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41.66% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 5: 4 SAIYANS, NOOTRA AND ORIGINS


The unprecedented had happened. Noah, Ryan, Alan and Zach landed in a world where cartoons and comics' heroes exist. Nootra, the city of Denver, the dinosaur yet not the last in Nootra, proved to be the realization of their craziest dreams. They believed all things were possible, they loved beyond fear, their cause was just, and so they were counted worthy to see the desire of their hearts. The supernatural was unveiled to them and became reality. After Denver and his companions helped them enter the city by disguising them as four of their football players, Cesare and Yann blocked them on the way. These two didn't find their copies any amusing. Batman also realized his mistake and alerted Nootra Security Forces Headquarters. Superman and Captain Nootra immediately took off to apprehend the intruders. They, however, faced Trunks who came to rescue the Earthlings.

After Superman and Captain Nootra had merged and became Super-Nootra, Cesare and Yann crushed them, as well as Trunks. These two used their footballs to knock out the superheroes into oblivion. The Shredder subsequently captured Denver and tried to escape with the dinosaur, but the Ninja Turtles appeared on the scene and prevented the bladed villain from harming anyone. So went the clashes in the streets of Nootra.

The latest round of the fight opposing Shredder and his gang to the Ninja Turtles began in the streets of Westside Nootra. Leonardo, the Turtle with the blue mask, displayed his twin ninja swords. Donatello, the purple-masked Turtle, revealed his bō staff. Raphael, the red-masked Turtle, released his twin ninja sais and Michelangelo, the Turtle with the orange mask, exhibited his whirling nunchakus.

Raphael: "Leave them to me, bros. We don't have to fight them together. I can drive them out in one second. Watch me."

Michelangelo: "I wish I had some popcorn. I'd enjoy watching this round. Raph is in one of his moods there."

Leonardo: "At least it's directed towards our enemies, and not against me. (Shouts) Put them down, bro; you're the best."

Raphael separated from his brothers to fight Bebop and Rocksteady. He ran towards them, gained momentum and thrust himself high in the air. With his ninja sais ready to hand, he spun and shot each at Bebop and Rocksteady, immobilizing them by pinning their shoes to the ground.

Michelangelo: "Now this is what I call precision. Raph's ninja sais passed between their toes and froze them without hurting them. Who says better?"

Leonardo: "Raph just dethroned Hawkeye there."

Bebop and Rocksteady managed to break free somehow. They unrooted Raphael's ninja sais and shot them back at him. But these weapons only fell into the hands of their master.

Raphael: "Wrong calculation, dudes. You can't use my beauties against me."

Donatello: "These two need no strain on your part, bro. Admire how I take them down without breaking a sweat."

Raphael: "Donnie, what are you doing? They're mine alone. Have you heard?"

Donatello didn't listen to his brother. He appeared before Shredder's mutants with his bō staff and made a show of how well he wielded his weapon. As he spun it in every direction, Bebop and Rocksteady became dizzy and saw stars. They couldn't stand the turns and before they understood anything, Donatello struck them simultaneously and they were beaten.

Donatello: "Sorry, Raph; you were not going to have fun alone."

Leonardo: "That was quite a demonstration, Don. I don't see anyone competing with you in handling the bō staff."

Raphael: "Quit playing the sensei, Leo. Donnie, you outstripped me on this one, but I won't leave you any second for that next time."

Michelangelo: "Now that we've finished with these two, let's move on to the Shredder."

Leonardo: "It's between you and me, Oruku Saki. Bros, now's my turn."

Shredder: "Come taste my blades, Leonardo. I'll shred you like they shred paper to pieces."

Leonardo drew his katana to attack the enemy. He used his twin swords simultaneously and attempted many strikes on Shredder. This one shifted and jumped swiftly so that Leonardo's strikes didn't bruise him. Then Shredder brought down his left hand all decked with blades to cut the Turtle. That wasn't counting the high speed and agility of Leonardo who accrobatically dodged the attack. Then he appeared behind Shredder with his two swords crossed before him. Shredder used his hands, then his bladed arms to push back the swords. When Leonardo's grip was loosened, Shredder stretched out a leg and kicked him backwards. He got out of his hold and leapt to a lamppost. Standing firm on the thin metallic chandelier, Shredder made another long jump to the top of a tall building. Leonardo followed him to the roof of the structure and they continued there, under the gaze of the three Turtles.

When Leonardo was fighting Shredder, Noah, who had been in hiding, ran to her friends and shook them to awaken them from the sleep into which the soporific gas had driven them. Jeremy woke up and searched his sack for some Senzu Beans.[1] He forced them into the mouth of Trunks and the Saiyan regained consciousness. Once replenished through the immediate remedial effects of the Senzu, Trunks sent a signal by emitting a large amount of energy from his body. He was calling some companions, and reinforcement came in a few minutes. Seeing that he wouldn't win, Shredder climbed down the building by jumping from one part to another until he reached the ground. Then he called his two henchmen.

Shredder: "Bebop, Rocksteady, more Saiyans are coming! Run for it."

Bebop: "What do we do with the dinosaur?"

Shredder: "Won't you use your head for once? Don't you see they'll get us if we take him along? You two, board the vehicle and let's disappear."

Donatello: "The same old story. Shredder always takes to his heels."

Leonardo: "Don't let him get away."

Raphael: "Whatever you say, fearless leader."

Michelangelo: "There we go again: Shredder on the run."

The Ninja Turtles went after the fleeing Shredder, leaving the rest behind. The Earthlings were disappointed that they didn't chat with them, though Noah still shouted something before they disappeared.

Noah: "Thanks, Michelangelo. I'll bring some pizza next time."

Shades: "Don't shout so loud; you'll wake up the big guys."

Wally: "Denver is hurt tied up like that. Everyone, come let's loosen him."

The Nootrans and their new friends unfettered Denver, and the dinosaur was back with his pals. He carried each of them and licked them lovingly even though the Earthlings were more excited by the Saiyan.

Noah: "You were spectacular, Trunks. You shredded the cuffs even better than Shredder could do."

Trunks: "You liked it? That was only a beginner's lesson. If Yann and Cesare had not butted in, you would have seen more of what me and my sword can do."

Ryan: "Wait a minute; are you present or Future Trunks? I can't tell which one of them you are now. It's true both of you have a sword, but present Trunks doesn't use it often."

Mario: "Of course he's present Trunks. What's wrong with you, Earthlings? I'm already fed up with your stupid remarks. And your logic is completely daft. How can someone be future when he's here present?"

Alan: "There was a complication in the plot of the anime. Trunks had to come from the future to save his timeline. Those episodes were epic."

Trunks: "I like that script. Your stories sound interesting. We'll hear them after taking you to a safer place. Here they come. Over here, guys."

Trunks was motioning to his companions who had appeared in the sky and who were about to land in their midst.

Zach: "Guys, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Alan: "This is big. They're exactly as we know them."

Noah: "Son Gohan, Son Goten and Krilin!"[2]

Shades: "Snap out of it, Earthies, or they'll take the big head."

Mario: "Must you do this for everyone you see in Nootra? Yes, we're what you call 'cartoons.' You know us and will probably see more of us, so stop playing 'surprised' each time you see a hero."

Goten: "Don't get upset, Mario. It's not like it's a bad thing. I don't mind being acclaimed by admirers."

Mario: "It wasn't an acclaim, Goten. Just wait until you see it three or four times; then you tell me."

Trunks: "Gohan, we should get these visitors out of the reach of the security forces. NSF is after them for no good reason at all. Those big guys suspect anyone now, so I had to stop Cap and Superman from taking them away."

Gohan: "You did good, Trunks. I can't believe Cap was influenced too. It's not like him to detain children."

Shades: "Are you kidding me, Gohan? Cap and Sups fused just to fight Trunks. Good the footballers corrected them for doing such a mean thing as fusing their powers to fight someone who is not their level."

Gohan: "Superman loves playing fusion. He does that every time he patrols the city with Cap; even against harmless offenders. Don't take what they did to heart. Let's hide the visitors the time NSF calms down. Hello friends. I see you know us already. So what should we call you?"

Noah: "My name is Noah. The laid-back guy is Alan. This one with an aggressive look is Zach. And here is Ryan, like the faith guy. We come from planet Earth."

Gohan: "Pleased to meet you, Earthlings. Now let's move before the big guys wake up."

Krilin: "Gohan, can you carry Denver? He weighs a ton, you know."

Goten: "Sure, Gohan can. He took out Cell, remember? Denver will be as light as a feather for him."

Krilin: "Those were the good old days you missed, Gotenks."[3]

Gohan: "Thanks for the compliment, little brother, though you did it just to escape the burden. Anyway, I'm the oldest Saiyan among you, so it's my responsibility. Come on; let's take off."

Son Gohan carried Denver. Trunks sailed with Mario, Alan and Wally. Noah, Zach and Shades boarded Son Goten while Krilin transported Ryan and Jeremy. They all took to the sky and flew away. They were already far off when Batman arrived at the site, which had been the scene of clashes some minutes earlier. His colleagues were still lying down unconscious. He revived them with a gadget and they woke up.

Batman: "What exactly are you doing? Where are the intruders?"

Superman: "We didn't succeed in capturing them. Cesare and Yann hit us with their football and I sense the Saiyans have taken them away."

Batman knitted his brows and gave the two an angry look.

Batman: "Cesare and Yann? Don't make me laugh."

Captain Nootra: "I'd be delighted if I could and see how you look when you laugh with that mask on. The laughing bat wouldn't be a small joke to tell my friends. Yet the truth is Cesare and Yann got the better of us."

Batman: "This is nonsense. Those ordinary kids can't deal a scratch on superheroes like you two."

Captain Nootra: "You call Cesare and Yann ordinary kids? I see you don't watch Nootra's Wings football team play."

Superman: "Yeah. That shot was more powerful than any punch I've ever received. Not even Super-Nootra could do a thing."

Batman: "I understand Cap can be irresponsible, but Superman, you won't be dragged into the recklessness just because you partner with him. It's probably the enemy we've been watching out for that has penetrated right into the heart of the city. They must be arrested and interrogated about their motives. You can't tell what the enemies of Nootra are manoevring."

Captain Nootra: "There you go again on your guesswork. You always assume the worst, but I saw their faces and nothing showed they're a threat. And you reproach us meanwhile you're the first who's defective here. Then you have the guts to say that I'm irresponsible. Answer me, Batman; how come you let intruders enter the city when you're supposed to be vigilant?"

Batman: "What's the point, Cap; are you looking for a fight?"

Superman: "Quit messing around, you two. We have to find those extra-Nootrans."

Captain Nootra: "They're kids after all. What harm can they do?"

Batman: "We paid a high price last time because we underestimated the threat posed by the intruders. We might well still repeat the same mistake. And I wonder why Captain Nootra, protector of the city, takes it lightly."

Captain Nootra: "You may be right, but not everyone needs to wear that stern look and talk with a scary tone to show they're concerned. You're over-suspicious, bats. There's a reasoning here. Jeremy and Wally are smart and they trusted the alleged 'intruders'. Saiyans too are keepers of the city and they can't betray it by helping our enemies. Instead of suspecting those children, why not trust our men?"

Batman: "Nootra should have known better than make you its protector. You compromise too easily, Cap. The Green Dino Band and the Saiyans are all kids and though the latter may be agents, they don't have responsibility enough to perceive the gravity of the situation. That's why NSF didn't deem it necessary to tell them about the menace. When the enemy strikes, they don't look back or think twice. Create an opening for them and you'll see your whole world crumble into dust. I've been in this business for years and I've never seen the enemy capitulate. If you're captain of this city, it's high time you acted as such."

Captain Nootra: "This is no business, Mr. Billionaire. Get this right: NSF didn't make me Captain Nootra. I became captain of this city because I live here, because I love this civilization and because the Nootra Shield chose me. The will of my predecessors in the shield gave me this title. They wanted me because they trusted me; and they're right because I'll do everything to protect the people. I'm not all brain like you, Bruce; I have a heart as well. I see things from both angles before passing judgement. It's time you asked yourself why the Nootra Shield chose me instead of you."

Batman: "You think I care anything about that title you hold? That's the least of my concern. I don't need anybody's recognition to do what I do. All I want is keep this city secure so that no one tampers with this civilization, which is an emblem of hope across the universe. And people like you shouldn't be in my way."

Captain Nootra: "If you're so eager to defend the city, why not get some powers? You continue to depend on rudimentary weapons and can't be one hundred percent efficient in combat. The training bases are open to all, even to you, but Mister thinks he can fight super villains his own way without using super powers. Superheroes won't always be there to save your hide, Batman."

Batman: "Are you done already? Now, record this in your brain. Super powers don't define anyone. Having them isn't the issue. What you do with them is what matters. If you can do what you're supposed to do without them, it's useless having them. It's all about strategy. To have a good strategy, you have to gather information and analyze the case by taking into account every minute detail. Having thus worked on your intelligence, you set up offensive and defensive tactics, and launch an operation with utmost precision, in line with the plan you put in place. If you conduct things this way, even with crude gadgets, you'll defeat the enemy no matter what power they have. Regrettably, people like you will never understand these things."

Superman: "Batman has a point. There's nobody without super powers as skilful in combat as Batman. Cap, I won't hide you the fact that I'm not sure to beat him if it came to single combat. He's dexterous, crafty and proficient and in his own way, he outsmarts villains and defeats them. Everything comes from the heart. If you desire to do something, you'll do it regardless of whether you have supernatural abilities or not. Batman has chosen to protect the people and that's what he's doing, though without super powers."

Batman: "Enough of that, Superman. I don't need you to shower me with compliments. And leave the issue of heart to Cap; kids are so fond of that stuff. Yet there must be something you have to be doing if you're in this world. I've chosen to uphold this civilization without relying on supernatural abilities. Not all people want to have those powers. It's not because I can have them that I should have them. They add nothing to and substract nothing from anyone. I'm comfortable with my way of doing things and I don't know why others are upset."

Captain Nootra: "Spit it out, bats. Instead of hiding behind the slogan 'upholding this civilization', why not simply admit you give yourself so much trouble for this city because you love the people? Someone you know very well told me love is nothing to be ashamed of. And you're lucky I choose to forget all disrespectful remarks you made about me. Captain Nootra has vowed to protect citizens and that's what he's doing. Why not do the same by being effective in your post instead of having others clean up your mess?"

Superman: "I've had enough of both of you. Cap, don't you ever stop? Batman is an elder and my best friend. You shouldn't talk to him like that. You ought to apologize immediately."

Batman: "Apologize to me? I want no such thing from him. His words don't bother me at all, Superman. These are the very words that enabled him to become stronger. I'll let him be as long as he continues to challenge me in areas I never considered of note in security, strategy or combat. Yet count on me to rebuke him anytime he misses the mark."

Captain Nootra: "Only in your nightmares."

Superman: "You two are so weird. Well, it's your family affair and though I'm familiar with it, I still don't understand anything about it."

Captain Nootra: "Superman, never mention again that I'm related to this guy. Before I forget, bats, I want a new pair of boots. What are these shoes, which kids make fun of all the time?"

Batman: "That has nothing to do with me, Captain. Remember, mode Captain Nootra gives you your outfit, build and appearance. And when will you quit worrying over every unnecessary remark people make about you?"

Superman: "Quite a big show you two are staging here. I would have a good laugh if you were not so serious."

Captain Nootra: "If that was meant as a joke, Superman, well, it wasn't funny. The offstage is over and here are your orders: Batman, return to your post and Superman, come with me and let's find the intruders."

Superman (to himself): "I guess I'll miss the party again this year. I didn't want to attend it, now I have a good excuse. Lucky me; mom won't scold me for being absent."

Superman, Captain Nootra and Batman separated for their respective assignments. Meanwhile, the Earthlings were in total hysterics when their new friends took them to the sky.

Alan: "Splendid! We first floated in space, now we're flying in the air. It's refreshing to feel the breeze all around; nothing to do with outer space where everything was so cold."

Shades: "It's nothing. Haven't you seen anyone fly before?"

Wally: "It's nothing, Shades? How come you don't fly then?"

Shades: "I have my reasons. What I mean is flying is too common in Nootra. Even football players fly nowadays."

Ryan: "But nobody flies on Earth; only vessels do. Nobody has succeeded in defying the law of gravity and rising on their own without engines."

Mario: "What; the law? You're dealing with that system? Earthlings must be a bunch of faithless folks who wouldn't use their potentials to the fullest."

Ryan: "What do you mean, Mario?"

Gohan: "Mario means any system using the law only places obligations, prohibitions and restrictions on people, which prevent them from attaining their zenith. The knowledge of the law excludes faith and opposes manifestations of the supernatural."

Mario: "Gohan, are you insinuating I can't develop my point on my own?"

Gohan: "Sorry, Mario. Please, have your way."

Mario: "Ryan, I don't understand why the people of Earth would like to fly, but they don't. It's evident that when you want something, you have it."

Jeremy: "You don't understand, huh? Let me remind you, Mario that you too can't fly. It needed faith for superheroes to start flying."

Shades: "And a lot of training too. Mario can't fly because he's lazy. I can't fly because I don't need to do everything. It would be silly if everybody in Nootra flew."

Wally: "That's only an excuse to cover up the fact that you can't fly. Why not just admit that only those with lots of energy do fly?"

Trunks: "I'm not of the same opinion, Wally. I think the will makes all things possible. If you want something, as Mario said, and if you believe it with all your heart, it'll manifest."

Krilin: "It's true. I, for one, didn't know how to fly, but all my friends did. I desired it, I believed it, and I visualized myself flying. I did train yet without the will and faith, I wouldn't have made it."

Noah: "As for me, I've always wanted to meet you superheroes. I believed all things are possible since Agape said so. And here I am in the city of my heroes."

Ryan: "Agape is the force behind the manifestation of everything, which is love and just. Whatever you want, if it's love, if it's just, He has already given it to you. You only have to appropriate it by believing."

Zach: "Excuse me to interrupt you, guys; Goten, can you tell me where I can find Son Goku?[4] I'd like to challenge him to a duel."

Goten: "You know my father?"

Shades: "Of course, they know all of us, except Captain Nootra and his city, which they thought was some cartoon world that didn't exist."

Ryan: "Son Goku is famous on Earth and considered one of the strongest heroes."

Trunks: "This isn't surprising. Goten, your father's fame has reached the furthermost parts of the universe."

Zach: "We do know all of you, but many don't know you exist for real. What we're experiencing is first-time. Some back at home may find it hard to believe we met you."

Goten: "Your world is strange indeed; we do exist as you can see. What do you people imagine on Earth? Things do not exist except when people do not know them, though there are things that exist without the knowledge of people. In our case, however, if a number of people of your world can identify us, what more proof do you need to accept that we exist?"

Krilin: "I think you don't have to force people to believe what you believe. Something doesn't cease to be because some people don't believe it. Nothing can change truth."

Trunks: "Truth is absolute. It doesn't depend on anything to be; not even on faith. Yet only those who believe can experience truth and make it their reality. Because you believed, you saw the manifestation. Don't expect everyone to believe you for it is not their reality."

Goten: "Trunks, did you take lessons from the Sages of Heyas or what? You now talk like some of their disciples."

Trunks: "You started it, Goten. Did you hear what you said before I spoke? One would think it was Pikkoro speaking."

Goten: "Hahaha. You know very well that Pikkoro trained Gohan and in his turn, big brother passed down what he learned to me. It's not surprising if I can say such things. Whereas you; Vegeta raised you and I don't see him say anything coming from that direction."

Trunks: "Don't pretend you don't know my father. He plays tough to mask what is indeed a heart of gold. I'm his son and I only express what my father is on the inside."

Goten: "Sorry, Zach; we've been carried away by this crummy talk. Sorry to disappoint you more; my father and his companions are not in the city. They're on mission on planet Namek."

Going over the city through the locomotives that were the Saiyans and Krilin, Alan and his companions were struck by the immensity of Nootra.

Alan: "Nootra is a very big city. I've never seen one like this before. We walked the streets for hours and have been flying over the city for quite a while now. It's endless. By the way, what's the name of this country?"

Krilin: "Country? There are no countries here. All the places you see are Nootra. This planet is the city of Nootra."

Noah: "What? You mean this entire planet consists only of this city? How is such a thing possible?"

Gohan: "Nootra is vast and well organized. Alan rightly noticed; it's an endless metropolis of several large districts. The idea of the founding fathers when they came to this planet four thousand years ago was to build a civilization different from what they had known. They had witnessed wars and deception because men broke up into factions and called themselves a particular people different from those who hitherto had been their neighbours. Yet it was the same people for there was no difference among them. Difference, division are only illusions to be surpassed in perception so that all things are viewed as one and linked together. Unfortunately, because of that misconception, they considered others as different and began to hate and fight each other until they brought chaos to their world.

'Refugees from many planets came here and discovered that there was something special about this place. They founded the city of Nootra and decreed it as a civilization, which didn't consider origin, race or any such things, which cause division among men. Nootra was built on this mindset from that generation. The people who came later adopted the same values and had them implanted in the countless generations following. They saw themselves as one people with a common destiny; that of giving a new image to the world through the unity and freedom they enjoyed in Nootra.

'Nootrans soon realized that the planet prospered tremendously due to their attachment and commitment to one another. The people experienced wholeness and all-sufficiency because they had this attitude of love, faith and justice with a determination to safeguard these treasures their ancestors passed down to them. It was then that supernatural things began to occur and the first peoples developed superhuman abilities. This made Nootrans even more conscious of their uniqueness and they were confident about the role they had to play in the world.

'Super powers were a gift from this planet so those who received them naturally didn't keep them to themselves, but they shared with the rest. Training bases were opened to teach the supernatural arts to those who were willing. Others transferred their powers to their children. Although supernatural powers are innate in some, they often manifest themselves with the working of faith, and a little training too.

'When Nootrans developed in the supernatural, people from other planets came to the city to learn the art. From its creation, Nootra has refused to live in fear. It has been prompt in offering citizenship to anyone willing. The line of reasoning was if we all are in this universe, we should live wherever we want. And Nootra was like the best place in the world, so it would be good if everybody came and lived here. Nootra, therefore, remained open and didn't shut its doors because it feared opposition.

'Peoples of the galaxies benefited from its openness and acquired super powers. However, some were not sincere. Taking advantage of its hospitality, they infiltrated the city with greedy purposes, claiming to share its values. Some citizens also rebelled and openly renounced those values. Others, because of ignorance, were unable to discern right from wrong. Others still, having gone through hard times due to some negative occurrences, failed to uphold the love and justice this city stands for. These people, who are citizens as well as people from other planets, turned evil and became the band of villains.

'Yet the truth in everything, as Ryan said, is when you love and your cause is just, you always prevail. So another group emerged, which exceeded the band of villains in power and abilities. It was the superheroes. These noble mighty men had a charismatic passion for this civilization and were zealous to uphold its values. Captain Nootra, Son Goku and Superman are a few. They stood on their indisputable honour to defend this city from all threats. Since they were fighting for the good cause, they acquired strength a thousand times superior to that of villains. Although villains may threaten, we rest assured because we have faith in our superheroes whose strength surpasses the villains'. This is how we live safe and happily every single day in this world, which is close to a paradise."

At the end of this brief summary of the history of Nootra, Alan and his fellows were flabbergasted. It was the first time they found such grace in the history of a people.

Alan: "Absolutely stunning! We just received a lecture on the origins of Nootra. The history of this world is simply a reflection of its beauty. There's so much nobility in the citizens and their ancestors. No wonder the best people live here and those of our spirituals who have connected with your world represented it and its values on Earth. What was that again, Gohan; everything is one and linked together."

Ryan: "Yet one thing doesn't fit in. How is Nootra administered? I can see it's no anarchy. How do you manage a planet of just one city?"

Jeremy: "Nootra is divided into five sides - East, North, South, West and Mid Nootra. Each Side has its own headquarters and security force with many divisions. There's a Headquarters Central in Mid Nootra. Each Division encompasses several large neighbourhoods peculiar in various aspects. There's a variety of landscape and culture in each Division. Division here is for the purpose of administration and settlement, not in terms of human difference. The Sides are surrounded by the untamed, like the place you met us. Despite being part of Nootra, Headquarters doesn't enforce its influence yet defends anyone who might find themselves in danger there."

Zach: "And who's the president of this city, or should I say planet?"

Goten: "This is the first time I hear that word. What's a president?"

Alan: "The one who rules; the leader, the master of this place."

Wally: "There is no such person here."

Noah: "This big planet has no leader? How then is it governed? Who gives orders; who makes decisions?"

Krilin: "We told you already; Nootra Security Forces take charge of everything. All Divisions are represented at Headquarters Central where citizens with powers as well as those without powers sit and discuss things."

Trunks: "This city is based on trust. People have full confidence in NSF agents who have proved their loyalty in that they freely volunteered to protect and defend citizens each day. They're fully convinced of the cause Nootra upholds, and so they spread this civilization by heroing."

Zach: "I still don't get it. Someone has to be at the controls. Something can't work without a head. Who's at Headquarters?"

Gohan: "I see you're so worked up by this thing of leader. Are they so important on Earth?"

Mario: "They think the green man who's always locked up at Headquarters Central is our leader?"

Noah: "I can't believe it. Don't tell me Pikkoro is now at the technique with machines and technologies?"

Ryan: "It's not Pikkoro, Noah; it's J'onn. So J'onn J'onzz is the general."

Shades: "I think we told you no one commands us; we simply trust each other. I don't know what kind of thing you have on Earth, but this one is the best."

Wally: "This is the only one you know, Shades."

Jeremy: "NSF and its many branches have commanders reserved for them as a security force yet these officers are in no wise leaders of the people."

Krilin: "We're almost here. We'll take Denver and the boys home. As for you, friends, you can't stay with them, otherwise the security agents will find you. We suffered a setback lately and security can't take risks. They'll come after you."

Goten: "Niisan, let's take them to Secret Base L4 in the North. The agents can't arrest them there. We only have to convince our friends over there."

Gohan: "That's also what I was thinking. Our friends over there can help them get back to Earth. But we'll have to go over the Frightful Forest and that won't be pleasant."

Noah: "Who are 'our friends over there'? More of my cartoons heroes, I suppose."

Mario: "A little respect, Noah. Stop calling us cartoons; it's irritating. We're humans, okay?"

Noah: "Sorry, Mario, but I'm excited at the thought of the many people I'm going to meet in this place. It's unfortunate Vegeta isn't around."

Trunks: "Trust me, Noah; get out of your mind the idea of ​​meeting my father. You may be disappointed for he's nothing you will call 'friendly'."

Noah: "I won't have it any other way, Trunks. It's because of his behaviour that he's my favourite."

The Saiyans dropped Denver and his companions at Wally's place and said goodbye for the moment. Separating from Noah and her friends wasn't easy for Denver, but he had to let them go. Secret Base L4 was located beyond a forest inhabited by villains and ferocious beasts. Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Krilin, bearing Zach, Noah, Ryan and Alan, tried to cross the forest unobserved.

Goten: "Let's be discreet lest the inmates detect us. Then we'll run into trouble."

Noah: "You mean they would want to hurt us? Who are the people living in this forest anyway?"

Trunks: "Villains of all sorts. Some of us put them here and they won't miss a chance of getting revenge."

Gohan: "They're trapped in this forest until they reject their wicked ways."

Alan: "A conscience detector? Can security sense when people change?"

Goten: "It's been reliable so far."

Ryan: "So those who are here can't get out of the forest?"

Krilin: "Yes. The distinctiveness of this civilization entails that nobody is killed. The wicked are exiled in this forest. They can't escape due to a stamp on their shoulders. Outsiders can get in, but those who are supposed to be here can't get out."

Zach: "I see; it's a kind of prison. So much for your civilization! I suppose your city is not as 'beautiful' as you described it."

Gohan: "What can you do? How do you solve the problem of people who want to destroy your world; who intend to overthrow everything you uphold; whose aims are to take over and impose a reign of chaos? If you can't nurture in them the values you defend, how then do you stop them from harming?"

Ryan: "Maybe some find flaws in the system and the only way to denounce it is to oppose it by becoming villains."

Goten: "Ryan, you may be making a comparison here, but this city has no equals. That's why it's a civilization and not a system. We mean it when we speak of love, justice and faith as cornerstone of Nootra. My father and Pikkoro have been to countless dimensions and have testified of the uniqueness of this culture."

Trunks: "And knowing who they are, we trust them totally, fully convinced they're telling the truth."

Krilin: "Because of their nobility and loyalty, some men deserve the title of sages. Their judgement and opinion have become divine and trustworthy. Yet in spite of this, they never impose their will on others. I'm privileged to be friends with one prominent among them and I can testify of his integrity. We have a large number of such people in this city and we trust them wholeheartedly."

Gohan: "Nootra created this forest to give villains a chance to make a fresh start. It's just as nice as any place in the city. In fact, this is the best place for spirituals. It's villains who turned it into the Frightful Forest. You may judge it otherwise, but this is the only way NSF thought best to rehabilitate the bad guys."

Trunks: "I envy them sometimes. The Frightful Forest is a delight in terms of spirituality, but you'll go through tough times if you get there."

The Saiyans' attempt to be discreet was vain for Windfang,[5] the hideous creature, spotted them. Windfang, Wrath-Amon's henchman, was at large while his master was trapped in the forest. Wrath-Amon had instructed him to patrol the forest and bring him and his fellow villains any superhero who ventured that way. Windfang was once a good man until Wrath-Amon transformed him into that horrible creature. He remained at Wrath-Amon's service, hoping this one would restore his human form, as he promised.

Having sighted the Saiyan crew, Windfang spread his wings and attacked them in the sky. He came frontally in their direction and pushed them with great force. Destabilized in their flight, the children lost balance and fell onto the ground, landing in the heart of the forest. A group of villains fast assembled and closed in on them. The terrible Freeza and the awful Wrath-Amon were at their head.

Goten: "What misfortune! They seem to be really mad at us."

Freeza: "Well, well; if these are not our beloved Saiyans. Who knew the sky would so generously treat us a succulent dessert for dinner?"[6]

[1] Senzu Beans are mystical beans with immense rejuvenation properties in Dragon Ball.

[2] Son Gohan, Son Goten, Krilin, Future Trunks and Cell appear in DBZ.

[3] Gotenks results from the successful fusion of Trunks and Goten using the Fusion Dance in Dragon Ball. Here, it is used for the names Goten and Trunks though they haven't fused.

[4] Son Goku is the hero of Dragon Ball. Pikkoro Jr., the Namek, appears in DBZ. Namek is a planet (DBZ). Niisan, Aniki means big brother.

[5] Windfang & Wrath-Amon appear in Conan, The Adventurer, an animated TV series adaptation of Conan The Barbarian, created by Robert E. Howard that appeared in Weird Tales magazine (1932). Conan, The Adventurer was developed by Christy Marx & produced by Jetlag Productions and Sunbow Productions (Sept. 1992 - Nov. 1993). Freeza appears in DBZ.

[6] Rahan is the hero of Rahan, Le Fils des Ages Farouches, a comic series that first appeared as part of Pif Gadget, and then published in albums of 2 to 4 complete stories. Initially written by Roger Lecureux and later by Jean-François Lecureux, most of the artwork is drawn by Andre Cheret, and others (Enrique Romero, Zam, DeHuescar). The animated series was developed by France Animation and aired on Canal+ (Nov. 1987).

Tarzan was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and first appeared in Tarzan of the Apes by All-Story Magazine (Oct. 1912). The first book edition was published in 1914. Conan is the hero of Conan, The Adventurer. Samba et Leuk le Lièvre is a TV series of 26 episodes created by Olivier Massart. It aired from 30 April 1997 on France 2 in the programme 'La Planète de Donkey Kong'.

Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richard), Invisible Woman (Susan Storm), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), The Thing (Ben Grimm) form The Fantastic 4 or FF, a superhero team in Marvel Comics. The group debuted in The Fantastic Four #1 (Nov. 1961) and was the first superhero team created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

Spider-Man (Peter Parker, Spidey) is a Marvel Comics superhero. Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, he first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug. 1962). Victor von Doom (Doctor Doom) is a super villain in Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, he first appeared in Fantastic Four #5 (July 1962).

Raditz, first seen in Dragon Ball Z Chapter 1 (New Threat), is a Saiyan and older brother of Son Goku. Turles is the featured super villain in Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (1990), DBZ's 3rd Movie. An upper class Saiyan, he bears a striking resemblance to Son Goku. Super Saiyan is an advanced transformation assumed by extraordinarily powerful members of the Saiyan race in Dragon Ball.

Terrax, the Tamer is a super villain in Marvel Comics. He was created by Marv Wolfman and John Byrne and first appears in Fantastic Four #211 (Oct. 1979). The Power Cosmic is a source of limitless cosmic energy in the Marvel Universe (Fantastic Four #48, Mar. 1966).

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