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20% Devilman DxD / Chapter 2: A Chat With Amon

Chapter 2: A Chat With Amon

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a red space. It slowly flowed around like some kind of storm cloud, brewing with an unknown amount of chaos. It was like looking at a storm made of blood. I heard crackles of thunder, with black bolts of lightning arcing back and forth throughout it.

If I ever thought of Hell, this was what I thought of.

[It's funny you should think that, Akira. Because this is Hell, or at least how I remember it,] a low, guttural chuckle followed the deep, gravelly voice that spoke to me.

Turning around, I saw a giant, black...dragon?

But that voice..."Amon?" I asked, confused. Amon and me had spoken before, during the war. He had reached out to me in my times of need and gave advice to me. He was the Demon that possessed my body, yet he wasn't a bad guy. More neutral, if anything. But even when we spoke in my mind, he showed up as a Demon that looked exactly the same as when I transformed. Not a massive black dragon with amber eyes.

[Yes, it's me, Akira,] he chuckled again before carrying on, [What? Don't like my new look?] he asked, seemingly joking.

"What happened to you?" I asked, deciding to be straightforward with him. All I heard was a sigh.

[There's a lot I need to tell you Akira,] he spoke, seeming tired all of a sudden, [First of all, I know where we are, and WHEN we are. I also know who sent us here,] he finished, his voice seemingly bitter as well as tired.

But one thing caught my attention.

"When? What do you mean, when?" I asked, my voice raising as my confusion turned into frustration and annoyance, "And who the hell sent me here!? I died for God's sake!"

Amon gave a sardonic laugh, and what I could only decipher as a smirk on his newly draconic face, before he replied, [It's ironic you should say that, Akira.]

"How was anything I said ironic, Amon?!" I shouted, my confusion and frustration reaching a boiling point, "Just spit out what you know, alright? We don't have much time and who knows what those people are doing to my body!"

[Alright, alright...I nearly forgot how impatient you could be, Akira,] Amon gave another chuckle before carrying on, obviously feeling my emotions coming to a boiling point, [We were brought here by God, Akira. As he bombed the Earth to wipe out the left over Demons alongside Satan, he protected you. He brought you back to life and he sent you into the future to a time where you'd be needed most.]

Amon's words were hard to believe. So much so that I was a few seconds away from refuting him or calling him out and telling him to stop joking with me, but...

I knew God existed. I saw those lights come down. I heard Ryo talk about God before I died. If anyone was to know about God, it would be the rebel of God's Angels, Satan*.

(*A/N - I know that traditionally, it says that Lucifer is the one who goes against God, but it's Satan in Devilman Crybaby, so just deal with it. I'm trying to entwine two different series together.)

And Amon wouldn't lie to me, nor can he lie to me. We're connected through a bond that allows neither of us to lie to the other. Well, we can lie, it's just that the other will know that we're lying. It's quite handy, honestly.

"Why...--" I was cut off from my talking by Amon.

[Why did he send you? Or rather, us?] Amon finished my question and he leaned down his massive dragon head to meet my eye-level, [Because you're a hero, Akira. You're overly emotional, you're prone to impatience, and at times, you can be a dense idiot,] Amon laughed and before I could say anything, he seemed to smile before he carried on, [But you always do what you feel is right, and what you feel is right, is usually right. You're not as naive as you used to be, but that hope inside of's not something everyone has, Akira. Plus, your ability to use my powers is...well, it's a rival to my own. God knew that if he put you in a time where there was strife, you'd help the side that fought for good,] he said a sincere compliment that stunned me and made me at a loss for words.

"Amon..." I said, not knowing what to say. But when I thought about how he'd be annoying about it, I accepted the compliment and moved on, "So we're in the future? So those were Demons I saw out there?" I asked, wanting to know if I'd attacked for the right reasons. But in my defense, I had just been fighting a war a few hours ago.

[No. Well, not quite,] Amon said, his voice a bit awkward, as if he didn't know how to explain it, [They're Devils. But they're not a Devilman like you. They're the descendants of Demons. Less pure, but that's a good thing. It means they aren't like Demons who are controlled by their instincts. You can think of them as like you, really. They're practically human in terms of mindset, honestly, or at least what my new memories tell me...] he mused but I was once again caught up on something.

"Excuse me? Did you just say new memories? What memories, Amon?"

[The memories I got from a being called Ddraig. He was something of a big shot in this new world. Kind of like me. Maybe that's why we were merged?] he mused to himself but kept himself from wandering off on a tangent and carried on, [I don't know why I was merged with him, but I was. I gained his memories as a part of that merger. But I also gained something else,] he motioned to his body with a clawed hand, [I gained a draconic aspect, which is why my body has changed. Which also means...] he looked toward me, like he wanted me to figure it out.

Shame I'd already figured it out.

"It means I also have a dragon aspect now. After all, I'm possessed by you, and so I have the same heritage as the one who possesses me," I said, nodding my head and bringing my hand up and supporting my chin as I began to think, "But why was I weakened so much if God wants me to help out? Seems a bit short-sighted to shoot the helper in the foot before asking him to help, right?" I asked, looking up at Amon's amber eyes which matched my own.

It was weird to see a dragon shrug, but I saw Amon shrug before he answered, [It's the new power system in place. Don't worry, you can still get back to your original power - probably even further than before now that you have a dragon aspect. You just have to work your way back up there,] Amon said before laying down like a cat and carrying on after seeing the slight scowl on my face, [I know it reeks of bullshit, but God put the new power system and new world laws in place to stop Demons from coming back. You're a Devilman, someone possessed by a Demon, so your power was lowered so you wouldn't be outright destroyed by them. It's annoying, but I wouldn't complain if I were you.]

Hearing what Amon said, I could only begrudgingly agree. I'd rather be weakened then killed, I'll give him that. "Anything else you gotta share with me?" I said, sounding tired and annoyed. I knew the first thing I'd have to do when I woke up is apologize to those people. That is, if they want to even talk to me.

[Well, I did gain something else from the merger,] Amon smiled before pointing a claw at my hands, [Concentrate on your hands and imagine them being transformed without the rest of your body. A full transformation, not the partial one you used earlier.]

I looked at him for a few seconds before closing my eyes and focusing on my hands, willing them to transform.

I felt something change but it was different than my usual transformation. My arms didn't feel stronger, but I felt like something kept inside of me was now free. Opening my eyes, I looked down and saw that my hands were covered in black gauntlets, each of them reaching up to my elbow and ending in clawed fingertips that matched my own when I entered a partial transformation. Each of the black gauntlets had an orange orb embedded in the portion that covered the back of my hand.

All in all, they looked pretty cool, but I was confused. Holding them up, I looked over at Amon, "And what are these, Amon?" I asked while I moved my fingers about, trying to get a feel for the armor covering my hands and forearm.

[It's a Sacred Gear - a weapon given to Humans by God so they could match Devils and Angels,] Amon said, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him but nevertheless let him carry on, [You see, after what happened during the war between Demons, Humans, and Devils like you, God realized his prized creations were too vulnerable. So he gave them Sacred Gears. The Sacred Gear I merged with, was one of the Longinus Sacred Gears - a Sacred Gear with the power to kill God. Or so it was told,] Amon gave a shrug before carrying on, [It comes with one major power, Akira - the power to multiply. Or Boost as it says in my memories. In the form you've unlocked now, you can double your power every ten seconds. But it comes at a cost of more and more stamina being drained and your body can only 'Boost' a certain amount before it starts to overload and break down from the power.]

Hearing him, I just sat down, "And how do I do that Boost thing?" I asked while looking down at my hands and the Sacred Gear thingy covering them.

[You just have to will it. Think about wanting to boost your power and it'll happen,] Amon said, his voice cracking before he carried on, [Well, looks like our time talking is up for now. Try to get into one of those peerages if you can, Akira. It'll give you some protection and some connections while you get used to this world.]

"Wait up a second--!" I tried to say something but the world once again faded to black and I woke up in the real world.

Though I was surrounded by the earlier group, alongside two more people. One of them looking like a older, male version of the redhead from earlier. Probably her brother. Yikes. Nervously letting out a chuckle, I gave an awkward smile before going to scratch my head, only to find that my arms and body were locking in chains which glowed in different colors.

"I-Uhh, I can explain why I freaked out so much earlier?" I smiled even more awkwardly when the older brother leaned in, his face smiling a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

"Please do, Naked-Boy-Who-Attacked-My-Little-Sister~!"

Ah shit, I'm still naked.

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