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42.85% Demigods in Hogwarts / Chapter 3: Ch.3 The Wizarding World

Chapter 3: Ch.3 The Wizarding World

Nico's POV-

I was the first person to travel in Floo. I honestly didn't know what I was doing, it was a good thing Hecate was there with us to explain everything. I wasn't new to the wizarding world, my cousin goes to Hogwarts. He has told me all about it, I think he might even be on the team of wizards that are getting special training for the war. I was upset that we had to leave so soon, I had just gotten together with Will and then they pulled me into a different continent, but I learned that by being demigods we have to put aside our social life so we don't end up dying, and killing the whole world while we are at it. It is something all demigods know that we have to live with, and there's nothing that we could do about it.

After a while of waiting Reyna came up behind me, I wonder what took so long. She pushed me to the side of one of the buildings to wait for the rest of our friends. The two of us stood around, just people watching. So many people of so many ages all running around the alleyway. Looking at all the stores was a great way to see inside their world, the windows were filled with robes, wands, an assortment of books with the weirdest titles, pets, candy, and broomsticks. Isn't that pretty hypocritical, giving witches broomsticks, it sounds sorta cliche to me?

Everyone finally arrived as the spot that Reyna picked quickly got crowded. We decided to go on a look out to find the person who was supposed to be waiting for us. We started heading in the direction that everybody was going in. Suddenly Leo was running towards us with a big guy following behind him.

"Hey guys, long time no see eh." He said when he reached the group. No one paid any attention to him, as we were looking at the big dude who was towering over him. "Oh right, guys, this is Hagrid, he is here to help us get acquainted with the wizarding world." He said motioning to the Hagrid who was now moving closer to us.

"Hey there, how'd you do?" He greeted us, although we can't really understand him. "Alrigh'y, it is my job to show you around the wizarding world. So just follow me." He then takes us to all the shops, telling us the history behind the alley. He shows us an alley that we aren't supposed to go down. He tells us about the war that took place last year, and how quickly they were able to repair the alley. He then brought us to the bank so we could collect some money to buy what we need to buy for the twelve of us.

We got to the bank and we were creeped out at the fact that everybody that worked there were midgets, I mean goblins, right? Only one person fit in the strain thingy they had with the giant, so we chose Annabeth because she is probably the most responsible one out of all us, followed closely by Reyna.

Once Annabeth came back with a bag full of coins we were set off to shop for school supplies. Wow school supplies, I haven't been to school in so long, I didn't I was ever going to go back there. It is so weird thinking about how much we all have grown in a matter of years, with all the saving the world we haven't had the chance to live our lives like normal teenagers.

Our first stop was to get some robes, we let the girls go first since they could only take three at a time, and the rest of us went to buy some books for our classes. We couldn't find the store that we needed, we kept walking up and down until Frank pointed out a store that we all thought was a library. We entered the store and sure enough, they were kids everywhere, of all ages too. I stopped this book from falling on this little kid who couldn't be older than ten, the book was a bit heavy and when I handed it to the kid it looked like he was struggling. I just left to go and find his parents, I helped enough.

All the books in the store are weird, There are a few books in cages with warning signs. Some are locked up in a glass case, most likely the expensive ones. We split ourselves in the store to find the books, we each have seven classes and there is about one or two books per class and there are twelve of us going to the school, so if my math adds up, that is a lot of books.

After we get all the books we meet up with the girls and Hagrid, who stayed with the girls, to get lunch. We ended up finding a small place called the Hopping Pot. We all tried this thing called Butterbeer, it's not actually beer, but it is really good. We all ordered a couple of Butterbeers and filled up on turkey legs, except for Piper she just ordered a salad. Hagrid kept telling us about the stuff at Hogwarts and catching us up to speed of the six years of learning that we missed, as we would be going into our seventh year at Hogwarts, even though most of us are older than seventeen, at least if you count the years we were dead or frozen.

After we ate, the girls went to explore the rest of the alley as us boys went to get our robes. We were walking to the robe place when I saw my cousin pass us. I told the rest of the guys to go ahead without me and I went to go follow my cousin. "Draco, Draco over here." I called out to him. I watched him turn to find who was calling him and then we locked eyes and he smiled at me.

"Hey Sud, what are you doing here?" He asked, calling me my old nickname.

"I told you that we were called here on a secret mission, which is very secret since you know but still."

"Oh right, I forgot about that. Where are you headed?"

"I need to go get my robes, walk with me?" He nodded and started to guide me to the robe shop, Madam Malkin's Robes, the shop fits the name. It was small and cozy, made you feel like having a cup of tea or hot chocolate and just relaxing. The guys were all here Jason, Leo, and Frank were getting their robes fitted. The thing itself was quick, not lasting more than five minutes per customer. No one realized I was here with a guest.

"Well, this is where I leave you, I have to meet up with my friends. So I will see you at the school." Draco says quietly so only I heard.

"Yeah, bye." I watch him leave and I move to the Stolls and and Percy who were laughing and making fools out of themselves. After we got all our robes we met up with the girls again, it was starting to get dark so Hagrid took us to the Inn that we will be staying in. It was a bit of a walk and we were all tired when we got there, but we made it. Today was a long day, I was ready to go to bed.

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