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Write a reviewSince the fight with the Abomination this was getting worse, this FF had a lot of potential but the author doesn't have the ability to make it happen (translator)
This story is so good I like you made me really nice how he has help both Peter and Gwen and he cares a lot about his friend this story is the best and I love it
This Kamen Raider theme in Marvel is very interesting, and honestly speaking, I knew Kamen Raider only by name, but I think that thanks to this fanfic I'm going to be encouraged to watch it, any recommendations on where to start?
Una cosa como ace pudo usar el pide de chalice eso quiere decir que es un jocker pero si lo es no debería tener una visión de sus enemigos por lo que se los jockers tienen una cierta habilidad telequinesis para poder sentir a los enemigos , como lo hace Goku sintiendo el ki de sus enemigos
Tengo que decirlo por ahora me parece una buena historia , y la evolución del personaje por ahora va bien se nota que está madurando pero no deja que ese cambie la esencia de su ser quiere ser un héroe un Rider , las palabras que le diría si pudiera serían estás todos pueden decir que ser un héroe es un sueño ingenuo pero no lo es no esta mal ayudar a la gente ser la mejor versión posible de uno mismo , no podrás salvarlos a todos pero eso no quiere decir que dejes de intentarlo con todo lo que puedas; el camino de un Rider es duro pero ninguno lo hizo solo tienes su legado dándote fuerzas más con todos los amigos que as echo ,no dejes que nadie te diga cómo debería ser tu sueño por qué nadie tiene la potestad para decírtelo agarralo y sigue avanzando hacia adelante por qué el mundo puede que le parezca tonto la idea de los héroes pero la verdad es que todos llaman a uno en lo más profundo de su corazón
Los personajes no tienen profundidad, si el Mc no está presente los personajes te da la impresión de que no se mueven y la motivación están profunda como un charco el la calle, si comienzan a leer fanfic esta historia es medio decente.
I was very happy when there was a fanfic about Kamen Rider and the story was interesting to read, but maybe the name Spider Woman could be changed to Spider Ghost.
como faen de kamen rider puedo decir que hydra lo tendra bastante dificil crear un rider system digo todos tiene sus condiciones especiales para poder utilizarse la mayoria estan relacionados con seres mas alla de lo humano o de la ciencia humana asi que no es alguo tan facil de imitar ademas que una organización como hydra nunca podra sacarle el aximo porvecho a los rider system por que como se ha visto en toda esta gran historia esto reacionan o son la representacion de las conviciones de sus portadores , asi que seguro aquien se los den le lavaran el cerebro o alguo por el estilo cosa que sera cotrapruducente por que los ara berserkers o de alguna forma crearan un kaijin . Digo relamente tener miedo que hydra aprenda sobre como funcionan los drivers por que de ahi os aseguro que puede salir cosas que pueden hacer que thanos parezca nada en lo que se refiere en peligrosidad a nivel de poder hay no sabria que decirte
Personally, I don’t like it.. Starting from the first chapter, the feeling of cringe does not leave you when reading, you continue in the hope of improvement, and you catch even more cringe..
Well that makes me disappointed. Kadoya Tsukasa himself once said that in the Zi-O series, even his own body is 50% of all his strength, then Decade Form is the other 50% which makes it 100% when they combine. But Mc has it all, no more than Natasha and Logan? hahahah Thank you for the chapter up to this point, I'll leave this and stop here. I hope you are successful as a writer, friend hahahaha. Continue trying to nerf Kamen Rider hahahah, even Chinese writers aren't that brave to do a big nerf.
Mc so stupid ................................................................ What happened to the protagonist of this novel? Why did he suddenly become so stupid? He took a video Isn't that all his action? And the best AI. What were his two god levels for?
The start of the story is pretty good, but after that everything goes downhill, especially after he fought Logan and faced The Lizard. He knew about marvel and the plot, even tho this world is AU several things is the same as MCU, but instead of preventing some accidents to happen, MC act like he forgot about all the plot. So the story become boring because mc act passively even tho he knew about the plot. He act like he is a great hero, he gives some advice to Gwen when she doing the vigilante for the attention that she get, but in the end he just a pathetic mc that act high and mighty. Looking down on the villain and never get serious with his fight. He have all rider form, he is really powerful but he chose to use the weaker form, even when his friend almost dead he only able to scream 'Nooo' even tho he can beat his opponent easily. This is a good concept, even pretty good at the beginning. But mc need to act more serious. Maybe author wants mc and other to have some charater development but making mc look pathetic isn't a good choice. His fight against Abomination is good, but his fight against Logan, Vermin and Lizard is disappointing
it's a pretty good story but it does have some annoying parts like the fact that the MC has a massive Mansion two AI and a entire laboratory and manufacturing room yet he barely uses them. He also barely tries to prevent villains from becoming villains through stopping their accidents. Like whenever the villains escape into the sewers instead of using his resources to make a whole bunch of drones or robots to scour the sewers controlled by his AI he just decided to sit there and wait for the villains to come back. For example he gets told by Peter that him and Dr Connors are about to finish the lizard serum he now knows the Lizard is about to be born, but all he does is give Peter a slight warning about mutations instead of sending a drone to watch Dr Connors to ensure that he doesn't inject himself. So of course the Lizard is born and a whole bunch of people die and then when the Lizard retreats into the sewers he just sits there and lets him do whatever in the sewers instead of trying to find anyway to scout for him. He just has so much incredible technology that could trivialize stopping villains but he just lets it sit there gathering dust, it feels like such a waste.
Najicablitz626 Great fanfic Keep working hard You can do this Ultraman Fanfic after A Rider Kick in Marvel A 19-year-old boy named Jake Maxwell has been reincarnated into the world of Ultraman (Netflix anime) with the powers and abilities of Max Steel. Turbo Modes: Turbo Strength Turbo Flight Turbo Speed Turbo Stealth Turbo Clone Turbo Spike Turbo Speed Spike Turbo Hydro Heat Turbo Exo Strength Harem First Victim (Inuyashiki)( no name is given)(Custom name is Saya Matsubara) Third Victim (Inuyashiki)(no name is given)(Custom name is Momoko Matsubara) Marie Inuyashiki (Inuyashiki) Mari Inuyashiki (Inuyashiki) Fumino Inoue (Inuyashiki) Yuko Shishigami (Inuyashiki) Neera Young(Planet 51) Cheryl Claws (Planet 51) Luna (Planet 51) Peggy Sue (Planet 51) Lily (Planet 51) Susan (Planet 51) Lem’s Mom (no official name is given)(custom name is Amanda Korplog) Lena Thackleman (Escape from Planet Earth)
I really like this story. As someone who just got into Kamen Rider this year and have most of the series, I can see the love and care for the series. I would say some deep lore will go over some peoples heads, but fans will appreciate the references. MY STRENGTH HAS MADE YOU CRY. WIPE OFF YOUR TEARS WITH THESE. *throws tissue*
Starts off okay-ish (So ig MC is Ace without Ace's personality nor cleverness). The MC knows he's in Marvel, but acts as if he doesn't know anything about it. He's also using early forms even in dire situations, risking his friend's life. E for Effort.
Pretty interesting fic, especially if you like Kamen Rider. but that's it. it's just one of those fic where MC is disturbing powers left and right, especially giving named Marvel characters making the whole concept useless, might as well make a new characters instead of making those Marvel Characters obsolete. Wouldn't waste my time on it, especially if you are a fan of Marvel
This could be fun for people who are reallllly into kamen rider but anyone else its pretty average. the tech used in that show is really weird and illogical, which makes sense since this was 1970/80s Sci-Fi. but its just cringe imo. it would be like being a power ranger irl and doing stupid poses infront of criminals, people would just laugh at you, its the same with this.
Wanted to put this out to offset LastGod’s review, which I find slightly dumb and unfair for insulting kamen riders itself rather than actually reviewing the story itself. (P.S: If you were to dislike the kamen riders themselves whether it’s the suit design or the technology, then don’t put reviews that doesn’t concern with the writing themselves.) With that out of the way, I like how’s the story is shaping up to be. I hope to see how the Author’s gonna shape up the story with ‘certain’ kamen rider forms for inevitable higher threats.
I like this. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
muito bom a fanfic quando vai sair a continuação . achei muito boa história prefiro que fique longe do UCM. e continua com as HQ e as animações você intende muito de kamen rider adorei a reação dos personagens da marvel sobre os poderes do kamen rider . gostaria de uma continuação vou começar kamen rider no universo dc obrigado pelo trabalho que continue as publicações do Brasil 🇧🇷 Fã de Carteirinha
Since the fight with the Abomination this was getting worse, this FF had a lot of potential but the author doesn't have the ability to make it happen (translator)
This story is so good I like you made me really nice how he has help both Peter and Gwen and he cares a lot about his friend this story is the best and I love it
This Kamen Raider theme in Marvel is very interesting, and honestly speaking, I knew Kamen Raider only by name, but I think that thanks to this fanfic I'm going to be encouraged to watch it, any recommendations on where to start?
Una cosa como ace pudo usar el pide de chalice eso quiere decir que es un jocker pero si lo es no debería tener una visión de sus enemigos por lo que se los jockers tienen una cierta habilidad telequinesis para poder sentir a los enemigos , como lo hace Goku sintiendo el ki de sus enemigos
Tengo que decirlo por ahora me parece una buena historia , y la evolución del personaje por ahora va bien se nota que está madurando pero no deja que ese cambie la esencia de su ser quiere ser un héroe un Rider , las palabras que le diría si pudiera serían estás todos pueden decir que ser un héroe es un sueño ingenuo pero no lo es no esta mal ayudar a la gente ser la mejor versión posible de uno mismo , no podrás salvarlos a todos pero eso no quiere decir que dejes de intentarlo con todo lo que puedas; el camino de un Rider es duro pero ninguno lo hizo solo tienes su legado dándote fuerzas más con todos los amigos que as echo ,no dejes que nadie te diga cómo debería ser tu sueño por qué nadie tiene la potestad para decírtelo agarralo y sigue avanzando hacia adelante por qué el mundo puede que le parezca tonto la idea de los héroes pero la verdad es que todos llaman a uno en lo más profundo de su corazón
Los personajes no tienen profundidad, si el Mc no está presente los personajes te da la impresión de que no se mueven y la motivación están profunda como un charco el la calle, si comienzan a leer fanfic esta historia es medio decente.
I was very happy when there was a fanfic about Kamen Rider and the story was interesting to read, but maybe the name Spider Woman could be changed to Spider Ghost.
como faen de kamen rider puedo decir que hydra lo tendra bastante dificil crear un rider system digo todos tiene sus condiciones especiales para poder utilizarse la mayoria estan relacionados con seres mas alla de lo humano o de la ciencia humana asi que no es alguo tan facil de imitar ademas que una organización como hydra nunca podra sacarle el aximo porvecho a los rider system por que como se ha visto en toda esta gran historia esto reacionan o son la representacion de las conviciones de sus portadores , asi que seguro aquien se los den le lavaran el cerebro o alguo por el estilo cosa que sera cotrapruducente por que los ara berserkers o de alguna forma crearan un kaijin . Digo relamente tener miedo que hydra aprenda sobre como funcionan los drivers por que de ahi os aseguro que puede salir cosas que pueden hacer que thanos parezca nada en lo que se refiere en peligrosidad a nivel de poder hay no sabria que decirte
Personally, I don’t like it.. Starting from the first chapter, the feeling of cringe does not leave you when reading, you continue in the hope of improvement, and you catch even more cringe..
Well that makes me disappointed. Kadoya Tsukasa himself once said that in the Zi-O series, even his own body is 50% of all his strength, then Decade Form is the other 50% which makes it 100% when they combine. But Mc has it all, no more than Natasha and Logan? hahahah Thank you for the chapter up to this point, I'll leave this and stop here. I hope you are successful as a writer, friend hahahaha. Continue trying to nerf Kamen Rider hahahah, even Chinese writers aren't that brave to do a big nerf.
Mc so stupid ................................................................ What happened to the protagonist of this novel? Why did he suddenly become so stupid? He took a video Isn't that all his action? And the best AI. What were his two god levels for?
The start of the story is pretty good, but after that everything goes downhill, especially after he fought Logan and faced The Lizard. He knew about marvel and the plot, even tho this world is AU several things is the same as MCU, but instead of preventing some accidents to happen, MC act like he forgot about all the plot. So the story become boring because mc act passively even tho he knew about the plot. He act like he is a great hero, he gives some advice to Gwen when she doing the vigilante for the attention that she get, but in the end he just a pathetic mc that act high and mighty. Looking down on the villain and never get serious with his fight. He have all rider form, he is really powerful but he chose to use the weaker form, even when his friend almost dead he only able to scream 'Nooo' even tho he can beat his opponent easily. This is a good concept, even pretty good at the beginning. But mc need to act more serious. Maybe author wants mc and other to have some charater development but making mc look pathetic isn't a good choice. His fight against Abomination is good, but his fight against Logan, Vermin and Lizard is disappointing
it's a pretty good story but it does have some annoying parts like the fact that the MC has a massive Mansion two AI and a entire laboratory and manufacturing room yet he barely uses them. He also barely tries to prevent villains from becoming villains through stopping their accidents. Like whenever the villains escape into the sewers instead of using his resources to make a whole bunch of drones or robots to scour the sewers controlled by his AI he just decided to sit there and wait for the villains to come back. For example he gets told by Peter that him and Dr Connors are about to finish the lizard serum he now knows the Lizard is about to be born, but all he does is give Peter a slight warning about mutations instead of sending a drone to watch Dr Connors to ensure that he doesn't inject himself. So of course the Lizard is born and a whole bunch of people die and then when the Lizard retreats into the sewers he just sits there and lets him do whatever in the sewers instead of trying to find anyway to scout for him. He just has so much incredible technology that could trivialize stopping villains but he just lets it sit there gathering dust, it feels like such a waste.
Najicablitz626 Great fanfic Keep working hard You can do this Ultraman Fanfic after A Rider Kick in Marvel A 19-year-old boy named Jake Maxwell has been reincarnated into the world of Ultraman (Netflix anime) with the powers and abilities of Max Steel. Turbo Modes: Turbo Strength Turbo Flight Turbo Speed Turbo Stealth Turbo Clone Turbo Spike Turbo Speed Spike Turbo Hydro Heat Turbo Exo Strength Harem First Victim (Inuyashiki)( no name is given)(Custom name is Saya Matsubara) Third Victim (Inuyashiki)(no name is given)(Custom name is Momoko Matsubara) Marie Inuyashiki (Inuyashiki) Mari Inuyashiki (Inuyashiki) Fumino Inoue (Inuyashiki) Yuko Shishigami (Inuyashiki) Neera Young(Planet 51) Cheryl Claws (Planet 51) Luna (Planet 51) Peggy Sue (Planet 51) Lily (Planet 51) Susan (Planet 51) Lem’s Mom (no official name is given)(custom name is Amanda Korplog) Lena Thackleman (Escape from Planet Earth)
I really like this story. As someone who just got into Kamen Rider this year and have most of the series, I can see the love and care for the series. I would say some deep lore will go over some peoples heads, but fans will appreciate the references. MY STRENGTH HAS MADE YOU CRY. WIPE OFF YOUR TEARS WITH THESE. *throws tissue*
Starts off okay-ish (So ig MC is Ace without Ace's personality nor cleverness). The MC knows he's in Marvel, but acts as if he doesn't know anything about it. He's also using early forms even in dire situations, risking his friend's life. E for Effort.
Pretty interesting fic, especially if you like Kamen Rider. but that's it. it's just one of those fic where MC is disturbing powers left and right, especially giving named Marvel characters making the whole concept useless, might as well make a new characters instead of making those Marvel Characters obsolete. Wouldn't waste my time on it, especially if you are a fan of Marvel
This could be fun for people who are reallllly into kamen rider but anyone else its pretty average. the tech used in that show is really weird and illogical, which makes sense since this was 1970/80s Sci-Fi. but its just cringe imo. it would be like being a power ranger irl and doing stupid poses infront of criminals, people would just laugh at you, its the same with this.
Wanted to put this out to offset LastGod’s review, which I find slightly dumb and unfair for insulting kamen riders itself rather than actually reviewing the story itself. (P.S: If you were to dislike the kamen riders themselves whether it’s the suit design or the technology, then don’t put reviews that doesn’t concern with the writing themselves.) With that out of the way, I like how’s the story is shaping up to be. I hope to see how the Author’s gonna shape up the story with ‘certain’ kamen rider forms for inevitable higher threats.
I like this. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
muito bom a fanfic quando vai sair a continuação . achei muito boa história prefiro que fique longe do UCM. e continua com as HQ e as animações você intende muito de kamen rider adorei a reação dos personagens da marvel sobre os poderes do kamen rider . gostaria de uma continuação vou começar kamen rider no universo dc obrigado pelo trabalho que continue as publicações do Brasil 🇧🇷 Fã de Carteirinha