The vociferation from beneath Tartarus and the strong sense of pressure became more violent over time. Even Hao Ren and Hasse could not help but be impressed. When Lily heard the name, she could not recall it at first. "Are you talking about Zeus' father?"
"Who else could it be if not him?" Hasse's face was deadpan, but the emotions in his eyes said that the situation did not look good. "A massive dungeon is beneath Tartarus. When Zeus abandoned this place, he proceeded to throw his father, the mad titan, into the dungeon. That guy's nasty!"
As if responding to Hasse, a roar rose again from the underground, followed by a powerful shockwave, which came out of nowhere. Dark red lightning burst out from a ruin inside the copper palace and struck a towering minaret right in the middle. The tower fell and the debris turned into ashes midair before they could even hit the ground.
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