted.

Yuzuru's ambition was clear. He yearned not just for the supreme mind power he already possessed, but also for Ryuuji's physical abilities - teleportation and shapeshifting. The combination would make him an unstoppable force.

Meanwhile, Kotomi harbored her own desires. She watched intently, her mind swirling with visions of transformation. She wanted a DCM that would enhance her beauty and charm to extraordinary levels - to rival, even surpass, Saeki Tomoko.

Tomoko, with her unrivaled beauty and effortless allure, had long been the object of Kotomi's envy, a symbol of everything she felt she lacked.

In addition, she sought a DNA modification tailored to attract Momonari Junta specifically. Her obsession with Junta had driven her to this point of no return.

As the machine hummed and clicked, synthesizing the new DCMs, Kotomi imagined a future where she outshone Tomoko, where her own beauty and charm would be undeniable and overwhelming. She envisioned the halls of Fukoma High School, a place where she had always felt overshadowed, now abuzz with admiration and envy for her newly acquired allure. In her mind's eye, she saw Junta, whose affections had always seemed unattainable, finally turning his gaze towards her, captivated by a charm that even Tomoko couldn't match.


In the bustling cafeteria at lunchtime, the atmosphere was abuzz with a new development. Ichigo and Kakimaro, usually on the fringes of popularity, found themselves at the center of attention. Girls clustered around them, their curiosity about Junta driving their newfound interest in his friends.

The duo, initially basking in the attention, soon realized that the questions were all about Junta - his likes, dislikes, and particularly his relationship status. It was clear that their popularity was a byproduct of Junta's charismatic influence as the Zeta-playboy.

Meanwhile, in the lunch line, Ami and Kotomi stood among their peers. Kotomi's transformation was beginning to show. Her new hairstyle, a trendy short bob with bangs dyed in a striking dark blue, turned heads. Some guys whispered among themselves, noting how cute she looked. Kotomi basked in the attention, enthusiastically sharing details about her visit to a top-class salon and her venture into using mascara for the first time.

Unknown to Ami and the others, Kotomi's changes were more than just cosmetic. Secretly, she had started injecting DCM to modify her DNA. Intent on a gradual transformation to avoid suspicion, she hoped to let others believe her changes were natural, avoiding any rumors of plastic surgery.

Ami, standing beside Kotomi, listened to her friend's excited chatter but felt a growing sense of unease. The recent events at school, particularly the dramatic changes in Junta, and now Kotomi, left her feeling unsettled. There was a palpable shift in the air, a change in the dynamics that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Her concern for Junta, who had been a constant in her life since childhood, grew stronger. The transformations he had undergone, both physically and in terms of personality, were alarming. She knew the shy, awkward Junta and the charismatic Zeta-playboy were worlds apart, and she worried about the toll this dual existence might be taking on him.

Determined to understand the changes and offer her support, Ami decided it was time for a heart-to-heart conversation with Junta.


The night had draped Tomoko's apartment clubhouse in a serene ambiance, broken only by the rhythmic strokes of her swimming. Clad in a green swimsuit, she moved through the water with a grace that belied her inner turmoil. Swimming was her escape, a way to silence the incessant questions that haunted her mind. But as exhaustion set in, she pulled herself out of the pool, her thoughts still swirling with unresolved doubts and fears.

As Tomoko walked towards the changing room, her pace slowed by fatigue, she rounded a corner only to be confronted by an unexpected presence. Hovering in mid-air was a ball-like robot, about the size of a volleyball, its design eerily reminiscent of Karin's futuristic technology. Its singular eye focused on her, and before Tomoko could muster any reaction, the robot emitted a spray that enveloped her. The last thing she remembered was the world tilting sideways, and then darkness.


Sunday painted a nostalgic scene at the park where Ami and Junta used to hang out during their elementary school days. The two walked side by side, surrounded by the echoes of their childhood memories. For Ami, the initial nervousness of being with this new, transformed Junta gradually gave way to a surprising ease. This new Junta, despite his extraordinary changes, had a smooth, almost effortless way of communicating, adapting to the situation with a charisma that was disarming.

Junta, without holding back, tried to explain the recent whirlwind of events to Ami. His words painted a picture of a reality that seemed almost fantastical, full of transformations, conflicts, and high school drama that were far removed from Ami's simple, straightforward world. She listened, her expression a mix of fascination and disbelief, as Junta recounted the events that had reshaped their lives.

In the end, Ami's response was a heavy sigh, laden with a longing for simpler times. "I just want my old friend back," she said softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and resignation. With those words, she left the park, leaving Junta alone with his thoughts.

Lying on the grass, Junta gazed up at the sky, the stars twinkling like distant beacons. His mind wandered to Tomoko, who had been conspicuously absent from school on Friday and unreachable over the weekend. The absence of her vibrant presence left a void that he couldn't ignore.

The night enveloped the park in a serene tranquility, broken only by the silhouette of a figure approaching Junta. As the figure approached, backlit by a lamp, Junta briefly mistook the silhouette for Karin, recognizing the armor's distinctive shape. 'Karin...?' he murmured. However, as she stepped into the light, he realized with surprise that it was not Karin, but Tomoko.

Tomoko stood before him, her appearance radically altered. She was clad in a tight bodysuit reminiscent of Karin's, but in a soft peach color that complemented her figure. Her hair, usually flowing freely, was now pulled back into a high ponytail, giving her a sleek, almost futuristic look.

"Don't you like… girls like this?" Tomoko asked, her voice tinged with a note of challenge.

Junta's confusion deepened. Was Tomoko trying to imitate Karin's style? Had she discovered something about his relationship with Karin that led her to this transformation? Despite his bewilderment, the sight of Tomoko, whom he had missed dearly, drew him in. He opened his arms and embraced her. "I miss you, Tomo…" he whispered, a mix of relief and affection in his voice.

But as he looked into her eyes, something was amiss. The lively spark that once danced in Tomoko's eyes was gone, replaced by a lifeless gaze. A chill of realization crept up Junta's spine. This wasn't the Tomoko he knew.

Before he could react, a jet injector extended from Tomoko's armor, pressing against his chest. A sharp hiss sounded as the injector released its contents into him. Junta's eyes widened in shock and betrayal. What had just happened? What was in the injection?

Next thing Junta knew, he was adrift in a surreal world. He found himself immersed in a viscous liquid, his body weak, barely able to muster the strength to move or speak. Tubes snaked across his form, connecting him to the cocoon-like enclosure he was in—a sci-fi pod with a clear glass cover that offered a window to the outside world. The surroundings were a high-tech marvel, filled with machines and devices, echoing the familiar setup of Karin's base but on a scale ten times more grandiose and equipped.

As he struggled to orient himself, Junta's gaze fell upon Tomoko, standing motionless beside the pod. She was not alone; a hovering ball robot floated silently beside her. The scene was eerily calm, the only sounds being the subtle hum of machinery and the gentle bubbling of the liquid encompassing him.

The tranquility was disrupted by the sliding of a door. A man entered the room, his presence commanding attention. He appeared to be in his fifties, with hair as white as snow. Despite his relatively short stature, his broad shoulders exuded a sense of strength. He was dressed in a futuristic suit, strikingly similar to what Junta had seen worn by Karin's supervisor, hinting at a common origin from the same distant future.

The man stopped before Junta's pod, his eyes meeting Junta's through the glass. "Hello, Momonari Junta. It's my honor to meet you!" His voice conveyed a mixture of reverence and excitement.

"My name is Mori. I'm the Director of the Environment Protection Agency, 63 years in the future." He paused, seemingly catching his breath, an expression of exhilaration on his face. "AH! Excuse me… I am too excited about this. Phew!"

Mori continued, his tone earnest, "First of all, don't panic. I am not going to hurt you, or Saeki Tomoko. Please, give me a minute to explain. I AM A BIG FAN OF YOU! Momonari-san!" His enthusiasm was palpable.

"By now, you should know about the overpopulation issues in the future… the Mega-playboy stories… and the future government's plan to modify your DNA. I don't agree with it. I… have a BETTER proposal!" Mori's gestures were animated, emphasizing his points.

"See? You are the greatest super warrior ever known to mankind! A Superhero! And your children are... They want to eliminate you and all your children from existence? What the heck are they thinking! EVIL! PURE EVIL!" His voice rose in indignation.

"God created you and your children for a purpose. To speed up human evolution! To make this place we call Earth a better place!" Mori paced slightly, his passion evident.

He sighed, "You know, those government old farts, all they care about are their retirement funds and medical insurance. They're all about playing safe… but not me! I am a risk taker! I am a believer!" Mori's eyes sparkled with conviction.

"To tell you the truth, I am now in the process of giving you a new personality, one that shares our dream… our values… I am making you a partner!" Mori leaned closer, his gaze intense.

"And that's why I am talking to you right now. Trust me, I don't want to control you like a robot… it's an insult to the greatest warrior EVER!" He shook his head in disdain at the thought.

"Let's make the future together, Momonari Junta-san." Mori's offer hung in the air, a proposition that promised to change the course of the future, wrapped in a vision shared by a man who saw Junta not as a problem, but as a pivotal piece in the evolution of mankind.


In the shadowy depths of the closed underground amusement park, a lone area burst into life, its lights casting a warm glow in the surrounding darkness. The scene was almost surreal - Kotomi, dressed in a princess-like gown, her high heels clicking softly, rode atop a majestic white horse on a Carousel. The joy on her face was unmistakable, her laughter echoing through the silent park, a stark contrast to the quietness around them.

Beside the Carousel stood Yuzuru, his focus intense as he channeled his energy into powering the ride. This was more than just a moment of fun; it was a test of his newfound powers, a demonstration of the extent of his abilities. The Carousel spun under his command, lights twinkling, music playing, as if the park had come back to life just for them.

As the ride slowed to a stop, Kotomi stepped off, her joy evident in her bright eyes and wide smile. But there was something more - a subtle yet noticeable change. Her figure had transformed slightly; her chest was a bit larger, her hips a bit rounder, her legs a bit longer than they had been just yesterday. The DCM's effects were manifesting, altering her appearance gradually.

Yuzuru, observing the changes in his sister, suggested they try the next ride - the roller coaster. Kotomi hesitated, questioning the safety and the energy required to power such a massive ride. Yuzuru, confident in his abilities, gestured grandly with his hands, and in response, the entire amusement park sprung to life. The roller coaster, the caterpillar, the ferris wheel, the pirate ship – every single ride illuminated and whirring into motion.

The entire park was now alive with light and movement, a dazzling display of Yuzuru's incredible power!

Kotomi's eyes widened in amazement, her earlier reservations forgotten in the face of such an impressive display.

Buoyed by the spectacle and her brother's abilities, Kotomi's thoughts turned to her own transformation and the desire to surpass Tomoko. She voiced her impatience to Yuzuru, her longing for rapid change fueled by a mix of envy and a sense of injustice. "I want to face her soon, to show her justice," she declared, her determination clear. "Let's speed up my transformation. I can't wait to surpass Saeki Tomoko."


Inside the sci-fi pod, Junta's DNA underwent a rapid mutation, specifically targeting the genes responsible for his personality while keeping the rest of his genetic structure intact. This precision-engineered change, orchestrated under Mori's guidance, was designed to enhance certain aspects of Junta's character without altering his fundamental identity.

The pod, equipped with advanced genetic engineering technology, meticulously executed this complex process. The liquid surrounding Junta glowed with a pulsating light, signaling the active genetic manipulation occurring at a molecular level. As the machinery hummed with activity, Junta's DNA was carefully and selectively altered, enhancing traits that would align with Mori's vision and the challenges that lay ahead.

Mori, brimming with excitement, dashed into the lab, his flying ball robot hovering close by. The air was thick with anticipation as he approached the pod where Junta lay. With a swift motion, Mori pressed a button, and the pod's cover slid open with a hiss. Inside, Junta's new personality, a product of meticulous genetic engineering, had been successfully instilled.

"Congratulations! Partner," Mori exclaimed, his voice echoing a mix of triumph and exhilaration.

Junta, awakening from his transformative slumber, offered a smile. It was a subtle, yet profound acknowledgment of the change he had undergone, a sign that the mutation had taken effect and a new chapter in his life had begun.

At Mori's gesture, Tomoko approached, her movement almost mechanical. Her eyes, still lifeless.

Mori bowed slightly in a respectful manner, "Please, Momonari-san." The robot ball, a marvel of futuristic technology, flickered to life, displaying an extensive list of personality choices. Each option, from femme fatale to a baby girl, came with dozens of variations, offering a spectrum of traits and characters to choose from.

Junta, now faced with this array of choices, made his selection with a sense of purpose. His decision, though seemingly simple, carried the weight of defining Tomoko's new personality.

"She'll be ready in no time," Mori assured with a confident smile, his eyes twinkling with the satisfaction of a plan coming together.

As Tomoko stepped into the pod, the door sealed shut behind her with a soft hiss. The clear liquid inside began to fill up, enveloping her in its glow as the machinery initiated the process of instilling her new personality.

Outside the pod, Mori turned his attention to Junta, his expression serious as they began to strategize their next move.

"We have to move fast," Mori urged, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. " My insiders within the department have sabotaged their time communication system. But it's only a matter of time before they manage to re-establish the connection. Once they get a grasp of the situation, they will likely send troops over to stop us."

His gaze shifted, reflecting the weight of their situation. "This DNA operator, Aoi Karin, we must take her out…" he stated. The implication was clear; Karin was a significant piece in this intricate chess game they were playing. Her expertise and connection to the future government made her a critical target in their plan to stay ahead of any countermeasures.

As Mori outlined the necessity of removing Aoi Karin from their path, Junta's reaction was devoid of hesitation or moral conflict. His eyes, once expressive and lively, now held a steely resolve, a clear indication of the profound change in his personality.

"Understood," Junta responded, his voice even and devoid of emotion. "If taking out Aoi Karin is necessary for our plan, then we proceed as such."

Mori's voice took on a commanding tone as he issued his next directive, "Oharu, activate battle mode."

In response to his command, the lab underwent a dramatic transformation. The middle of the floor split apart with a mechanical precision, revealing a hidden compartment below. A platform began to ascend, and atop it stood a massive two-meter-tall war machine, bristling with advanced weaponry and armored plating.

As the platform locked into place, the hovering ball robot that had been beside Mori sprang into action. It zipped through the air with precision, docking seamlessly onto a port on the giant robot. The moment the connection was established, the war machine came to life, its systems activating with a series of electronic hums and lights flickering on across its frame.

"System online," a synthesized voice announced from the robot, confirming its operational status.

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