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Since i was in a state of enlightenment, i sat down again continued to absorb the yin and yang qi from the dragon ravine. This time time both continued to be mixed in my new formed combined yin and yang qi which continued to fill my dantain and golden skeleton and i ended up breaking through again.

[Cultivation Realm - 2nd stage Initial Element]

[Combat power- 1st stage Qi transformation(Shikai)] 

i checked my status window and was very satisfied with my changes but I thought the new black and white qi should have a new name so i pondered about it for a min and came up with a name.

'Since it is very chaotic yet very stable in nature where yin and yang flow endlessly, enhancing each other creating an effect of 1+1>2 while also maintaining its original nature and allowing me use both very pure yin and yang qi separately as well. I should call it Pseudo Chaotic Qi but in short Chaos Qi deriving inspiration from the primal chaos though far from it but still as its goal '

it was very unoriginal and cliché but still simple enough to be used and understood. As i was having such thoughts, a voice came from behind me and said

"You seem to have achieved something which should be impossible in this world but as i am watching i can't help but be astonished at your state" Said an elderly person with a very long cultivation style beard and moustache who was wearing clothes which seemed to be from the high heaven pavilion and instantly recognised him from the story.

I greeted him in the martial way of a junior to senior and said "Disciple Liu Zheng greets pavilion Master"

He was surprised and asked me "I haven't appeared in the sect in a very long time so how do you know me?"

"Pavilion master's image and demeanour is transcendent and i have never felt such powerful feeling from anyone so i was sure that you are the Pavilion Master. " i said

"Hoho, you seem to have a very keen eye. how did you manage to manage to achieve harmony in such opposite nature Qi's?" He was impressed by my deduction skill and asked.

"I seem to have been born with a special physique which had a wisp of such qi where yin and yang qi were harmonised and i have always tried to imitate it but failed to no avail but this time due to me achieving some enlightenment i was balance those opposing Qi's and form a new type of Qi" i said trying to hide as much as i can.

"A special physique, hmm, that seems to be the best and only possible reason for this miracle" He knew that i had more secrets including an artifact capable of storing things and hiding as well since even he can't see it but he did saw me holding those two swords which disappeared in form of golden light but decided not to probe too much since i seemed like a once in a thousand years talent as well as a good person.(img)

He then went on to tell me about the story about the dragon ravine about how it was made from a sword strike and that our ancestor sealed a powerful demon several hundred years ago then created the high heaven pavilion to guard it for several it for several decades and finally left after making sure that there was no problem here. In between the conversation zangetsu said something to me

( from now on white is zangetsu and quincy power manifestation is old man zangetsu)

"King, now that you have achieved what you named chaos qi and synchronised with me. You can absorb any form of yin or yang qi and i can purify and refine it making it a part of our strength."

I was shocked to hear that but also very pleased that now i don't have to maintain that delicate balance and just focus on cultivating whether it be Yin qi, yang qi or just your day to day qi present in the atmosphere. 

I achieved the same thing as Yang kai did when we was trapped in some place after entering the starry sky but he called it Demonic Flame because that was its nature but mine is a combination of pure light(shinigami) and dark(hollow)qi present in Zangetsu so it might look similar but it is more pure and has more room for development but Yang kai had just discarded it later on because being able to combine yin and yang qi became a less rare thing in star boundary and a necessary skill in outer verse.

That's when an idea struck me and i asked the pavilion master "Pavilion master, pardon my intrusion but due to my physique i am very sensitive to yin and yang qi around me and i can feel some demonic yin qi from now though it is very unstable making me think it is some kind of injury. My special physique allows me to absorb any kind of yin and yang qi so may be i can help you out with that" 

Pavilion master looked quite shocked but then he sighed he said "I got injured while fighting a powerful demonic cultivator around two decades ago and since then i have not been able to dispel this corrosive yin qi all out and it has also hindered my cultivation too but i doubt you can be of much because it is a very powerful qi not like something you have felt from siting here at the entrance of the dragon ravine but i appreciate your thoughts about helping me "

"Though i cannot help you all at once at my current realm but i can slowly help you take it out from your meridians and if it becomes too overwhelming for me i can force it out of my body without any problem with the help of my special physique. I can try right now if you are still sceptical and consider that it would be harmful for me" i said

He saw my earnest desire to help and was impressed with my bravery too so he agreed and allowed me to proceed. He sat down in a meditative position and i sat down behind him putting my hands on its back. i felt that the corrosive yin qi was all around his spinal cord ready to attack his central nervous system but he has to constantly use a lot of his qi to keep it at bay. though i can see that he can maintain this state without any problem but he won't ever be able to break though.

"Zangetsu, i am counting on you" I said to him in my mind

"What will you ever do without me king?" He said cheekily as we started to absorb the yin qi but in a minute we understood that the volume was too much for us to be able to handle. 

Now we had two choices 1. Slowly convert it into our own strength and leech off of him for over a year and reach True element 1st stage or 2. focus on just taking the yin qi out of his body and use zangetsu as a medium to dispel most of it and getting only some small benefits.

I knew that i would have a lot of opportunities later on and there is even the undiscovered dragon vein under the capital of the great Han dynasty which would be enough for me to reach 1st order transcendent realm( it was never utilized properly in canon).

So i focused on taking in the yin qi and zangetsu dispelled it from my body continuously which went on for an hour and we manage to take out 1 whole percent of yin qi from his body.

"You really did help me out a lot, although its only a fraction but i can already feel better and if you manage to dispel even half of the total yin qi, i will be able to do the rest on my own and make a complete recovery." he then thanked me and asked me if i wanted a reward to which i asked him for a dual wielding sword technique to which he took me to his small mountain peak and there he allowed me to take a look in the library which has been used by the previous pavilion masters and contains the best of the martial and secret techniques. I checked around and but coudn't find a sword technique suitable for my swords which was quite understandable because they were pretty uneven so i took some other single and dual wielding techniques which varied from earth to mysterious grade just to understand more about the sword dao.

He told me to come here every two days for 2 months and inform me before i have to take a leave in between. I agreed and went back home.

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