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40% A Different World where the demons are good / Chapter 4: Burning Wrath

Chapter 4: Burning Wrath


The ball of fire starting to become less and less brighter and it became night.

we approached the gate we heard the demons shouting and screaming inside the town so we made a plan.

"Shinyu!! stop here!"

I saw Angels flying around killing demons the screaming won't stop.

"what!? why would I stop!? I need to see if my family are safe!"

"Hey! I know you're worried right now! But You need to think first! what if there are enemies and you rushed inside!! huh?! what do you think will happen to you?!"

"I can fight!"

"I know you can! But you can't hold them off! Besides, the guards are all dead! There are many enemies inside not just one!"

'Come on!! Come on!! think!! Think You stupid Akuma!!! Argh!!!'

'why is this happening! My whole body is trembling with fear, I can't make up something in my mind!!! Come on!! Come on think!!'

while I'm forcing myself to think some plan something came to my mind, I remembered Yuki Smiling at me.

'Yuki… Yuki…I hope you're okay.'

'If I don't think something Yuki will die!! Come on!'

Akuma is thinking vigorously until he made up his mind.


"Yes? Do you have any plans?"

"Is this the only entrance in the town?"

"Hmm let's see, There are sewers underground I think we can use it to enter the town without the angels knowing"

"So is there any sewers outside the town? So we can enter without entering the town"

"I forgot, my mind is scrambled right now!"

"Hey hey hey!! shinyu!! Look at me!! Everything will be alright stay calm, just remember where the sewer so we can go to town and save your family okay?!"

'I know shinyu is very worried right now, I can see it in his face but we can't go further and save them if he can't remember the tunnel outside.'

"shinyu! Where is the sewer!!?"

"wait! I'm thinking!!!"

A few moments after, he started walking by the walls outside.

"hey! Where are you going?" Akuma said.

"I remembered it! It's somewhere here"

A moment after-- shinyu saw a manhole cover.

"here!! here!! Akuma! I found it!"

"Really!? I know I can count on you! Now now! Let's save your family!"

We opened the lid and we entered as we descend.

"It's too dark, I can't see anything"

"Don't worry I got this!"

Shinyu Used magic --- IGNITE!!!

IGNITE- A Magic that lets the user make a small ball of fire in his/her hands, this magic can be used as an offense or use in a situation such as lighting a dark room.

"Woah!!! Amazing!!"

"Amazing right? Now we can see what's ahead of us, Now let's go!"

We ran underground hurrying hoping shinyu's family is safe and also Yuki and her mother.

"wait stop!" shinyu said.


"I think we're already inside the town"

We saw another hole and decided to ascend and leave the underground.

"Come on let's leave here," shinyu said.

"wait! let me go ahead first!"

"Okay! Be careful not to be seen"

I slowly go upwards and slowly peek what's happening in the town.

While opening it I saw a girl getting chased by an angel.

"Help!!!! Help!!!!! help me please!!" A demon girl shouting and screaming for help.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Run you filthy demon!"

While the angel chasing the girl, the girl tripped and got knocked on the ground.

"Please, please! I'm begging you mercy! Please don't kill me!" the girl said while crying.

The angel slowly walking towards her saying:

"Oh please don't cry I won't kill you easily! Ha-ha-ha I will take you to the highlands and make you a plaything! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

And then the angel grabbed the girl and head in the middle of the town.

After seeing and hearing that Akuma felt infuriated.

"a-are those angels? I can't see the face it's dark" Akuma's tears are falling.

"Hey! Akuma! What happened!?"

"t-t-the girl, she was taken by an angel a-a-and the angel said that she will make that girl his plaything," Akuma said it with a trembling voice.

"what!? Those bastards! Come We better hurry!!--- Hey!! wrap yourself up!! come on let's go! "


'Damn it! After seeing and hearing it I'm now trembling and also getting mad! Ahh!! get ahead of yourself Akuma!! I'm sure they are in a safe place now!'

Shinyu slowly opened the lid and we slowly get outside the sewer.

"hey! where are we?" Akuma said.

"I think we're in the market because some foods is laying in the ground and stalls wrecked"

A moment after getting out, we heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey! Something is coming! Quickly hide!" shinyu said.


We saw two large empty barrels and jumped into it then we covered it.

A moment after, we saw the approaching footsteps, it was an angel and there are two of them.

'So this is what angels looked like in here they have a teeth of a human, eyes of a goat ears of a bat with a long mouth that looks like a beak with white wings and a tan-colored skin they are holding a sword and also they got full plated armor, their appearance is far more than I expected.'

While we are hiding. the two angels began having a conversation with a hoarse voice:

"hey I heard the commander got a nice and busty girl from the inn and a little girl and her mother"

'Inn? They must be talking about Yuki and shinyu's family, what are they doing at the inn?'

"Oh really? Commander must be lucky, I hope we got someone like that Ha-ha-ha-ha!"

They are both laughing.

'Damn you bastards!! if something happens to those girls, I'll kill you all!'

And then the two angels passed us by without noticing and then we got out of the barrels.

"Phew! That was close!"Shinyu said.

"Hey! Shinyu! I know where they are!"

"Huh? What are you saying? How did you know?"

"I heard from those 2 bastards that they're at the inn"

"huh, what are you saying? They're using celestial dialect, Us demons can't understand it!"

"huh?! I don't know what you are saying but that's what I heard so come and let's go we don't know what will happen it we talk too much in here! Just trust me!"

"O-okay as you said! The inn is not far in here we can take shortcuts!"

'I wonder how did Akuma understand them, only angels can understand that language… hmm nevermind, rescuing my family is the most important I'll just ask him when we're done in here.'

And then we rushed and we take shortcuts, avoid angels and preventing them from discovering us.

And then we reached the inn.

"Shinyu! Look!"

We saw 4 angels guarding the entrance of the inn.

"We can't use the entrance, we can get inside by the door at the back! Come on!"

Shinyu followed me, we crossed the road without noticing and then we head to the back.

"That's the back entrance! Come let's enter quickly!"

While we are approaching the door, we heard footsteps coming from the inside.

"Someone's coming out let's hide!"

We hid between the two walls and we saw an angel coming out drunk.

"It looks like that one is already drunk," Akuma said.

"Yeah this is our chance"

"chance of what? Are you gonna fight that?"

"yes! that's our only choice to get in!"

"can you fight that?"

"I think I can that thing is drunk he can't fight in a normal way!"

"O-okay just be careful"

And then shinyu slowly approached the drunk angel and started casting a spell and the angel noticed him saying:

"H-h-hey who's that? Who are you?!"

shinyu pointed his hands on the angel then cast a spell "PARALYZE!!".

Paralyze-A magic that can cause a person or part of the body to become partly or wholly incapable of movement.

The angel became paralyzed and can't move.

"you know angels can resist a low-level magic like this but, in your state, It's hard for you to resist it, so now, I'll end your life! You fucking bastard!!!"

Shinyu stole the angel's sword and struck it into his heart and the blood started spilling.

"Hey! Akuma! Come out now! We're going inside!"


'I feel sorry for him but I'm sure that thing killed more demons and other races so that serves him.'

And then we entered the inn we slowly crouch and we approached the kitchen and we peek and we were shocked by what we saw.

We saw Mai, Yuna and the manager lying on the floor with the other girls but I can't see Yuki a moment after there are also 2 angels guarding the girls and harassing them inside and the 4 in the entrance and then a moment after checking I heard Yuki's voice screaming for help upstairs.

"NO!!! HELP!!!!! SOMEONE!!" Yuki screamed.

I lost my temper and dashed towards the guards and head upstairs.


Akuma yelled while running towards the guard.

"AKUMA DON'T!!!!!!!"

Shinyu yelled.

"FATHER!!!" mai yelled.

"Mai! Yuna! Don't worry! We will get you out of here just wait"

I ran as fast as I can and I bumped into one of the guards guarding the stairs, the angel was thrown and got knocked on the ground and then I yelled.


"A-AKUMA HELP!!!" Yuki screamed.

The remaining angels from the outside and the inside came and tried to stop me but shinyu help me and stopped them from approaching.

"Hey! You idiot! Go save Yuki! I'll go deal with these Shits" he said while smiling.

"Shinyu!!! Thanks!"

"Go on!"

And then I rushed upstairs and check every room and then after searching every room I hear Yuki's scream the next door.

"HELP!!!" Yuki's voice screaming for help.

And then I rushed the next door and opened it.

I saw Yuki half-naked and the angel was almost laying a finger on her.


I charged at the half-naked angel and then hold onto him.

"Yuki! Get out of the room! "

"Okay!!" she said it while there are tears in her eyes.

And then the angel holds me and throw me off in the wall saying.

"You bastard filthy demon! How dare you interrupt my Beautiful Moment! I'll let you know who you just interrupted!"

The angel Used magic to himself became twice as big as normal.


Enhance- Increasing someone's strength to its peak and also making someone twice as big as the normal body of a user.

Oh shit he became too big, I don't think I can fight that big but for Yuki and the rest! I'll fight!

"RAAAAAGH!!!!!!!" I charge on him with all of my might!

"You're too noisy!! Shut up!"

While charging at him he slapped me like a pest and I got tossed in the wall of the other room.

Rubble's scattered on the floor and I saw my blood dripping and then I started Getting up.

"Huh! You think you can stop me that easily? You bastard!!"

"OH? HO?! I can see that you're acting tough But don't worry I'll break your bones"

He charged at me then He grabbed me and tossed me outside the room and I fell downstairs.

"AKUMA!!!!!!!" Both shinyu and Yuki yelled.

"Shut up woman! I'll deal with you later!"

I saw Shinyu is getting beaten up by the 5 angels.

'Argh! Damn it! I can't move my body, my head is bleeding, my eyesight is getting blurred I can't let it end here! I will fight!.'

The angel came downstairs and said:

"Oh we got another pest here huh?"

The angel Grabbed Shinyu.

"Whatcha got here huh?"

Shinyu used Ignite on the Angels face.


"ARGH!!! DAMN YOU!!!!! " the angel got hurt but he's still grabbing shinyu.

" You think That pitiful magic can stop me?!!! Now I'm gonna do something so that you can't hurt someone again!" he added.

The angel grabbed shinyu's left arm then he pulled it until the arm got cut off.

"ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shinyu screaming with pain.

"SHINYU!!!" Akuma yelled.

"FATHER!!!!!" Mai screamed while crying.

"DEAR!!!!!!" Yuna yelled crying.

"NO!!!!!!!!" Yuki yelled.

Shinyu's blood is spilling on the Floor.

"Oh Ho? Did someone say Dear? Father? Oh, are those your family? Aw so cute, want to get closer to them?" the angel said.

"Don't you dare approach them you filthy angel!"

"Whoa whoa and what will you do in that situation with only having one arm huh? Ha-ha-ha-ha"

'Argh! Damn it! Move!! Move it you useless piece of flesh!!! Akuma struggling to move his body.'

The angel approached Mai and Yuna while grabbing Shinyu in his hands.

"Here! Look at your heroic father! Do you want to be with your father little one?"

He smiled at mai.

"Y-y-yes P-please don't hurt him anymore" mai said while shivering with fear.

"Uhhhh what good girl, here I'll give your father"

While the angel is handing over shinyu to mai, He struck him with a sword from the back in front of mai.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FATHER!!!!!!!!" Mai screamed.

"SHINYU!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!" Yuna screamed.

Yuki was shocked and fallen into her knees.

"See what happened When you resist us? I Gurama! The commander of the one of the Arch Angels cannot be defeated By some Lowlife Filthy Demons! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!"

"SHINYU!!!!!!! SHUT UP YOU GODDAMN BASTARD!!!!!!!!" I Screamed so loud.

GOD DAMN IT! MOVE YOU STUPID BODY!!!!! Akuma is still struggling to move his body but still, it's not moving an inch.

"Now now, Little girl, you said you want your father right? But now he's dead So I'll grant your wish You and your mother will see him very very soon" Gurama smiled at mai.

"No!!! NO!!!! DON'T TOUCH HER!!! DON'T!!!!!!!!!!" Akuma is screaming.

"BROTHER!! HELP ME!!!"Mai screaming while crying.

Gurama grabbed Mai in her head and then he unsheathe his sword then He beheaded Mai mercilessly

"Mai!!! No!!!" Yuki and Yuna yelled.

And then After beheading Mai, he also grabbed Yuna and he struck Yuna with a sword, Blood is spilling everywhere.

"There there, It will be a family reunion in the afterlife! Ha-ha-ha-ha, This!!! This is the reason why archangel Gabriel made me one of his commander Ha-ha-ha-ha"

Akuma is starting to break from the inside.

Mai! Shinyu! Yuna! I can't do anything, why does this body is not moving! GOD DAMN IT!!! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!

"Now now!! let us see who's next!"

Gurama Looked at me smiling.

"yes! You're next!"

No!! Move it!! Damn it!!!!!! So much Blood!! Argh!!!

"AKUMA!!!!!!!" Yuki yelled!!

"Shut up woman! We will have a happy time after I deal with this shit who interrupted me"

He grabbed my head and said:

"Don't worry, your despair will end in an instant also you will see them very soon Ha-ha-ha-ha"

A moment after saying that, Someone rushed and Stabbed Gurama In his Leg.


I saw Yuki stabbing the Gurama and then Guramal Let go of my head.

"You Shitty Woman! I was gonna make you my plaything but now I changed my mind! Come here!"

He grabbed Yuki and started to pull the sword in his sheath.

"NO!!!! NO!!!!!! KILL ME INSTEAD OF HER!!!" Akuma screamed.

"Oh!? Ho?! I sense love from that word, Interesting!"

He pulled his sword and then Stabbed Yuki in the heart.

"NO!!!!!! YUKI!!!!!!!!!!!" Akuma Yelled in Despair.

After that Yuki said her last words to me.

"I-I-I-I L-L-OVE YOU A-AKUMA" Yuki said in a soft voice as she dies in the hand of Gurama.

Akuma was shocked by what he heard from Yuki, All the memories flashed backed on him.

"No!!! No!! No!!!No!!! No!!!! Yuki!!! Yuki!!!!! YUKI!!!!!!!!!!!"

Akuma Broke inside and His mind tear down Akuma's Sight became all black.

"Huh? Did He fainted? Ha-ha-ha-ha"

After stabbing Yuki, He Grabbed Yuki's chest through her heart and he plucked it out then thrown to me.

"Here, You love each other right? That's her heart You can have it it's all yours Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"

"Y-Yuki, Yuna, mai, shinyu" Akuma repeatedly saying their names.

"Huh? I thought you fainted, what are you blabbering about huh?"

Akuma Slowly began to stand as the environment became scary and The angel saw Akuma's Aura became dark and Akuma's appearance starts Changing.

"Oh? Oho? I can see you are changing But are you sure you're going to fight me?"

Akuma's appearance changed, His Skin became red, His eyes Glows red, The horns are blazing, his clothes are tearing apart as his body Grows twice as normal and then He grow a Reddish Wings without feathers Turned Upside down.

The Commander was Shocked in fear after seeing Those.

"H-Hey wait! I feel I've seen you before!!!"

The Other angels ran in fear as they see Akuma's changed.

"That form! No! No! It can't be!!! You're Dead!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!!"

"You… You're the one who's going to die!!!!" Akuma said.

Akuma's Changed appearance Led Gurama in Fury after seeing it Shortly after Akuma stood up, Gurama Charged At him with his sword.


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