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30% Devilman DxD / Chapter 3: Explaining An Odd Situation and Getting Into Another

Chapter 3: Explaining An Odd Situation and Getting Into Another

"You mistook them for enemies because you were just battling? That's your reason?" the red-haired man, who I know knew as Sirzechs, was looking at me with suspicion before he carried on, "Then why did you call them Demons?"

"Devils, Demons - they're interchangeable words, right?" I said, trying to convince the man who exuded power in front of me. In my prime, I could have taken him in a fight, probably would have won as well, but right now? I'd get squished.

"Hmm," the gray-haired woman dressed as a mage leaned in before scanning me thoroughly with her eyes, and pulling away and turning to Sirzechs, "He's not exactly telling the truth, I can tell that much. But he's definitely not got any ill-will towards Rias and the others anymore," she stated, her voice calm and even. Clearly not shaken by the naked 18-year-old she'd just been staring at.

Huh, a mature lady...Nice.

Was all I could think as I nodded my head while looking at Sirzechs - their scents were intermingled with one another, so I'd guess that they're either lovers or partners.

Hearing the gray-haired woman's answer, Sirzechs looked displeased before he looked down at me with a glare, "I'm going to let you free now, but if you try anything, I'll be forced to take drastic action!" he threatened, yet with the lack of heat behind the threat, I could tell that he knew he wouldn't have to live up to it.

With a snap of his fingers, the chains disappeared into nothingness and I was simply sitting on a wooden desk chair.

Standing up, I didn't mind the stares I was getting and stretched out my legs and arms a little.

Smiling, I looked over to Rias and the others, "Sorry about earlier. Really. I was just a bit confused is all," I said, but seeing where their eyes were looking I could only awkwardly smile before turning to Sirzechs, "Can't you give me some clothes, please? Otherwise I don't think they'll be able to talk to me properly," I laughed a little nervously, but seeing Sirzechs click his fingers in exclamation, I realized another thing about the redheaded man:

Not only was he a siscon, he was a bit of an airhead for someone so powerful.

"Yes, of course that's fine, Fudo-kun," he smiled politely before one of those magic circles appeared and out popped some clothes. They were just some simply jogging bottoms and a tank top but it was all I needed right now.

Slipping them on, I thanked Sirzechs before looking over at the redheaded girl, Rias, and the others before bowing and speaking again.

"I truly am sorry for my actions. I shouldn't have been so eager to rush into fighting and I should have tried to talk when you stopped your friend from attacking me. Please forgive me," I said sincerely, knowing that mom and dad, wherever they were, would be unhappy with me if I didn't show the proper respect when having done something unjust to another person without proper reason.

I guess Miki would be pretty annoyed with me as well, huh...?

Such a thought turned my mood sour as I came back up from my bow, my smile from earlier having turned into a slight frown.

Rias saw my face and mood change, as was evident by her slightly curious eyes, but she didn't bring it up and stepped toward me, "It's okay, Fudo-san. None of my Peerage were hurt in our little 'skirmish' so I hold no grievance against you. Though I also think you should have given me a chance to talk," she teased, her smile reminding me of how an older sister looks and speaks to a younger sibling.

I forced a smile as I stepped toward her, a genuinely curious look on my face, "Speaking of a Peerage. Can I join yours?" I straight up asked, not wanting to dance around the issue. Amon said I should try and join one, and now I know this girl has one. So why not try my luck?

"Huh?" Rias seemed shocked and her 'big sister' image faded, her mouth opening into the shape of an 'O' and her eyes going confused, "W-Why would you want to join my peerage?" she spluttered out and for some reason, I found this pretty...cute? Weird.

"Because I need...Well, I don't know what I need," I paused before shrugging, "A friend of mine said being in a peerage is better than being on my own. So I'd like to join yours - it seems nice enough," I shrugged once more, before I turned to Sirzechs, "Though I am open to being put in another peerage if not this one."

Sirzechs, however, looked annoyed. Not in a 'angry and I'm gonna explode' kind of way. No, it was more like he was...sulking? What the hell happened to the powerful guy earlier?

He got one look from the grey-haired woman, who squinted her eyes at him, before he sighed and looked toward Rias, "Rias, I need you to take Fudo-kun into your Peerage. Preferably as a Pawn. I need you to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't kick up any trouble," he sighed, seemingly still sulking, "And if he isn't trouble, then you'll have gained a powerful member to your peerage."

"But Nii-sama--!" Rias tried to refute something, but Sirzechs cut her off with a surprisingly serious look.

"You're the Devil in charge of this town, so it falls upon you to do this, and him being in your peerage? It's the easiest way to keep a track of him. Without it, he could probably sneak away," Sirzechs sighed upon seeing Rias, his hand twitching like he wanted to take a photo of something - that's what I got from his index finger seemingly pressing a phantom button, at least - before he carried on, "I know, it isn't something you want to do. But please, just do it for me, okay, Rias? And if he proves to be trouble, I'll have him moved to another peerage, okay?" he said gently, a calm smile on his face.

Still sulking, Rias just nodded her head before turning to Akeno, "Get the chalk and material needed for the Reincarnation ceremony," Akeno nodded before leaving, while Rias turned to the blond and the loli, "Yuuto, Koneko-chan, clear a space for the circle to be placed, please," she smiled before her head turned to me, her smile still present.

Seeing this, I smiled back before turning to Sirzechs, "Sooo...getting me into their school won't be too hard, right?" I asked, wanting to know if I could go to school with them. I wouldn't mind the change of pace, honestly.

"Excuse me?" Sirzechs said, his face full of confusion. The maid next to him smirked a little, but didn't say anything. Realizing he hadn't misheard me, Sirzechs got a little closer to me, his questioning gaze getting quite intense, "How old are you, Fudo-kun?" he seemed to have had a bad suspicion from the get-go.

Not that I could blame him. My body was full of scars from the last two years of war. God hadn't healed those, probably because there wasn't a point or because they didn't impede my ability? I'd guess so.

Even if I had an insane regeneration ability, it was, after all, a biological ability. It wasn't magical. So, the healing process was exactly like a human's, just sped up by an unimaginable amount.

And just like humans...I scarred. Which is why my body is full of them. Ranging from little nicks and scratches, to places where I've had to reconnect my limbs and jagged criss-crosses across my chest, back and torso. Usually claw marks, as well.

...That would probably make me look a bit older, huh?

"18. I turned 18 a month or two ago. I guess I look older than I am, huh?" I tried to laugh it off, but it only sounded awkward, like someone trying to hide an embarrassing thing.

Rias, who heard what I said, couldn't help but look at me with shock. Images of my scar-ridden body no doubt passing through her mind. Sirzechs was the same, yet he recovered quickly enough and all that was left was pity in his eyes. The blond, Yuuto was also looking at me with pity and an also sort of...understanding? I guess he's got his own kind of story, huh?

No wonder when I look at him I feel like crying. He's practically pouring out hatred and sadness.

Koneko, the loli, also shared that same look as Yuuto, and I had to wonder - was this Rias girl just collecting charity cases for her peerage? ...That's nice, I guess. Reminds me of me during the earlier parts of the war when I was recruiting Devils into my group. They all had such sad stories; rejected by a lover who found out what they were, disowned from their families because of what they are, etc, etc. They were all crying, on the inside, at least.

This Koneko, as emotionless as she seems, she's crying. She's a lot like Ryo. Covering her sadness with an emotionless front.

"So, can you get me in?" I asked, not wanting them to dwell on the scars for too long. Hearing me, Rias quickly looked away, as did Yuuto and Koneko. Sirzechs came out of his stupor with a surprising amount of swiftness and even acted like nothing had happened, despite the pity still being in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, we can get you in easily enough. Though, do you have anywhere to stay?" Sirzechs asked, and for the first time I thought about where I'd be staying. Maybe it'd be like the old times me and the others used to camp out on top of buildings or in abandoned buildings?

...I miss them.

Bringing me out of my thoughts, Rias appeared next to me out of nowhere, looking up at her brother with pleading eyes, "He can stay with me and Akeno! You said I had to look over him, so what better way for me to do that than to have him stay with me?" obviously her pity for me was influencing her thoughts and actions, but I didn't care too much. I guess staying wherever she stays would be better than sleeping in or on an abandoned building.

"Hmm, I don't know, Rias--! Ouch!" he had a troubled face as he tried to dissuade Rias, but the gray-haired maid appeared next to him and seemed to pinch his side - she was definitely his wife - and Sirzechs looked at her with teary eyes before sighing and looking back at Rias, "Yes, that's fine. But if he causes any trouble call me. Especially if he tries anything lewd--! OWW, Grayfia, stop!" Sirzechs cried out once more as the maid, Grayfia, pinched him again.

Seeing this interaction made me smile a little. It was nice to see such pure...happiness, I guess I'd call it? You wouldn't have seen these kind of actions during the this is a definite piece of evidence that it's all moved on.

...Then why do I still feel so empty?


Why do I still feel terrible?


Why...does it still hurt so much?

"Fudo-kun!" Sirzechs was right in my face, his eyes a mixture of worry and suspicion, and I was shocked backward, being brought out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something..." I forced a smile while scratching the back on my head, "What did you need, Sirzechs-san?"

I couldn't tell them about the war, nor about who I was fighting, so I had to lie about it and try and play it off as something not too serious. They wouldn't believe me even if I told them the whole truth. Sirzechs and Grayfia saw right through me, almost instantly, but neither of them brought it up, thankfully. I'd always been bad at lying...shame I have to rely on such a thing right now.

Sirzechs looked at me for a few seconds before he sighed and spoke, "I was asking if that's fine with you, Fudo-kun. Stopping at my little sisters house, that is," he still seemed a bit annoyed by the circumstances, but stayed professional. No doubt because Grayfia was right behind him.

Poor guy.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," I simply nodded before walking over to where Akeno had drawn the circle or whatever. I lay down as instructed, and just let them get on with it.

. . .

The reincarnation ceremony wasn't too hard. Wasn't hard at all, actually.

All that happened was Rias saying a bunch of words before some kind of energy entered my body and changed me into a Devil. Though I could still feel that I mainly a Devilman still. I could also feel the dragon aspect of my body now.

It made me a little stronger, a little faster, and a little tougher than before. But these little increases will eventually add up into a big increase once I'm strong enough.

I mean, that's how I assume it's gonna work.

What am I doing right now? Going to the nearest convenience store. Why? Because Sirzechs gave me a bank card filled with money. Why? Because I needed to get my own food. I don't know why, I just guess that he wants to keep me away from his sister? I am ruggedly handsome after all~

Laughing softly to myself, I shook my head at the thought - there's no way a girl like Rias, a noble Devil from one of the bigger houses of the Devil World, would settle for a Pawn of her own peerage, right? Even if it did take 8 Pawn pieces, one of them being a Mutated piece, to reincarnate me. But knowing my own potential, I knew it made sense. In my prime I had the strength needed to battle a being that cut the Moon in half. If that's not potential, then I don't know what is.

Speaking of the moon, I looked up and saw that there were now two of them, each of them smaller than the original moon. They were the result of Ryo cutting the moon in half.

Weird to think after another go, the world still developed in a similar way to before. There's still a Japan, after all. There are slight differences, though. YouTube is called DeviTube now, is the main one I can think of. It's really weird.

Yet it also reminds me of how far out of my own time I am...

Sighing, I entered the convenience store before soon enough coming back out with many bags filled with meat, snacks, and microwavable meals. Though I did have one bag that was completely filled to the brim with high-percentage alcohols.

Walking into a dark alley way, I released my wings, the two bat-like things now working without any hassle, and I took off, in the direction of Rias and Akeno's place.

. . .

Sitting in the basic room they'd given me, I ate through the meat and snacks at a rapid pace, my appetite not having lessened even a little amount during my time traveling escapade. In fact, it feels like it's gotten even more voracious. Maybe something to do with the dragon aspects I now have?

But alongside the meat and food, I was drinking a copious amount of alcohol.

It took a lot to get me drunk - insane healing factor and all that - but I could get drunk. I am a biological being, after all.

Why am I getting drunk? Because...I guess it would be because I'm sad. And I want to try and drown that sadness with alcohol. It worked during the war, so it should work now. Hopefully it does, otherwise I'll be stuck with my thoughts while I'm sober.

"You always said I was a crybaby, Ryo..." I whispered to myself while looking down at my lap, "Miki probably thought the same thing, you know...?" I felt my voice crackle as the alcohol started having an affect. Though not the kind I wanted. "Why could we have just lived happy lives? Why did we have to fight? Why did she have to die, Ryo?" I asked weakly, feeling tears build up in my eyes.

And for the first time in 2 years.

I cried.

. . .

POV Change - Rias Gremory

I hadn't meant to peek into his room.

...Well, I might have been a bit curious. But he was the one who left his door mostly open! I was only coming to ask if he wanted to come and watch some TV with me and Akeno.

But...I didn't expect to see him getting drunk--Wait, is he crying?

Who are these people 'Ryo' and 'Miki'? Were they why he has those scars?

I felt myself choke up by the feelings I was currently getting from him. He was like a maelstrom of despair, sadness, and regret right now.

I...I wanted to help him...but I can't even help how can I help him?

Just as I was thinking that, I saw his amber eyes peering at me, their brightness making them practically glow in the dark room. I went to apologize but my voice was caught in my mouth and I couldn't say a thing.

He didn't speak. All he did was continue to stare while he cried.

I opened the door and knew what I need to do.

I walked to him and hugged him. He needed comfort. He needed someone to rely on. I didn't know why, and frankly, I don't need to know why. He's my Peerage member, and I need to look after him, however he needs it.

I felt him snake his strong arms around me and I felt the crushing force of his hug, the strength even higher and more inhuman than Koneko's strength that she got from the Rook Piece. But I didn't care and just continued to hug him, "It's okay, Akira...I'll be here whenever you need it, okay?" I softly said, stroking his messy and wild black hair. He just buried his head into my chest, still crying. I didn't care. Sometimes, people just need to cry it out.

Akira_Fudo Akira_Fudo

If you thought you were gonna have a perfect MC who never has to rely on people and is like a brick wall in terms of emotions, then, well, you're in for something you won't like.

Akira, has been in a brutal war for 2 years, where all he had time for was training and killing. Now, however, he's got some time to think about what's happened. For 2 years he's been suppressing Miki's death and the emotions that caused within him. Now it's all coming out. You could even say that Miki's death, and the war as a whole, traumatized him.

He's gonna need people to rely on. Which is why him being in Rias' peerage is a good thing. He'll actually be able to grow as a person there.

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