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A Hero's Journey Original

A Hero's Journey

Others 46 Chapters 1.8M Views
Author: SlyOW

4.23 (66 ratings)

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Here is the story of a scientist from a slightly futuristic earth that travels to the Marvel Universe. Find out how this universe will change with the addition of Mason Tunt.

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  1. TotoAva
    TotoAva Contributed 5
  2. Kurocodail
    Kurocodail Contributed 3
  3. Hermes_1920
    Hermes_1920 Contributed 2

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Honestly I was hoping for another new world, this is not another new world, it says in the description how to the world change with mason tunt? Basically nothing changes because he looses all his powers whilst fighting something never in the original story and this side lines him for the rest of the original story it seems like a cheap way out of not having to continue writing this, which I guess is the same with new world where you ended it before we saw his full potential if I'd have anything to compare this story to I'd compare it to those 1 season anime which have potential but the mangaka got bored of writing it so the series stopped, but then again those usually have believable power ups. LIKE HE GAINED SO MUCH FKING POWER BECAUSE HE WANTED TO SEE A GIRL HE MET THE DAY EARLIER! Like that reason is a **** version of why issei from DxD has power ups.

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LV 14 Badge

Story is good and bad at the same time,mc is smart and also dumb,op powers but got nerfed in marvel uni,fight was bad and dint't make sense', when fighting strong enemies he'very strong,fighting weak one he's struggling!!!!tf🤣

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LV 5 Badge

This is a fanfiction on the Marvel Universe, come if you are interseted. If you aren't, check it and then go if you want. I hope you will like my new story.

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I don’t know how to rate this story, it started out so underwhelming I planned to drop it but decided to stick around for a power up, kept getting nerfed so I waited, very boring btw, finally oz serum so mc got decent but still underwhelming and then out of fucking nowhere a god comes up, mc gains omnipotence and then loses all his power and he gets a fucking voice in his head, A FUCKING VOICE IN HIS HEAD WHATTTTT ARREEE YOU FUCKING THINKING????

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Most story started with bad grammar and then it got better but yours is the reverse. Yours started with acceptable grammar and it progressively got even worse. Congrats, that is a first. Sorry, everything were bad across the board. Why do you do this?

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Story was so good but at chapter 30 something the author just said f*ck everyone and everything. The story went to complete sh*t and turned into garbage. Ugh such a great story ruined by another author

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rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending rush ending

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I love this fanfic, so please do us all a favor & Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop, Don’t drop 🤞🏿🤞🏿🙏🏿

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Horrible, I am speechless for this terrible story, it started out as something nice, the MC was unreasonably weak, but it was acceptable, but, from chapter 25 onwards the chapters were total rubbish, I read them hoping it would improve, but no It got even worse and instead of being a fanfic it became a pathetic and unreasonable mental comedy. I just want to say that I am disappointed in the author for ruining this story more than it already was.

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It was ok at the start but takes a noise dive mid way through and became pretty bad. The story would have been better if it was less rushed.😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

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Excellent fanfic with, A) very good starting chapter B) excellent characters, mainly awesome Mc who not op but with a intelligent and somewhat wise mind. C) good amount of content in a single chapter, without dragging a single plot over several chapters. D) excellent fight scenes, which are both strategic and cool. E) cool powers and power progression for Mc.

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Awesome start only read a few chapters but the quality of the chapter is very good. Grammar, the sentence structure all smooth. I love the power chosen by the MC, not very strong immediately but has a lot of potential. Thanks for writing this novel and I hope you keep up the current update speed. Once again loved your novel and keep up the great work, i appreciate it. 😁👍

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LV 2 Badge

I knew that this fic was dropped, but the way it was dropped was just horrible. .....................................................................

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chapter 37 ruined the story

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La primera historia que leí de este tipo y la que me engancho, gracias a esta historia conocí webnovel ......................La primera historia que leí de este tipo y la que me engancho, gracias a esta historia conocí webnovel

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Me parece muy bien ala historia,ojalá sigas con esta teoría ,pero consulta,el protagonista de las historias que vas a hacer será el mismo que el que está teoría de yo en Marvel?

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You got a Vote from me, keep up the good work author sama. This seems good to me. Dont drop dont drop dont drop Dont drop Dont drop Dont drop

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.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'. . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. . . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.

Reveal Spoiler
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This is one of the best marvel fanfic that I have ever red it is a shame that it was dropped 😢😢😢. You should continue it, because it is worth reading.

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Author SlyOW