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100% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 22: New Destiny

Chapter 22: New Destiny

"VRRRROOOM!" Inside the cockpit of the war robot, Karin revved up the engines, her face splitting into a triumphant grin. "Let's see who's the mommy now!"

With a flurry of button presses and lever pulls, "RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT!" Karin unleashed a barrage of firepower towards Tomoko. Missiles streaked across the sky, and machine guns rattled off rounds in rapid succession.

Tomoko activated her protective shield without a thought. "BZZZT!" The shield shimmered into existence just in time to deflect the onslaught. She began teleporting around the playground, "ZIP! ZAP! ZOOM!" dodging the relentless attack with graceful agility.

In the cockpit of her robot, Karin's headache intensified, a relentless drumming that seemed to synchronize with her racing heart. Yet, amidst this torment, a manic energy took hold of her.

Grinning wildly, a fanatic laugh escaped her lips. "Hahahaha, Run Tomoko? Now you know you are inferior to me... time to payback," she cackled, her voice laced with a twisted delight. Her vision, blurred by pain, seemed to focus with fervent clarity on her target.

Karin commanded the robot to engage its jets. "WHOOSH!" The robot lifted off the ground, its thrusters roaring as it took to the skies. The battle escalated into an aerial dogfight, with the robot and Tomoko weaving through the air in a high-speed chase.

Tomoko, far from being a passive target, returned fire with her energy orbs. "FWOOSH! BOOM!" Each orb she launched was precise and deadly, exploding in bursts of radiant energy. The playground transformed into a battlefield reminiscent of two jet fighters locked in combat.

The air was filled with the sounds of engines roaring, weapons firing, and energy orbs detonating. Karin maneuvered the war robot with expert skill, while Tomoko countered with her telekinetic powers and energy attacks.

Tomoko, her extraordinary powers notwithstanding, felt the toll of the relentless battle. Her feminine body, though imbued with supernatural abilities, was not designed for the rigors of prolonged combat, especially against a mechanically enhanced adversary. Pushing herself to her limits, she made a strategic retreat, teleporting back to the construction site where Junta was engaged in his own fierce battle.

The site was a vision of apocalyptic destruction, resembling a scene from the day of reckoning. Buildings around them were either encased in ice or engulfed in flames, and the ground was scarred with deep, gaping pits. The aftermath of their powers unleashed in full force painted a picture of a war between deities.

In the midst of this chaos, a fierce hook punch from Junta connected squarely with Yuzuru's cheek. The impact was so forceful that Yuzuru's face contorted elastically, and was sent hurtling to the ground, crashing with such force that it created a massive explosion of rocks and smoke.

The Zeta-playboy was dominating the fight. Yuzuru's telepathic abilities, usually his ace in the hole, were less effective now that Junta was fully alert and prepared. Without the element of surprise, Yuzuru's mind invasions fell short. Lacking close-ranged combat experience, Yuzuru found himself outmatched and quickly losing ground.

As Junta stood victorious over his adversary, Tomoko, visibly exhausted from her own battle, appeared on the scene. She teleported in, her energy spent, and immediately collapsed into Junta's arms, gasping for breath. Her fatigue was evident, a clear sign that even with all her power, the physical strain of battle was immense.

The war robot descended from the sky, its sights set on Tomoko. Junta, sensing the imminent threat, tightened his grip on Tomoko with one arm while raising the other towards the approaching robot. His palm glowed with accumulating energy.

"VROOM!" A powerful energy blast shot out from Junta's hand, directed at the robot. Karin, inside the cockpit, narrowly maneuvered the robot to dodge the attack. Her voice, amplified by the robot's speaker, was a mix of shock and anger. "Serious? Are you really trying to kill me? WHY?" she screamed.

Junta's response was calm, yet firm. "Because I want to exist. I am now happy. This IS what I am supposed to be, my destiny, and guess what, I don't want to throw up in front of Saeki again…"

Tomoko, sensing Junta's turmoil, wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers gently brushing through his hair in a comforting gesture.

Karin, her envy and jealousy exploded, retorted, "We're talking about… the whole darn World! How can you become so selfish…all for just one girl?!"

Junta, without any warning, unleashed another nuclear blast. "BOOM!" The robot's arm was severed, debris scattering in the air.

"Sacrifice for the greater good, right? At least you could have talked to me, gave me an offer, gave me a choice! BUT NO! You just shot at me and manipulated me and Saeki like a fool!" Junta's voice echoed with a mix of bitterness and resolve.


In the cockpit of her war robot, Karin's mind was a storm of chaos and madness, fixated singularly on Tomoko. To her, Tomoko was the embodiment of all her frustrations and unfulfilled desires - the only obstacle in her path to Junta.

"Always Tomoko, always her!" Karin screamed, her voice a haunting echo in the metal chamber. "Why not me, Junta? Why can't you see me?" Her words were tinged with a growing mania, the pain of rejection twisting into something darker, more dangerous.

"Junta, why can't you see what she's doing? She's taken you from me!"

"Tomoko... it's always been you," Karin muttered, her voice dripping with venom. "You're the reason he can't see me. You're the reason he'll never be mine."

Karin screamed, her voice echoing through the metal chamber. Her grip on the controls tightened as her rage built.

The robot, responding to her erratic and frenzied commands, lunged towards Tomoko, its weapons systems targeting her. Karin's laugh, devoid of any real joy, filled the cockpit. "I'll remove her, Junta. Then you'll see. You'll see I'm the one for you."

Junta, witnessing this unbridled assault on Tomoko, felt a surge of protective anger. His power, already formidable, intensified, driven by the need to shield Tomoko from Karin's madness.

"THAT'S IT!" Junta shouted and teleported. With a burst of superhuman strength, Junta attacked the robot, each blow a testament to his resolve to protect Tomoko. Metal screeched and tore under his powerful strikes, but Karin was undeterred.

"Tomoko must be eliminated!" Karin shrieked, her sanity completely eroded. "Only then, Junta, only then!"

As Junta delivered a final, devastating punch to the robot, tearing open the cockpit, he found Karin in a state of complete disarray, her eyes wild with insanity. He dragged her out, her gaze fixed on Tomoko, her lips whispering over and over, "She's the problem... she's the obstacle..."

Karin, now outside the robot, continued to struggle against Junta, her fixation on Tomoko unbroken. "She took you from me, Junta! She's the reason!"

Junta, holding Karin's hair firmly, looked at her with a mixture of anger and disbelief. The battlefield around them fell silent, a stark backdrop to the tragedy that had unfolded.

In her final moments of madness, Karin's gaze met Tomoko's, filled with an intense mixture of hatred and despair. It was a haunting image - a once strong and determined tomboy, now completely lost in the depths of her own jealousy and obsession.

Junta, his patience worn thin, addressed her with a commanding tone, "Now I give you a CHOICE, Karin. Get your arse back to the future and never come back again. Nuclear Fusion, Absolute Zero, or the Black Hole. CHOOSE!"

But Karin, utterly consumed by her delusions, replied with complete insanity, "Junta! I KNOW, I KNOW that you bought that necklace for me! It's adorable! I know you love me, not her, not Tomoko!"

Her voice grew more frantic, "I know I broke your heart when I said I would leave... but you just used Tomoko as a replacement for me... it's okay. I am now here for you, forever!"

Tomoko objected immediately, her voice laced with a mix of triumph and scorn: "You got it all wrong, Aoi... Karin? You ARE the replacement! Momonari-kun was heartbroken when he met you... because he was being caught in the mess between me and my ex... we were too silly at that time, and then I found out how great Momonari-kun really is."

Karin, driven by a distorted sense of purpose, moved in swiftly to try and kiss Junta.

"Enough!" Junta exclaimed, his voice cold and unyielding. In a swift, decisive motion, he delivered a powerful gut punch to Karin's belly. The force of the blow was immense, almost as if it could break her spine. Karin collapsed to the floor, the impact forcing her to expel everything in her stomach. Writhing in agony, she could hardly move, rendered completely incapacitated and no longer posing any threat to Tomoko.

Seizing this as her last chance to exact revenge, Tomoko moved towards Junta with deliberate, seductive grace. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, standing on her tiptoes to reach him. One hand rested on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, while her other hand lingered near his face. She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his neck in a tender, possessive kiss. All the while, her eyes locked with Karin's, burning with deep scornfulness, every move calculated to ignite Karin's jealousy to its breaking point.

"Junta's love was mine," she declared, her voice a sultry whisper, her hand moving sensually over his chest.

"Ever since the first day he saw me, his heart was always mine." Tomoko's words were a melody of ownership and pride, her finger tracing circles over his heart.

"How could you ever think you had a chance against me? Tell her the truth please, Momonari-kun." Tomoko tilted her head, looking up at Junta expectantly, her eyes still fixed on Karin, daring her to challenge the reality she had woven.

In a pivotal moment of emotional revelation, Junta, standing firm with a clear desire to please Tomoko, addressed Karin with a candor that was both revealing and dismissive: "If I must be honest with you, Karin…" Junta began, his voice steady. "Back then, I was just a pathetic little boy who didn't really understand his feelings. Yes, my heart was broken, and I was lost in that pain. Unconsciously, I was desperately searching for someone to console me, to pull me out of my misery... and then you appeared."

In a moment of raw honesty, Junta addressed Karin with a voice tinged with both reflection and resolution:

"I grew up in a single-family home, just me and my mother. My school life was terrible. I was a silly kid without direction or self-assurance. Then you came along, Aoi Karin, with your arrival from the future, armed with all that fancy tech. You appeared like someone who could help me, guide me, and protect me from the uncertainties of my life. And in that moment of vulnerability, I mistook that for love and affection."

His voice carried the weight of the realizations he had come to. "And even more so, it was just a search for something to fill the void that Saeki Tomoko left inside my heart. I felt lost, like a part of me was missing. You, Karin, with your futuristic allure and false hopes of a better life, momentarily distracted me from that pain."

Junta's gaze then turned more resolute, mirroring his newfound understanding of himself and his feelings.

"Now, I am enlightened. This is the real me. I've come to realize the truth about my feelings. And I know, without a doubt, that my love was always meant for Saeki, not you. It was her all along."

Karin, listening to Junta's words, felt a sharp sting of betrayal and heartache. His frank admission, coupled with the realization that she had always been a mere placeholder in his journey towards self-discovery and his ultimate reunion with Tomoko, was a crushing blow to her already fragile state.

The full weight of Junta's rejection, coupled with his heartfelt declaration of love for Tomoko, crashed down upon Karin with crushing force. As his words echoed in her ears, a sudden, sharp pain lanced through her head, a stark reminder of her earlier injury. This physical agony intertwined with her emotional turmoil, sending her into a spiraling void of despair.

Karin clutched her head, staggering slightly as the world around her seemed to tilt and blur. The pain was so intense that it erased everything else, leaving her in a state of complete emptiness...

But this moment of calm was abruptly shattered by a piercing, unearthly screech that cut through the air. It was a sound that spoke of rage and pain, a herald of renewed conflict. As Junta and Tomoko turned towards the source of the noise, they saw Kotomi appear. Her transformation was complete, and she was barely recognizable – a monstrous being driven by unbridled fury and desperation.

This new arrival, Kotomi, in her monstrous form, charged at Tomoko with great speed. Junta, taken aback by the sight, could barely utter, "Is that Kotomi...?" For a fleeting moment, Kotomi's momentum slowed as a wave of shame washed over her. The realization of her grotesque appearance being exposed to Junta, her secret crush, was overwhelming. Yet, driven by her singular obsession to eliminate Tomoko, she pushed past her humiliation and continued her charge.

Junta, recognizing the immediate threat, reacted naturally. With a surge of icy energy, he unleashed an Absolute Zero blast at Kotomi's feet, effectively halting her advance by freezing her lower body.

Despite this, Kotomi's monstrous form adapted. Like a serpent, her neck continued to extend towards Tomoko, her mouth gaping open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth. It was a terrifying sight, one that left no room for hesitation. Junta knew what he had to do. He released another wave of Absolute Zero energy, freezing Kotomi completely.

In the aftermath of this swift action, Yuzuru, witnessing the fate of Kotomi, conceded defeat. He stood up, his voice carrying a tone of resignation as he declared his surrender and promised not to seek revenge for Kotomi. Junta, however, recognized the danger that Yuzuru still posed – a danger that could be as potent as that once posed by Ryuuji, if not more.

Without a word, the Zeta-playboy released a powerful blast, a decisive action to protect the future of those he cared about, marking the end of Yuzuru's ambitions and threats.


In the aftermath of the climactic battle at the underground themed park, the environment bore the scars of the intense conflict. Junta and Tomoko stood in front of the sleek, futuristic form of the time machine. The metallic surface of the device caught the faint glow of the cavernous space around them, casting eerie shadows.

Junta's right hand rested firmly on Tomoko's waist. His posture was straight and resolute as he faced Karin. Tomoko, by contrast, appeared more fragile, leaning slightly into Junta. Her body angled towards him, both her hands clung to him, seeking comfort and assurance in his presence. She looked at Karin, her expression complex, but not of jealousy—rather, a sense of victorious closure.

Karin, hindered by her injuries, moved slowly and awkwardly toward the time machine. As the door hissed open, revealing the stairs, Karin paused and looked back, her gaze was blank, there was nothing left but the haunting emptiness.

Junta, perceiving the profound change in Karin, spoke with a calmness. "Just go! Never come back again."

Karin's hollow gaze lingered on Tomoko for a fleeting moment, before she turned away and climbed the stairs of the time machine.

As the door sealed and the machine began to hum with energy, the entire machine began to glow, casting a brilliant light around the cavern. With a surge of power, it lifted off the ground, the energy intensifying until, with a flash and a resonant zap, it vanished from sight.

Tomoko's posture subtly relaxed. Though she remained close to Junta, the intensity of her grip loosened. Her eyes, fixed on the space where the time machine had been, reflected not the unease of unresolved emotions, but a serene acceptance of the end of an era.


A few days later…

When the rain poured relentlessly from a leaden sky, Ami found herself overwhelmed by the weight of her grief. The downpour mirrored her inner turmoil, as the loss of Kotomi continued to haunt her. She knelt on the wet ground, her body racked with sobs, as Junta stood beside her, holding an umbrella to shield her from the relentless rain.

"I'm so sorry, Ami," Junta said, his voice a quiet echo amidst the storm.

Ami looked up at him, her eyes red and swollen from crying. The Junta she once knew seemed like a distant memory, replaced by someone harder, more resolute. "You've changed! I don't know you anymore... just go away!" Her words were a mix of pain and bitterness, a reaction to the irreparable changes that had transpired.

Junta's response was calm, yet firm. "Yes... I've changed, for the better, I must insist. Sorry, Ami... I hope the day will come, that you can finally accept my change."

The moment stretched on, filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of the rain. Junta's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the reality they all faced.

As Junta turned to leave, a moment of heavy silence lingering in the air, Ami's voice suddenly pierced the quiet. "Here! Give this back to your girlfriend!" she exclaimed, a mix of emotions swirling in her voice.

In a swift motion, she pulled a necklace from her pocket and hurled it towards Junta.

Junta reached out, his hand closing around the necklace mid-air. His fingers wrapped around the cool metal, feeling the weight of its significance. It was the one he had purchased from Grand Gorgeous 21 for Aoi Karin. He paused a moment to consider if Tomoko would be happy to keep it. And then, with a surge of energy, he caused the necklace to evaporate in his hand.


In the heart of Tokyo, the relentless downpour transformed the bustling cityscape into a blur of rain-swept streets and hurried movements. Skyscrapers disappeared into low-hanging clouds, and the usually vibrant neon lights flickered dimly through sheets of rain. The city, often unyielding in its pace, seemed to pause, yielding to the power of nature.

Pedestrians, huddled under a medley of umbrellas, navigated the slick sidewalks, their steps quick and determined. Streams of water cascaded down the sides of buildings, and the gutters swelled with the rapid flow of rainwater. Cars and buses moved cautiously, their headlights casting eerie reflections on the wet asphalt.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, the intensity of the rain began to lessen. The torrent eased into a steady drizzle, and then to scattered droplets that danced lightly on umbrellas and raincoats. People ventured out from under the shelter of awnings and storefronts, their pace more relaxed, their faces turning upwards as if to welcome the change.

As the clouds started to break, slivers of blue sky peeked through, gradually expanding to reveal the vast expanse above. The cityscape, once subdued and gray, regained its colors, the wet surfaces reflecting the brightening sky with newfound clarity.


The history had been irrevocably altered; the once predictable future was now a realm of endless possibilities.

One day, as Junta and Tomoko were contemplating this new reality, Mori arrived with astonishing news.

"The future government has been overthrown," Mori announced, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and excitement. "And you won't believe who's at the helm now – your son, your only son."

Junta and Tomoko exchanged a look of stunned silence, a myriad of questions swirling in their eyes. She finally voiced the question that hovered in the air: "What's his name? Does he have a sister?"

Junta gently placed a finger on her lips, a silent reminder of the mysteries best left untouched, the paths untraveled that their son would journey.

Mori chuckled, sensing the unspoken understanding between them. "Curious, aren't you?"

"What about the overpopulation crisis?" Junta inquired.

Mori shook his head, "No overpopulation problem, fortunately. But, as always, there are other challenges..."

He paused, a wry smile forming on his lips. "And as for time travel, well, your son's administration has enacted a new law – no more time traveling. They did, however, grant me a one-time exemption to return here. But that's it – the end of an era."

As Mori's words sank in, Junta and Tomoko stood side by side, contemplating the legacy they had unwittingly left for their son. A future reshaped, a path fraught with unknowns, and a story that their son would continue in his own way. The winds of change had swept through time, and now, all that remained was to embrace the present and look forward to the untold stories of tomorrow.


The summer air was warm and filled with the excitement of the fireworks festival. Dressed in traditional Japanese attire, Tomoko looked stunning in her kimono, its colors vibrant against the backdrop of the festival lights. Junta, equally resplendent in his yukata, couldn't take his eyes off her.

They meandered through the festival, Tomoko occasionally feeding Junta some festival delicacies – takoyaki, sweet and savory in perfect balance. Their laughter mingled with the sounds of the festival around them, creating a tapestry of joy and contentment.

As the sky darkened, they made their way to the seaside, the sound of waves gently lapping at the shore blending with the distant noise of the festival. The anticipation in the air was palpable.

"Hurry, Junta! The fireworks are starting..." Tomoko's voice was tinged with excitement as she tugged at his sleeve.

Junta responded by wrapping his arms around her from behind, both of them gazing out towards the horizon where the first bursts of fireworks were about to illuminate the sky. Tomoko leaned back into him, feeling the warmth of his embrace.

The sky erupted in a spectacular display of colors, each explosion of light reflecting in Tomoko's wide, awe-filled eyes. It was a moment of pure magic, the kind that stays etched in memory forever.

"Hmmm... by the way, today's the last day of summer," Tomoko said, her voice a soft murmur against the backdrop of the fireworks.

"Oh... yeah." Junta's reply was thoughtful, his gaze still fixed on the sky.

"Do you remember what we did last summer?" There was a hint of wistfulness in her question, a subtle invitation to reminisce.

"Huh?" Junta turned to look at her, a little puzzled.

Tomoko's expression shifted to one of slight disappointment, a faint shadow crossing her features. Junta's heart sank; he knew he had missed something important, a shared memory that meant a lot to Tomoko.

In an instant, he disappeared, only to reappear moments later with a bag of popcorn in his hand – a playful and affectionate nod to their first encounter and the journey that had started from that simple, yet significant moment.

"Want some, Tomoko?" he offered, a gentle smile on his lips, trying to recreate the magic of that summer.

Tomoko's face lit up with a smile, the disappointment replaced by affection and a touch of amusement. She closed her eyes and slightly opened her mouth, ready to accept his offering.

As the first firework exploded in the sky, illuminating their faces in a myriad of colors, the scene captured the essence of their relationship – playful, tender, and deeply connected. It was a perfect reflection of their journey together, from the uncertainties of their early days to the deep bond they shared now.

Under the vibrant glow of the fireworks, with the sound of the waves gently crashing against the shore, Junta and Tomoko stood together, a testament to the enduring nature of love and the unforgettable summers they had spent together.

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