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9.09% By Ragingspeed/SMUT / Chapter 2: Shocking Hinata 2

Chapter 2: Shocking Hinata 2

Sakura walked bouncily into the shop, while Hihata sort of scuffled in after her. She glanced around uncomfortably, recalling their bikini shopping only a few days before. That same old pervy man was there, perched at the counter reading a dirty mag. There was no one in the store, so she reasoned he had to keep himself busy.

He whipped it under the counter so fast, however, Hinata wasn't entirely sure it was even a dirty magazine. He waved to them overenthusiastically, overeager to help. Hinata wrinkled her nose, but Sakura jumped right in, obviously. "We'll need your help later." Sakura waved him off as if he were a servant, and, though this was obviously _his _shop (the tiny swaths of fabric that were supposed to be clothes were evidence of that) he acted as if she were a goddess and he was a mangy roach.

Sakura whipped through the racks with ease, completely ignoring anything remotely modest. Hinata was noticing this as time went on, but she just closed her eyes and pretended to help- Sakura would surely be making the decisions anyways. It made her sick to think of the Raikage, of Sakura across from Hinata as they swallowed his cock one at a time. So she didn't. She had deluded herself into thinking she was shopping for an outfit to surprise Naruto with, though stabs of guilty sickness still permeated her happy facade.

Sakura had noticed this, but said nothing, as Hinata seemed to be getting better at sucking (and then swallowing, she chuckled) it up by now. And so the shopping was twice the normal speed, as she knew now that she didn't have to persuade Hinata to buy something very… styled by Sakura, that is to say. So, with two arms full of hangers upon which dangled bodycon dresses and strips of cloth and sometimes nearly nothing at all, Sakura stomped to the dressing room and let Hinata open the door meekly for her friend. Sakura called out to the old man when she caught him moving towards the back room door.

"We'll need you soon!" She tittered. "We may need some assistance getting into these!" With that, the old man froze and spun around with the speed of a man fifty years younger his age. It was amazing, Sakura thought, that arousal could make men move so much faster than they were capable of. Plant some naked women across the battlefield, kissing each other, and wars might be fought much faster.

When the old man practically ran into the dressing room, Sakura held up a hand to halt him. "One moment, please, we just need you to zip us up." At seeing the old man's disappointment, Hinata visibly relaxed and Sakura gave him a wink. The old man was appeased immediately, his face a new mask of professionality. Hinata, now eager to help, took a majority of the hangers from Sakura and hung them up on hooks around the large dressing room. It wasn't even before she had finished hanging the last one that Sakura shoved a dress at her. Sighing in response, Hinata simply took the damn thing and stripped to her panties. She had not yet noticed the gaping hole in Sakura's logic, concerning the old man- there were two women here, couldn't they zip each other up?

Sakura was grateful for Hinata's many blind spots. This would be so much harder if she had none.

She gave a wave as she poked her hand over the door, and the old man entered, immediately getting a somewhat crippling erection at the sight of Hinata's bare back and the top of her ass barely covered by lacy panties. She had on a dress she looked poured into. Hinata felt much unease as the old man waddled towards her, obviously having trouble with the bulge. Erections made her uncomfortable, if it was not her husband's, and being near naked with this man was also awkward. Luckily, her front was covered by the dress… which was pretty much see-through. It was the small miracles in life that counted, though, Hinata told herself.

The old man's lethargic fingers grabbed onto the tiny zipper and "struggled" to zip it up. Sakura could see the grin on the old man's face, though she casually slipped into a dress as if nothing were wrong- Hinata couldn't see behind her, as there was only one mirror that spanned across the whole wall. She stared at herself, though, watching her ample chest rise and fall as the old man "accidentally" brushed against Hinata's ass. She jerked forwards, and the man finally yanked up the zipper to the top. She immediately stepped away from him, skeeved out more than a little.

She examined the dress, which was fine, she supposed, as it was more modest than many of Sakura's other picks for her, and quickly spun to address Sakura. "This one's good." She said quickly, which Sakura saw through right away.

"How can you be sure?" Sakura pouted. "You want to look your best." It wasn't even a question this time. Hinata _did _like looking her best, though it would seem that this time 'looking her best' would mean 'showing the world her birthday suit'. She looked in dismay at the so-called dresses hung in stacks around the dressing room.

She would indulge Sakura this once. "A couple more." Hinata said firmly, her eyes dark and unbudging. But, of course, Sakura could stretch an inch into many miles, and as the old man unzipped Hinata and slid the dress down her, Sakura was already selecting a more scandalous dress than before. _Ugh_. She felt bile rise in her throat as Sakura held high the next selection, a darker purple that would look lovely against Hinata's skin… if only there were _more than a few strips of cloth _that the dress was made of.

Hinata spun round and almost either stormed out or banged her head on the wall. But one, she was in her panties- that was ALL- and she didn't want more attention or indecent exposure, and two, if she somehow knocked herself unconscious, she could only imagine the fun the old man would have using her as a dress up doll… or even a blow up one too.

So she gritted her teeth bravely and put her arms above her head. Sakura slipped it over her head, but it was the old man who made sure it rode right on Hinata's hips- by putting his face very close to her pantie area and sniffing, much to her discomfort- and pulling fabric against her breasts to get the zipper to close. It was purposefully a few sizes too small- almost a child's outfit- except for the fact that no child would ever be allowed near anything like this. Parents knew better. Hinata did, too, but she didn't have the energy to care at the moment. She would be lucky if they left the store at all today. She already was tired of being their little doll as they stepped back and assessed her body and the way the farbric stretched tightly over her ass and boobs, ready to rip at any given breath.

"Perfect." Sakura nodded. "But it needs a little less… how do I say it…?"

Understandably, Hinata was confused, and so the old man answered her with a brilliant "I've got it!", as if he had had a sudden epiphany opposed to a sudden sexual impulse. He yanked a dress off the rack of options- if you could even call it a dress. At first Hinata scrunched her eyebrows up cutely, trying to see what exactly that was. She narrowed her eyes, squinting under the soft lights of the store, which, come to think of it, had a little too much of a 'setting the mood' kind of feeling.

Fishnet tights. That was it, she nodded, only the tights were made of something velvety and obviously more expensive, as it seemed at this particular shop you had to pay more for less fabric. But when the old man unzipped her and yanked the dress off her hips and her panties flew down, she wasn't fast enough to prevent the man seeing at least a part of herself she loathed to think he liked. The old man respectfully, but still slowly and with too much heavy breathing, pulled up her panties and started pulling the tights over her head.

"What?!" Hinata yelped, so confused that she didn't even notice her arm getting lodged uncomfortably in one of the holes. A few customers that had straggled into the store were looking around in bemusement, and when they noticed the origin of the sound, they chuckled to themselves. Women always did have so many problems when it came to shopping.

"Relax." Sakura snipped, hurting Hinata enough so that the old man could pull the tights over Hinata's body. But, as the old man brushed against her exposed breasts, she realized it wasn't tights or stockings at all, but what was meant to be a tank top dress, and bodycon at that, but the strips of luxurious fabric were few and far between when it came to revealing the wearer's body underneath. Hinata stood panic stricken at the mirror, while the old man tried to reassure her with honest compliments.

"So many women try that on, wanting to be the paragon of desirability, dear, but they never even come close to this amount of sexuality." He was practically drooling and begging at her feet, and Hinata wished he would stop gesturing to individual curves to emphasize his point. Sakura, catching on, spun round to the man to talk business. By now she was in her second or third option, having left Sakura to the proverbial shark that was a horny old geezer.

"That dress is a bit too lavishly priced for us." Sakura said in a monotone, hands on hips. The fabric that wrapped around her was risque, too, to say the least, but Hinata's dress was dipping into seriously scandalous territory. "For such little cloth, too."

"It's a high end designer!" The wheezing man protested, eyes still running appreciatively over Hinata's form. He was right, too- this brand was of such quality, they had never seen it in the village before but had only heard of such clothing.

Sakura pondered this, pacing back and forth, much to the man's delight. The short dress was riding up shorter and shorter, until he could see the lines of Sakura's ass and- well, front- and he wanted desperately to start masturbating right there and then, regardless of the lost business or not. But before he could, Sakura thankfully made him an offer he would be down right stupid to refuse.

"Since you seem so entranced by our presence… perhaps you would give us a discount if-"

"If what?" He whispered prematurely, a kid on christmas if there ever was such an old one.

Sakura shot him an annoyed look, and he shut up like a clam. "I propose that if we give you a show-" She said, carefully selecting her words so as to not raise much alarm or protest from Hinata. "-you give us a substantial discount." Hinata did indeed feel suspicious about Sakura's bargain, but she had to admire her for her strict tone and common sense.

The old man nodded eagerly and tripped, landing in the chair that was usually for stacking your clothes on top of to keep them from hitting the floor. He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his cock, but before Hinata could see too much of him (how gross that might have been), Sakura pulled her into a kiss, grinding against Hinata with what felt like feverish passion.

Hinata was aghast, but she shut her brain off once more and miserably allowed Sakura to go to town with her tongue. She heard the old man making little noises of pain as arthritis set into his hand, but from the noises, he never slowed once. If anything, he increased his speed. Hinata's lipped were chapped and she was highly irritable as this continued for five more whole minutes. She pulled back from Sakura, who gripped her wrists and whispered in her ear, "He's almost done, stay with me, Hinata." At that, Hinata couldn't reasonably refuse- they had made it this far, she thought irritably- and she kissed Sakura back, hoping to get this over with.

At the sight of participation from both girls, the store owner eagerly came in short and wavering bursts. He hit them direction, white specks littering their dresses and arms and legs. Hinata reeled back, disgusted, but before the old man was over he had given her a generous second coating of white globs that stuck to her skin like slugs.

"We can't buy these now!" Sakura complained, eyes on fire. For once, the old man did not bend to her controlling tone.

"Don't worry." The panting store owner said gleefully. He was giddy with satisfaction. "I've got more where those came from."

"What a slut."

Hinata winced, because though she was doing her best to cross her arms over her bare chest to conceal the cleavage, she had to agree with them. She did indeed look like the woman who slept with your husband, or walked the streets, or even both. Sakura hadn't seemed to notice Hinata's depression, not even now, when they had been at the wedding for at least four hours. Delays had been announced, but everyone was in an okay mood because of the neverending cocktails and drinks all around.

The woman who had spoken sniffed and turned up her nose. The man who followed her, however, grinned lecherously at Hinata. It was quite obvious he approved and, with the tedious task of undressing her in his mind almost all the way done for him, he was seemingly all the more lascivious. Hinata turned away, tears pressing hotly against the backs of her eyes.

By now all of the staring directed at Hinata had gotten so bad that she easily accepted the wine Sakura handed her, downing it without a second though. Through the fuzziness of the wine's effect- Hinata had no idea it was spiked with harder substances- she realized now that the gazes leveled at her had evened out by both astonished naysayers _and _exuberantly ecstatic men. Hinata tilted her head back and easily swallowed the additional wine Sakura handed her, the stuff tickling her throat as it headed straight to her stomach.

Since no one was around, now was the only opportune moment Sakura had been given. And she needed to straighten out Hinata right now, before the Raikage appeared and dominated her time. "Hinata, our village is in trouble." Hinata opened her mouth, pretty eyes troubled, but Sakura kept talking as if she hadn't even been given a reaction. "Naruto has angered the cloud village. The situation is too complicated to go into right now, there's not enough time." Obviously Hinata's hurt feelings, which showed all over her face with the wine's help, wanted an explanation. Naruto was perfect! She was his! How could he have angered so many?

"So." Sakura continued, ignoring Hinata's trembling lips. "We need to satisfy the Raikage." Hinata looked more confused, as if this additional information didn't clear up anything for her. Sakura sighed agitatedly. "We need to satisfy him so that he does not start a war. Do you want war? No, no, of course not, that's what I thought." She said confidently to Hinata's shake of the head.

"I can't…" Hinata started reluctantly, the wine still not enough to wash away ALL of her many inhibitions. Cheating was still cheating, no matter how many people her husband had angered. And there seemed to be a great many, if a village's Raikage needed such demanding attention.

Her voice died as soon as the Raikage boomed into the wedding space. And it wasn't an entrance, no, as he never even paused, just thundered around the crowd in his tight formal attire and agonizing smirk. Sakura turned back to Hinata quickly, panicking, as she saw the Raikage heading right towards them. "You don't have a choice, Hinata." She urged.

Maybe it was something about the Raikage's towering stance, or Sakura's genuine fear, that made Hinata nod and say, "Just this once." Hinata held up two fingers, and obviously this meant the wine was creating the desired effect. Hinata was slightly stupid when drunk, and willing as well. Hopefully, Sakura thought, she wouldn't remember much.

Right as the Raikage reached them, Hinata was pondering over Sakura's expression in her head. It seemed to have this odd look about it, like Sakura knew it was torture, she knew it was hell, but Hinata _had to_. Hinata suddenly realized that Sakura had been pleasing the Raikage this whole time, in exchange buying Hinata time. She felt very ashamed as she remembered how whiny she had been to her best friend.

The Raikage said something he missed, and he amusedly repeated it to Hinata. She smiled drunkenly, though that wasn't clear to the Raikage- Hinata was a very pretty drunk, not sloppy at all, and even the people still calling her by trampy names didn't know it. They had seen her throw back two glasses of wine like it was water- a small few had- but even then, she couldn't be drunk on two moderately sized glasses of wine… could she?

No. Hinata was of too much status to give herself to drink.

Then again, look at her outfit, one of them sniggered.

Sakura flirted with the Raikage as Hinata struggled to maintain her grip on reality. She was grateful to Sakura and was determined to find some way to pay her back after this hell was all over… if it ever ended. The Raikage, Hinata had learned by now, was demanding, and never seemed to get his fill. Insatiably sexual, she knew… how long would it be before she could actually love her husband again, and not this barbaric man?

Bolt looked extraordinarily confused. Hinata's son was seated directly across from the Raikage at the dining portion of the wedding, as the Raikage mumbled confusing phrases and made funny faces as Sakura giggled. Their husbands were only yards away, seated with the other men of the village, though some had noticed the Raikage's special seating.

Some had already figured out what must have been happening, and they- being loyal to every letter of the word- shut down the ones calling Sakura and Hinata trashy women for being so flirtatious to a man not their own husband. It was bad enough to two had to entertain the Raikage so that war would not break out.

Sakura rubbed the Raikage's crotch under the table. Hinata had made do with running her manicured fingers up and down his pant legs, the nails making it so that he could feel her satiny touch even below the fabric. The Raikage boomed with laughter, the only way to let out pleasure in a relatively sneaky way. Bolt once again looked down at his plate, but his attention was quickly snapped up by the Raikage and more of his childish teasing.

"Bolt, your mother certainly _is _hot." He told the kid, who was playing with his food. Hinata seemed out of it and dazed, though Bolt had only noticed that maybe his mom was very tired, and he didn't consider the thought of Hinata being drunk. His mommy never got drunk. "She's burning me right through the fabric." Bolt screwed up his face, a little bit irked by the rambling and nonsensical teasing, which made the Raikage roar with laughter once more. Many of the wedding guests kept their eyes cast away, trying to give him enough respect so that he might consider leaving their village. They should have known, as Sakura did, that he was not a peaceful enough or selfless enough man.

Bolt wondered what was going on, but no one, not even Hinata herself, had the heart to clue him in at all onto what was happening. And so he sat, fiddling with his dinner and taking sips of water as the Raikage continued on with his somewhat inhumane torturing of such a little kid. Among words he dropped were, "ravishing", "delightful" (he felt a surge of pride at that one- his mommy WAS delightful), "pleasing", "hot", "sensual", and "unearthly". He'd heard a few of those terms before, but with the cocky way they left the Raikage's lips, even _pleasing _sounded completely foreign.

Finally, the Raikage tugged Hinata with him out onto the dance floor. The other couples or groups gave them a bit of room, cringing at the Raikage's wandering hands and Hinata's bent, defeated head. Bolt couldn't really see, as masses of people blocked the dining tables from allowing him to watch the spectacle unfolding on the dance floor.

He groped her with massive hands and complete disregard for any looks they were receiving. Glares, shocked mouths agape, envious stares from many men. Not anyone but him had ever had the audacity to so publically grind on Naruto's wife. Some knew there had to be a reasonable explanation, but others disregarded any explanation at all and simply shook their heads at it.

"We need to. Right now." The Raikage rumbled roughly in her ear, and to other women this might have been sexy, even extremely so, as the Raikage's bulge was now so prominent that no one had _not _noticed it. But Hinata merely swallowed a sigh, blinked back tears, and nodded for him to lead the way. The Raikage kept a tight grip on Hinata's smaller hand, as if she might run at any moment and he'd mow down anyone in the way of allowing him to recapture his conquest. Finally, he was going to claim her! His pants nearly ripped. Hinata nearly puked. Alcohol, especially spiked wine, in addition to fear, made for a bad combination. The smell of the bathroom was a bit noxious, as wedding guests could be rowdy, and it indicated that it had been highly used throughout the event. Any hope Hinata had of rescue, though, died as the Raikage clumsily flipped the lock of the entire bathroom, which would cause anyone who tugged at the door to shrug and walk off in search of another of the many bathrooms in the vicinity.

He wasted no time- he'd been waiting damn near forever already. He ripped Hinata's dress- it was barely a dress, anyways, so it wasn't hard to destroy it- and she briefly distracted herself by wondering what she would wear back out. But as soon as the Raikage rolled his massive cock out of his pants, she realized with dread that she wouldn't be walking back out anytime soon. She struggled a tiny bit without realizing it, her eyes wide and frightened and her body somewhat paralyzed. The Raikage looked down in annoyance, though it soon turned into annoyance mixed with amusement and lust. She was _scared _of him. Or, specifically, his size. She knew how much it would hurt, having been with Naruto forever. He laughed freely at the thought, pressing her with strong hands against the wall as his pants settled around his cock. He was fully dressed, but he had torn into the dress to get access, impatiently throwing the panties onto the cold floor. Hinata wore only the spiky, expensive heels that Sakura had goaded her into buying for the occasion.

The Raikage didn't bother to be gentle, either. It wasn't as if they were in bed, they were in a bathroom, for Lord's sake. Besides, being slow and careful wasn't his style in the slightest. Sakura had learned that the hard way. He stuck his cock into the entrance of her opening, and she whimpered with pain. He smiled, nearly saying aloud what he wanted to share with her- _that isn't even the beginning._

He rammed himself into her more, trying to widen her entrance, and she screamed this time, albeit very softly. It didn't feel good to be stretched so far. It was a feeling akin to having a barrel thrust into your vagina, and Hinata didn't find that too appealing either. She wasn't wet at all, either, and so her dry pussy wasn't helping matters. The Raikage didn't bother with lubrication of any type- he knew that women stopped being wet as soon as his erection was inside of them. He knew it was painful, but he still preferred force to trying to appease his partner.

They weren't even equal, he and his sexual partners. He was of another level, almost a god compared to other men and weak women. Hinata was one of the rare exceptions, where he had chosen her based on her inhumanely good looks. He watched her body bounce, specifically her huge boobs, which almost hit him in the face as he braced himself against the wall with both arms to fuck her. Hinata stayed up not through the Raikage's support- such as arms wrapped around her- but because of his force, because every time he thrusted into her, inevitably harder and more roughly than before, if she had slid downwards she was jolted up against the wall, her mostly bare skin creating an odd noise as she rubbed against the wall against her will.

After only two thrusts, she passed out from the pain. It was a body's reaction to deal with the trauma- shut itself down, or at least the consciousness. Hinata's spiky heels accidentally jabbed his back as she leaned limply against the wall, passed out, but this only gave the Raikage more pleasure. His skin was thick. He moaned, and it was so loud, in fact, that Hinata regained consciousness as the noise rumbled through her.

A wedding guest stopped and tried the handle, which Hinata barely noticed as waves of agony rolled over her unrelentingly, though as the guest raised his hand to knock, he was given a peek of what was happening inside. Pitchy screams of pain and low rumbling moans. He chuckled. He had been a kid once, too. He knew the feeling of being unable to escape his own testosterone. He dumbly smiled at the door, saluted it, as if wishing the young man inside luck (he hadn't even paused to think about whether it was an adult or a young male), and went off to find another bathroom. He was in desperate need of a piss.

The Raikage hadn't even heard the knock through his own groans as he fucked Hinata like a rag doll, and he watched her head bob forward again as she passed out. He was barely even started. This irritated him, but even more so it made him proud of his abilities. Who could say that their rigorous sex made a woman pass out? No one he knew of, no one. Except the Raikage himself.

The Raikage continued on as if nothing had happened to her, though her admitted the scraping of the heels against his back that she couldn't control when she was unconscious was making him hornier. It gave the illusion that she, even without her brain awake, wanted him so badly that she was jabbing him in the tanned back with her sharp heels. They even broke through the back of his clothing a few times, but unlike other men who would have felt pain, he just bounced more for it, cursing under his breath and watching Hinata's silky hair fall and wiggle and dance as he went on.

Hinata _was _conscious when the Raikage came inside of her. She felt as if her legs would separate so entirely that she would be in an uncontrolled split for the rest of her life… a mutant. It felt like she would suddenly rip, as if his cock reached her throat, as if that was possible, as if her body just couldn't handle this. But as poor Hinata screamed in desperate pleas for him to stop once more, he fucked her harder, as he had just hit the beginnings of a climax. As he rode out the orgasm, his hips bucked wildly, his eyes rolled back in his head, and he pushed Hinata's wrists so hard against the wall that she yelped. It felt almost like he would break the bones. He could, she knew, he was capable of violent things, just like this sex.

Hinata could feel her eyelids fluttering- she wanted this to be over. If this feeling of overwhelming stress and torture was death trying to drag her to the afterlife, she just wanted it to hurry up and pull her out of her demolished body. But she was suddenly snapped back to reality with painfully clear vision as she watched the Raikage's face screw up as he came. It was like an explosion inside of her, something which propelled her against the wall until her spine was flat and her screams were only drowned out by his sounds of pleasure.

It spilled out of her in white throes, nearly relentless, but after a sold three minutes it started to stop and come in spurts. That orgasm had been very lengthy, so she assumed she had caused him much pleasure, as Sakura had never warned her of such rough and scary fucking, or such forceful coming. The Raikage panted for a good five minutes, eyes closed as his senses came back to him with the extra sharpness that pleasure provided him. That was another reason he always slept with a woman- if not two or three or even ten at one time- before he started a battle or a war.

When his eyes opened again, he grinned at Hinata's eyes, which begged for mercy, and her hands on his shoulders, where her nails dug into his jacket. She was trying her hardest not to make noises of pain, as she knew it would amuse him, or perhaps she just wanted to keep some shred of her dignity. He thrust once more, making her scream with such terror and hopelessness that he finally pulled out of her. That was her reward, he thought. She could sit on the ground she had slid down to with a thump, covered in his massive amounts of cum.

4. Chapter 4

The Raikage entered Naruto's house with a boom as the door bounced back from the wall. Subtle he was not.

"But it's Bolt's birthday!" She could hear Hinata plead, and the Raikage somehow knew she was desperate for her husband to help her. Perhaps this situation could be worked to his advantage! What a pleasant surprise! And her son's birthday as well… you could practically hear the Raikage's brain whirring as he scraped together a somewhat devious and awful plan.

He stepped into the kitchen with a heavy stride, just as Naruto was explaining that he had too many things to do. "Rain check?" Naruto smiled charmingly at his wife, who looked first peeved and then terrified as the Raikage walked in. Naruto turned to address the Raikage, but the larger man spoke first.

"I could help with Bolt's birthday. You're going to different venues, right?" The Raikage used his most formal tone. He had a mischievous glint in his eye that Naruto somehow took as eagerness to assist them… even despite the fact that the Raikage, from an opposing village, would surely be more sinister than satisfactory. Naruto smiled at him as any meaning the Raikage hinted at flew right over his head. He thanked the Raikage, bowing his head at him for a second while Hinata looked at her husband with a face of pure anger. She cringed, turning away from both of the men.

He chuckled at Naruto, then completely left the kitchen. Leaving Naruto to the wrath of Hinata was very amusing indeed. His wife would never tell him about what had happened- it was too shameful- but Hinata could hate him for being an idiot, the Raikage reasoned. A wedge between them in their relationship was an unexpected bonus that the Raikage had not foreseen. Bolt jolted as he saw the Raikage and run up to him. "Let's play!" The young boy said, putting on a brave face, as if leading lines of troops into battle.

As the Raikage took the overzealous Bolt down with one gentle swipe of his massive paw, Hinata's frantic tone got a bit louder. Not enough for them to hear the words, just the panicky pitch of her voice getting scratchier and scratchier. "We're going to have lots of fun today, aren't we, little man?" The Raikage studied Bolt. He did look like his dad, but thank goodness Hinata's special glow had been passed down to him. Bolt responded with a resounding yes.

The Raikage leaned in closer, after a pause to make sure Naruto and Hinata were still talking loud enough to muffle his voice. "For your birthday, I was thinking…" He glanced around as if to make sure no one else could hear the secret. It had the desire effect- Bolt leaned in eagerly. The Raikage whispered conspirationally, "Would you like a new brother or sister?"

By the way Bolt's eyes absolutely lit up from within, the Raikage knew that some thought had gone into that same idea in Bolt's mind.

"It has to be a secret present, though." The Raikage said seriously, to which Bolt nodded just as solemnly. You could see that the boy was so happy that he could scream, which made the Raikage's life a little easier.

"Well, as it turns out, you may have to help me." The Raikage admitted. "Your mother doesn't want you to have a brother or sister."

Bolt looked broken, but he nodded. His mommy didn't want him to have a friend? Luckily, right as their conversation ended, Hinata stepped from the kitchen, done with her cleaning, and Naruto shut the door gently behind him as he went off to the village and left his wife alone with the Raikage. After all, Bolt was there. The Raikage could tell Hinata wanted to leave right away and get everything over with- she had gone from glowing to disgusted- but he winked at Bolt quickly and said, "Hinata, you should dress pretty today, for Bolt's birthday."

Bolt picked up on this immediately. He wanted a new sibling more than he wanted the air he breathed. And so he nodded enthusiastically. Hinata, unaware of the deal that had been loosely agreed to, reluctantly allowed Bolt to drag her from the room and into the closet. "I'll do your makeup, momma." Bolt said, noticing that his mothers face was clear of any makeup at all. He knew she wore some sparsely, so he would try to go light on the eyes.

He didn't. Being so young, Bolt had little to no concept of how to put on makeup or how to hold the brushes or how not to hurt someone with eyeliner. His mother was getting irritated- the Raikage had obviously put Bolt up to this- but she was gentle and quick to guide her son. She didn't say anything when he picked up a new eyeshadow Sakura had bought her ages ago but was never used- a bright peacock blue. He daubed some on her eyelids, leaning back seriously and suddenly nodding at his own work. She bit her lip to avoid laughing.

Meanwhile, the Raikage was going through Hinata's racks of clothing carefully, so it would appear that maybe Bolt had picked the outfit. But the Raikage was digging into the far corners to find skimpier dresses… no doubt the ones Sakura bought her and she hid away from anyone's sight, even her own. He was rewarded with a handful of dresses- about 10 of them, which told him how little fabric each one had. He peeked into the bathroom and saw that Bolt had used- what else?- a brilliant blue on Hinata's eyes, so he laughed inwardly and picked out the dark green one. Proud as a peacock, right?

Once Hinata was assembled and Bolt had deemed his work done, she didn't look in the mirror. She didn't even want to know, or she'd lose the courage to leave the house at all. In reality, she looked gorgeous in whatever she wore, but she now resembled, instead of a mother, a very expensive… er… escort. The dress was tiny and short, black lines were drawn out surprisingly well along her eyes but were also very heavy (to Bolt's delight- he was beginning to wonder if he was an artist at heart), and the blue on her lids made her eyes shine bright. She may have looked a little crazy, even, if it weren't for her natural beauty. Along with hooker red lipstick and a pair of staggeringly high heels, she already knew that she probably looked like a prostitute. She sighed. Whatever made Bolt happy. She caught the Raikage staring, though, and realized that this probably wasn't about Bolt at all.

Hinata closed her eyes, trying to ignore the fathers of Bolt's friends- who happened to be very delighted with Hinata's sudden transformation.

"I'd fuck that dress to shreds." The first one, not very bright at all, didn't realize that what he said was close to impossible.

"What dress?" The other joked, grinning pervily.

Hinata allowed the Raikage to cut the cake- only because if she bent over she'd give them a look at her panties, and she didn't want that. She watched Bolt and his friend swarm the cake she'd made and felt a tiny prick of pride… but that was before the Raikage came back to her side to give protective glares at the other men. It may have been frightening to them, but it was even more so to Hinata. She was glad he wasn't doing anything yet, but she didn't like him thinking she was his.

"Aw, give the guys a break. Go flirt a little." The Raikage said out of the side of his mouth, eyes on Hinata's impressive cleavage in that dress. Ah, Hinata thought. There it is. Nothing neutral can stay that way with him. And so Hinata, knowing the Raikage would blackmail her (or worse) to hell and back if she didn't, went over and took a vacant seat by the husbands, who had offered their wives a chance to rest as they took their kids to the birthday party. They had known Hinata would be there, and most had been praying that Naruto would be absent. Their poor wives never suspected- even though some did, what could they say to a generous offer made by their love to watch their child?

Yes. The only answer for them was yes.

She giggled and flirted only with her eyes and face, her body remaining rigid. That didn't stop the lecherous group from looking, though, and while their kids shoveled cake in their mouths the men were sneaking not-so-secret glances at the teeny tiny dress the Raikage and Bolt had picked out for her. She only left the table when she unwillingly met the Raikage's glaze and he gestured for her to come over. As soon as she was within five feet of him he reached out his massive arms and grabbed her and started groping her publicly. Even a few employees, both women and men, stopped to watch with open mouths. The Raikage gave her a warning look, and thought her stomach dropped to her toes, Hinata had to give in by laughing under her breath in a high pitch, allowing the Raikage to kiss her. It was as if they'd rehearsed it- though, Hinata knew, the Raikage probably HAD rehearsed this, over and over in his mind. By the end of the party she had managed to evade him, paying the venue for their space and fussing over the children's jackets and such. But she was forced once again to walk beside him, carrying Bolt's presents and a few uneaten slices of cake Bolt had insisted they save for Daddy.

Hinata knew Bolt would probably eat them later, before Naruto even arrived home.

When they all slipped into the house, Hinata realized she was a little relieved that a man had walked with them in the dark twilight. "Get ready for bed, honey." She kissed his head and went to deposit the presents in Bolt's room. "Happy birthday!" The Raikage watched Hinata's ass swerve with every step. She felt a hand on her shoulder as she came out of Bolt's bedroom and her son brushed by her and closed his door. He was eager to have a new sibling and hoped the Raikage would make good on his promise.

"Get upstairs." The Raikage growled. "I'm going to fuck you until you lose feeling."

Hinata stepped back and protested, uncaring if her son heard, but the Raikage simply took hold of her arms and dragged her upstairs. She had managed to run, but now he dragged the unwilling mother back to Bolt's room. Her eyes widened into saucers with terror, and she shook her head and made an unidentifiable noise. It was too late, though, as the Raikage had made his mind up at the sight of her resistance. He'd teach her a lesson.

He kicked open the door and threw Hinata in Bolt's room, where Bolt was just coming out of his private bathroom, having brushed his teeth. The Raikage grabbed Hinata's hips and threw her on the bed, already using his free hand to unbuckle his belt. He glanced over at the scared Bolt, knowing some context would ease his worries. "I'm gonna give your mother a baby."

And just like that, Bolt grinned, and it grew even when his mother glanced at him for help, her eyes flashing. She let out a broken cry that stuttered to a stop halfway through. A deal had been made of some sorts. Bolt didn't know that this wasn't what his mommy wanted. Bolt never understood how babies had been made, but now, Hinata realized in horror, now he would. The Raikage was fast. He pulled out his enormous erection and had it poised to enter Hinata right as she managed to eke out, "Bolt, leave! Get out of here!" Her son was torn for a split second.

Bolt froze as the Raikage slammed his cock into Hinata's pussy- he had already ripped off her panties savagely- and he began thrusting, holding her hips up so he could fuck her easily. Her back sloped downwards, her head on the bed and her eyes tearing up in agony. She writhed and struggled and fought, but he kept on going. The Raikage never once lost his rhythm as he turned to Hinata's son, still fucking her wildly and ignoring her shrieks of pain.

"Your mom's real hot, Bolt. She's hot for me. Look at the way she moves." The Raikage watched as Bolt's eyes moved to his mother, who was indeed wiggling and twisting all over the place, like a woman possessed. "This is how you make a baby, Bolt. It's how you were born." Bolt's conscionse cleared as the Raikage said that- if he was born this way, how bad could his mother's pain be? This was willing, it seemed to him. Hinata's arms flailed about, scratching her nails against the walls and the Raikage's skin when she rarely made contact with him. Mostly her whole body was angled away, grasping for something else. Anything else.

His mother happened to look at him, and Bolt took that as his opportunity to talk to her during this grotesque display of love. "I really want a sister, I really want a brother, mom."

Hinata's heart hurt. She opened her mouth to tell him that if he had told her, she would have made him a sister or brother. But the Raikage's hand went over her mouth and she screamed for the first time, biting down. Soon she tasted irony blood and sweaty palm. The scream was a true one, not like anything anyone had seen in entertainment. It was sliced through, strongly, with terror. Every seed of sound implanted in your ear was chilling.

Bolt looked at the Raikage, but he shrugged. "Your mother isn't capable of talking right now. Women lose their voices a lot when they do this, and they can only scream. Have you heard your mommy scream at night?"

Bolt thought hard for a moment while the Raikage continued to fuck Hinata even as she passed out, then nodded. "Daddy and Mommy."

"So you see then!" The Raikage roared, the pleasure vaulting up to uncontainable levels. "Smart boy!" Bolt beamed at this, seeing how the Raikage's eyes took on a strange gleam. He must've been proud of Bolt for being so keen, so quick-witted. Hinata came to then, unfortunately, and she yelled again. The Raikage bent over her, teeth gritted and his tongue darting out like a snake. "Your mother…" He hissed out of the side of his mouth. "...loves all this. Don't you Hinata?"

She tried not to make a noise of agreement, but when the Raikage thrust his cock way down deep, she screamed in pain and the tears fell down her face. The Raikage glanced over at Bolt. "She's crying with happiness." Bolt shook with excitement, pleased that his mother liked his request for a sibling.

The Raikage came at that moment, and the cum came pouring out of Hinata , though not as much as usual- he kept his cock buried, so as to fill her with his seed. He picked up the spent woman, who had passed out again, and carried her out to the hall. He gave Bolt a knowing wink. "You should probably change those sheets." The Raikage went off down the hall to clean up and dump Hinata on her own bed.

Bolt stared at the spot where he had been, an admiring glint in his eye.

A few months later….

Hinata shuffled over to the simmering pot, which was awfully difficult because her belly had swollen to accommodate the Raikage's child. Naruto had just arrived back home from a business trip, blissfully unaware of the new child's _real _origins. Hinata felt guilt clutch at her stomach, but she salivated at the thought of the Raikage's massive cock. It was hard to go back to Naruto after that. Which was stronger, she wondered- guilt, or lust? Right now they seemed pretty equal, but then, Hinata wasn't in the presence of the Raikage. If she was, she'd be tempted. He, unlike her, would act on his desires, and that would make Hinata forget she even had a husband. Any time she doubted herself she thought of the Raikage slamming into her unforgivingly and went running to him, begging to be pleased.

Hinata reached for the stirring spoon, but she had to suddenly shift her top, lest her breasts fell out. Because she didn't want to be very suspicious, she had decided on sluttiness with just a hint of sex. In her mind, that was a dress that, when she bent over, revealed her see-through panties. It was an exotic looking thing with beadwork and class- but it was still very, very racy, especially for the village. Not that anyone would have minded, but. Still.

A knock could be heard echoing around the front room. Hinata hastily put the spoon down and racing for the door. Naruto got there at the same time she did, and he noticed her wild hair and her heavy breathing. Why would she be so eager? It puzzled him, but he said nothing. Usually, Hinata was faster than her husband, but with being pregnant came some handicaps. And so, as Naruto opened the door and pulled his wife in round the waist, she put on her biggest smile. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the Raikage, who humored Naruto for about a second before grinning at Hinata, that kind of look that makes you think that two people share an inside joke.

That wasn't what bothered Naruto, however. That wasn't it at all. Hinata led the Raikage to the dining room while Naruto lagged a little bit behind because of their eager, fast walking. Even in heels- because of course, the already skimpy outfit just _had _to be completed with some high, sharp heels- Hinata was the fastest of them all. The Raikage slapped her ass and Hinata giggled silently- Naruto saw this, and blinked a couple times before deciding to believe it wasn't as rude as he thought. Then the Raikage gave Naruto a hug when they reached the dining room, then hugged Hinata and planted a light kiss on her lips. Her cheeks warmed a little, but Naruto was staring at the Raikage, so he never noticed. He never once thought that maybe this was who Hinata was dressing up for.

First the touching- or, rather, smacking- his wife's ass, then kissing her _on the lips_? He felt indignant. He was standing right here! Hinata, remember your husband? Naruto steamed for a second, but he didn't get truly enraged. Sensing Naruto's confusion, the Raikage turned and said staunchly, "Cloud Village custom." He then smiled wide, very cheekily. "I didn't do it to you because I figured it wasn't very welcome." He said it in such a way that Naruto laughed at his brazenness, but he was still puzzled deeply by the gesture.

Hinata rushed around, now serving the dinner onto plates and into bowls and fetching napkins and other such things. Naruto and the Raikage watched her as if she was suddenly the most interesting thing on earth. When everything was finally arranged on the table, Hinata took her place across from the Raikage. Naruto was at her left, at the head of the table, so to speak. The man of the house. The Raikage's eyes were on Naruto as he talked, and the Raikage would nod every so often, but his mind was on what Hinata's hand was doing to his erection. She was sneaky, too- daintily sipping soup off of a wide spoon innocently while slipping off her high heel and reaching out to give his crotch a good rub with her foot. He was making an odd noise here and there- Hinata was a fucking tease in the best possible way- but Naruto still chatted normally with him, as the Raikage coughed to cover it. Naruto figured he had a cold or something just as minor that made him cough quite a lot. Just then, Bolt ran into the room. "Take me out, take me out!" He chanted at Naruto, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. He had been good about keeping what he had seen a secret- maybe mostly because he had gotten that sibling, as was now evidenced by Hinata's large belly. Naruto closed his eyes but nodded reluctantly, apologizing to Hinata and the Raikage even as he stood up to leave.

As soon as the door clicked shut Hinata blurted out, "We have ten minutes, max." As she was saying this, she was slowly letting her hair down from it's messy ponytail. It all feel down in one crashing tsunami of hair, rolling out over her shoulders and swinging around her elbows healthily. She made a small "mmnnnm" noise, running her fingers over the hair to rub her aching scalp. High ponytails killed her head, metaphorically. It was mostly worth the pain, though, with the way the Raikage was eyeing her like he might just grab her and pin her down. Hinata knew he wanted to. But she wasn't finished, and the hair was only the smallest introduction to her striptease.

She shimmied her hips as her fingers reached under her dress- which was alreayd fantastically ridden up on her hips- and danced for him as she stripped them off, all the way down to the floor… making the Raikage wish she were behind her at this moment, so he could take a long glimpse of that plump ass. "Fuck." The Raikage rumbled with a hearty laugh. Hinata's eyes widened, and she peeked over her shoulder at him as she turned around and pulled her dress back down so that it barely covered the thing he wanted to see most.

"Why must you use foul language?" She scolded the Raikage with a little smile and a bounce. "What if Bolt comes back? He could hear you!"

At that, the Raikage's erection was forgotten for only a second as he laughed upon picturing that scenario. Naruto and Bolt, coming back early, Bolt's pleading now abandoned or silenced, and there, in that room so close to the entrance hall, his wife would be stripping for the Raikage of the Cloud Village. It was almost so tempting that the Raikage wanted it to actually happen- he could draw this out. He was, he realized, letting time go by, as Hinata was waiting for his answer while he debated inside of his hard head. "Bolt doesn't say 'fuck', Hinata."

She grimaced grudgingly at him. "No, you're right." She sighed, spinning on her heel so that she was facing him again. The fire in her eyes burned right into the Raikage's stare. "He only _watches _the fucking." The way her sweet voice rolled around those words made him want to leap across the table and rip her dress to ribbons. He might have been able to control himself, but Hinata teasingly and, so so slowly, swung her hips from side to side as her dress inched higher and her hands deftly peeled away the fabric at the top of her breasts, and they rolled out as if welcoming the Raikage. He made a move to leap towards her, but she shook her head so vehemently that he stayed put.

"Can I see?" She asked breathlessly, staring at the bulge in his pants pressing insistently against the edge of the table. He couldn't pull it out fast enough. Hinata pulled at her right nipple, arching her back and drawing in a breath sharply, eyes rolling back in her head. The Raikage ground his back teeth together, and as if she could hear the teeth wearing away at each other, Hianta bent and shoved aside a bowl of soup. Her breasts rested on the table, more beautiful now than ever against the dark polished wood.

She crawled a little, though mercifully the table was short and squat, and so she made it to the Raikage's cock before he could do anything drastic. She took it in her mouth at once, creating no room for him to breath as her lips pressed down so hard that the suction was practically vacuum-sealed. She used her hand as she swallowed more up, then went to the tip, swallowed more of him, then backed off to the tip, her fingers gripping his skin expertly as she did so.

She wiggled her hips, ass in the air, and it was maddening to think about how those hips would move when he mounted her. He sat back and groaned, large hands engulfed by her long hair, which was by now wrapped around his fingers like ribbons. He got loud, then so pleased that she could feel the vibrations of the telltale climax. But exactly then, right as she had coaxed him to it, he pushed her roughly away, though it felt more sexy than forced.

She was expecting him to come around the table and fuck her on the floor-if at all-, but he instead pulled out the tablecloth from under her food, putting it on the floor, clearing the dining room table. Hinata heard quite a few pieces of her good china being smashed- not to mention the meal, as well, all that time wasted- but she didn't seem to care as the Raikage picked her up and set her on the table with hurried movements. Everything seemed to happen in triple the normal time. Ten minutes was suddenly long and luxurious, especially as the Raikage slipped into Hinata's dripping pussy without further ado and proceeded to slam into her, never once slowing. If anything, he got faster. The increased speed wasn't a hindrance at all, and Hinata struggled to keep conscious while the Raikage pounded her roughly into the table, her ass bouncing off of it as he lifted her thighs and pushed down. It was an amazing, grinding rhythm that made Hinata moan loudly and mewl, twisting around in her torment- she was pinned. She couldn't do much but buck her hips wildly to his, and even then he was almost totally in control. Her breasts had slipped out of their enclosure and Hinata was too blissful to fix it. Besides, it wasn't like her boobs bouncing into his chest would make the Raikage not want to fuck her. Her heels, glimmering a sexy black in the natural lighting, were wrapped around his back. He didn't mind the fact that they poked into him occasionally- it was just as arousing as pulling somebody's hair, teasing them. He had to admit, he'd never seen this little number she had on before- not even in the deepest corners of her closet, when he had been looking for something flesh- baring before- and he liked it immensely, as it was easily bunched up around her waist. The fabric was flexible, and so her gigantic breasts slid out easily of their own free will and the dress moved downwards helpfully.

His cock grew inside of her as he watched her flushed face morph into different but equally orgasmic masks of pure pleasure. It was starting to get super hot- and she was barely even covered. Very hot. The Raikage had worn clothes that were slightly revealing for the season, but he hadn't worn a sweater or anything because that would be stifling heat-wise, and he had picked out his best pants. They were his best because- obviously- he could get the zipper down very quickly and whip out his cock, as simple as that.

As Hinata's screams and cries of approval got louder, the Raikage told her something very serious, groaning and grunting while doing it. It was hard to talk with her pussy so tight around him, but he somehow managed to speak. "I'm going to kill Naruto." The news didn't affect Hinata in the least, as she was still squirming underneath him and gripping at the table edges as if that would help her to stave off the climax that was coming so soon.

She reached it about the same time he did, though her orgasm was a tiny bit longer and his peak was hit a bit sooner. But as he came inside of her, as she was still cussing loudly and praising the Raikage, though mostly she made do with noises of pure lust. If anyone could hear them, there would be no doubt about it- it was the kind of sound that put you in the mood to have sex with almost anyone. She was that desirable, the Raikage thought triumphantly as Hinata rode the waves of ecstasy. "I'm going to kill him for you." He told her, and she reached up and gripped the back of his neck in reply, her lips sucking on his.

She bit down hard when she came, and the Raikage watched her body shudder from the immense pleasure. She was breathing roughly and still gyrating against him. She was almost godly in her beauty and the feelings she inspired in the Raikage. "For you." The Raikage repeated, staring at the smiling Hinata with somewhat of a smirk. "All for you."

5. Chapter 5

Naruto's head swelled with confusion as he watched the baby being guided out of his wife by a doctor. Was it just him, or was the baby…. darker than it should've been? Nah, must've just been some weird lighting. Hospitals always had those, and bright lights always gave him a a headache. But as the doctors and nurses fussed over the now-screaming newborn, Naruto watched the icky layers of God knows what being wiped off his baby… _the _baby. It was… brown…. no. Black.

Though Naruto was polite as he ushered the medical people out, taking with them the baby, there was a storm gathering deeply within his eyes. It wasn't even one brought by rage, not one where lightning smacked every tree it came across and the winds wailed in the ears of every person for miles around. It was something unbidden, and Naruto had no idea what it was… he just knew he felt sick, he felt anxious, and worst of all, he had the insanely overpowering feeling of knowing he was absolutely right. Even before Hinata met his eyes, even before she opened her mouth to talk, it was as if he had been sentenced to death already. His shoulders slumped and his eyes became duller, still full of that tiny twinkle of hope he couldn't let go of. He could be wrong, right?

"'s not mine."


It was funny how one syllable could send Naruto reeling. He grasped at the chair against the wall, fighting to make his breathing normal, though he automatically sucked air into his mouth for much rawer breaths. Hinata looked… he wasn't sure. But it was clear she was full of both regret and quiet conviction, as if she were justified in cheating on him. And she wasn't, he forcefully told himself, no matter what she said.

"How… could… you…?" Naruto felt a twinge of irritation as he saw his wife- hopefully his soon to be _ex _wife- flinch, as if the words were full of venom. In reality, the words were filled to the brim with air. With nothing. Because this had severed every nerve in Naruto, making his body numb but his eyes see with perfect clarity. He really should've seen it coming, right? In every local story of adultery, there were some signs, surely… as he thought back, he had to admit to himself, there was a common consistency- the blindness of the men afflicted. They never saw any signs of infidelity, because they didn't want to. One man had even confessed to finding mysterious stains on his bed… though his wife refused to make love to him anymore. She said she was too tired. A year after that, she had run away with her lover to some exotic island while the young man supported his children alone.

The children. What would Bolt think? And this new baby… wait. Naruto squinched his eyes shut tight. He only had one child to love, he reminded himself. That newborn… whatever kind of father it had, whoever it was, it wasn't Naruto. Hinata had not answered his question, still- he realized the air between them was filled with his heavy breathing and her wide eyes. As if realizing this at the exact same moment, Hinata suddenly started talking a mile a minute.

"No, I didn't… I _had _to." She said, which was completely true… of the first half of the cheating. "Well, maybe toward the end I liked it a little more, because you don't pay attention to me. I had to fix your mistake, Naruto! Yours! You upset the cloud village, and I paid for it, and-"

"You will not blame me." Naruto said darkly, eyes oddly empty. Hinata started to talk again. He continued on as if she hadn't made a noise. "I didn't allow myself to be impregnated, did I? No." He choked back a sob, though he was fairly sure Hinata still heard it. "I want a divorce." Head held high- at least to the door- Naruto walked out of her life.

Hinata cried hysterically for what seemed like hours but was only minutes. She cried because of the guilt that still nagged her, now stronger than it had been. She cried because of the pleasure she felt with the Raikage, and not Naruto. She cried because she had made her life a mess and now wouldn't be Naruto's wife anymore. She let it all out, her pained crying louder even than her baby's first cry. The Raikage swept into the room, and Hinata was shocked so much by the random entrance that she hiccupped but stared at him otherwise. He hadn't mentioned he would come to the hospital to see her baby- _his _baby- but now that he was here she realized that it was reasonable. Hinata felt stupid for not having thought of this.

The Raikage knelt by her bed, and before he could ask any questions, it all poured out of Hinata. Words like 'divorce' and 'gone' and 'not his' meshed with each other, but the Raikage got the gist of it. He pulled back Hinata's damp hair, covered ina mixture of tears and post-childbirth sweat. Her body was exhausted. "Hinata... I have no ring, but... " The Raikage saw her eyes widen to ridiculous proportions, as big as a saucer. "Will you marry me?" Nevermind that she wasn't technically broken off from her marriage yet, nevermind the fact that she obviously felt guilty about Naruto's broken heart. But something, maybe his abrupt departure, had seemed to put all of the puzzle pieces together for her.

Hinata nodded gratefully, a smile gracing her lips for the first time since she had gotten to hold her baby. Now that she remembered that monumental moment, she could see the Naruto of her memory standing back, arms tightly wound round himself, as if he was just barely holding himself together. But the Raikage's kiss erased any trace of emotion from her, and she gave in to him without any resistance at all. No regret, the Raikage realized. In the midst of their hug the Raikage now knew what he would do. He hadn't planned it, but it had been in the back of his mind all day- so maybe he had, unknowingly? His tongue slithered into her mouth without further ado, his large hands holding her delicate body- only covered with a sheet of that thin hospital garment stuff- and she sighed in contentment. He pushed her down into the bed. If this hurt her, Hinata gave no obvious indication.

She felt the immensity on her stomach, his bulge that strained so hard against his pants that she assumed one day it would pop out and he wouldn't know what to do. "I love dark chocolate." She murmured without thinking, and though it came out as impossibly sexy when said in her sweet tones, she blushed maniacally. The Raikage ignored that, grinning, and shrugged off his belt only a bit so that she could roll his erection out of the stiff fabric- almost as stiff as him, but not nearly quite as hardy- and close to her pussy, which, despite birthing a child not too long ago, was extremely wet. He tested her out with a finger, and it slipped right in with a moan on Hinata's part. "What's a little white girl like you doing saying things like that?" He growled menacingly, though that only turned Hinata on immensely and did nothing to scare her.

She felt his huge black cock rubbing against her dripping entrance and she gasped, her body suddenly writhing around beneath him, to his satisfaction. And he wasn't even in her yet! The Raikage knew her body was very, very sore, but this seemed to make soft Hinata even more receptive to every little touch or shake of his hips. He loved her always, but it was extra fun to watch her wiggle and shimmy as if she were being tickled, though the look on her face was all anyone needed to know that it wasn't something as innocent as a tickle.

Surprising her and taking her by force, the Raikage put his head at her entrance and shoved himself inside of her, until he felt he had reached the bottom, up to the hilt of him. Hinata was bravely moaning, as if it was nothing to have a man this big inside of her, but he still chuckled as he remembered when she first fainted the time he had first taken her. He bucked his hips feverishly, and she slowly started to respond in kind, though of course his body was much more tense and coiled than she. Her nails gripped his black skin, shiny from the thin layer of sweat collecting on him from the foreplay and now the fucking. Hinata let out a cry, and the Raikage briefly thanked the heavens for his newborn child- the doctors would be busy with her/him for a while.

He changed positions, bending her over so that her breasts rubbed roughly against the starchy hospital blankets and her ass was right where he wanted it- in his hands. He began plowing into her after not even a moment's break for relief, and Hinata cried out in appreciation for his unforgiving nature. The Raikage didn't notice Naruto, who had entered and stayed undetected for minutes, because he didn't make a sound as he stood with his mouth agape as he took in the unbelievable sight of the Raikage using his wife as an extremely pleasurable sex toy of some sort. He choked on his air as he breathed in, and the Raikage regarded him with dull eyes, too involved to care too much about the tiny bastard.

Before Naruto could say anything, even apologize- for walking in on them or for his own ignorance, he wasn't sure- Hinata spoke with a new reinvigorated voice. "It's over." She hissed between gritted teeth, her mouth relaxing only to let out a soft scream as the Raikage continued to fuck her doggy style on the small hospital bed. Naruto, standing there and doing nothing- not yelling, not trying to interfere, but not leaving- was annoying to her, and to the Raikage as well, Hinata assumed. "You made your choice! Get OUT!" She glared at him, but a little yip and mewl of sorts took over her vocal chords after that, as she was now reaching that climax. The Raikage, grunting, grabbed her ass harder as leverage and pounded into her with a strength that surprised Hinata every time they slept together.

She had enough dignity and awareness to tug off her wedding ring and throw it at Naruto, but before it could even land on the ground, she closed her eyes- they rolled back in her head- and arched her back as she came violently. It was so amazing, in fact, that she wasn't sure if Naruto left at the end of the spectacle or not. It didn't matter either way.

Thanks for reading please send me any ideas for more stories.

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