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33.33% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 4: 3 CLASHES IN THE STREETS


Noah, Alan, Zach and Ryan left their home planet Earth aboard a space shuttle launched from Aven, their hometown. Once in space, the children were victims of an accident and they were thrown out of the shuttle into outer space. They, however, reached a dimension, which proved to be the fulfilment of their dreams. There, they made the discovery of the century – the people featuring as characters in comics and cartoons exist. The first person they met in Nootra, city of superheroes, was Denver, the Last Dinosaur. Denver and his companions, Wally, Shades, Jeremy and Mario, agreed to help them find their way back home. The Green Dino Band disguised the Earthlings as four football players of Nootra. Zach was cloned as Cesare, Alan as Yann, Noah as Benjamin and Ryan as Papan. And so they outsmarted the vigilante Batman and entered the city.

Although nearly unmasked by Hawkeye and his daughter Rain, things rather went well for them and they visited some neighbourhoods of Westside Nootra. They had real trouble when the real Cesare and Yann met them on the streets. These were angry that their images were used for the cloning. Cesare and Yann opposed Zach and Ryan and wanted to fight them. Noah watched the unfortunate scene and was sorry. Her friends were about to fight her football heroes. Now, a few minutes before this scene took place, the real Benjamin and the real Papan with Eric, Lucas, Roberto, Bruno, Ach, Voltz and other teammates of Nootra's Wings were going back to the city after their training. They reached the city gates and thought of teasing Batman to chase the seriousness away from him.

Ach: "Hello bat head; what's up? Are you still at this boring thing you call a job?"

Lucas: "I wouldn't want to be in your place. You stand here for hours doing nothing while we're having all the fun. You should come play with us sometimes."

Batman: "How can your training be fun? You're in the final and you shouldn't take it lightly, children."

Benjamin: "We're only doing the work we love, that's why it's so much fun. We want you to join us at our next session."

Voltz: "Can Batman play football? Superheroes are hopeless when it comes to playing football."

Bruno: "They may be superheroes, but they stand no chance against me when I'm controlling a ball."

Batman: "Don't underestimate me, children. There are a lot of things I can do. I used to play with some good old friends when I was your age."

Roberto: "Batman, a kid? You must be joking. I bet you he appeared in the world exactly as he is now."

Voltz: "Yeah, because if ever he had been a child, it would be a Batkid or something; all dressed up in his batsuit ready to fight crime."

Roberto: "Yeah; and he talked of friends. Who would want to be friends with a guy whose attitude drives everyone away?"

Bruno: "An unwelcoming aura, you mean."

Eric: "That's not true. Batman has many friends in the city. He's in the Justice League[1] and his teammates are his friends."

Bruno: "The 'just us league', you meant."

Ach: "What a team! It comprises only the mightiest among the mighty. They're unbeatable, except for the uncertain."

Batman: "And the uncertain always occurs, Ach. Thanks for taking my defence, Eric though having friends isn't my priority. My main concern is to protect Nootra against any internal or external threat. The rest doesn't matter."

Benjamin: "I disagree with you there, Day Knight. The rest is what makes the former possible. You can't protect the city if you don't care about its people."

Eric: "You mentioned some friends of yours. It's obvious they're the ones because of whom you're a fighter. To me, everything is worthless if it is not done out of love for people."

Lucas: "Look at me, batty; I play football not only for myself, but for my friends as well. I used to play alone, but I wasn't happy. It's great fun when we play together as a team. You're in the JL and you surely know what I'm talking about."

Ach: "If you think Batman doesn't know what friendship in a team is, then you're one ignorant Nootran. The Caped Champion is the brain behind the Justice League and most of the teams of NSF."

Papan interrupted the flow of discussion to suit his taste.

Papan: "You guys are too boring with all this reasoning. We won't get anywhere if you keep talking so seriously."

Roberto: "Papan has a point. Have you been with people who act as if everything was 'don't joke with this subject; it's a delicate issue'?"

Voltz: "They're boring to tears."

Papan: "Check this one, guys. Batman looks like he hasn't slept for days. He does have a nasty face there. Did you know he chose to be a bat so as to stay up late and his parents wouldn't scold him for that? It doesn't surprise me coming from him. Look; he's almost drunk tired judging from his eyes. Bats, what do you mean staying up late again when you're now working in the day?"

Batman: "Only you can make such comments, Papan. You can't see my face; how can you say anything about my look?"

Eric: "Speaking of your look, Batman, if you want people to come any closer, try changing your costume. You won't become popular dressed like that with those white eyes that scare many."

Bruno: "It's an outrage. My little brother had a nightmare after seeing you. NSF should know better than posting you here to frighten kids."

Lucas: "Hahaha. Frighten troublemakers like your little brother. Slow down, boys; you're too hard on the guy. I think he's pretty cool as he is. Don't mind them, bats. I like your style and your costume is great. You're doing a good job, agent."

Benjamin: "I don't understand why you would rather guard the city during the day whereas you're ten times more efficient at night. You did it so well before you became the Bright Knight."

Batman: "It was only last month I stopped being the Dark Knight. Things have changed since then and I must adapt to the current situation."

Papan: "Don't bother trying to understand him, Benjamin. Everyone in Westside knows Batman spends the night partying with some strange company. That's why he's ineffective during the day. Listen to a friend's advice, bats; quit this job or someday someone will get hurt because of your lack of vigilance."

Batman: "Papan talks responsibility? Your advice must be in the reflexive mode. Wait a minute; didn't I hear you a few hours ago say something about keeping your mouth shut?"

Papan: "Me, silent? I'm so disappointed. I thought you knew me better than this, vigilante. I can't keep quiet as long as you have that grave look on your face. When you let your hair down, then I'll spare you."

Batman: "If it wasn't you, who then entered the city with Denver? Impostors!"

Papan: "You guys see what I was saying just now?"

Batman called Nootra Security Forces with his communicator immediately.

Batman: "Batman to J'onn:[2] come in. I have a case of intruders here. They're four of them disguised as Benjamin, Papan, Cesare and Yann and they're with Denver and his four companions."

J'onn J'onzz (through comm.): "Copy that. I'm sending agents right away. J'onn out."

J'onn J'onzz dispatched two heroes to apprehend the intruders. Once these received the coordinates, they left NSF Central and started the hunt. It took them only a few minutes to find the Earthlings whom Cesare and Yann blocked on the way. The agents landed and prevented Yann and Ryan, on the one hand, and Cesare and Zach, on the other, from fighting each other.

Noah: "Look up in the sky; it's Superman,[3] the prototype superhero on Earth."

Alan: "You shouldn't be so excited about him, Noah. I fear his friend the bat realized his mistake and sent him here to arrest us."

Superman: "So you're intruders from Earth? Still, it's good to see that everybody knows me, even on Earth."

Captain Nootra: "What about me? I'm Captain Nootra yet everybody is only talking about Superman."

Cesare wasn't happy that the NSF agents had interfered in his affairs, and so he warned them.

Cesare: "No way, costumed men. You won't stop me from correcting this punk."

Captain Nootra: "O yes, we will. Kid, you can't take issues into your own hands. We're here for that."

Cesare: "Call me kid again and I'll smash you with my football."

Captain Nootra: "This is no way to talk to an elder and less of all to Captain Nootra. What have I done to deserve such scorn from my citizens?"

Mario: "Your shoes are a mess. If I were you, Cap, I'd get myself new ones."

Jeremy: "Stop provoking him, Mario; you'll only make him angrier."

Wally: "Or more depressed. Look; he's already complaining to Superman."

Captain Nootra: "Is that true, Superman? And you didn't say anything about my shoes."

Superman: "There's nothing wrong with them. They're like mine, see? I can't believe you fall for every criticism."

Captain Nootra: "You can talk since you're Superman and no one criticizes you. Even people from an unknown planet have you as prototype superhero. But after we're done here, I'll have my designer make me new shoes."

Shades: "Don't change anything, Cap; Mario was only teasing. You're our guardian and we're proud of you. Can we go now with our friends?"

Cesare: "Not until I've finished with the impostor. Get out of my way, super freak."

Superman: "One doesn't need special faculties to see that you're the real Cesare. You and Yann will leave these children to us. They're henceforth in the custody of Nootra Security Forces."

Superman used a digital gear on the Earthlings and unmasked them. Once the children regained their real appearances, the agents immobilized their hands with some metallic gear. Denver and his companions tried to explain themselves, but the security agents wouldn't listen.

Captain Nootra: "Sorry, friends; I'm not keen on arresting children, but orders are orders, (aside) especially when they indirectly come from the bat. Rest assured though. Your buddies are coming back to you if they're found to be of no threat to Nootra."

Now it happened that before Superman and Captain Nootra took the Earthlings away, a sword stretched out of nowhere and shattered the four metallic objects fastening the Earthlings' hands. To the horror of the agents yet to the jubilation of the children, Trunks, the son of Vegeta the Saiyan, appeared. Superman and Captain Nootra then realized the odds had changed.

Wally: "Whoa. Trunks the Saiyan has come to the rescue."

Mario: "Things are beginning to get more interesting now."

Captain Nootra: "Trunks, you have no right to meddle here."

Superman: "When he has that look on his face, it tells me he won't listen to anyone. I'm expected at my mom's birthday party and I don't intend to waste time here. Cap, let's finish this fast."

Captain Nootra: "No. You don't want us to do it against Trunks? He's only a kid. And we seem to not be in harmony these last days."

Superman: "There are no arch super villains in the city. If we don't do it every time we fight, we'll never do it since you don't fight out of Nootra. Trust me, Cap; it's going to be fun."

Captain Nootra: "Okay."

Superman and Captain Nootra merged and the result was colossal. It was the creation of a mighty being, who had both the powers of Captain Nootra and Superman. What followed was a spectacular confrontation between Trunks and Super-Nootra.

Alan: "Huge! Fusion also exists here. I used to wonder how such a thing could be possible, but now I know."

Shades: "These men are crazy. Why do they merge their powers against an adversary like Trunks?"

Jeremy: "Superman spoke of a party he has to attend. He wouldn't waste time with Trunks that's why he wants to finish it fast."

Shades: "I heard what he said, Jeremy. What I meant is that Superman and Captain Nootra are grown-ups and each of them is superior to Trunks. Trunks is good, but they'll have him like a beginner."

Mario: "Nonsense Shades. Trunks can take down the two of them in a single round. You underestimate the power of Saiyans. These guys are born fighters."

Jeremy: "It's not logical, Mario. Trunks is no match for Super-Nootra."

Ryan: "The illogical becomes actuality when you believe. Our being here is illogical; cartoons existing is illogical. Trunks came to our rescue, let's give him a hand."

Shades: "You must be nuts thinking you can do a thing to Superman and Captain Nootra combined. It's Super-Nootra we're talking about."

Ryan: "I believe for the manifestation of the impossible. None is invincible except one, and it is by faith in Him that I do everything. If we come together, with Denver's strength, our determination and my faith, we'll help Trunks out."

Wally: "Et comment. I've always wanted to walk on Superman's boot."

Mario: "Quite ordinary, Wally; I've seen kids do that way too often. What would be something is to pinch the nose of Cap. O boy, I'm so going to enjoy this. What are we waiting for?"

Jeremy: "But Denver can't stand violence."

Zach: "Denver, we must rescue Trunks. We're the good guys."

Denver agreed to join his friends, but Noah was being reluctant.

Noah: "You want me to attack Superman? How could you possibly ask me to do such a thing? What if he hates me afterwards? He might be angry with me and I wouldn't be able to live with that."

Alan: "If your Superman is as heartless as this one, he doesn't deserve your love."

Noah: "That doesn't matter. What matters is that I love him."

Ryan: "All is settled then. You can attack him knowing you have a good reason for doing so, without worrying whether he might hate you or not."

Zach: "What is important here, Noah? Is it that you're convinced you're right or what he might think about you?"

Noah: "Say no more, guys; I got your point. Everything my companions are on, I'm also game for it."

Shades: "Here we go. Mission Nootra 4West N3S7. Objective: Rescue Trunks. Target: Super-Nootra. Time: 14H 75. Action: Everyone charge anyhow you can."

Zach: "Everyone charge anyhow you can? That isn't strategic, Shades. All the same: go, go, go."

The Earthlings and their new friends were determined to help Trunks, but that wasn't counting what Cesare and Yann had in mind. Before they took any action against Super-Nootra, Cesare and Yann outstripped them. These two were enraged because of Trunks and Super-Nootra's intrusion in their intended fight against Zach and Ryan, and so they decided to teach a lesson to the heroes.

Cesare: "How mean! Why should these three prevent us from handling the usurpers?"

Yann: "Let's show them they have no right to mess with us."

Cesare and Yann had their footballs with them and each played with his ball and as they did so, the balls were filled with power. After taking a deep breath, Yann kicked his ball high in the air and used his right foot and Cesare used his left, to shoot Cesare's ball together and violently at Super-Nootra. The ball became a fire mass and hit the superheroes head-on. Cesare's ball put Super-Nootra down and when Trunks turned around to see what happened, he received Yann's ball in the face. These violent shots knocked out the agents and Saiyan and they lost consciousness. The effect of the fusion ceased and Super-Nootra was gone. What remained was Superman and Captain Nootra caught in oblivion. Then Cesare and Yann fled and disappeared in the horizon.

Someone made his entrance when Super-Nootra and Trunks were down. The Shredder![4] He took advantage of the chaos in the streets to capture Denver. But the children couldn't let this happen.

Noah, Wally: "Somebody save Denver!"

Zach: "Allow me. Friends, are you with me?"

Alan: "Count me in. Shredder will be a piece of cake."

Mario: "Serve the same thing here, Alan."

Shades: "Let's crush Shredder and compensate for the loss of Super-Nootra."

Zach, Alan, Ryan, Mario, Shades, Jeremy and Wally attacked the Shredder. They all charged at him together, some with sticks in their hands. It was a bungle and no one saw whom he brawled. Shredder, however, sneaked out of the fray. He looked at them at a distance and burst out laughing. The children quickly realized they were fighting each other.

Shredder: "You kids think you can stop me? I am the Shredder. Why don't you go play with your toys before somebody gets hurt?"

Ryan: "The only one who will get hurt here is you, Shredder. Free Denver right away and we could think of sparing you."

Shredder: "Don't make me laugh again. Seriously, I have no time to play with kids."

Shredder had something with him - a soporific gas. He wore a mask, opened the bottle and tossed it in the direction of the children. The smoke drowsed the children and they subsequently fell into deep sleep. Shredder tied up Denver and forced him to walk to his vehicle. What the Shredder didn't know was that the Ninja Turtles were right behind him.

Raphael: "Hey shred head, how about facing someone your size?"

Shredder: "The Turtles! You won't dispossess me of my loot."

Leonardo: "What are you talking about? Denver isn't yours. Release him or we'll finish you this time around."

Shredder: "Seriously, Leonardo; do you think I'll listen to you when not even your brothers do? It's time you stopped giving me useless orders."

Leonardo: "Quit playing ugly if you don't want to be addressed as such. This is your last chance to surrender."

Michelangelo: "No one attacks my lovely green dino and goes unharmed."

Donatello: "Mikey, I thought it was the grey one your favourite."

Raphael: "Never mind, Donnie. Whether it's the red or the pink one, the good thing is there's going to be some action in the air, and that's just what I needed to get warmed up before the evening practice."

Michelangelo: "And I know one who will get warmed down."

Shredder: "I know only four who will be destroyed in the next minutes. Bebop, Rocksteady, wipe them out."

Bebop and Rocksteady, two of Shredder's mutants, stepped in and stood as the opponents of the Turtles.

Donatello: "He sends Bebop and Rocksteady to fight us? The Shredder is irretrievable. He should have known those two don't weigh against us."

Raphael: "Is it too much to ask that you have respect for your opponents and give us less worthless fighters? We'll be done with two in no time and guess what; we'll be coming for you, Saki."

Shredder: "Joke as you wish since you love to. I'm letting go this dinosaur for nothing."

Leonardo: "Enough talk. Show me what you have, villain."

Raphael: "Well done, fearless leader. Shredder and Co., get ready to take a beating from the Ninja Turtles."[5]

[1] Lucas, Roberto, Bruno, Ach and Voltz appear in l'Ecole des Champions. The Justice League (JL) is a superhero team in DC Comics. It first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #28 (Feb/March 1960).

[2] J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, is a superhero in DC Comics. Created by Joseph Samachson and Joe Certa, he first appears in Detective Comics #225 (Nov. 1955).

[3] Superman (Kal-El, the Man of Steel) is a superhero in DC Comics. Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster (1932) and sold to Detective Comics, Inc. (1938), he first appeared in Action Comics #1 (June 1938).

[4] The Ninja Turtles Leonardo (Leo), Donatello (Donnie, Don), Michelangelo (Mikey), Raphael (Raph) are the protagonists of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – TMNT. The Shredder (Oruku Saki) is the Turtles' main antagonist. The Ninja Turtles originated in a comic book by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird (1984) by Mirage Studios. Bebop and Rocksteady appear in TMNT.

[5] Trunks and Vegeta appear in Dragon Ball (1984-1997), Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996) and Dragon Ball GT (1996-1997). Dragon Ball Z or DBZ is a close adaptation of the second portion of the Dragon Ball manga written and drawn by Akira Toriyama. It is adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the manga series. It premiered in Japan on Fuji Television (April 26, 1989) and ran for 291 episodes until its conclusion (Jan. 31, 1996). It was developed by Toei Animation and directed by Daisuke Nishio. Et comment: certainly, absolutely.

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