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95.45% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 21: Final Showdown

Chapter 21: Final Showdown

Karin, with her intimate knowledge of the base, swiftly navigated her way back to the time machine. Utilizing the advanced AI integrated into the machine, Karin rapidly assessed the current situation. In mere moments, she formulated a plan.

Karin didn't waste a second and she quickly gathered all the essential equipment, ensuring she had everything she needed for the next phase of her plan. She stealthily made her way to her parked flying bike, an advanced piece of technology that had served her well in various escapades.

As Karin soared away on her flying bike, the whir of its engines cutting through the air, her departure didn't go unnoticed. Oharu, the war robot, with its advanced tracking systems, instantly located her. Equipped with jet capabilities, the robot launched itself into the air, embarking on a high-speed pursuit.

WHOOSH! Karin's flying bike blasted through the playland, its engines screaming as she pushed it to the brink. She zigzagged with electrifying agility, but THOOM! Oharu, the war robot, was hot on her tail, its jets roaring as it pursued her relentlessly.

SCREECH! In a daring move, Karin banked sharply, steering her bike towards an underground tunnel. The entrance loomed ahead, a dark maw promising refuge and risk. VROOOM! she plunged into the tunnel's depths, the sound of her bike echoing off the unfinished walls.

Inside, the tunnel was a labyrinth of dangers. CLANK! CLATTER! Loose metal beams and hanging wires created a hazardous maze. Karin, her eyes sharp, weaved through the obstacles with the grace of a seasoned pilot. ZIP! ZAP! She narrowly missed colliding with the incomplete tracks, each maneuver a dance with danger.

Behind her, Oharu's sensors locked on. BEEP! WHIRR! The robot, undeterred by the treacherous terrain, adapted its flight path, its advanced technology calculating every move. RUMBLE! It bulldozed through smaller obstacles, its singular focus on hunting down Karin.

In the shadowy depths of the tunnel, Karin pressed a hidden button on her flying bike. Instantly, WHIRR! WHIRR! a swarm of little drones detached from the bike, buzzing into the air. Each drone, a tiny but potent force, was armed with a mini-bomb.

BLAM! BLAM! Oharu, the war robot, responded swiftly, its targeting systems locking onto the drones. Laser shots streaked through the dimly lit tunnel, attempting to neutralize the aerial threat.

The drones weren't just a distraction; they were a strategic ploy. With calculated precision, the drones started veering towards the tunnel walls and ceiling. BEEP! BEEP! Locking onto their predetermined targets, they prepared for detonation.

BOOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Explosions rocked the tunnel in rapid succession. Each blast was a carefully orchestrated strike, designed not to harm the robot directly but to undermine the integrity of the tunnel itself. Chunks of concrete and metal began to crumble and fall.

CRASH! RUMBLE! The tunnel, already structurally compromised, couldn't withstand the assault. It started to collapse, creating a chaotic avalanche of debris. Karin's strategy was crystal clear now – it was a trap. Luring the robot into the depths of the tunnel, she had set the stage to bury it under tons of rubble!

VRRROOOOM! Karin cranked up the speed on her flying bike to its maximum, the engines howling in protest. The tunnel around her was a maelstrom of destruction, CRASH! BOOM! as massive chunks of concrete and steel rained down in a deadly cascade. She was a streak of light in a collapsing world, racing against the relentless crush of the tunnel.

The exit was in sight, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. ZOOM! Karin shot out of the tunnel's mouth just as it imploded behind her, the entrance collapsing with a thunderous ROAR! She had narrowly escaped the jaws of death, but her troubles were far from over.

Outside, the world was a blur of speed and adrenaline. Karin's eyes, wide with the intensity of the moment, scanned ahead. But it was too late to avoid the looming obstacle – a massive billboard screen, an unexpected and colossal barrier in her path.

CRASH! The impact was catastrophic. The bike slammed into the billboard with a bone-jarring force, the sound of rending metal and shattering glass echoing through the air. The collision was like a giant swatting a fly; the bike crumpled against the unyielding structure, its advanced technology no match for the sheer physics of the crash.

Thrown off by the impact, Karin was a ragdoll in the air. WHOOSH! Time seemed to slow as she flew, her body arcing gracelessly before gravity took hold. THUD! She hit the ground hard, the unforgiving asphalt welcoming her with a brutal embrace. Her body rolled a few times, momentum and pain intertwined in a harsh dance.

As she finally came to a stop, Karin lay disoriented on the ground. Groaning, she tried to rise, her head throbbing with a fierce headache, a testament to the violence of her fall. The world spun around her, a disorienting blur of pain and confusion.

The bike, now a wreck, lay in a smoldering heap, sparks fizzing from its damaged circuits. And there stood Tomoko. She had been waiting for her arrival near the exit of the tunnel.

In the aftermath of the flying bike crash, Karin, still reeling from the impact, shook off her disorientation. Fueled by a deep-seated hostility, she fixed her gaze on Tomoko, being unaware of her latest transformation, Karin's mind set on settling scores.

With a burst of energy, Karin lunged forward, her legs propelling her in a series of swift, powerful kicks. She was certain she could easily overpower Tomoko, who, to her knowledge, was merely a highschool idol. Junta, after all, had never intended for Tomoko to engage in such physical altercations, preferring her to maintain a more traditional feminine allure.

However, the confrontation took an unexpected turn. Tomoko, in a display of newfound ability, began to levitate, her body rising effortlessly into the air. She was using telekinesis to move herself and avoid Karin's close-ranged attacks. Karin, caught off guard, couldn't help but acknowledge the awe-inspiring sight of Tomoko, now resembling a real Goddess brought to life.

Hovering above Karin, Tomoko's voice was calm yet menacing. "I'll kill you today, and I'll make sure I enjoy it." Her words sent a chill down Karin's spine. This new Tomoko was different - more formidable, more ruthless.

Tomoko's hands moved with purpose, creating multiple energy orbs that glowed with an intense, otherworldly light. She was employing a nuclear fusion technique similar to those used by Junta and Ryuuji, but with a distinctive finesse. The orbs, small and numerous, whirled around her, forming a dazzling and dangerous halo.

Karin, her mind racing with strategy, realized that a direct confrontation with Tomoko was no longer viable. She turned swiftly, her muscles tensing for a quick retreat. Tomoko, in her new form, was not her primary concern, and she had to prioritize her objectives.

High above, Tomoko's eyes narrowed in focus as she orchestrated the swirling energy orbs with mere thoughts. With a flick of her wrist, one of the orbs detached from the swirling mass and hurtled towards Karin at blinding speed.

"FWOOSH!" The orb sliced through the air, its trajectory locked onto Karin.

Karin, caught in her escape motion, barely registered the incoming threat. "BOOM!" The orb collided with Karin's right knee, erupting in a burst of energy.

Karin's suit and armor absorbed much of the blast, saving her from a grievous injury, but the shockwave was still potent. "AGH!" she grunted as the force jolted through her knee, pain flaring up in a sharp spike.

The explosion's aftermath left Karin struggling to regain her footing, her knee throbbing painfully. Her movement, once swift and agile, was now hampered.

Tomoko, observing Karin's struggle, intensified her attack. With another thought, a second energy orb detached from the swirling vortex around her. This orb, glowing with a menacing intensity, was aimed at Karin's other leg.

"FWOOSH!" The orb shot through the air like a comet, trailing a stream of crackling energy.

"BOOM!" The second orb made contact, exploding with a ferocious burst of energy upon hitting her other leg. The impact's shockwave was overwhelming. Karin cried out again, her voice a mix of pain and frustration as the explosive force knocked her off balance.

Karin found herself down on all fours, struggling to crawl as both her legs throbbed with piercing pain, turning her planned escape impossible.

As Karin looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of Kotomi approaching. The aftermath of the tunnel collapse had drawn Kotomi to the scene, and there she stood, her beauty seemingly restored. The DCM had worked its miraculous effects, erasing the scars and blemishes that once marred her face.

Kotomi's gaze briefly met Karin's, but it wasn't long before her attention was entirely captured by Tomoko. While Kotomi had harbored intentions of avenging herself against Karin for previous transgressions, it was Tomoko who haunted her dreams as the ultimate adversary. Tomoko, who embodied an unattainable standard of beauty, had always been Kotomi's greatest nightmare.

Now, witnessing Tomoko hovering with a Goddess-like aura, Kotomi's heart sank. The sight was a cruel reminder of her own inadequacies. Despite her relentless efforts, her rigorous training, and even going as far as to manipulate her own DNA, Kotomi realized she could never match Tomoko's natural grace and allure. It was a bitter pill to swallow, a stark revelation that no matter what she did, she would always fall short of Tomoko's effortless beauty.

Overwhelmed by this realization, Kotomi let out a visceral scream, a sound that echoed her inner turmoil. It was a scream of frustration, of pain, of the crushing weight of her aspirations crumbling to dust. As she screamed, a surprising force erupted from within her, an invisible power that sent shockwaves rippling through the air. The ground around her trembled, and the air vibrated with the intensity of her emotional outburst.

The unexpected surge of power that erupted from Kotomi was a direct consequence of the mistaken DCM injection, originally intended for her brother Yuzuru and based on Ryuuji's DNA. This accidental mix-up had unlocked latent abilities within her, abilities that she had never anticipated nor experienced before.

Feeling this newfound strength coursing through her veins, Kotomi's despair transformed into an exhilarating sense of hope. Although she had never been trained in combat, her extensive background in gymnastics had honed her body to a state of peak physical fitness. With the focus and determination of a seasoned athlete, she set her sights on defeating Tomoko.

Her legs coiled like springs, her muscles tightened intensively, a testament to her gymnastic prowess, and with a burst of explosive energy, Kotomi leaped towards Tomoko. Her movement was akin to a leopard's, swift, graceful, yet deadly.

As she flew through the air, her instincts took over, guiding her towards her target with an animalistic ferocity. Her hands reached out, seemingly stretching beyond their normal limits, as she aimed to claw at Tomoko's face.

Tomoko, caught off guard by Kotomi's sudden and uncharacteristic burst of power and agility, was momentarily puzzled. The expression on her face shifted from confidence to uncertainty as she quickly assessed the situation.

With a fluid motion, Tomoko propelled herself backward, utilizing her telekinetic abilities to create distance between herself and the rapidly approaching Kotomi.

Kotomi continued her assault on Tomoko relentlessly. Her eyes, burning with intensity, never wavered from her target. The disgusted expression on Tomoko's face only served to fuel Kotomi's rage further, igniting a fiery determination within her.

Kotomi leaped and flipped through the air, each move a testament to her gymnastic prowess. She attempted to close the distance between herself and Tomoko, using every skill in her arsenal. Yet, despite her best efforts, Tomoko remained just out of reach, evading Kotomi's attacks with her superior telekinetic abilities.

The chase led them into a house of mirrors, a labyrinth of reflections and confusion. Kotomi's voice echoed through the space, her words laced with triumph and anger. "You have nowhere to run, you evil witch!" she declared, her voice reverberating off the mirrored walls.

Tomoko, finding herself backed against a mirror wall, realized that her options for retreat had vanished. The mirrored room, with its endless reflections, created a disorienting maze, complicating her ability to navigate and escape. She stood, cornered, as Kotomi approached, her every step a confident march towards her trapped adversary.

Kotomi, her face a mask of determination and fury, prepared for what she believed would be the final confrontation.

At that pivotal moment, Tomoko's expression underwent a startling transformation. The disdain that had previously marred her features morphed into a sly, scornful smirk. "Stop looking at me! Look at yourself..." she taunted, her voice dripping with contempt.

The mirrors, which had been reflecting their tense chase, now became the focal point of a horrifying revelation. Kotomi, heeding Tomoko's words, turned her gaze to the mirrors surrounding them, and the sight that greeted her was beyond her wildest nightmares.

Reflected in the countless mirrors was not the familiar figure of Kotomi, but a grotesque, monstrous aberration. Her body, distorted and misshapen, bore a resemblance to a wild boar, robust and brutish. Her legs, now elongated and powerful, mimicked the structure of a kangaroo's, suggesting an unnatural agility and strength. Her arms were disproportionately massive, ending in claws reminiscent of prehistoric dinosaurs, each nail a long, sharp dagger.

The most chilling transformation was her neck, now extended and coiling like a serpent, at the end of which sat her own face. Her eyes, once human, now glowed with a reptilian redness, full of malice and fury. Her teeth, grotesquely elongated, jutted out like those of a saber-toothed cat, adding a primal ferocity to her already terrifying visage.

Kotomi, confronted with this monstrous reflection of herself, felt a wave of shock and disbelief wash over her. The realization of what she had become – a creature far removed from her human self – struck her with an intensity that was almost physical. The mirrors, in their unrelenting honesty, revealed the horrific consequences of the wrong DCM she had injected.

In the aftermath of her monstrous transformation, Kotomi, overwhelmed with rage, went on a rampage inside the house of mirrors. She violently destroyed the mirrors around her, each shattering into pieces under her furious assault.

Outside, Tomoko watched the chaos unfold with a satisfied smile. She had cleverly lured Kotomi into the house of mirrors, turning it into a trap that exploited her insecurities. Witnessing Kotomi's total breakdown was a significant psychological victory for Tomoko.

Meanwhile, near the exit of the collapsed tunnel, Karin was in a dire state. Crawling on all fours, each movement was a battle against the sharp pain shooting through her legs, injuries inflicted by Tomoko's relentless energy blasts. The ordeal at the tunnel had left her physically devastated, but it was the impact of her head slamming into the billboard during the ultra-speed bike crash that was now taking a sinister toll.

As Karin struggled to move, her vision began to blur, the edges of reality fraying into the realms of illusion and delusion. The headache, which had initially been a dull, persistent throb, had escalated into an unbearable pounding, echoing the chaos of her thoughts.

Hallucinations flickered at the edge of her sight. Shadows morphed into monstrous forms, and the rubble around her seemed to shift and move with a life of its own. She heard voices, whispers that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere, taunting her, echoing her deepest fears and insecurities.

"Useless... always second best to Tomoko..." the voices sneered, a cruel reminder of her perceived failures. Karin's breathing became labored, each inhale a sharp gasp as she fought against the pain and the creeping madness. Her hands clawed at the concrete, dragging her battered body forward, even as her mind spiraled deeper into confusion and hysteria.

"Tomoko... why her? Why not me?" Karin muttered to herself, her voice laced with a mix of pain and delirium. Her eyes, clouded with confusion and rage, darted frantically, seeking an enemy that wasn't there.

Suddenly, the ground trembled with the approach of the war robot, emerging like a behemoth from the ruins of the collapsed tunnel. Its metallic frame, scarred and battered, still posed a formidable threat. As it advanced towards Karin, its weapons systems engaged, locking onto her as its target.

As despair gripped Karin, an unexpected malfunction occurred. With a sizzle of sparks and a puff of smoke, the robot halted, its operating system failing and shutting down in a critical error.

It was the luckiest day of her life, period. Karin, recognizing the robot's model, sprang into action. She quickly pried open the ball robot embedded within the war machine. Utilizing her familiarity with its design, she accessed an emergency manual control panel hidden inside.

The war robot's structure shifted, revealing a chamber with a pilot's seat. Karin, seizing the opportunity, climbed into the cockpit. The robot, it turned out, was equipped with a dual pilot system designed for both human and AI control.

As she settled into the seat, Karin rebooted the system, but this time with her at the helm. The robot's interior was a hub of advanced controls and displays, all now under her command.

As Tomoko emerged from the house of mirrors, the scene shifted dramatically. The playground, once a place of chaos and destruction, now became the arena for an epic showdown.

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