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66.66% Black Clover: Reborn As a Silva / Chapter 10: The Escape

Chapter 10: The Escape

Two teenagers were running through the streets of the royal capital, their joyful laughter echoing in the air. They seemed to be competing in a race, almost bumping into some people passing by them, but deftly dodging them.

Their expressions were one of pure amusement, and their features were remarkably similar, with silver hair and bright blue eyes, but they were of opposite genders.

They attracted attention wherever they went, due to their peculiar, elegant and immaculate appearance and clothing, they seemed to belong to high nobility or something similar.

The young man was slender and elegant, his smile was contagious, and his expression radiated confidence. But he ended up revealing a mischievous smile as he looked at the girl and said.

"Come on, sister, if you keep going at this rate, you won't be able to keep up with me."

The girl, visibly angry at the provocation, sped up her steps and responded. "Don't underestimate me, Nii-san!" She was even more slender, with unparalleled features and shape. Her silver hair flowed behind her as she ran, and her pink eyes shone with the determination to win.

After a spirited run through the streets of the royal capital, the two finally slowed down and stopped to catch their breath. Her laughter rang out, filling the air with youthful joy.

He then looked at her and said. "You came close this time, Noelle. Maybe next time you'll be able to keep up with me." It seemed like a provocation, but her smile revealed a touch of pride for her sister.

Instead of being angry about the comment, she was proud of herself. She then smiled at her brother and replied. "Does that mean I'm getting better? Thanks, Niel. That was fun."

Happy and proud of her improvement, she looked at her brother fondly. Both were connected by a deep and affectionate bond.

From their names, you could already tell who these two young people were, running around and having fun happily. Who else but the Silva twins, Niel and Noelle, now 15 years old.

Well, a lot of time had passed, and there was a lot to be revealed about how Niel had faced his days in that world, but in the meantime, let's focus on this moment.

Finally, after a frantic race that felt like an endless competition, they arrived at their destination – the Royal Capital Cemetery.

The place was serene, with ancient tombs and trees offering generous shade. Niel and Noelle stopped at the entrance and looked at the place with respect.

They then entered and walked through the cemetery with silent reverence, their steps were light, as if they did not want to disturb the rest of those who lay there. After all, they knew this was a place to be respected.

They made their way to the cemetery wing where the Kingdom's legendary figures were buried. The tombs there were impressive, many with life-size statues and magnificent monuments. They were the people who had left an indelible mark on Clover's history.

After walking for some time, they finally arrived at a specially ornate tomb. It was made of white marble, adorned with sapphires and well-polished silver, a testament to the love and respect the Kingdom had for this person. The name engraved on the tomb was "Acier Silva," and the dates indicated the years of his life, as well as the date of his passing.

Noelle looked at the grave, her blue eyes shining with emotion. Niel was next to her, giving her his shoulder, as there lay her mother, the woman who had given them life, the previous matriarch of House Silva.

Noelle approached her mother's grave, she caressed the cold marble with her fingertips, her face revealing the deep sadness she felt.

She let out a silent tear as she knelt before her mother's grave. With a choked voice, she whispered: "I would like so much to have met her, mother. To have felt her hug and heard her voice. How I wish I had her here with me, mother..."

She lovingly placed a white rose on Acier's grave, a gesture of love and respect.

Niel remained silent, knowing words were inadequate to comfort his sister's grief. Instead, he gave her a warm and affectionate hug, stroking her hair tenderly. It was her way of sharing her sadness and longing for her mother with Noelle, although he seemed less moved than his sister.

Noelle let herself be enveloped in the hug, her sadness finding some comfort in her brother's closeness. They both shared the same longing for Acier, although their expressions of grief were different.

As they stood at their mother's grave, they spoke in hushed voices, sharing memories and stories they had heard about her. Noelle imagined what it would have been like to grow up with her mother around, taking care of them and protecting them. Niel, on the other hand, seemed calmer, like someone who had accepted the passage of time and overcome the memories he had of his first days in that world.

Niel then noticed that the sky was already starting to turn orange and pink, and night was approaching quickly.

"Noelle, it's getting late. We need to get home." said Niel gently, looking at his sister. Noelle, however, didn't seem eager to return.

She looked at him, her blue eyes shining with a regret that didn't escape Niel's sharp notice. "Niel, I... I don't want to go home."

Niel immediately understood Noelle's concern. He then held her hand firmly and offered a calm smile.

"Don't worry, Noelle," he said determinedly. "You're not alone, you never will be. I'm here, and I'll take care of you, like our mother would. No matter what happens, we'll always be a family."

Noelle gave a silent nod, and they stood up to leave the cemetery. They walked in silence until the cemetery exit, but soon Niel broke the silence and asked.

"Are you looking forward to the upcoming annual event where we finally receive our grimoires?"

Noelle, with a bright smile, replied, "Yes, Niel! Maybe, finally, I can control my magic. I'm excited!"

She then turned to Niel and asked, "You're anxious too, aren't you?"

Niel, keeping his expression calm but eyes shining, said, "I can't wait. I would like to understand what my magic is and how it works. As it is now, even I don't understand it myself."

Noelle patted Niel on the shoulder with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Niel. You will become a powerful wizard, I'm sure of it.

Your magic may not seem so incredible now, but your magical power is remarkable and once you receive your spellbook, you will become a powerful wizard, just like Mom."

Niel blushed slightly, feeling encouraged by his sister's words. "Thank you for the comfort, my dear sister, but don't worry, I will not be discouraged and will continue to study the essence of my magic.

As for you, I believe you will become a powerful mage, as you have enormous potential Noelle."

The twins agreed that they would try their best to become exceptional wizards, the path might not be easy, but they were willing to face all the challenges together.

As they continued to walk through the city, absorbed in conversations and laughter, they barely realized that they had already returned to the center of the Royal Capital. That was when magic knights came running towards them looking in a hurry. Their robes indicated that they were from the Silver Eagle Squadron.

It turns out that these were the twins' bodyguards. They escorted them during their walk through the city, until Niel noticed a brief distraction from the bodyguards and escaped their protection, taking Noelle on a brief adventure.

Leading the group of knights was a slender woman with sharp eyes that swept over the twins with disapproval immediately. She approached with determined steps and, without wasting any time, squeezed Niel's ear firmly.

He looked at the woman, trying to apologize, but before he could say anything, she began to sternly scold him.

"Do you think it's funny to run away, young master?" She said with authority, her voice sounding disapproving. "You know very well you shouldn't do that, and worse, involving sweet Noelle."

Noelle, in turn, watched the scene with a mischievous smile, as if she wasn't involved in her brother's idea. She held herself back from laughing openly at Niel's situation.

Niel however, began to break out in a cold sweat, not knowing what to say to calm the woman down. He tried to escape the situation by saying, "Sorry, Master, I just wanted to explore the city a little... and I thought Noelle would love to get some fresh air..."

The woman, who was the twins' personal teacher and guardian, did not seem to be willing to accept excuses. She continued to hold Niel's ear as she scolded him. "Your irresponsibility puts both of you in danger. You must think more before you act young master."

Niel was dragged by the ears to the waiting carriage. Noelle got on soon after, and the carriage began to move, returning home.

The atmosphere inside the carriage was peaceful, although Niel still felt embarrassed from the lecture earlier. Noelle, however, looked at her brother with a cheerful smile, she then leaned towards Niel and said excitedly, "Thank you for today, brother! I haven't had fun like this in a long time."

Niel felt his heart warm when he saw Noelle's smile. He replied with an equally cheerful smile: "No need to thank me, Noelle. I'll take you to see several other places in the big city." He said the last part in a whisper, fearing his master's wrath.

The master, although still serious, allowed herself a small smile, knowing that, as stubborn as Niel was, he had a good heart and just wanted to brighten his sister's days.

The carriage continued to advance through the streets of the Royal Capital, and the scenery passed them by as they enjoyed the journey home.

That was how his little adventure that day came to an end.

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