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50% A Different World where the demons are good / Chapter 5: The Old Man and His Goshawk

Chapter 5: The Old Man and His Goshawk


While Gurama Is charging on Akuma, Akuma intercepted it and Slapped Him sidewards And Got knocked on the Wall.

Akuma saw Yuna, mai, shinyu, and Yuki lying on the floor while bathing in their blood.

Akuma's rage becomes stronger and he dashed to Gurama in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, Get up we're not done yet right?"

Gurama was shocked when he saw Akuma's face to face with a menacing look Punching him straight in the face making him Flying in the air across the road and got knocked again on the wall of the nearby house.

"ARGH! W-W-Where does that P-Power coming from, you filthy d..demon" Gurama was badly hurt in Akuma's attack.

After that, Akuma approached Yuki and Held her hands while saying.

"Hey, Don't worry everything will be fine, I'll Avenge Your death"

And then he picked up Yuki's heart then returned it in her and then he looked at Shinyu mai and Yuna with a tear dropped in his eyes.

"ARGH!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU!!!!!" Akuma Screamed so loud.

And then Akuma looked at Gurama with killing intent.

"Now now, Let's get back to the business you stupid fuck!"

Akuma dashed To Gurama's face laying in the ground saying.

"We're Going To have some fun! HA-HA-HA-HA!!!"

"BLIZZARD!!!" Gurama used magic on akuma.

Blizzard- a spell that lets the user summon a barrage of ice to the target.


Flame barrier- A spell that lets the user make A shield of Flames on his entire body.

The ice melted before reaching Akuma.

"Huh? What a pitiful magic you got there Commander" Akuma mocked at Gurama.

"Huh!? Are you mocking me?!!"

Gurama Dashed sidewards Using his wings and casts a spell.


Divine light- Summons a barrage of javelin looking lights

Gurama targets Akuma and attacked him with it.


Absorb-A high tier magic that lets you absorb a magic attack and make you unharmed.


Akuma Unleashed another magic on Gurama.

Dark Prison- a spell that makes the target surrounded By Darkness leading them to be Vulnerable in Magic attacks.

"W-What Is this!? Where am I?"


Impale- a dark spell That pierces The target's Body.

"ARGH!!!!" Gurama Yelled.

Gurama's body was pierced and was badly hurt and bleeding

"Oh? Did I hear a squeak? HA-HA-HA!"



Akuma used another spell on Gurama inside the Dark Prison.

Wither- A spell that causes the target to decay you can target Someone's body or Part of the body.

Akuma Targets Gurama's Wings, The feathers on Gurama's wings started falling as He Screamed in Pain.

"ARGH!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!" Gurama is yelling and tears flowing in his eyes.

After casting spells on Gurama Akuma freed Gurama on his Dark Prison.

"Oh? Is that tears I'm seeing right now?"

"P-p-please Stop, I'm begging you"

Gurama is begging Akuma's forgiveness while crying.

Gurama's Wings Became Featherless after Akuma casts a spell of his wings, Gurama was lying on the floor.

"Oh oh?! You Think forgiveness will atone The sin's you made?"

Akuma Slowly Walked towards Gurama with killing intent.

"W-w-w-wait, please, Please Wait!!"

Akuma stood in front of Gurama and he grabbed his wings.

"Nice wings Got you here Huh? HA-HA-HA"

"WAIT!! WAIT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!!" Gurama Is Screaming.

"What do you think huh? HA-HA-HA!!"

Akuma Brings out his Flaming Sword out of the darkness And Then he cut The left part of Gurama's Wings.

"ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gurama Screaming in pain.

"Hey hey hey! Look at me!"

Akuma looked at Gurama's Lifeless eyes.

"That's right! The pain you are having right now is nothing compared to the pain you brought to me" Akuma said while smiling.

"Please stay with me, it's just the left part! There's still the right-wing right? HA-HA-HA-HA!" Akuma added.

Akuma grabbed Gurama's right-wing And he Cut it That led Gurama's intense yelling.

"And now!! There it is! The Great Wingless commander HA-HA-HA-HA!"

Gurama is lying on the floor with his severed wings bathing in his blood.

"P-please, K-Kill me A-already," He said with a soft voice.

"Kill you? Like you did on Yuki and the others? HA-HA-HA Not gonna happen you stupid bastard" Akuma said.

Akuma Grabbed the Dying Commander and healed Him a bit.

"There there, I healed you so you won't die easily!"

"w-w-what are you g-gonna d-do!?"

"Oh me? Nothing it's just I wanna have some fun HA-HA-HA-HA!"

While Akuma grabbing Gurama is his hands He used a spell on him.


Akuma used levitate on Gurama and Gurama Floats in the air Getting higher and higher until he reached the highest peak.

"AHHHHH!!! AAHH!!!!!!!!!! NO DON'T!!! BRING ME DOWN!!!" Gurama Begging Akuma to bring him down.

"Huh? Okay, I'll Bring You down now!"

Akuma canceled his Spell levitate on gurama.

Gurama Quickly fall from the sky and got knocked down with broken bones.

"ARGH!!! DAMN YOU!!!!" Gurama yelled.

"Woah!! A sight for sore eyes!, But now Let's stop playing shall we?"

Akuma Grabbed Gurama And pierced his hand through her chest and grabbed his heart and plucked it outside.

"ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!" Gurama Screaming Intensely.

"This Is what did you do right? I wanna make you feel how much pain it is" Akuma said.

And then after it, Akuma beheaded Gurama leading to its death.

The fight ended and Akuma Sensed that the other angels saw the fighting between them.

Akuma grabbed Gurama's head and said.

"Come at me you stupid bastards!

The angels ran and Opened a portal.

"Ho? You're going to run?.

Akuma chased the angels But while he's chasing the angels He saw Yuki lying on the floor.

He approached Yuki, Yuna mai, and shinyu, He stood before Yuki and then fallen into his knees, while slowly changing back to normal, He grabbed Yuki In his hands and started crying.

He remembered the Day they Climbed the tower Smiling at him, Hugging her also he remembered the memories they have with Shinyu and his family especially Mai.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!! Yuki!!! Mai!!!! Shinyu!!! Yuna!!!!" He's crying intensely.

He cried until the ball of fire starts blazing And then he fell Unconscious.

The village was destroyed, The people are dead, the others were taken Only Shinyu's family, Yuki and the other dead bodies left.

While he's unconscious Akuma Saw Yuki, shinyu,mai, Yuna in his dreams.

"Is that you Yuki? I'm so sorry for what happened, it's all my fault for being weak" He's crying and fallen into his knees.

Yuki approached him saying:

"Hey, Look at me, It's Not Your fault okay? Stop Blaming Yourself"

She touched my face while saying it and then Shinyu also approached me saying.

"Hey, kid! This is not the time weeping around! If you want to avenge our deaths, crying is not the way to do it!"

"Yeah! That's right brother!" Mai said.

"Mai!… Sorry little one your brother can't protect you until the end I'm very sorry"

He hugged Mai so tight while tears his tears are falling.

"Mai! Shinyu! Yuki! It's time! Come on now" Yuna said.

"Be strong Akuma avenge us!" Yuki whispered at me.

"No!No!No! Please don't go! Please don't!" Akuma grabbed Yuki's hand preventing her from leaving.

Yuki became untouchable like a spirit while walking away from me.

"No! No! No!!! No!!!! please!!! I'm begging you don't leave me!!!"

"Don't worry kid, everything will be alright!" Shinyu said while he's walking away from me into the light.

After that, Akuma Woke up in a bed inside the dim room with Crocodile pictures and full of different writings on the wall.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His tears are falling as he scream.

"W-Where am I? Yuki… Yuki…shinyu…mai…Yuna!!!!!!" He added.

"Hey! Calm down! You're at my house"

He heard a voice and then he looked, he saw An Old fair Man with a goshawk in his shoulder sitting beside him.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm Agares The Protector of this realm"

"Hmph! Calling yourself Protector when You can't even protect your king from those bastards!"

"I'm terribly sorry, I never thought that those who entered were Angels, They used A demon teleportation scroll that's why I didn't sense them entering, but when I sense hostility, rushed to come at the town but I was too late and I checked the body then I saw you Breathing and Unconscious that's why I brought you here"

Akuma grabbed agares, the goshawk flew and then Akuma asked a question.


"I Buried the bodies outside the town, I'm so sorry for what happened"

Akuma calmed down then Agares Gave him a Cup of Water.

"Here drink this, it'll help you"


"When I reached the town, I saw dead angel bodies laying around especially the big one, are you the one who killed them? Can you tell me what happened?" agares asked with curiosity.

"I-I don't know, after … after …He Killed…." Akuma's tears are falling again due to his despair.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, I just wanna know how did you kill Those bunch of angels and the big one."

"No… No… it's okay, That Big one is Gurama One of the Commander of Archangel Gabriel, He's the one who killed Yuki and the rest, after beating me up He killed Yuki and the rest one by one in a merciless After that, My mind became dark and… and… and… ARGH!!! I can't!… I can't remember what happened… I'm sorry"

Akuma cries after telling it.

"It's okay, no need to rush, just lay on the bed and get some more rest, we'll talk about this when you remember it and when you're okay."


Akuma Lay on the bed and then took a rest and then agares Left the room wondering.

'I feel something going on with that kid, But I can see that he's full of wrath in his heart because of what happens, but still there is something familiar with his presence, I just don't know where did I felt this feeling.'

After a three day rest, Akuma woke up in good condition.

Akuma stand up and left the bed slowly walking towards the door but he noticed the writings.

'What are these? Never mind, I can't even read it!'

While walking towards the door, Akuma remembered What happened in the inn And Got fallen on his knees, Akuma is Shivering and trembling as he remembers the incident that happened.

While agares is preparing breakfast, he heard A loud noise inside Akuma's room and then he rushed to look at what happened and then he saw Akuma Lying on the floor.

"Hey hey hey!! Are you okay kid?"

"I-I'm okay I'm just a little dizzy."

Agares helped Akuma standing and then they slowly left the room.

"There, sit"

He slowly guided Akuma.

"Wait here I'll make some tea for you"

"O-okay, thanks"

After sitting, Akuma Looked around the place and he saw More crocodile mini statues and Goshawks He also saw Many books.

"Here drink this"

Agares gave Akuma the tea.

"So, are you feeling better now? It seems that your wounds already healed"

"Yeah, it seems like it, Anyway are we still at the Underworld?"

"yes we are, but farther away from the town"

"So where are we exactly?"

"We are at the Lava lake of the underworld near the kingdom of Asphodel"

'Asphodel? I think shinyu said it when we first met'

Agares changed his clothes and then he brings out a fishing pole.

"So I'm gonna go fishing outside, just call me if you need anything okay?"

"Fishing? There are fish in here?"

"Oh yes there are they're quite tasty"

Agares Head Outside.

'What a weird old man'

Akuma started to drink his tea and then a few minutes he followed Agares Outside.

He slowly walked towards the door outside and when He opened the door, He saw a Wide lake Full of lava instead of water then He saw Many trees Around and a few meters away he saw agares fishing while the goshawk is sleeping beside him.

He slowly walked towards agares and said.

"Hey! How's the fishing?"

"I barely got some small the small ones"

"I didn't know that there are living creatures in this lake full of lava"

"well you're in the underworld kid, so it's normal in here"

"I see, anyway is that your pet?" Akuma pointed on the Goshawk.

"Ah yes, He's one of my loyal companions"

"Oh that's why he's always at your side"


A moment after, Akuma asked agares.

"hey, Can we Go to haier town?"

"For what? That town is already destroyed"

"I just need to pay some visit, You said you buried them outside the town right?"

"Yeah, but… isn't it too soon to visit them? I mean, The memories you get in there was still fresh"

"Yeah But… I just want to see them and Pray for them"

"Hmm, Well if you said so"

Agares Stood up and then Agares whistled in front of the lake.

A moment after agares whistled a quake in the ground occurred And something Big on the lake is Rising And coming towards us With Big trembling footsteps, after a minute the lava began to look like a Huge alligator Wrapped in Lava, But a minute after rising from the lake ,The lava Dried In the body of the alligator and became its Thick Armor A moment after Agares Shouted:

"AH!! One of my loyal Companions!! Uruktor!"

'What?! Companion? So this is the other one he's saying?! It's goddamn big It's size is thrice as the biggest alligator In My previous world'

"Uruktor?! That thing Got a name?!"

"Of course!"

"So that means, that goshawk of yours Got one too?"

"yes His name is Goshawk"

'Really?! this old man is bad at naming pets'

And then Uroktor Slowly Approached Akuma.

"Oh no no no no Don't Eat me please!!" Akuma is Bathing in his sweat.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Don't worry, Uroktor Don't attack anyone that isn't posing any threat"

Uroktor Sniffed Akuma Ang began to approach to Agares, after approaching Agares Brought A Saddle And he put it in Uroktor's back and then he jumped saying:

"What are you waiting for? Hop on!"

"Eh??? Eh?!!!!! I'm Going to Ride on that thing?"

"Yeah, There's no other Transportation in here Ha-ha-ha"

"Isn't this A slow one?"

"huh? Slow? Please Hop in first then say it after when we a traveling Ha-ha-ha"

Uruktor Looked at Akuma intensely.


"I Think This one will eat me Agares"

"Don't Be silly Just Hop on!"


Akuma rode Uruktor and then he felt the dried lava on Uruktor's body.

'Wow!, as I expected The dried lava is hard as metal that serves a defense mechanism of Uruktor.'

"Now Uruktor! Let's go to the Ruined village of Haier!!!!"

Uruktor Growled Loudly And then Ran, The ground trembles As Uruktor Run.

"HA-HA-HA-HA! That's it!! Let the monsters feel that we are coming!"

'After Agares say that, I saw no monsters around, it feels like they're afraid of this old man and his alligator, I wonder just who this is'

"Uhm… hey agares… What does this Thing eat?"

"He has a name, don't call him Think You brat!" Agares Yelled at me.

"I-I'm sorry"

"Uruktor Eats the living things In the lava, Sometimes He Comes to the ground to hunt Monsters around the forest."

'Wow, that's pretty scary damn!'

"I didn't know this thin-- I mean Uruktor is twice faster than a horse"

"Yeah, He's big but He's not that sloppy"

"Ah I see, So What does that Goshawk Do? I mean You're using Uruktor as transportation, so what does Goshawk do?"

"Goshawk Flies Higher so he can saw if there are people Who're a threat coming towards us And also Correction, I don't use Uruktor as transportation only, He guards the Forest of Lava lake to some demons who want to destroy it and also, Uruktor is reliable also in battles"

"Oh I see, My bad so these two helps you a lot huh?"

"Yes they are"

"So Agares, Do you have any reason why the angels reached the underworld without you noticing immediately?"

"hmm… I'm thinking of one, I think they used The demon teleportation scroll."

"Huh?! But only demons can make those right? Especially the one who already came in the underworld"

"Yes, I'm thinking that , they stole one from the demon and then used it, or maybe They Discovered that demons can make scrolls like that and then they kidnapped one, I think this is connected on what happened 10 years ago, when one demon killed a bunch of soldiers traveling near the destroyed town"

Akuma was shocked by what he heard.

"But The Angel Died, so how come they can take a demon outside the realm?"

"The soldiers Killed one, But that doesn't mean that there is only one Angel the encountered, maybe… just maybe the other Fled and take one to produce More Scrolls."

"But how did they enter the realm in the first place??"

"Yeah, That's what I'm thinking How, But I Sure They will come back because someone killed their commander, so we need to Get their faster before they come back"

"hmm… I see okay"

"Hiyah!!! Go faster Uruktor!!"

And then we traveled after an hour we reached the town, I saw the buildings are destroyed, The Inn, Shinyu's house, The market… All of the happy memories Flashed back on Akuma, also the horrible that happened on that night.

"ARGH!!!!" Akuma yelled.

"Hey! Keep your pace up! I thought You're already okay?!"

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry"

"Their graves are on the other side so we need to go through the town"


And then after A minute, we reached Their Graves, we descend on Uruktor and Akuma Approached Their Yuki and shinyu's family graves.

Shinyu falls onto his knees while crying and saying:

"Hey, I'm here I'm checking If You're all buried properly, it seems okay to me, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! If I can only Turn back time, I won't leave you for some rocks"

Akuma is crying over Their Graves… Until Agares felt something Coming From Above.

"What's This feeling?! ARGH!!"

Akuma noticed Agares.

"Hey, Agares!! What happened?"

Uruktor Growled Loud and then Agares Looked At the sky and Saw Angels Coming Out from the portal…

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