Noland Lee emptied Kasha's pockets and stuffed various battle potions into his backpack.
He reached into Kasha's backpack and took out a rolled-up route map in the shape of a barrel.
When Noland Lee opened the map and took a look, he couldn't help but feel troubled.
He did not consider himself an excessively kind-hearted person.
But if there was a chance to save many lives by lifting a finger, he would not ignore it.
So, he had to find a way to get this breakout map into the hands of the soldiers stationed at the Legion Fortress.
Noland Lee stood up and pushed Kasha's corpse into the river with a forceful kick.
He did the same to the other four elite fighters' corpses as he passed them, pushing them all into the water.
The river carried the corpses northwards while Noland Lee swept the bloodstained mud back into the water, retrieving all the casings and bullet heads from the ground.
With that, the corpse disposal was complete.
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