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90.9% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 20: Amusement Park

Chapter 20: Amusement Park

Tamura and Hideaki, lugging a shopping cart piled high with supplies, trudged towards the eerie, shuttered underground amusement park. They were on a supply run for Yuzuru and Kotomi, who had pretty much set up camp at Karin's base.

"Yo, Tamura, peep this," Hideaki started, jerking his head towards their stash. "Kotomi's been lookin' all different, you catch that?"

Tamura, maneuvering the cart, glanced over his shoulder. "For real, man. Girl's glowed up something fierce…"

Hideaki: "Yea, she's straight-up lady material now. I mean, I wouldn't mind doing it, y'know..."

"Yo, zip it, dude!" Tamura hissed, cutting him off. "Remember Yuzuru's got them mind tricks. Dude can hear you fantasizing from a mile away. Keep it locked down, or we're toast!"

Hideaki's face went pale, beads of sweat popping out. "Shoot, right. That Yuzuru's been all sorts of moody lately. One wrong thought, and we're deep in the doo-doo."

As they approached the park's entrance, they came to a skidding halt at the sight of a mammoth war robot, like something ripped out of a big-budget blockbuster. And then they saw him – spiky hair and all attitude.

"Oh snap, it's that dude!" Hideaki blurted out, his voice quivering.

Their minds flashed back to that mortifying night – getting chucked into a cow dung pond by this very guy, nearly drowning in that stink-fest. They'd spent three hellish days scrubbing themselves raw to shake off that god-awful stench.

The giant robot, a behemoth of metal and might, moved with an agility and speed that belied its immense size. Junta, following closely behind, stepped into the eerie, abandoned underground themed park. The moment they entered, the air was filled with a booming announcement from the loudspeakers:

"Welcome, to the Playland of Takanashi! Here you can experience the most exciting and dangerous rides in Tokyo… all you can play, for free!"

Instantly, the entire park sprang to life. Lights flickered on, illuminating the once-darkened rides, each one whirring into action. The whole place, which had been a silent relic of amusement, was now a vibrant hub of activity and noise. Yuzuru's telepathic prowess had reached a level where he could anticipate and manipulate events with frightening accuracy. He had been expecting these 'special guests.'

Junta's mind was on the past encounters with Yuzuru. In their last two confrontations - the first date night at the hotel district and the second at the sports festival in Fukoma gym - Yuzuru had managed to gain the upper hand. Junta, fueled by a mix of determination and eagerness, was ready to settle the scores once and for all.

The stakes were clear: Junta needed to take out Karin, while Yuzuru required her as a puppet to continue producing more DCMs. With Yuzuru being the unrivaled king of telepathy, there was no need for words. Their intentions and strategies were understood without utterance. The silent acknowledgment between them was enough.

The game was on.

The air was electric with chaos as numerous bumper cars, their engines roaring like wild beasts, shot towards Junta and the war robot. They came fast and furious, like a storm of meteoroids hurtling through space. RAT-TAT-TAT! The war robot's guns blazed, mowing down the incoming cars in a hail of gunfire.

Junta vanished in a blink, ZAP!, reappearing near the haunted house. He crouched in the least exposed corner, his mind racing, plotting his next move in this madhouse of a battleground.

Suddenly, the haunted house burst into life. CREEAAAK! The doors flung open, and out rushed a motley crew of nightmarish figures – zombies with gaping mouths, evil clowns with sinister grins, snarling werewolves, and flying vampires. Junta couldn't help but find the absurdity amusing. With fluid, practiced movements, he dispatched them one after another, SWISH-SWASH!, his hands a blur.

But then, the entire haunted house seemed to animate, its structure groaning and creaking ominously. CRRRAAASSH! It collapsed towards Junta in a massive heap of timber and terror. Without missing a beat, ZIP!, Junta teleported away, narrowly escaping the crushing debris.

His next landing spot, however, was anticipated by Yuzuru. Junta reappeared, only to find himself staring at a gargantuan Ferris wheel, 150 meters in diameter, spinning wildly like a colossal flying disc, hurtling towards him at insane speed. WHOOSH!

In an instant, ZAP!, Junta vanished again, dodging the giant wheel. But his relief was short-lived. Yuzuru appeared, gripping his ankle with an iron hold, canceling Junta's ability to teleport. It was clear now – Yuzuru had assimilated all of Ryuuji's skills, including teleportation.

The giant Ferris wheel, like a relentless boomerang, came spinning back towards Junta. Trapped and unable to teleport, Junta braced himself. CRASH! The wheel hit him with a force that sent him flying directly towards the next ride – the Pirate Ship, its sharp bowsprit launching menacingly at him.

BOOOOM! An earth-shaking collision ensued as the two giant rides crashed together, with Junta caught in the devastating maelstrom.


Meanwhile, deep in the park, Kotomi stood in her princess-like dress, a picture of eerie calm amidst chaos. Beside her, Karin lay like a discarded ragdoll. Hearing the massive crash, Kotomi called out, a hint of concern lacing her voice, "Brother, be a bit more gentle with Junta, will you? I do want him as my boyfriend," she said, as if the Zeta-playboy was a fitting prize for her transformation.


BLAM! BLAM! The giant war robot, Oharu, named by Mori, sprang into action, its sensors sweeping the chaotic landscape of the Playland. With a precision that was almost clinical, Oharu located Yuzuru amidst the pandemonium. Instantly, it unleashed a barrage of futuristic weaponry.

ZZZAP! BOOM! WHOOSH! Laser beams sliced through the air, missiles streaked with fiery tails, and plasma bolts erupted in dazzling displays of destructive power. Oharu was a relentless force, a machine of war operating with a singular focus – to take down Yuzuru.

Yuzuru, always one step ahead of Junta thanks to his mind-reading abilities, found himself at a distinct disadvantage against the machine. Oharu's mechanical mind was impervious to his telepathic skills. The tables had turned; the hunter was now the hunted.

Dodging and weaving through the onslaught, Yuzuru tried desperately to find cover. CRASH! Debris flew as he narrowly escaped a missile strike. ZING! A laser beam scorched the ground where he had stood moments before.

For the first time, Yuzuru's usual cool demeanor was replaced by a sense of urgency. THUD-THUD-THUD! Oharu advanced, its heavy steps shaking the ground, relentless in its pursuit.

In a desperate bid to evade the relentless assault of Oharu, Yuzuru tapped into his teleportation skills. With a POP!, he vanished from one spot, only to reappear in another. But Oharu, equipped with an array of sophisticated sensors – heat, radar, lidar, sound, and more – tracked his every move with unerring precision.

Each time Yuzuru teleported, hoping to gain a momentary advantage, Oharu was right on his tail. BEEP-BEEP! The sensors recalibrated instantly, locking onto his new position. WHOOSH! A missile followed his trajectory. ZAP! A laser beam cut through the air, narrowly missing him as he reappeared.

In the midst of the relentless pursuit, Yuzuru's keen senses picked up on the presence of his henchmen, Tamura and Hideaki. They were cowering in a dark corner of the park, their eyes wide with fear as they witnessed the chaos unfolding before them.

With a sudden ZAP!, Yuzuru appeared behind them like a phantom. In an instant, he seized them with an invincible telekinetic grip, lifting them off their feet as if they weighed nothing. Tamura and Hideaki were transformed into unwilling human shields, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

For a brief moment, Oharu, the war robot, faltered in its relentless assault. Its sensors were momentarily confused by the overlapping signatures of the three humans. The machine paused for 0.5 second, recalibrating, its weapons momentarily silent.

Seizing this critical window of opportunity, Yuzuru hurled Tamura and Hideaki in opposite directions with a forceful WHOOSH! One flew left, the other right, their bodies tumbling through the air before crashing to the ground.

In the split second that followed, Yuzuru vanished once more, ZAP! He teleported to a secret passage within the park, a hidden route he had kept as a last resort. With this cunning distraction, he finally managed to break free from the clutches of the fearsome machine.

Standing amidst the chaotic battleground, Junta contemplated his next move. Just moments ago, he had skillfully dodged the sharp bowsprit of the pirate ship, and with his energy shield, he had protected himself from the catastrophic crash between a 100-meter pirate ship and a 150-meter-wide Ferris wheel. The collision had been a thunderous, ear-shattering event, a vivid testament to the scale of their battle.

For a moment, he considered joining the pursuit of Yuzuru, leveraging the formidable capabilities of the war robot. But a deeper sense of pride held him back. As the Zeta-playboy, the apex of human evolution, he knew that would be a blow to his pride. Being outmaneuvered by Yuzuru for the third time had ignited a fierce determination within him – this was a duel he needed to win on his own terms.

Resolute, Junta addressed Oharu with a commanding tone, "Oharu, focus on your primary target Aoi only. I'll handle this one myself."

The machine moved with a renewed purpose, its advanced tracking systems scanning the amusement park for any sign of Aoi Karin.

In the dimly lit secret room, the air was heavy with tension. Karin, still grappling with the fragmented memories and disorientation from Yuzuru's mind control, blinked slowly, trying to make sense of her surroundings. "Kotomi...?" she uttered weakly, her voice laced with confusion.

Kotomi, startled but quickly masking her surprise with a practiced smile, approached Karin. "Oh! Karin... are you okay?" she asked, her voice dripping with feigned concern. Inside, Kotomi's heart raced. She knew the significance of this moment, the crucial role Karin played in the grand scheme of things, especially in producing DCM. Her brother was occupied with the war robot, leaving her to handle this delicate situation.

As Kotomi neared Karin, her hand subtly reached for the baseball bat Yuzuru had entrusted to her. She continued her charade, engaging Karin in a distracting conversation. But as her fingers wrapped around the bat's handle, a fleeting moment of hesitation seized her. The weight of the bat felt heavier than she expected, not just in physical heft but in the magnitude of what she was about to do.

For a split second, Kotomi's resolve wavered. Deep down, she knew this wasn't who she wanted to be. But then the vivid images of Tomoko, the girl who seemed to effortlessly have everything Kotomi desired – the admiration, the beauty, and especially Junta's affection – flashed before her eyes. The thought reignited the burning envy and ambition within her. She couldn't let this opportunity slip through her fingers. Winning Junta's heart, defeating Tomoko, and gaining the popularity she craved – these goals had consumed her, driving her to this point of no return.

Kotomi tightened her grip on the bat, steeling her nerves. Her quest to surpass Tomoko, to be seen and loved, overshadowed any moral reservations. She swung the bat with a determined force, aiming to knock Karin unconscious. The action was swift, a blend of desperation and calculated ruthlessness.

In a flurry of action, Karin, still disoriented, instinctively raised her hand to block the incoming blow from Kotomi. The hit landed, pain shooting through her arm, instantly triggering her battle instincts. She rolled away, trying to gain some distance and reorient herself.

Kotomi, eyes red with determination, relentlessly pursued her. She swung the bat again and again, each strike fueled by her deep-seated need to overcome Tomoko and win Junta's affection. Karin, struggling to regain her bearings, dodged the successive blows, but her reactions were delayed, her movements sluggish. Despite her efforts, she couldn't avoid every strike, and the bat connected several times, each hit a painful reminder of her vulnerability.

Kotomi, leveraging her athletic prowess, kept up the pressure. She understood the importance of this moment - she couldn't let Karin recover. Her swings were fast and aggressive, aiming to keep Karin on the defensive and capitalize on her weakened state.

As Kotomi's relentless assault continued, Karin, feeling her senses sharpening, saw an opportunity in the chaotic, under-construction environment of the secret room. With a swift dodge of Kotomi's next swing, she kicked at a pile of construction debris, sending a cloud of dust and small particles into the air. The sudden haze caught Kotomi off guard, temporarily blinding her and halting her ferocious attack.

Seizing the moment, Karin swiftly delivered a powerful kick, targeting Kotomi's hand. The impact forced Kotomi to release her grip on the bat, effectively disarming her. Without wasting a second, Karin followed up with two more rapid kicks, one to Kotomi's chest and another to her stomach, each blow landing with precision and force, driving Kotomi back.

Then, with a fluid and practiced motion, Karin executed a quick spin, channeling her momentum into a devastating roundhouse kick. The kick connected squarely with Kotomi's face, the impact resonating through the room. Kotomi, unable to withstand the onslaught, was sent hurtling across the space.

Her trajectory ended abruptly as she crashed into a stack of tempered glass stored against the wall. The glass shattered upon impact, cascading down in a shower of sharp fragments, echoing through the room.

Karin, recognizing the brief window of opportunity, wasted no time. With a quick glance at the incapacitated Kotomi amidst the shattered glass, she turned and bolted out of the room.

As Karin escaped, her memories started returning, including her basic telepathy training. Although not her strong suit, this training included effective methods to guard against mind control. She realized she had been caught off guard by Yuzuru, but next time, she'd be ready, using her knowledge to protect herself. This realization strengthened her resolve as she moved swiftly away from the chaos.

Moments later, Yuzuru returned to the secret room, his attention immediately drawn to the disarray – the debris, the shattered glass, and most notably, Kotomi in her tattered state. Kotomi, her once elegant princess dress now torn and her heels broken, sat amidst the remnants of the confrontation. She was holding her face, her fingers stained with blood that trickled down her wrists.

Enraged and disheveled, Kotomi's demeanor was a far cry from her usual poised self. She screamed uncontrollably, her voice echoing through the room. The vision she had cherished, of becoming supremely beautiful and surpassing Tomoko, now seemed shattered like her face, all because of Karin. Her dreams, her plans, everything appeared to be crumbling around her.

Yuzuru, witnessing Kotomi's breakdown, quickly tapped into his telepathy to assess the situation from Kotomi's chaotic thoughts. Fueled by this information, he attempted to locate Karin, intending to regain control and rectify the setback.

However, to his surprise, Yuzuru found himself unable to pinpoint Karin's mental signature. Karin's basic mental guard training, a fundamental but effective method of shielding one's thoughts. She had learned to create a mental 'white noise' that could obscure her true intentions and location.

As Yuzuru was preoccupied by the unprecedented challenge of being unable to locate Karin, Kotomi rushed out of the room. Her rapid departure went largely unnoticed by Yuzuru, who was engrossed in dealing with the multitude of challenges before him – the elusive Karin, the unpredictable Junta, and the formidable war robot. His focus on these immediate threats left him less attentive to Kotomi's state of mind and actions.


In Mori's advanced temporary base, a pivotal transformation unfolded.

Mori, overwhelmed by the success of the transformation, dropped to his knees in awe, as if in the presence of the one and only Goddess. The sight of the newborn Goddess, Saeki Tomoko, now more perfect and beautiful than ever, left Mori speechless, his plans coming to fruition in a way he hadn't fully anticipated.

Tomoko emerged from the DNA mutation pod, embodying a stunning synthesis of her natural allure and newly acquired traits reminiscent of the Zeta-playboy's charisma. Her presence was captivating, almost ethereal, marked by an aura that commanded attention.

As Mori struggled to find words to express his admiration and perhaps to instruct Tomoko on her new role, something unexpected happened. ZAP! In a blink, Tomoko vanished into thin air!

Rewinding to a crucial moment earlier, when Junta had the opportunity to influence Tomoko's DNA mutation, he had instructed Mori to imbue her with some of the Zeta-playboy's traits and capabilities. His intention was to equip her with advantages that could be beneficial in their ongoing conflicts. What Junta hadn't foreseen was the unforeseen consequence of this decision on Tomoko's latent abilities.

Tomoko, as it turned out, was naturally gifted in telepathy, a potential that lay dormant until the DNA mutation triggered it. The combination of Junta's Zeta-play traits and her inherent talent resulted in a dramatic amplification of her mental powers, far exceeding what anyone had anticipated. The mutation had not only enhanced her physical and charismatic attributes but had also unlocked a formidable telepathic ability.

Tomoko, now fully informed from delving into Mori's mind, found Junta waiting for her at the Park. Their reunion was intense and heartfelt; Junta, awed by her transformation, couldn't hide his admiration. They embraced, their hug melting into a kiss filled with passion and longing. In the heat of the moment, Tomoko blurted out, "Let's make babies…" To which Junta, ever mindful of the situation at hand, replied with a mix of affection and pragmatism, "Soon, but well, let's finish the chores first…"

Understanding and agreement flashed in Tomoko's eyes. She nodded, taking Junta's hand confidently. Utilizing her newfound telepathic abilities, she led them with a clear purpose. In an instant, leveraging their combined powers, they appeared at the construction site, where Yuzuru was hiding.

With a focused blast of nuclear energy, he targeted the secret room. The room evaporated in a brilliant explosion of light and power, erasing it from existence. Yuzuru, who had been orchestrating his plans from the shadows, was forced to reveal himself.

Junta's smile conveyed a mixture of gratitude and affection as he gently held Tomoko by the waist. He leaned in for a quick, tender kiss on her cheek, a silent thank you for her invaluable assistance. "Now this is a man-to-man talk. Go find Aoi Karin and have fun with it," he said softly, acknowledging the need for each to play their part in the unfolding drama.

Tomoko, responding with a seductive smile that promised a swift reunion, left to seek out Karin. Her departure was marked by a certain playful allure, ensuring Junta would feel her absence keenly.

Left alone with Yuzuru, Junta's demeanor shifted to one of determination and confrontation. "Now you know I can find you anywhere. Stop running around like a rat in the ditch!"


At Karin's base, Kotomi was in a state of utter disarray. With her vision obscured by blood clotting from her injuries, she stumbled towards the DCM capsule in a desperate bid to restore her appearance. Her actions were frantic, driven by a mix of pain, panic, and the overwhelming desire to regain what she had lost.

In her haste and blurred vision, Kotomi grabbed the injector and, without a second thought, administered a dose to her neck. Unbeknownst to her in the heat of the moment, she significantly increased the dosage, using an amount ten times greater than usual. Her hope was that this would rapidly repair her broken face and reverse the damage inflicted during her confrontation with Karin.

However, in her hurried and distressed state, Kotomi failed to realize a critical mistake ~ The DCM she had just injected wasn't designed for her; it was intended for her brother, Yuzuru.

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