/ Urban / furious past

furious past Original

furious past

Urban 2 Chapters 317 Views
Author: Mireva_starr

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"When a devastating accident occurred on that fateful night, claiming the lives of loved ones, it marked an epic turning point in the life of 5-year-old Xavier. Forced to adapt to a new life with his foster parents, the Johnsons, Xavier struggles to cope with their suffocating parenting.

His only escape lies in recovering his childhood memories and uncovering his true identity. But when he finally gets what he's been searching for, he's left wondering: did he really want what he got?

Meet Xavier, a 17-year-old confused teenager desperately seeking his roots before it's too late. But as he digs deeper, he discovers that the Johnsons are only the beginning of his problems..."

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Author Mireva_starr