Noland Lee briefly read the success of the deconstruction and closed it.
Now is not a good time for in-depth research, there is still a lot of work waiting for him to do.
Noland Lee flew out of his hiding place.
He directed several heart control spiders on the scene to hide, each monitoring a small area, to guard against people coming from the Fissure Corridor while he was scavenging.
Noland Lee stopped in front of the control console of the cultivation tank.
The control desk was about five meters wide, and its height was just at Noland's chest.
If members of the Angel Enterprises Alliance, like Noland, were humanoid creatures, their height should be much taller than Noland.
Because for something like a control console, only if its height is just at the level of the waist can it be easier for humanoid life forms to operate with both hands.
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