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45.45% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 10: Kotomi's Plot

Chapter 10: Kotomi's Plot

"Tell me… Saeki, do you watch adult videos at night, or read H manga? How much do you know about sex?" His hand came down and cupped her sex from behind, his palm cupped over her lips through her panties, the tips of his fingers resting near her pubic mound, slowly moving around.

Tomoko squirmed, thinking of the H manga in her room, and how often she had watched adult videos lately in her room to learn various skills, because she was hoping to please Junta so badly. "Yes, to both..." She blushed, thinking of some of the manga, and kept going, before she lost her nerve…

"I guess OH, MY!!!! That I know as much as a girl can without actually doing anything..." She tried to calm her racing heart from the way that Ryuuji had just stroked across her clit as he slowly took his hand away from her sex.

"Well, then, I doubt that you've really observed some of what those girls do, but I'll give you a chance to prove me wrong."

Tomoko swallowed nervously, anxious that she please Junta. When he was doing all the touching, and she was just accepting the touches, it had been so much easier, just reacting to her sensations, and instincts, but now he wanted her to prove that she was capable of being as sexy in her actions as her body appeared.

His hands on her breasts were at the same time a stimulating caress and an encouragement. Tomoko seductively got down on her knees, so that she was kneeling in front of him.

She reached forward and laid a trembling hand on his stomach, then slid it to his side, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt ripple beneath her touch as she tugged him closer.

She leaned forward, lifted his sweater, and nuzzled his belly with her cheek while building up the courage for what she thought he was expecting. She knew he could feel the heat of her blushing where her face touched him and somehow, that knowledge helped to excite her, in its own way, nearly as much as his touches and the very careful way he had savaged her clothes.

She felt like she was suddenly living in one of the manga, where the girl just became more aroused, the harsher she was treated...

Sliding her hand to the front of Junta's waist, she released the fastening of his pants, and with sudden inspiration, caught his zipper in her teeth and began tugging it down, inhaling deeply of the clean musky smell of his crotch, feeling his cock hard and pulsing so very close to her cheek. When the zipper was all the way down, she released it almost reluctantly, nuzzling his hard cock through his boxer shorts.

Once again, Ryuuji found myself surprised by Tomoko's actions, and speechlessly, he took off the sweater, and felt her lips on his belly as she started tugging his boxer shorts down, her lips chasing the waistband downward until for the first time, he felt Tomoko's breath ruffling his pubic hairs.

His cock was so hard that it was standing nearly straight up, her hair falling around it, giving him the most indescribably cool erotic sensations he had ever experienced. Make no mistake, Ryuuji's experiences with women were vast and varied. Unlike Junta, Ryuuji had sex with women from all walks of life.

Nevertheless, none of these women could remotely compare with Tomoko. With her, the excitement and intensity of his arousal were amplified a thousandfold!


Without a thought, my hand reached down and turned her head, taking her hair off of my cock and bringing her beautiful face against me, her nose rubbing on the side of my throbbing cock, her lips at the base, and before I realized what was happening, her tongue stroked through the coarse hairs there as her hand came up and softly wrapped around my shaft, her fingertips running up and down on me, shattering what excellent control I thought I had.

I pushed her away from me, moving my hips back, my belly tensing up as I felt as though my climax was melting my bones and sending them out through the head of my cock, along with my seed. In spurts, my seed splashed first on Tomoko's forehead, then as I pulled back, her hand remained on me, making each successive spurt land lower and lower on her, landing in several spots on her face, lips, neck, and her magnificent cleavage.

It was unreal! I could never believe that she got me off within seconds.


Tomoko watched in surprised pleasure as Junta came strongly, shooting hot sticky whiteness first onto her forehead and hair, then on her cheek near her mouth, then on her mouth, neck, and breasts, coming more violently than any man she had seen in an adult video.

Remembering what she had seen more than one woman doing in the videos, she licked her lips while looking up at Junta, seeing the lust blaze up in his eyes as she ran the fluid from her lips around her mouth, sampling, then almost savoring the hot, musky, salty flavor before swallowing.

Keeping her hand on his still hard cock, she tugged him closer, and said "I'll clean both of us off, if you like. Shall I?"

Without waiting for him to reply, she closed her eyes and rubbed the head of his cock against the patch of cum on her cheek, then brought it to her mouth, where she began licking it off, sending his heart rate through the roof. Tomoko treated his shaft as though it were a large candy, using her tongue to wipe along the side, the tip exploring every texture until she came to the cum on the end, which she began to work toward the very tip.

Opening her mouth, she leaned her head just far enough forward to take the head into her mouth, and sucking gently, cleaned it with her tongue, reveling in the sounds of him gasping when her tongue touched certain areas, enjoying the feeling of his fingers tangling in her hair as she pulled back from him, then with deep inhalations of the musk of his sac, she removed most of the cum that had struck her forehead, and was slowly lifting her head again, touching her lips to the vein on the underside of his shaft…

In a flash of rage, Ryuuji's internal struggle reached its peak. He couldn't bear the charade any longer, the pain of unrequited love mixed with the betrayal of her affections for another. He screamed and, in a moment of uncontrollable anger, slapped her across the face, left and right!

"HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ANOTHER GUY!" he shouted, his voice echoing with the turmoil within.

Tomoko fell back on the floor, stunned and hurt, recoiled from the impact, her eyes wide with shock and pain. The romantic atmosphere shattered, replaced by a tense and fearful air.

Ryuuji, realizing the enormity of his actions, stepped back, horror dawning on his face. What had he done? In his quest for love, he had crossed a line, letting his emotions spiral out of control.

The tension in the room was palpable as Tomoko lay on the floor, her eyes wide with shock and hurt. Tears brimmed in her eyes, spilling over and streaming down her cheeks. The disbelief in her gaze was heart-wrenching, a stark contrast to the affection and warmth that had filled them just moments ago.

Ryuuji, still wearing Junta's face, loomed over her. His voice took on a condescending tone, a sharp departure from the gentleness he had feigned earlier.

"Now… you want to become my girlfriend so badly? Beg me, on your knees!" he taunted, his words dripping with false bravado.

Tomoko's response was immediate and fierce. Her voice shook with anger and determination as she firmly said, "No… NO WAY!! No matter how much I like you, I will NOT do that!" Her refusal was a clear rejection of Ryuuji's manipulative demand, her spirit unbroken despite the shock and pain.

Deep inside, Ryuuji's heart sank. The anger and hatred in Tomoko's eyes cut through him like a knife. "Those eyes… that angry face… the same as before… don't, don't, don't… please don't look at me that way!" he thought, his mind a whirlwind of regret and despair.

Realizing the extent of his actions and the irreparable damage he had caused, Ryuuji turned towards the door. His steps were heavy with the weight of his actions, each footfall echoing his inner chaos. Without another word, he rushed out of Tomoko's residence, fleeing into the night.


Ryuuji, fuelled by a tumultuous mix of jealousy and frustration, was pacing restlessly in his luxurious apartment. Each thought of Junta and Tomoko together was like a needle to his pride. In a sudden burst of resolve, he activated his teleportation ability, vanishing into the ether, and reappeared inside Junta's modest home.

Junta, sensing a disturbance, turned just in time to see Ryuuji materialize from thin air. His heart sank; Ryuuji's presence spelled trouble.

"Momonari," Ryuuji began, his voice laced with contempt, "it's time we settle this."

Junta's eyes narrowed, sensing the impending threat. "Settle what?"

"You and me, a duel," Ryuuji declared, his eyes locked onto Junta's. "The winner takes Tomoko. Refuse, and I'll beat you to a pulp and take her anyway."

Junta's fists clenched. The audacity of Ryuuji's challenge left him reeling. "You think you can just decide her fate like that?" he shot back, anger flaring in his voice.

Ryuuji's smirk was cold and calculated. "You know you can't beat me as you are now. I'll give you some time, a couple weeks. Get stronger, or lose everything."

Junta felt a surge of defiance. "I won't let you threaten me or Saeki," he said, his voice steady despite the rising fear within.

With a dismissive laugh, Ryuuji disappeared as abruptly as he had appeared, leaving Junta alone in the silent night.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Junta hurried to Karin's hidden base. The streets blurred past him as he raced against time, the weight of Ryuuji's challenge heavy on his shoulders.

Bursting into the base, Junta found Karin engrossed in her screens, surrounded by the hum of futuristic technology.

"Karin, I need your help," Junta said, panting from his hurried journey.

Karin turned, her expression shifting from surprise to concern. "What happened, Junta?"

He relayed Ryuuji's challenge, the weight of each word heavy with the threat it carried.

Karin's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "This requires a unique approach. We can use an advanced combat training program I've been developing with AI. It might help you access your superpower without transforming into the Mega-playboy."

Junta's eyes lit up with a flicker of hope. "Anything. I'll do whatever it takes." Karin nodded, determination set in her features. "Let's get to work then. We have no time to lose."


In the solitude of her room, Tomoko lay awake, the moonlight casting a gentle glow across her face, mirroring the turmoil that churned within her. The echoes of Junta's words and actions reverberated through her mind, each memory stinging like the slap that had left her cheeks burning.

Yet, amidst the pain, she couldn't help but recall the fleeting sweetness of their rooftop kiss. That brief moment when their lips met had sparked a connection so profound, it left her heart aching for more. She tossed and turned, the rollercoaster of emotions leaving her restless and confused.

As the first light of dawn crept through her window, Tomoko's thoughts were a tangled mess of hurt, longing, and an overwhelming sense of confusion. The ups and downs of her feelings for Junta were driving her to the brink of madness. She yearned for clarity, for a respite from the emotional storm that had taken over her life.


Man, walking through the school halls this morning felt like trudging through mud. My mind was a mess after a night of tossing and turning, thinking about Ryuuji's challenge. But even more than that, I kept replaying that moment on the rooftop with Tomoko. Our first kiss. That's supposed to be a huge deal, right?

That moment… my heart felt like it was bouncing between clouds. That kiss with Tomoko… on the rooftop... wow. Her lips were so warm, so soft, it's all I could think about. Sure, Aoi Karin was also on my mind, but that moment with Tomoko was something else.

As I stepped into the classroom, my eyes instantly found her. There was Tomoko, looking stunning as ever. My heart made this weird leap. Just seeing her there, I felt drawn to her all over again, like some invisible thread was pulling me closer.

"Hi, Sa... Saeki..." I managed to say, though my voice was kind of a whisper. I was hoping for... I don't know, some kind of magical moment like in the movies? But Tomoko just walked past me, her eyes forward, as if I wasn't there. Man, that stung.

I stood there, feeling a mix of awe and confusion. She was so beautiful, so charming, so irresistible and yet… so out of reach. It was like one moment I was on top of the world, and the next, I was just this invisible guy in her life.

Typical me, always unsure, always wavering. That kiss felt amazing, but now, I wasn't even sure what it meant to her, or even to me. My mind was a whirlpool of thoughts, my feelings for Tomoko and Karin swirling around…

The whole day at school was like being stuck in some weird fog. There I was, trying to make sense of Tomoko's cold shoulder. That kiss on the rooftop kept popping up in my head, and I just couldn't shake it off. Between classes, I'd sneak glances at her, hoping she'd maybe look back or something. But nah, she was like a wall, not giving anything away.

I'd remember the kiss – how warm and soft her lips were – and then I'd see her, all distant and cold. It was like living in two different worlds. Was that rooftop moment even real, or just some crazy dream I cooked up?

In class, I tried to stop thinking about it, really I did. But my eyes kept betraying me, flicking over to Tomoko like they had their own will. It was super annoying, like trying to nail jelly to the wall – impossible and kinda messy.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang. Man, I felt like I could breathe again. All day long, it was like I was caught in this weird spell of hope and disappointment. I took one more look at Tomoko as we all packed up, wishing she'd turn around and smile or something. But she just grabbed her stuff and left. There it was, her back saying more than words ever could.

I was shoving my books into the locker when Ichigo suddenly popped up beside me. Trust Ichigo to notice when things are off. He has this weird sixth sense for drama.

"Junta, man, we need to talk." Ichigo's voice had that serious tone he uses when he's about to drop some heavy advice.

I looked up, trying to seem chill but feeling a bit on edge. "What's up?"

Ichigo didn't mince words. "I've seen how Saeki's been treating you. Dude, she's a tease." His concern felt genuine, but it was like he was trying to pop a balloon with a sledgehammer.

My heart did a nosedive. I was hoping for some reassurance, maybe even some secret insight into Tomoko's mysterious ways. But nope, Ichigo just had to go and make it worse. "Is that really what she's doing?" I asked, hoping my voice didn't sound as shaky as I felt.

Ichigo clapped a hand on my shoulder, the universal bro gesture for 'I got your back, but this is gonna hurt.' "I know it's tough, but you've got to see the truth, man. She's not good for you."

Right then, my locker felt like a safe haven. Maybe if I squeezed in there, I could just avoid all this drama. Thanks, Ichigo, for the pep talk. Not.


As they parted ways, Junta's mind was a whirlwind of doubt and pain. Could Ichigo be right? Was he just another pawn in Tomoko's game?

Meanwhile, Ichigo made his way to a secluded corner of the school where Kotomi was waiting for him. Kotomi, a skilled gymnast, had always caught Ichigo's eye, but his admiration for her went beyond her athletic prowess. He had always been drawn to her sharp wit and determination.

"I told him what you said," Ichigo informed Kotomi, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

Kotomi's eyes gleamed with a mix of satisfaction and cunning. "Good. He needed to hear it. Saeki Tomoko thinks she can have anyone she wants, but not this time."

Ichigo looked at Kotomi, his admiration for her battling with his conscience. "Are you sure about this? It feels… it feels wrong to mess with Junta's feelings…"

Kotomi's expression hardened. Without saying a word, she thought: "This is the only way. That lying bitch deserves nothing but Judgement Day! After my brother's plan failed, this is my chance to take her down a notch and win Junta over."

As the sun rose and set over the city for the next two weeks, Junta found himself in a relentless routine of training with Karin. Each day, he pushed himself harder, driven not just by the impending duel with Ryuuji but by a deeper sense of responsibility.

Ryuuji, with his newfound powers, was a danger not only to him but to everyone around them. Junta knew that he and Karin had played a part in unleashing this threat, and the weight of that realization hung heavily on him.

Despite his heartache, Junta couldn't bring himself to reach out to Tomoko. His fear of rejection, of adding more pain to the existing hurt, kept him at bay. Alone with his thoughts during the grueling training sessions, he found himself reflecting on his relationship with Karin. She had been his steadfast ally through all the chaos.

"Karin was the right person for me after all," he mused, trying to convince himself, yet unable to shake off the lingering feelings for Tomoko.

A few days later…

The bustling hallways of Fukoma High felt suffocating to Tomoko today. Her mind replayed recent events – the harsh slap, the cruel words, all from someone she believed to be Junta. Seeking solace, she navigated through the crowded corridors, heading to a place that had become her refuge in times of turmoil: the school roof.

As Tomoko emerged onto the rooftop, the clamor of the school below faded into a muffled backdrop. She moved to her usual secluded spot, a bench that had become an unspoken sanctuary. Sitting there, with the open sky above her, she drew her knees up, encasing herself in a cocoon of thought.

Earphones nestled in her ears played a soft pop melody, a subtle barrier between her and the world's noise. 'Was it really Junta that night? But how could he be so different from the boy on the rooftop?' The confusion tangled in her mind, weaving a web of doubt and pain. She remembered Junta's shifting personas, a pattern she had observed but never fully understood, adding layers to her current dilemma.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a familiar soft meow. A stray cat, a regular visitor to this rooftop retreat, approached her, its eyes reflecting a simple curiosity. Tomoko's expression softened. Reaching into her lunch bag, she brought out a small Tupperware. Today, she had managed to prepare a modest yet comforting meal: onigiri rice balls flavored with umeboshi, tamagoyaki, and fresh cucumber slices - a small act of self-care amid her emotional chaos.

She broke off a piece of the tamagoyaki and offered it to the cat. As the cat ate contentedly, Tomoko found a transient escape in this simple exchange. The uncomplicated affection from the stray, its silent companionship, provided a stark contrast to the complexity of her human relationships. It was a fleeting respite, yet it brought a moment of peace to her turbulent heart.

The pop music in her ears transitioned to a more upbeat track, a stark reminder of the upcoming sports festival. Tomoko sighed, pausing the music. The gymnasium, with its rhythmic gymnastics practice, beckoned her as a distraction, a way to keep her mind off the turmoil.

She wasn't particularly passionate about gymnastics; it was more an exercise in focus, a way to channel her restlessness into something physical. Still relatively new to the sport, her skills were unrefined, and the thought of performing at the festival brought a twinge of uncertainty. Yet, it was a challenge she was willing to face, a necessary diversion from her inner conflict.

The lunch break was nearing its end, marked by the distant bell. The cat, now satiated, meandered away, leaving Tomoko to gather her thoughts.

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