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4.54% By Ragingspeed/SMUT / Chapter 1: Shocking Hinata
By Ragingspeed/SMUT By Ragingspeed/SMUT original

By Ragingspeed/SMUT

Author: Daoist007536

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Shocking Hinata

Summary: Set in chapter 700, the raikage is unhappy with the current peace and wants war, the only thing more monstrous than his appetite for destruction is lust, and he has a certain Hyuga in mind.

1. Chapter 1

Background: This is set in chapter 700, Hinata is married with two kids to Naruto, the world is at peace Naruto is Hokage, but there is trouble brewing in the leaf.

"Dammit we can't do that to Naruto he has a family for Christ sake" Tsunade screamed at the council, Sakura bowing her head in disgust at the suggestion of the council. The cloud had secretly been building up there forces, while Naruto had started to disarm the leafs and the other villages. "We have no other choice, we have to meet the Raikages demands, and give him the Hyuga somehow, we can't just hand her over she has to go willingly or at least be tricked into giving him a child" an Elderly council member said . Tsunade sighed "fine this makes me sick. But the last thing I want is the peace ending, Sakura you and me will be tasked at achieving the impossible, somehow making Hinata cheat on her love of her life, and give that black bastard the Raikage a kid" she said storming out the room.

Hinata had grown into somewhat of a MILF or at least that's what she heard in whispers of kids whenever she went shopping. Standing at 5'4 the Hyuga princess was a sight to behold, her breasts had grown bigger from child birth to an impressive and back hurting DDD bra size, that still at 36 years old still defied gravity. She had let her hair grow out since she got married it now went to down to her ass, covering her shapely and plump behind nicely

. Although no longer an active ninja Hinata still kept in shape through regular exercise and had taken up yoga, to improve her flexibility for her style. Today since it was so hot she had decided to put on a rather modest summer dress, but what it lacked for in showcasing her bust it made up for showing her pale smooth toned legs.(here is the dress fs70/PRE/i/2010/364/7/a/pretty_dress_hinata_by_ )

Tsunade sama and Sakura had just spoken with Naruto apparently, and had told her she would be the new ambassador for Kumo( the cloud), a position she was very honoured with although It meant more time entertaining foreign dignitaries and less time with her husband and kids, but Sakura had assured her it was for the best and what was good for the village. Her first assignment after going to confirm the mission details with her husband Naruto, was she would be looking after the old Raikage, and keeping him busy for his 1 month trip to the leaf.

Hinata started to make her way to main gate to greet the raikage, unaware of the vile plan unfolding around her. Tsunade had already met up with the Raikage, agreed to his demands but the only way he would be allowed Hinata is if he could fuck her willingly or trick her, they wouldn't simply hand her over, Naruto would never allow it, the Raikage reluctantly had agreed to this plan.

The Raikage smiled uneasily, trying not to notice how Hinata's massive breasts bounced as she walked. She was dressed modestly, most would say, but still, the tops of her boobs jiggled as she walked out to the gate to greet him. He took a handkerchief out of his inside pocket and dabbed at his sweaty forehead, pushing all details of the sinister plot to make Hinata his aside. Tricking a woman wasn't right, but it would have to be his tactic, since he was convinced that, when such a lovely woman had a warrior like Naruto to pleasure her in bed, she would never stoop to adultery with such a homely man- for that was how he saw himself.

Hinata greeted him politely, with a touch of eagerness. "Welcome." She beamed, opening the gate so that he could slip in past her.

"What a lovely place." He said, or thought he said, as a better part of his focus was used trying not to gawk at Hinata's beauty and body. He must have said something right, because she nodded and smiled again, starting to detail the village's history and what had happened within the walls of the community in the past decade or so. Her husband, she said, was the infamous Naruto, and though the Raikage already knew this, he felt a stab of jealousy that any other man owned this magnificent creature.

All at once he realized that she had stopped talking and was regarding him with amusement, head cocked to the side. Her deep eyes were somewhat bemused, and all at once they had something both soft and predatory about them, something that made him comfortable and aroused. That didn't change the fact, though, that he had been standing here for a few minutes, some of them in silence, opening and closing his mouth like a fish while he stared at her deliciously plump lips whilst she talked.

It wasn't that he was an incompetent man. Oh, no. If anyone ever said as much (though of course they never did in front of him) he would give them such a verbal beating that they would have to crawl home in defeat. No, he wasn't stupid or ignorant. But this woman really did seem to have him spellbound with every little twitch of her finger or shifting of her lips. And even better, she seemed seriously ignorant to how alluring she was. Either that, or she was very good at acting.

"Yes, of course!" He stumbled over his words, but Hinata, being such a kind soul, only smiled and led him into the small village. He had no idea what he had agreed to, only that she had seemed like she was waiting for an answer to a question. A tour of the village, perhaps?

His suspicion was quickly confirmed when Hinata began pointing out different businesses and houses where noteworthy people lived. For what it was worth, the Raikage was trying to keep himself interested in the village, and though it was very pretty, he had admitted to himself already that Hinata was more beautiful than even the budding flowers on the trees. Every time she turned towards him to make sure he had heard her, his eyes snapped up to her face and his hand shakily stroked his platinum facial hair, which was shockingly noticeable against his tanned skin.

He knew he was decently attractive- even young women still fawned over him from time to time. He was a man with experience, and he assumed they knew that, as they seemed to get as horny as rabbits whenever they thought they were alone with him. He didn't mind the attention, not at all, but being who he was, the Raikage had very high standards in women. Not many of the village girls had really interested him enough for him to maintain an actual relationship- but Hinata.

She was so perfect, it was hard to believe she was real. Granted, she was married with two children, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her. Sure, she may have looked her age, but she still looked exceedingly youthful and was- the Raikage blushed as he searched for the right term- very…. perky for her age. He guessed- rightly so- that her sons' friends would probably fuck her with no qualms about her being married or the fact that she had, in fact, birthed their best friend. She was too hot to them, too undeniably worthy, that they would not hesitate to dive into bed with her- no matter how small they were, they would take the opportunity by the horns. He would have bet money on it.

"Yes, it's very lovely." He murmured in a silence between Hinata's sentences. He was staring directly at her ass, as she was now walking in front of him. As she swung her hips side to side rhythmically, he almost felt like he would drool. A bit of innocently pale pink lace peeked out naughtily where her kimono dipped low on her side- he could only see it when she swung her arms lightly as she walked. Just the thought of slipping off that silky kimono off of her skin- which might arguably be even silkier than said kimono- drove him crazy and gave him an erection. Or, rather, only added to his pleasure and made him stiffen further, as he was already painfully hard.

It was hard to predict when Hinata would look up, but he managed to avoid being detected while his eyes lasciviously took in every single curve of hers. And if he couldn't explicitly see it, his imagination took over. He had never kidded himself- he knew he wasn't too creative of a person, but Hinata-chan seemed to make him so aroused that he was driven to imagining the sounds she might make if he drove his huge cock into her wet-

"And this is the place you'll be staying." Hinata said, mercifully breaking off his daydream before it could get any more detailed. He almost blushed when he realized that his body had gotten so loose that he probably would have made a noise aloud if he had continued to imagine his body pressing hers into the bed. He shook his head sharply, and though Hinata shook her head in a puzzled gesture, he only smiled at her. He would NOT look at those pale, smooth legs, he would not, he would not, he would-

"I hope you'll be comfortable here." She smiled, and if she herself was uncomfortable, she didn't show it. It was odd, thought the Raikage, that this demure little vixen wasn't bothered by his presence- after all, tension among everyone was being stretched dangerously thin, and it wasn't long until one of the bonds between allies snapped. Something would be irrevocably ruined, he predicted- but what?

"What's on your mind?"

"What? The Raikage asked, shocked that she seemed to have been reading his thoughts.

Hinata blinked patiently and slowly explained, "You seem as if you have an awful lot going on in there." She tapped her own head, her shiny hair falling all the way down to her hips to curve over her plump bottom and wide, well balanced hips.

The Raikage cleared his throat, pasting on a neutral smile for her benefit. He didn't want her to think she was doing anything wrong. "Oh. There was just a bit of travel. It tired me."

Hinata nodded thoughtfully, trying to be a graceful and good ambassador. She wanted to look fair and equal to the old Raikage. And so she spoke hesitantly, but still Hinata did speak her mind. "You seem as though something is troubling you, Raikage." She bowed her head slightly, looking up at him through her thick, long eyelashes. He felt his muscles start to melt, and it took all he had as a man- both physically and emotionally- not to just confess everything he felt.

Doing so would ruin the plan. He must trick her, he knew, or have her offer herself to him, which he was fairly sure she wouldn't do.

And so he smiled again, wide and open, and at the same time very deceptively. It wasn't his nature, but since the council had wanted it this way- there was no other way this could be- he was willing to be a bit underhanded in getting what he wanted, even if it wasn't exactly aligned with his morals. And so, the Raikage lied with a smile on his face.

"Nothing is troubling me, princess. Nothing at all." He leaned down- he was much taller than she- and pressed his lips against hers. For a brief second, so quickly that Hinata later could not be sure if it had happened, his tongue slid over her sweet lips. He was intoxicated by her, but he had just enough strength to pull back and walk past her, thanking her again for the tour.

He left Hinata blushing and internally reeling. Naruto was her truest love. She was married! What would he think if he could see what had just occurred?

The Raikage sighed, and for a moment he wished he had just broken the council's rules and pressed her up against the wall. He knew he could make her scream far louder than Naruto ever could- but would she admit that she loved it, or would she be so paralyzed by fear that her body shut down and she would not realize that the waves of pleasure were stronger than any that had ever gripped her before?

He headed towards the room that Hinata had pointed out to him and slid open the door, sliding it back in place quietly as he came in. He knew the rooms around him were probably empty, as they were eerily devoid of noise at the moment. He supposed it made sense, as they didn't trust the Raikage fully (they being the council, he thought) and would make sure to have him isolated whenever possible.

He turned from the door and nearly had a heart attack to find someone on his bed. The first room was a place to drink sake, to relax, to eat dinner, but through the open screen door he saw Sakura lounging on his bed. Somewhat awkwardly, he noted. He knew immediately what she was doing here and why she was doing it. Yet, he wasn't going to say no to a good fuck, he thought vulgarly with a smile.

He walked closer, shutting the bedroom door slightly behind him. "And why are you here? I didn't ask for you, Sakura." The Raikage raised his blond eyebrows. His eyes ran up and down her body, which wasn't as desirable as Hinata's. "Not that I'm complaining." He said neutrally, his eyes lingering on her lacy, revealing lingerie. "But you already had some damn fine eye candy show me around."

Sakura gritted her teeth. She knew he was playing around with her on purpose, saying demeaning things just because he could. And though she took marriage seriously, anything to keep the Raikage happy was a plus- for the village, and therefore for the entire nation and nations beyond. One ripple could set off a hundred wars between friends. Sakura knew this well. And lately the tension was unbearably thick- she knew that they were on the verge of breaking out into battle.

So if she could keep the leader of another village happy, she would- ugh- have to fulfill his every wish. And, as Sakura considered his smirk, she realized he was a man who would have many. She watched as he pulled off his shirt with stiff movements, very business-like. She may as well have been a sex doll, she thought wryly.

"Scream as loud as you like." He said to her as he unzipped his pants. So she was wrong, then- she was something less than a sex doll… she was like a servant to him, something to fuck while he closed his eyes and imagined Hinata's ass bouncing in front of him, her rose-petal lips parted as she gasped for breath and begged for mercy.

Before she could even rethink what she was allowing him to do- and she had had a lot of time to think about it while waiting for him- he grabbed her hips and pulled her across the bed. A slight sheen of sweat covered his dark skin from the demanding hike around the village and it's surrounding territory. He smelled musky, and Sakura wrinkled her nose, unsure if it was an attractive smell or not.

His rough voice brought her back to the bed. "Crotchless, hm? Did you think of everything?" He sounded surprised. Sakura looked up and saw the Raikage contemplating her with somewhat new eyes. It was quick to fade, though, and soon he was aggressively pushing her against the edge of the bed. He bent her over the end of the bed, her feet planted on the floor. Her toes curled instinctively as the chill of the hardwood hit her bare soles.

She half turned, as if needing to see what he was doing- to make sure he wouldn't do anything extraordinarily evil. He didn't notice at first- his cock had lolled out of his jeans, now uncontrollable. It stuck straight out, and it was probably no bigger than the average man's, but since Sakura did not want him inside of her, it looked excessively huge and harder than it should've been.

He suddenly caught her looking and spun her around so quickly that her head spun. Before Sakura knew what had happened, she had been pushed to the ground as if she were as light as a sheet. And his erection was being rolled across her lips- one of his hands was on the hilt, and the other in Sakura's hair. He had no intentions of making her suck him to reach orgasm, but Sakura still felt bile in her throat. An odd mixture of disgust and hate, and faintly, anticipation and lust. But overall her loyalty shone through in her movements, and instinctively she pulled away.

He tightened his grip on her hair and pulled her back to him, so that she was unsteadily forced onto her knees and hands. "Do it." He commanded, shoving his member against her lips, teasingly rubbing pre-cum on her lips. She felt fear surge through her- he was strong, and easily capable of snapping her neck. In the next moment, she was enraged that she had for one second thought she was not capable of defending herself. Sure, he was… massive. But she was strong, too.

Impatiently the Raikage pulled her head back and used the hand that previously stroked himself to pry open her mouth. Her jaw was clenched, so there was a bit of resistance, but the Raikage was strong and barely noticed it enough to care. He thrust his cock into her mouth, and did not hesitate to shove himself down her throat.

Sakura, choking, had to grudgingly inhale, which meant somewhat sucking him. Her teeth scraped none too delicately against his skin, but as he moved his hips back and forwards, he couldn't be bothered to punish her further- this was enough, he decided. He was face fucking her now, and Sakura felt, against her will, tears forming at the edges of her eyes from sheer panic and pain. She was making a wheezy sound- she couldn't barely breath. Every time she tried to inhale, there he was again, giving her a break for about a second and then pushing himself deeper down her throat. She bit down hard as he moved, and contrary to causing pain, he moaned.

His eyes were closed, obviously thinking of Hinata. She was extremely irritated that she had brought him any kind of pleasure. She pulled back, resisting his strong grip. His hands slid out of her hair willingly, to her surprise, but it was short lived. "You're right. That was enough to make you wet." He panted teasingly, removing himself from her throat with a tight popping noise. Sakura struggled to get up, but he quickly grabbed her hips and once again bent her over the bed. His thick finger slid inside of her. He chuckled heartily. "You're so wet, you dirty whore."

He knew that sometimes womens loved being called such names in bed- it made them freaks. Sure enough, Sakura blushed- he even leaned over her to check. But was it from arousal or anger? He couldn't find the heart to care. He rubbed the head of his member against her clit, making her yelp loudly in shock. He had done it very suddenly, very uncaringly. The Raikage smiled. "You may yet be a good girl, Sakura."

She bit her tongue at the sound of his lips speaking her name. Her hands gripped the sheets, and she felt those aforementioned tears still pooled at the outer corners of her eyes. "Just do it." She snapped. Sakura didn't want this- but she didn't really have a choice. She did it for her village, her children, her husband…

Sakura blinked the tears away, but fresh ones would soon appear as the Raikage pushed his cock deep inside of her. She hissed in pain at such an abrupt entry, and hated herself for being aroused by any of this. It was hard not to be, she reasoned, but still. His hand snaked around her waist and deftly fingered her, flicking her clit. The other rested on her hip to keep her in place, and so he could have leverage to thrust, which he was already doing very strongly.

She felt herself slicken even further, but she bit her tongue harder so that she wouldn't make a noise. She would not give him any more of herself than her body. He didn't deserve it. Sakura tasted blood, but she still chewed on her own tongue. Unfastening her lingerie top- useless, really- his lips ran down her spine, knowing it would annoy her. It was fun to feel her body stiffen, to resist his insistent thrusting. Yet he knew somehow that she did in fact like it, no matter how faintly.

He slowly pulled out of her, his hands flying off of her. For one blessed moment, Sakura opened her eyes and inhaled deeply, sighing in relief. Was it over?

Of course it wasn't. The Raikage turned her around and spread her legs so widely that she made a small mewl of discontent, to which he only laughed. "Such a cute little thing." He pouted, leaning down to suck on her clit briefly. Her back arched against her will and she let out a soft cry of pleasure, before realizing that this wasn't her husband and it wasn't a good thing. She growled at him to cover up the yell, but he had already heard it. She couldn't take it back, couldn't snatch it from the air.

He smirked down at her infuriatingly. "I never did say…. thank you, Sakura, for some entertainment. Your village is awfully boring." She opened her mouth angrily to reply but he had already inserted himself once again, pounding into her with all he had. He was very persuasive, Sakura thought grouchily, though she could barely think at all, much less breathe normally. "Fuck… you…" She said coolly, though her tone was more strained than she would have liked.

"You're already doing that." He cooed to her almost sweetly, as demeaning as ever. He gripped her hips and moved his hips so fast that Sakura couldn't be sure it wasn't by some act of magic. How could anyone move this fast? Coupled with his raw power, it made for a very painful experience. But she felt herself getting closer to climax as he fucked her mercilessly.

"STOP." Sakura demanded, but even she heard the breathiness of her voice, felt herself lean forward so that her breasts were rubbed raw by the sheets. She couldn't stand, but the Raikage had thought of that and was doing a good job of holding her up.

He stopped. Completely stopped, with his cock still curved deep inside of her. He leisurely bent over her figure. "You're not done until I say you're done." He whispered right in her ear, before sucking on her earlobe and biting her playfully. She coughed in disgust, jerking her head away, but it didn't deter him. He took her nipples in his hands and played with them very quickly, before straightening a bit and placing both hands on the bed. Bracing himself for the encore, Sakura thought bitterly. A few tears had escaped at the sheer pain and wrongness of it all.

"Ahhh… No… No!" She yelled, the hot pleasure growing warmer and more frenzied. He bucked into her sloppily, like an animal mating. It was primal, it was rough, and Sakura wanted it to be over and wanted it to last at the same time. She didn't have a choice, however, because the Raikage tightened behind her and breathed more heavily, though he could control the sounds that threatened to emerge.

And very suddenly, without warning, Sakura's pleasure spiked and reached a pivotal point. She moved her hips desperately, suddenly without any thoughts. When you were this hot, you couldn't think anymore- or if you could, it was only of the pleasure radiating from between your legs. She felt herself moving backwards into him as he thrust, and in compliance he fucked her all the harder, using a strength even the Raikage didn't know he had.

She screamed as she came, and the orgasm lasted for a few minutes at the very least, the pleasure swelling around her like music, reaching a crescendo as the Raikage came inside of her. At the feeling of the hot liquid tickling her heat, she gasped needily and humped the bed, cursing as she felt the intense heat move deeper inside of her. When she was done, she lay limp against the bed. The Raikage pondered her form and pulled out, white splattering Sakura's ass. He smacked it, laughing breathlessly.

"Good girl." The Raikage crowed triumphantly.

2. Chapter 2

**Please rate and review, I need Ideas for what to do next.**

"**I'm not sure about this." Hinata said, barely louder than a murmur. She was blinking in hesitation at the yoga mats the Raikage had unfurled. For some reason, she had expected something a bit more… traditional…? The Raikage was clad in the super-thin material that yoga clothing is often made of, and he had brought a few things for Hinata. She was relieved that none of them were too overly showy. She didn't want to be falling out of her clothing, so he could get a few cheap thrills. No. So far he was being fairly respectable, to which Hinata was both suspicious and grateful.**

"**I'm just going to change." She nodded at the Raikage's insistent look, and as she walked away she felt exposed, even in modest clothing. She bit her lip and shut the door securely behind her. She was accustomed to a few harmless perverts taking enormous pleasure from her smooth skin, massive breasts, curved hips, and lips like petals. She changed very quickly. She kept her hair tucked behind her ears, but she could not hear any attempts to enter the room. The Raikage was stretching a bit when she exited the room, and Hinata found herself feeling a tiny bit less guarded. Safer.**

**Until her eyes were suddenly drawn, as if the pull was magnetic, to his pants. They were tight, probably a size too small- now that Hinata thought about it, her own clothing held her in place not because of the divine quality but because of the fact that it was a bit small for her. Still, it was all very comfortable and appeared smaller than it looked on, she reasoned, and she should be glad it even fit her at all- men were usually a bit bumbling at sizes.**

**But his pants… god only knew how big he was, but the bulge between his muscular legs was enormous. The Raikage smiled covertly as he caught Hinata staring unconsciously. He knew what she was thinking, and he could have even answered her. Eleven inches. He thought as if to answer her, licking his lips slowly at the sight of Hinata's long hair contained in a ponytail, the clothing so tight that he could see her breath- every quiver, every shuddering sigh. He almost moaned, but caught himself- he had been so careful, he couldn't just slip up for nothing. Besides, he couldn't make the first move. Well, technically, he could trick her into having sex, but it was best to be subtle- Hinata wasn't an idiot, after all.**

**He dragged his eyes up from her body just in time- a second later, she looked up at his face, and to her it seemed as if the Raikage had been staring the whole time. Hinata couldn't have been gaping for more than half a minute, but it seemed a lot lengthier than that. Ashamed, she tried to act as if she hadn't been curious about what was dangerously close to ripping the Raikage's pants. Hinata, though, was altogether too innocent in some ways to pull this off. Her cheeks were flushed, as if someone had recklessly applied rouge without rhyme or reason.**

**As she walked over to him, wondering where to start, he nodded at her and began to speak, telling her that they would go through quite a few basic positions before getting to more advanced things. They stretched, and each kept tabs on the other- the Raikage very suavely, Hinata somewhat obviously flinched the tiniest bit if his hands got too close on the mat. A few times, though, the Raikage saw her body slightly gravitate towards him, if she had a good view of his pants. He smirked. Funny thing was, he doubted she had any idea she was doing it.**

**Once they had gotten through the Lotus, the Tree, and such nature named poses, the Raikage stood and then spoke. "We're going to start you out doing a fairly easy position, but I'd like you to hold it until I say so." When Hinata nodded, he went on. "Muscular strength can always be improved upon… in most cases." His dark skin rippled as he flexed, the muscles becoming more pronounced. "Downward facing dog. We'll start with that one." He demonstrated, dropping his hands to the floor and putting his backside up, so that his pose looked almost like a mountain.**

**If Hinata had any qualms about the position, she didn't say so, only mimicked him. After a few tries, he told her, "That's perfect, there, yes, you want to be straight in the arms and legs. Fairly straight…" His voice trailed off at the sight of her ass in the air, right in front of him. Yes, he was peeking. No, he really didn't think before many actions, though he was still a calculating man at heart. He snuck closer, moaning silently as he lowered himself a tiny bit and saw Hinata's lower lips through the fabric. Was it him, or was the fabric damp?**

"**I'm going to help you slide into the next pose. This one's improving your flexibility." He took her hips in his massive hands, quickly pressing his enormous arousal right where she was vulnerable. And then, so fast that he knew she couldn't complain of any touching, he lowered her hips. If anything, he could say he was helping to brace her as she went down. You never knew when a muscle could cramp, he thought. With a grin on his face, the Raikage slipped down to his knees with her. "Arch your back… good girl." He murmured as Hinata did as instructed.**

**Her body was betraying her- when the Raikage peeked again, she was considerably wetter from the (what could be considered) sexual tension and torture he was inflicting upon her. "Spread your legs out a tiny bit further. Up on your toes." He added, making sure she wouldn't object because something was too blatantly sexual. And she listened, as he had known she would. Hinata was putty in his hands, whether she could accept it or not.**

**Her body was slowly tensing, and he commanded her to breath normally. This sometimes happened when certain people exercised- got so focused on movement that they forgot to breath. That, and the fact that her body got wetter as he heard her inhale and exhale shakily. A sound bordering on pleasure slipped out of her body, and he had to exercise supreme self control to not just rip her pants off now and drive himself in her.**

**The Raikage, to pass the time, imagined it. Once again he felt his bulge connect with her pert little ass, or, rather, with how she was positioned, her clit. Her swiveled his hips subtly and the bulge kept tightening in his pants as he teased her. Hinata started to feel slightly uncomfortable, but he hadn't made any move that she could be sure was meant to pleasure her outright.**

"**You're going to bounce on your toes now, so that your legs don't fall asleep." He commanded suddenly, a bit breathless, Hinata thought, from the exercise. She did as instructed, thankful for this, because the ache in her spine now subsided from the feeling of real exercise. The Raikage silently swore, cussing at the sight of her body bouncing up and down and back again. She was so tight, even for her age, and so fresh and desirable…**

**Without thinking anymore, he closed his eyes. Imagined she was bouncing in the bed with him. It wasn't hard to do, what with Hinata's rough breathing now, and the feeling of her wetness through the thin fabric. He squeezed her hips and she yipped in surprise, but took it as a gesture of approval, and so she kept bouncing, more vigorous now. It pleased her that she was doing so well. Yoga wasn't exactly her best skill.**

**The Raikage tilted his head back as he felt the wooden floor bending for them, creaking very quietly, and imagined that sound as the bedsprings groaning underneath their combined weight. Alarmed at his silence, Hinata eked out, "This feels so good."**

**Taking it sexually, the Raikage grinned and saw in his mind's eye a very naked Hinata in front of him, begging to be fucked mercilessly. He somewhat obliged in real life, running one hand down her leg to her thigh. "You're so tense. Let me help." He massaged her thighs while he balanced her on his erection, so that there was constant luxurious friction between them.**

"**Thank you." Hinata mewled, sighing contentedly.**

**His senses sent into overdrive by her breathy little yips, he moved down, bending over her, and braced his hands on the bloor. Her ass bounced against his hips. Pretending to do the same, he slipped his cock slightly out of his pants- which was not a halfway effort. The enormous eleven inch, swollen erection simply rolled right out of his pants, and he breathed a sigh of relief that Hinata was facing the other way.**

**He very skillfully rubbed the head against her clit, the length of him making contact between her plump cheeks. She jerked, but kept her position, though she did stop bouncing. She was breathing so heavily, the Raikage almost yanked off her pants and fuck her right there. She'd love it, even if she protested. She needed it, wanted it- at least, her body did. And right now, she was doing all the thinking with her body- thank the heavens for yoga, he chuckled.**

**She moaned, as if from the exertion, but the Raikage knew from the way she arched her back that she wanted him in her. He rubbed against her as he thought the things he would say right now- wanted to say. So… mn… tight… you want this, I know you do, dirty whore… god, look at how you're shaking and squirming… you want more? Beg for it.**

**Women loved to be called slutty things, he had learned, but only sometimes. Hinata had class, and he wasn't going to push it, though he desperately needed release. So he neatly tucked his cock back into his pants, commanded Hinata through a few more poses, and dismissed her. Hinata felt great- healthy. Not that she wasn't in shape, but this new exercise was almost… exciting? As she turned to change, he asked, "Do you want to be my date for the winter festival?" **

"**...yes." Hinata replied, as she couldn't think of any reasonable way out of it. As he left her home, Hinata realized that he hadn't asked for the workout clothes back. Which was just fine with her- they were so comfortable. She rubbed the fabric. You could almost feel everything through this…**

"**Your job is to make him happy, and that is your only job." Sakura reminded Hinata as they strolled through the village a while later. "He seemed pleased today, so far so good, and-"**

"**Yoga." Hinata supplied. "Hot yoga." In addition to the yoga itself, the room had been closed off, and as such it made them sweat a lot more- that was the point of hot yoga.**

"**Yes… yoga." Sakura said without much fanfare, hoping to not alarm the delicate young woman. She had no doubts that it had been very hot, indeed.**

**Sakura felt Hinata follow her as she changed direction, speaking over her shoulder as she marched on. "You need to appear… interested in him. It'll boost his ego and make him easier to deal with, for everyone." She sensed Hinata's doubts rather than saw them.**

"**...interested." Hinata repeated. "I have a husband, Saku-"**

**Sakura interrupted her very quickly. Often you could shift Hinata's attention to something else, if you were smart enough. "Of course you do. You read too far into 'interested', Hinata." The gears in her mind spun double time, whirling dangerously fast. "I meant companionable. If anything, flirty. You're not going to have to seduce him." Sakura snorted as if laughing off Hinata's concerns, but in actuality, her mind was full of her memories of being the Raikage's personal toy to placate him.**

**She stopped and slipped through silky curtains. Hinata followed, only to find herself in a smoky place that felt risky and slightly arousing- that was probably due to the many flattering costumes on display. Costumes… that showed more than real clothing ever would. Bedtime wear. She realized, eyes widening.**

"**Calm down, calm down, we're going to this section." Sakura rolled her eyes in amusement, though she didn't feel great about making sure Hinata was the prettiest bait for the Raikage. She held up a tiny skirt and a very fashionable shirt that happened to be sparsely made, with almost no fabric. She handed Hinata a few more things.**

**When Hinata came out to show Sakura the first outfit- the itty bitty skirt that rested against her upper thighs, the shirt wrapped around her curvaceous body and revealed a healthy dose of cleavage- she heard a few men behind them inhale sharply. Turning to look, she saw a few wives angrily drag the men out of the store or to a different section.**

**Turning back to the oblivious Hinata with a wide smile, she said, "You're definitely getting that."**

The Next day

"**I'm gonna fuck your mommy."**

**Hinata's son looked up at the Raikage with a mixture of awe- he was so big muscled, tall- and he couldn't help but notice the protruding bulge in his pants as well- and confusion. Hinata had been fairly good at sheltering her children from the more vulgar things in life, such as curse words. The little boy blinked slowly, as if his whole body was stalling as he tried to think of a reply.**

"**What? Mister?" The poor thing had meant that to come out as authoritative- this was HIS village, HIS mommy- but the Raikage only laughed and patted his head with a palm bigger than his head itself.**

**As tan fingers petted his hair, the Raikage explained, "She's hot as hell." To his amusement, the boy looked even more puzzled.**

"**No, she had a cold last week, but-"**

**The earnest young voice was muffled by the Raikage's roaring laughter. He couldn't help it- honestly, the kid was so funny it was nearly killing him. His untouched innocence was almost unbelievable, even in a good village like this. To think that someone, even a child, could be so ignorant of Hinata's beauty was astounding to him.**

**Hinata swept gracefully out of the house, immediately worried at the sight of her son standing by the Raikage- and worse still, the man was laughing and her little man looked as befuddled as Hinata probably did. What would make the man laugh so hard? Hinata wondered about this. The Raikage hadn't struck her as a particularly humorous type of man. The only jests he ever made were about Hinata's body, or sexual innuendos-**

**Hinata suddenly picked up the pace, her mind whirring as she tried to figure out just how much the Raikage had exposed her child to. She'd done a great job as a mother so far, she was proud to admit, and for the most part she didn't want them to use any cuss words. But, Hinata realized, she wouldn't be too vengeful for a few dropped f-bombs. It was the intimate knowledge of sex that the Raikage had that penetrated Hinata's coolness towards him. She hustled over to them in record time, her eyes snapping onto the Raikage. She nodded quickly, and then knelt down to speak to her son… while the Raikage stared at her ass admirably.**

"**Would you go back in the house?" Hinata forced a smile so that it appeared everything was normal. "Mommy's going to the Winter Festival today."**

"**I come, too?" The adorable boy asked, his eyebrows scrunched as if he might stamp his foot in protest.**

"**Well, I'm giving the Raikage-" She pointed over her shoulder, without looking, at the object of her explanation. "-a special tour of the village."**

"**Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Said the kid, as if the mysteries of the universe had just been simultaneously solved in his mind. He turned as if to go but then noticed his mother's apparel. It consisted of a few layers, to fight off the chill that seemed to be rapidly approaching. "Momma, he said you are always hot. Maybe no coat?" He felt proud of himself, glad to be of use. He practically preened as he looked up at his mother with large eyes.**

**Hinata's breath caught in her throat and she forced herself to breathe normally and give no sign of the tension that now seemed to knot her muscles. "Oh, yes, you're right." She stood up and- without looking once at the Raikage, even though he towered over her- removed the top coat. She ignored the chill that seemed to set into her skin like a killing frost. They hadn't had one yet, but it had to come soon. "Can you put this in mommy and daddy's bedroom?" She grinned, though her eye twitched.**

**The child either did not notice or did not question that twitch. He almost flew as he turned around and sped pell mell to the door of the house, throwing it open and dashing inside. Hinata watched the door swing shut on it's own, as it was slower than her boy's excitement at helping his mother. Hinata's heart stopped beating for just one second. He loved her so much. It would kill the children if they ever knew the reason she had to guide the Raikage around the village.**

**Before the Raikage could touch her (he would inevitably do so if she didn't move) she spun on her heel and started off at a brisk pace towards the Festival, crossing the long path as if it were shorter than a small babbling brook. "Don't linger, please, it's very cold this time of year." Her breath came out in puffs as she said it- to her annoyance, the Raikage could keep up with her (thanks to the long legs and bigger strides) and was staring at those lips while she talked. She turned away, glad to reach the side entrance of the Winter Festival. "This is it." She said politely, as if Hinata considered herself a tour guide.**

**From the moment the odd looking couple stepped into the crowds, people stared. As the Raikage led her out to the dance floor- somewhat forcefully, she noticed- she looked at the crowds to avoid looking at the Raikage. Hinata was used to this, but then again, she didn't know the reasoning behind the gawking. If she had fully understood, she would've felt slimy under the gazes of the people she knew. It was impossible not to notice how the Raikage's hands, though not too sleazy in where they were placed, touching her as if every single thing was sexual. He was trying to draw her out, whispering amusing comments in her ear as the people continued their activities while still watching from the corner of their eyes.**

**Hinata stepped lively and high, glad to be rid of that heavy overcoat. Maybe the Raikage had done her a favor, after all? Her spine stiffened as she shut that thought down. No. He'd done it to be needlessly sexual to her little boy. The Raikage noticed her tense body language and practically dropped his head so he could speak down to her.**

"**Something wrong?" His voice was a whisper, and yet it held the urgency of a shout. At the same time, it was lazy, too- as if the Raikage knew there wasn't anything wrong with Hinata that he couldn't fix with a few nice fucks. In the needlessly high heels (not that he was complaining) and flowing silky dress, the Raikage wondered how someone could be so graceful. It made him horny just to think about what she could do in bed.**

**Luckily for him, Hinata wasn't pressed close enough to notice his erection- she had been subtly pushing herself away from him as they danced, which, when combined with the Raikage's steady tug, actually evened them out so that neither was touching the other too much. This frustrated him, obviously, but he felt better when he caught a large group of teenage boys staring with jaws dropped as Hinata twirled.**

**Was there anyone this woman couldn't ensnare?**

"**Nothing's wrong." Hinata insisted, bringing the Raikage back to reality.**

**He decided to leave it at that. With the way men were openly gawking as their girlfriends crossed their arms and huffed, to no avail, the Raikage felt like he had obtained the most powerful weapon in the world and the most beautiful and rare flower all wrapped into one. He held his head high, casting them all a superior glance. He noticed that Hinata had been extra careful with her makeup today- it was flashier than usual, and he instinctively knew it was for him. He smiled smugly. Sakura must have gotten to her.**

**He suavely wrapped his arm around her waist- which she tried and failed to push off without him noticing- and took her to the best restaurant in the village. When they sat and ordered the food, Sakura requested water. The Raikage looked at her oddly, and she actually felt ashamed- she could drink alcohol, if she wished to!**

**So she ordered a few shots of sake. The Raikage knew that, though it was still alcohol, the tamer brands of sake had almost no effect. Quickly, before the waiter could sashay back into the kitchen, he requested the special brand of alcohol he knew would hit her hardest. There was a question in the man's eyes as he mentally took down their order as if with a pen and paper, but he walked away and into the back area with no complaints or questions asked. It was clear people feared the Raikage, and it was perfect when they did, he nodded to himself.**

**Hinata remained polite, even as the food on her plate diminished. Whenever the Raikage waved, the waiter appeared with more shots. At first, Hinata had been staunchly against this binge drinking- she could have a few shots, but this many? The glasses practically covered the table! She was not an alcoholic by nature, nor did she have any indulgences she wanted to fulfill. The Raikage, though, looked downcast by this, offended, and so she agreed by bravely knocking back shot after shot.**

**By the time the dinner was over, Hinata was swaying slightly, using her chopsticks to pluck food from her plate- except, she had finished her dinner. She stared numbly at the Raikage as she talked about everything and nothing- mainly gibberish- and continued to search with her chopsticks for the food that was already consumed.**

**At this point, he couldn't have her seen by anyone who would not be discreet. He left hurriedly, paying the bill and leaving an ultra generous tip, carrying Hinata in his strong arms as he took the back way to her house. The children were home, most likely, though the Raikage had noticed them scampering across the village to play, so perhaps he would be lucky?**

**He decided not to take the risk. The house was quiet as he pressed his ear to the door, but who knew? He looked around, then carried the muttering Hinata to the back gardens, where it was very lush and concealed from the world. He explained it away by saying, "This clearing will be great to watch the fireworks at midnight." Perfect, the Raikage thought as Hinata agreed with a noise that sounded positive. He laid her down on the soft ground, staring at the dress that so beautifully hugged every curve and crook of her body, and leaned down to kiss her neck.**

**He unbuckled his pants so fast that the drunken Hinata, her brain moving as slow as molasses, couldn't catch it. Suddenly his cock was out and in her face, startlingly huge- she estimated roughly eleven inches, though it may've been more, as it was after all shoved so close to her face she couldn't measure with her eyes properly. Her vision spun at the sight of it, and something in her blared an alarm. It was too large to be her husband.**

**Even in her drunken state, the Raikage thought grudgingly as Hinata pushed him away, though feebly- Hinata was faithful to a fault. He talked to her so that he was sure she'd nearly get a cavity from the overwhelming sweetness, using the voice that always charmed off the dresses of women. It nearly worked, too- he saw something, deep in her eyes, suddenly hesitate right as she opened her mouth. He needed to extinguish that last spark of defiance, of loyalty. He begged her, his hands running over her curves as he tried to convince her. She still stubbornly shook her head no. She started to doze, but he shook her awake.**

"**It would be a shame if anyone were to mention this certain agreement of ours, yes?" The Raikage said, pulling the trump card that would get Hinata to do nearly anything. Her eyes widened the tiniest bit as she realized what he was saying, and so the Raikage asked aloud this time while thrusting his cock near her face, "I want you to be unable to swallow food for a week." He said deviously, in a dark tone. Hinata nodded, as she was helpless and fearful he'd make good on that statement of telling everyone the deeper truth.**

**Before she had even completed one full nod, he pushed his cock at her lips. They brushed her lips, and her hands sloppily grabbed the base of the enormous erection to steady it so she could suck on it. He was impatient, however, and grabbed her hair with both hands. He rooted his fingers in deeply, tugging while insisting, "Put it in your mouth. Mhhf." He moaned for emphasis, and he watched as some part of Hinata got hotter. He couldn't see the change in her, but he realized it had happened when she knelt and obediently put it in her mouth. It was painful- her mouth bulged with it, and try as she might, the poor Hinata could barely get it down any part of her throat.**

**It wasn't helping, surely, that the Raikage was thrusting back and forth, letting out moans and praise for her. "Oh, fuck, yeah. That's my good girl. Who's sexy as hell?" He groaned as he watched her breasts bounce up and down in her luscious dress. She made a noise, pulling away as if trying to answer, but he gripped her hair and reeled her back in.**

**It escalated, until her throat was so expanded she felt she would never breathe again. He gave her tiny breathing breaks, but was so turned on at this point he openly humped her face. She heard the first firework go off right as the Raikage yelled out his pleasure. "Hinata!" He groaned deeply, the second and third firework displays punctuating the word. Hinata immediately pulled away, but not before a large amount of his cum slid down her throat. She watched with enormous eyes, not sure what to do, as she watched him orgasm and explode all over the grass.**

**Sticky white stuff was stretched between the grass in some spots, and she noticed that even now it had not stopped, nearly a full minute later. The Raikage was pulling at his own cock, which was still so hard that it was impossible to imagine he was ever flaccid. She watched as he jerked his hand up and down, the fireworks casting colors over them. Orange, green, blue, yellow… and as the Raikage looked up at her with a smirk, taking in the sight of his cum dripping from her ruby red lips and all over that pretty dress, he finally tugged his pants back on and stood. Looking up at the fireworks, he said to her, "Pretty amazing, isn't it?"**

3. Chapter 3

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Hinata hadn't said a word, but already Sakura was in disaster-management-mode. She was glad her husband wasn't anywhere near at the moment, as Hinata would've broken down completely under the feelings of guilt she harbored and carried on her thin shoulders.

Her face was limp, not capable of it's usual happiness at the moment. Sakura had dragged her along to go shopping for swimsuits. She had a bad feeling this was about the Raikage, and an even worse feeling that she would need to actually have sex in some way with him. She knew her mouth wouldn't be full this time- but the rest of her would be.

Her fingers met more smooth fabric, but she realized there was tons of fabric to be held, unlike the other thongs and G-strings in here. To anyone but Sakura, they would've looked reasonably normal. "What about these?" The extra wide, extra long bottoms weren't Hinata's usual sweet yet sexy style, but they were the most modest thing in the store. "They're black, which is supposed to be… slimming, right? They cover up some of the belly, see? Isn't that called high-waisted, Sak-"

"Hinata, are you fat?" Sakura burst impatiently, nearly done with Hinata's guilt. She could only be so patient with someone who was brooding as obviously as Hinata.

Hinata blinked. "I don't… no, I didn't mean-"

"Those are so grandmotherly that I'm beginning to question your taste. Perhaps I'll pick out something more our age?" Of course, not all women Hinata's age could wear what Hinata did, but that was the great thing about it, Sakura knew- men were surprised once they learned Hinata's true age. The Raikage had thought it was curious, how such an experienced mynx could still look so young and vivacious. Of course, this made her better to him in some odd way. Every new thing he learned about Hinata, the more he wanted her.

Hinata protested, but Sakura's loud voice was always able to drown her out. Sakura was good at leading- a skill she'd learned by being with someone not nearly sufficient enough in bed. "Can you please take her to the dressing rooms? I want this to be a surprise." Sakura said to the elderly store clerk, leaning over (Hinata missed this, of course, as she was behind her friend) to give him an intimate picture of her cleavage. He colored and immediately led Hinata away, silently praying that he might get lucky today. He was very polite to Hinata- she had no problem with him, and so she probably wouldn't have expected the old man to retreat behind the dressing rooms through the stock room door into a small secret room, where cameras were trained on everything- even, yes, in the dressing rooms.

He watched the one mounted slightly over Hinata as she bounced her leg, the other crossed daintily over the other. Her enormous and attractive breasts bounced and jiggled as if they each had a mind of their own, and his hand went down into his pants. Since he had had such a hard time- being so close to death now compared to so close to birth- getting himself to the peak, he knew to start early. The warmth began spreading through his achy joints and weaker bones like a fire.

Then, at that moment, Sakura bounced into the dressing room where Hinata sat, hanging up a couple of options for herself and only one or two for Hinata. She knew she could bully- or perhaps persuade- Hinata into buying one of the two outfits, which were either such thin fabric you would see everything, or such little fabric that you would see everything. Sakura knew how to play the game by now, and she played it with finesse and skill.

"No, Sakura, I thought-"

"C'mon, Hinata. It was just a blow job." She rolled her eyes. "It's not like you're cheating on your husband, and even IF you were, it would be for a reason. But you're NOT." She added that last bit when she saw Hinata bite her lip. "And you wanna look good for them, right?" Referencing, of course, their husbands. By now Hinata had surely figured out they were going to be at the beach today.

Hinata nodded slowly, and this sent Sakura into a flurry of action. While he waited a second for the cameras to catch up, he listened intently. Yes, so maybe there was a microphone also hidden in there… some men had dirty magazines, but this was his special indulgence. He heard everything with crystal clarity. He was very happy he had sprung for the higher quality mikes- their voices were too pretty to be muffled by bad sound.

The camera was up to speed after only a second, and, in full color, the old man watched Sakura strip down to her panties. She wore no bra. He was so horny he was practically humping his chair now, tempted to imagine he was riding one of the perfect women in the fitting room. Hinata looked away out of decency as Sakura pulled on her first pick.

"Why are you looking away?" She laughed at Hinata. "It's not as if you're a pervert, honey."

The old man had a good, phlegmy laugh at that one.

"No, no, of course not, but-" Hinata was suddenly forced to look over when she heard Hinata breathe in sharply. That was the intent. Sakura was over her, slowly taking off Hinata's clothing. Despite herself, Hinata blushed furiously, and felt herself become a little wet at this foreplay. No, no! It wasn't foreplay, Sakura was just a flirt, she thought miserably. Sakura knew how she was suffering and was still being as vexing as ever.

"I can put on my own-"

"Of course you can." Sakura purred, when at last Hinata was down to her panties and bra. "But I'd love to help."

The old man's poor hand felt sore already, but that didn't stop him from jerking his penis at lightning speed as he watched the sensual display. What Hinata couldn't see, being the slightly blind victim here, was that Sakura was moving in a way nearly every man would want to fuck her immediately for. She was doing it on purpose, so deliberately and deliciously. The old man finally cursed, his pants getting in the way of a particularly smooth tug, and he stood and fumbled with them until it all fell around his knees. He braced himself on the desk, causing the monitor to shake but then rest once more evenly as he violently got himself off to the flirtation.

Sakura helped Hinata into a bikini that was both clingy and almost see through and, also, very sparingly made in the fabric department. "Thank you, Sakura." She said gratefully, suddenly glad that Sakura seemed to be in business mode.

How wrong she was.

Well, partially wrong. This was Sakura's business, but… she was mainly trying to distract Hinata's mind. And the mind was easily won over by sexual impulses. Sakura shimmed against Hinata, gyrating the tiniest bit as she looked into the mirror. "We look hot as hell." Sakura sang softly, in case there were other customers in the store- though, at the moment, there wasn't.

Not that the pervy old man would have cared.

Hinata had to agree that Sakura looked great, and she knew that she herself did as well. But that knowing feeling was also reluctant- couldn't she be covered up, for once? Her husband surely loved her with or without sexy garb on, right?

Next thing Hinata's distracted mind knew, she had her back against the cool wall of the cubicle and Sakura was kissing her flirtily, tongue dusting over Hinata's teeth. It was sweet and salty at the same time, but Hinata told herself to stop it before it went farther. Sakura was trying to make her feel better, but this was stupid.

"Sakura." Hinata growled warningly, but her body nearly collapsed when Sakura, lips still on Hinata's, inserted her finger into Hinata. It wasn't hard. Hinata actually found her foggy brain marveling at the ease with which Sakura had penetrated her, at the way it had found her wetness and slipped right in, as if a welcome tease. "Oh." Her back arched, her brain shut off for this arousing moment, and her eyes fluttered. She mewled as Sakura, one hand holding Hinata's hands above her against the wall and the other fucking her relentlessly with only one finger, rubbed agonizingly slow against her clit.

The old man nearly ran out there to watch, but the show was so good and he could hear them well- why bother to get up? Hinata's labored breaths of agony reached his ears just fine, and his cock was growing more erect by the second. Sakura's finger dove back into Hinata, finger-fucking her with raw skill and animalesque pleasure. Hinata cried out as the pressure began to seriously build, and she moaned almost constantly whilst begging Sakura to just finish her- though by now, it was easy to shut her eyes and think it was Naruto, as Sakura's finger was an accurate size representation of her husband. "Harder!" Hinata huffed, obviously so close to reaching her peak. Sakura obliged, giving her a lot more pleasure than Naruto ever had- she was basically one hundred percent sure about that- and watched as Sakura's lips opened and shut and twisted into looks of orgasmic happiness.

Her boobs bounced, by now out of the bikini, against Sakura's body. Sakura kissed her savagely and she greedily returned it, sucking hard on Sakura's tongue. Hinata screamed as the climax hit her, coming forcefully all over the bikini. Sakura was quick enough to take her finger out right as Hinata clenched and hit that moment.

The old man jerked himself off so that he felt his cock fully, even if he had previously lost feeling in some of his limbs, and came very shoddily all over the desk, gobs of white staining some work papers. To hell with those! He thought giddily. He had managed to pack his now flaccid cock into his pants before Sakura and Hinata reached the counter.

"Can we have this, in the same size?" Sakura smiled winningly, winking at the old clerk. The bikini bottoms were covered with fluids. She had blocked Hinata's view, and her friend was still in ecstasy. Hopefully it would hold out.

The old man looked like he had died and gone to heaven… maybe he had?

Silently he took their money, handed Sakura the change, and brought out the same bikini from the back. As soon as they were gone he closed up shop and replayed the tapes as he enjoyed himself once again, this time in possession of a very, very sexy bikini.

The Raikage immediately migrated from some other women to Hinata as soon as she arrived with Sakura. He sucked in his breath- he could see everything! Luckily, no one had yet seen the two women, so he could keep this pleasure to himself. The Raikage guided them to a spot hidden by reeds- the perfect sex hideaway, he had thought. Their husbands were close- so close that they could smell the charred meat and hear some snippets of discussion. This made Hinata nervous and guilty all over again, naturally.

Sakura immediately nudged her and began flirting. This was Hinata's cue, but she didn't follow. Sakura, guiltless, climbed up on the beach recliner under the umbrella and rubbed her bare body all over him like a good little girl. "Oooooh, Hinata. Look!" She whispered loudly- just enough so the Raikage would hear- as Sakura pointed oh so non-discreetly at his enormous bulge.

The Raikage puffed out proudly, allowing them to be oblivious of his knowledge that they were doing this on purpose. He wanted to see if Hinata would play along. She did come over to sit on the lounger, but at the very edge. As Sakura laughed and flirted viciously with the Raikage, Hinata remained mostly silent, save to laugh at a joke- and even those were purposefully soft, as her husband was so near.

She finally loosened up as the Raikage put sunscreen on Sakura- Hinata didn't really notice how the white stuff resembled something she had been covered in only a day or two before. She smelled something burning and heard Naruto laughing as something fell to the sand. She heard kids- hers or someone else's?- laughing as they grabbed onto his legs. That had to be it, because they all heard a thump a moment after those kids, and someone very young screaming "you took 'im down, you got 'im!'.

But Hinata forced herself to close her eyes and relax as the Raikage rubbed his large hands over her bare skin… so, pretty much every inch of her. He even 'generously' (as he put it) went under the lines of Hinata's bikini top to cover every inch of her with it. She was tense, the Raikage felt, and he hadn't expected much else, but still he knew he could get this one to play along. In the prime moments when Hinata zoned out to listen to conversation on the other side of the tall reeds in the sand, Sakura had giggled and whispered the details of their shopping into the Raikage's ear. Whether Hinata knew it or not, her body was yearning for more.

"Ugh." The Raikage complained in a low voice. I think there's something in my suit. I'm a little… itchy." He put his hand down into the swimming trunks and playfully tugged at his erection until the tip of it was pointed at Hinata, a good inch or two peeking out at the bottom of the long trunks. He knew that what Sakura would do, Hinata would do. "Sakura, can you-"

But she was already there, the smart girl- it was almost as if she and the Raikage were sharing thoughts. She immediately tugged down his boxers and grabbed his giant cock by the base, stroking it as if soothingly and looking at it from every angle, tugging it this way and that. "Nothing… maybe you're very… very… very hungry?" Her boobs dangled as she lowered herself to her knees by his side, mouth dangerously close to the head. "Maybe you need some sexual satisfaction?"

The look the two were sharing did indeed make Hinata the tiniest bit jealous, but she looked away. Sakura's voice didn't leave her alone, though. "He needs help." Sakura pouted. "It's really the least we can do."

"I'm so far from my home… nothing brings me comfort... " The Raikage sighed. "Except for... "

As he left that sentence unfinished, Hinata flushed red. He was looking right at her, eyes very kind and soft. She fell for it- of course she did. Her guilt was ebbing away at Sakura's look of insistence and the Raikage's savage thirst.

She crawled over to the two, taking the other side of the chair, and Sakura eased it's head into her mouth. Sakura felt a thrill as she heard the husbands talking… and here they were, covered in white goo, and if that wasn't damning enough… they also had the Raikage's enormous erection in their hands and, in Hinata's case, mouth! Sakura did the math as she pumped her hands along the shaft. Adding up their husbands would probably not even come close to the Raikage.

He moved Hinata's head all over, and Sakura sucked and bit the spots that Hinata wasn't currently- this was perfect, he thought with satisfaction, sitting back further in the beach lounger. He could even see their asses pressed against their legs as they kneeled to attend to him.

"Just… like… that…" He moaned out, and though Hinata stiffened for a second, the husbands hadn't heard. No one had. And so she continued to scratch the Raikage's 'itch', and he mumbled like a lion in obvious pleasure. It might have been a purr, but it was also rough and sexual. She bit him, and he roared, gripping her hair and popping his cock out from between her sharp teeth with a 'pop'!

Sakura went next, and he moaned just as constantly with her, because though he liked Hinata better for obvious reasons, they both made him horny as hell. As the sun set and everyone gathered around a fire in the distance to eat the BBQ, the Raikage felt very far from cold. He watched Hinata shiver in her string bikini and Sakura attack this task with concentration, and suddenly he couldn't hold back the noise. It got louder and louder, though both girls didn't seem to notice much.

As soon as Hinata had blown him a third time, he came, his hips still moving so that both girls got covered in scores of the white substance. Between their breasts, and trickling down their thighs and stomachs… it was so sexy in the moonlight that he wanted a round two right away.

"What was that?" Someone could be heard to ask,"...probably nothing." Said Naruto, innocently chomping on a hot dog as Sakura and his wife bit down on a much larger one.

Much later…

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