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50% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 11: Her Cherry Night

Chapter 11: Her Cherry Night

Karin, noticing Junta's rapid progress, couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and concern. He had indeed come a long way, mastering techniques and skills at an impressive rate. On the last day of their intense training, Junta achieved a breakthrough, acquiring a new super skill. Their joy was palpable as they celebrated this achievement, their embrace reflecting the bond of deep friendship and mutual respect they shared.

However, the celebration was short-lived. As Junta left for some much-needed rest, Karin's expression turned somber. She retreated to her lab, her mind racing with calculations and simulations. "Even with all this progress, the odds of defeating Ryuuji without transforming are less than 1%," she muttered to herself, her brows furrowed in worry. "It's time for Plan Z."

That night, as Karin was engrossed in her work, Junta found himself unable to go home. A deep, unaddressed ache in his heart compelled him to seek answers. Now that he could use his teleportation skill even in his normal form, he found himself outside the school gym, drawn by an inexplicable force.

Standing outside the gym, a place that should have been closed and deserted at this hour, Junta noticed a faint light spilling out from under the door. The soft strains of muted music filtered through the cracks, a stark contrast to the stillness of the night. As he approached the door, each step felt heavy, laden with a mix of emotions and uncertainties.

With a gentle push, Junta nudged the door open just a sliver, creating a small gap that allowed him a glimpse into the gym. There she was, Tomoko, practicing alone. The sight of her in that solitary state, so focused and immersed in her ribbon dance, struck a chord within him.

He stood there, peering through the gap, his gaze fixed on her. The way she moved captivated him completely. Junta was fully aware that Tomoko was relatively new to gymnastics. Her dance moves, raw and unpolished, betrayed her novice status.

Yet, despite this, there was an undeniable beauty in her performance. Her perfect figure, soft and flexible, moved with a natural grace that was captivating. Each motion, though lacking the refinement of a seasoned gymnast, was a sight of wonder in itself.

It was this very rawness, the unfiltered expression of her learning and adapting to the rhythm and flow of the ribbon dance, that held his attention so completely.

As Junta observed, lost in the beauty of her dance, time seemed to stand still. The world outside the gym faded away, leaving only Tomoko and her ribbon until a sudden shift in her demeanor occurred.

Her dance slowed, and the ribbon slipped from her grasp, drifting to the floor. She followed, collapsing to her knees, her body wracked with sobs, tears streaming down her face…

Junta cautiously pushed open the gym doors, stepping into what felt like a sacred space, a private world where Tomoko had been expressing her inner turmoil. His presence, he feared, might be an intrusion, but seeing her in such distress compelled him to enter.

"Are you alright, Saeki…" he asked tentatively, unsure if his words would comfort or exacerbate her pain.

Tomoko's reaction was immediate. Her eyes widened in sheer surprise, like a deer caught in headlights. The unexpected sight of Junta in that solemn and private moment seemed to jolt her out of her introspective state.

For a fleeting second, she remained utterly still, frozen like a statue. The gym's dim lighting cast soft shadows across her face, accentuating the mix of emotions that played across her features.

"Please… stay where you are! Don't come close to me." Her words stung, but Junta understood. She needed space, a moment to collect herself.

"Eh… ok…" he responded, standing still, respecting her boundaries.

The silence in the gym stretched on, filling the space between them with unspoken words and emotions. It felt endless, as if each second was being drawn out into infinity. Was it one minute, two minutes, maybe three? He couldn't tell.

Finally, Tomoko gathered her composure and stood up, her voice soft yet resolute. "I… I need a shower. Can you wait for me?"

Her request to wait was a small thread of hope, yet it left Junta in a state of introspection. As she disappeared into the changing room, he was left to ponder over the situation. He sat down on a gymnastics mat, feeling a profound sense of solitude in the empty gym.


In the sanctuary of the changing room, Tomoko stood under the steady stream of the shower. The water traced the contours of her figure, droplets glistening like pearls on her skin, sliding down her shoulders and back in rivulets.

The hot water cascaded over her, but it did little to cleanse the turmoil churning within her. She closed her eyes, letting the water run over her face, as if hoping it could wash away the confusion. Flashbacks of Junta's heroics, the mixed signals, the physical and emotional rollercoaster – it was all too surreal, too rapid, too overwhelming.

Wrapped in the cocoon of steam and warmth, Tomoko's thoughts wandered through the maze of recent events – Junta, the hero at Sea Zone, the tender yet confusing moments on the rooftop, the shocking slaps, and the recent cold war… How could one person embody such extremes? How could he oscillate so wildly between vulnerability and strength, kindness and cruelty?

The contrasting images of Junta - Mr. Pukey, Mr. Charisma, Mr. Super Hero - clashed in her mind, forming an enigma she couldn't solve. The person she thought she knew was now a puzzle, each piece contradicting the other.

The cascade of the shower was a poignant contrast to the chaos in her heart — one moment filled with an aching desire for Junta, the next overshadowed by the fear of being hurt. The intensity of these conflicting feelings grew until it became overwhelming, a crescendo of inner turmoil.

In a sudden, almost involuntary motion, Tomoko turned off the shower. The abrupt silence in the room was stark, echoing the sudden stillness within her. She slowly slid down against the cool tiled wall, the steam around her slowly dissipating. Pulling her knees close to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them, embracing herself tightly. Her head bowed, droplets of water from her hair trickled down, mingling with the tears that had begun to form.


Alone in the gym, Junta was enveloped by silence, reminiscent of that final summer day. It was a similar kind of waiting, the same anticipation, except back then, he waited in the living room while Tomoko showered. Everything had seemed simpler, the uncertainty less daunting. But now, within the vastness of the gym, his thoughts seemed amplified, louder, more persistent.

The sound of the shower had ceased some time ago, yet the ensuing silence felt heavier, more charged. He found himself tracing patterns on the gym floor, a futile attempt to distract from the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind. His gaze frequently shifted to the door of the changing room, anticipating her return.

Finally, Tomoko emerged. Clad in her school uniform — just the white shirt and pleated skirt, her feet snug in white socks — she seemed smaller, more vulnerable, yet there was an undeniable resilience about her that he couldn't help but admire.

She approached him, her steps measured, each seemingly a deliberate effort. Sitting down on the mat in the Seiza style, her posture was upright, facing him directly.

Junta hesitated, unsure how to bridge the gap that had formed between them. The Tomoko before him seemed different from the one he knew. Where there was once ease and playfulness, there was now guardedness, a careful control over her emotions.

In the dim light of the gym, her face was a portrait of conflict and weariness. The soft shadows accentuated the delicate contours of her cheeks and the gentle curve of her lips, set in a line of resolute fatigue. Her eyes, once dancing with mischief and curiosity, now held a glimmer of something akin to surrender — a resignation to the incomprehensibility of their situation.

"Saeki…" Junta began, his voice trailing off. What could he say? How could he explain the unexplainable? The words felt inadequate, too small to encompass the enormity of what had transpired.

She looked at him, her eyes pools of unreadable emotion. He could see the traces of the turmoil she had undergone — the confusion, the hurt, the betrayal.

"No need to explain... Nothing about you makes sense to me.... I don't want to think about it anymore..." Her voice was resigned, a stark contrast to her usual lively tone, and it stung more than he could express.

Then, breaking the heavy silence, she spoke again, her voice softer, more introspective. "But... I want to feel it... to feel your love, if there're any...…"

Her thighs were slightly parted, her hands were clasped together, held firmly between her knees, as her arms drew closer to each other, her shoulders narrowed, inadvertently causing the fabric of her white shirt to slip off one shoulder.

"...with my body."


Meanwhile, in the depths of the underground park, Karin was engrossed in her simulations, her fingers dancing across the holographic interface with practiced ease. The dim glow of the screens cast a soft light on her focused expression, illuminating her determination and the faint lines of worry etched on her forehead.

Suddenly, a wave of unease washed over her. It was an instinctive feeling. With a sense of urgency, she switched to the locator application, checking on Junta's current position. The display indicated he was at home, but Karin's intuition told her otherwise.

Acting on her hunch, she deployed a mini drone, sending it to scout Junta's home. The drone, a marvel of technology and stealth, relayed live visuals back to her. The images confirmed her suspicions – Junta wasn't there. His room showed the usual signs of his presence: disarrayed sheets, a pile of books, and the locator, strategically placed in his bed. Karin realized that Junta had been smart enough to remove the locator, fooling the tracking system and concealing his actual whereabouts.

A mix of frustration and worry surged within her. "NOT AGAIN!" she screamed, the words echoing through the abandoned corridors of the park. She knew what this meant – Junta was out there, most likely doing something stupid again, and she had no way to track him. The thought sent a chill down her spine.

Reluctantly, Karin resorted to her telepathy skill, an ability she was far from proficient in. Last time she had tried to locate Junta using telepathy, it had resulted in a fruitless and exhausting night flying around the city. The memory of that futile endeavor weighed heavily on her as she closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to establish a mental connection with Junta.


In the serene ambiance of the gym, under the enchanting spell of the moonlight, Tomoko opened herself before Junta, her vulnerability laid bare. Tears glistened in her eyes, each a silent testament to the turmoil and yearning in her heart.

Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders like a gentle river, framing her face in a way that only accentuated her ethereal beauty.

She held one of his hands in both of hers and brought them to her chest, resting his hand against her heart. Junta almost gave out an audible gulp. Her heartbeat was faster than he'd thought it would be, considering how she seemed so sure in every other way.

Then her hand came to the back of his neck, pulling his head down toward hers, and for the first time in his life, Junta experienced a kiss with true passion to it. When they first kissed on the rooftop, unfortunately, Junta was in a state of disarray so he couldn't fully experience it.

Her tongue stroking his lips before instinct made him open his mouth, and begin tongue-fencing with her.

Their kisses deepened, while playfully nipping at each other's lips for a time. Their tongues were sweeping in each other's mouths while Tomoko shifted from where she sat and climbed into his lap. She ran both hands through his hair, gently tugging at some of the ends at the back of his head.

It was putting Junta's body into overdrive, his heart was racing, and the breaths they were exchanging between each other were becoming heavy. She pushed her body downwards against him, making him give out a soft moan before his eyes shot open.

During this intimate night with Tomoko, Junta's Mega-playboy DNA rapidly stabilized, blurring the lines between his once-opposite personas. The Mega-playboy side became dominant, infusing him with confidence, charm, and strength.

She pulled his button up shirt out from being tucked into his pants and started to unbutton it. With the buttons undone, she pushed the shirt off his shoulders, letting him discard it in a clump to the side. She began running her hands upwards inside of his tee shirt. The thought of him still being that awkward, nerdy classmate she'd met on that fateful day at school was now abandoned when she felt how manly he'd become. She helped pull his shirt off, taking in this man that was no one else's but hers.

She placed both hands on the sides of his face to have him look at her. She grazed and nipped at his lips playfully, making Junta put more focus on claiming her lips as his own.

The moonlight streamed through the windows, casting a celestial glow that danced across her, creating a mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow that further illuminated her striking features. Tomoko was a vision, her beauty so otherworldly it seemed as though she had stepped out of a dream.


She began to kiss and lick her way down from my mouth, sucking at my neck for a moment or so, licking the spot, then sucking it before moving on, then licking and kissing at my chest and my nipples.

I lay back, knowing that she was enjoying being aggressive with me, and as she started moving lower, I tried to get her to bring her body around so that I could return her caresses, but she pulled away from me, moving out of reach as her tongue slid into my belly button and she undid my pants. I cooperated in getting rid of my pants and shorts, and as she straddled my legs, I pushed myself up on my elbows so that I could watch her.

She started massaging my thighs, leaning forward so that her nipples touched high on my thighs when she kissed my belly, and started moving down, her breath hot on my skin, my cock hard and throbbing with my heartbeat, jerking rhythmically, the head of it tapping her against first at the base of her neck, then as she slid downward, against her throat, then against the bottom of her chin.

She kept moving down, her breath and hair, a fiery sensation of heat and silk moving down my belly. She looked up at me, and winked before licking the head of my cock, and taking it into her mouth, one hand holding the base of the shaft, so that it pointed straight up.

She was aggressive in kissing and licking every inch of me, at one point wrapping her dark curls around my shaft, and licking the head. I don't know if I'm glad or regretful that she stopped doing that, the sensation was so new and incredible, but she unwrapped me, and took me in her mouth, sucking gently.

My fingers tangled in her natural curls, and as she began taking more and more of me into her mouth, I guided her rhythm, letting her know how deep and how fast I wanted her face in my lap.

Her tongue was hot and limber, seeking out and stroking every place that needed that touch, all too soon sending me into a convulsion of ecstasy, my cock pulsing in her mouth, my cum shooting up, only to be swallowed by her. After what felt like a lifetime of cumming, I could finally breathe again.

Now her lips and tongue were working on me yet again, but more gently, keeping me hard while I caught up with the world. It didn't seem like much time at all, a couple of minutes at most, my cock was as hard as ever again. YES, Tomoko was really that good. Actually just looking at her unparalleled beautiful face near my dick was arousing enough.


In the heat of the moment, Junta lifted her up, and took her to a gymnastics vault box. It was time to return the favor.

Junta made her lie on her back on the vaulting box, spreading her legs; her hands holding on to her own legs behind her knees, displaying herself in the classic M-shaped open legs pose, exposing her panties, the fabric was visibly dampened, marked by a distinct dark wet spot that stood out against the white cotton material.

Tomoko was shuddering when his tongue dipped into her beautiful navel, swirling around, then pressing inward, the tip of his tongue tickling her, sending thrills from her navel down to her toes.

With a feeling much like a squeezing in her chest, Tomoko pleaded. "Please... Taste me..." She felt a rush of warmth move down her skin from cheeks to navel, and lifted her hips, pressing herself against the point of his chin...

She began humping at his face, Junta raked her little clit against the roof of his mouth, she purred, he circled her clitoris with his tongue. He slipped his tongue toward her entrance and teased it, she whimpered and he felt her pussy twitch.

He licked and teased her perineum as she continued to hump at his face. He slurped her labia on his way to her clitoris; she pulled my hair to urge him. He twirled her clit and she squeaked in reply. He sucked on her clit and tongued the underside of it…

Then She lifted her hips so that her ass was nicely exposed. Junta couldn't help to get a real close up view of her perky ass, and just like every part of Tomoko's body, her anus was also perfect, a masterpiece, tight, so pink and soft looking. Her anus was throbbing sexily, begging him to taste her.

She could feel him kissing and licking her butts passionately. Then he spread her butts and Tomoko felt his tongue on her anus. She was a bit surprised that he was licking her anus; the sensation was so erotic and exhilarating for her, and she loved every moment of it. She could feel how Junta was pushing his tongue into her anus and swirling his tongue inside it, making her really horny.

Slowly, with control he didn't realize he possessed, Junta raised his head, her juices glistening on his face, his hands squeezed on her ass as he pressed his face back to her, and sucking hard, he flicked his tongue against her clit, humming and shaking his head, the tip of his little finger entered into her tight anus, contributing to the task of pushing her over the edge.

With a moaning cry, she stiffened, her legs closing, trapping his head against her as she hooked her knees over his shoulders, letting her passionate scream echo throughout the entire gymnasium.


Moving back to the gymnastics floor mat, Tomoko and I were kissing, tasting something on her tongue that must have been her own juice, but not minding, since she had so enjoyed giving me that taste.

The taste was soon gone though, overwhelmed by the electrifying sweetness of her tongue. My hands were busy moving up and down her body, learning her hot spots and touching them, as she did to me as well.

Soon I had her lying on her back, and the head of my cock against her cunt, the pounding of my heart making me rub against her wet lips. Despite the overly abundance of lubrication, I found her incredibly tight, almost impossible to penetrate just like her anus.

As I gripped her breasts, she gripped me while positioning herself, then with an eager shiver, her muscles relaxed, her lips parted slightly, letting me sink into her, sending sensations through me that I had no idea existed.

I could feel with supernatural sensitivity each texture of her lips as they parted to admit me, every flutter of her muscles as I pushed into her until I paused, the head of my shaft just within her. I had no choice but to stay still for several seconds, feeling the fascinating fluttering of her muscles gripping at me, trying to pull me further inside her, because I knew I would cum instantly if I had continued my journey into her body.

Quickly tapped into my Mega-playboy's strength and will power, I survived the initial shock. My hands fell to her hips from playing with her nipples and I pulled her against me, at the same time pushing myself up into her as hard as I could. She gasped as I pushed inside her, and as her muscles gripped me tightly, massaging my length. The feeling was like nothing I could have imagined…

At that time a revelation came upon me, I literally believed that I found the legendary - "Ultimate Meiki", something that can only be found in one out of four billion women.

With that realization I felt a shock pass over me, and saw it as well. It was like pale blue lightning bolts flickering along my skin, racing down my body. When it hit the places that I touched Saeki, she stiffened, clamping down on me with her muscles, then after a long fraction of a second, I started moving on her.


Saeki felt a thrill as Junta settled into her, feeling him filling her sex full and comfortably, stretching her. Savoring the feeling, she rested for a moment, then suddenly, her eyes flickering, her muscles clenching as her world flashed a kaleidoscopic array of colors for a moment that left her breathless, but eager for much more. She began lifting herself, feeling as though her muscles on the cock of her love were making a tight seal, leaving a vacuum inside her where he had been.

Junta leaned forward, kissing her, feeling the almost desperate way she kissed him in return, even as his hands tightened again on her hips and pulled her back to where she was filled with him, stirring the colors that were appearing in the room.

Soon, they did it again, and again, speeding up the cycle of his passionate movements on her, her body eagerly impaling itself on his fleshy lance, turning her world into a swirling blend of vivid colors, brighter colors and more hypnotic patterns than she had ever seen before.

Her seductive siren-like moans trembled with emotion, revealing the depths of her feelings, her fears, and her hopes. Her words, imbued with sincerity and a raw honesty, echoed in the stillness, touching Junta's heart in a way nothing else had.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of Tomoko's emotions and the ethereal beauty before him, Junta felt a profound change stirring within. It was as if the magnetic pull of their DNA was amplifying, resonating at a deeper level than ever before.

This change was more than just physical; it was a reflection of the deep, almost cosmic connection he shared with Tomoko. In response to this emotional crescendo, something remarkable began to happen within him.

His DNA, adaptive and responsive, started to undergo a transformation, a mutation tailored to the unique intensity of the moment - Junta could feel the Mega-playboy aspect of his DNA stabilizing and strengthening.

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