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50% I Am The Flash / Chapter 24: Battling Against The Kryptonians

Chapter 24: Battling Against The Kryptonians

Superman braced himself as Faora launched a lightning-fast punch, which he blocked with his forearm. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, but Superman stood firm. He countered with a powerful uppercut, which Faora narrowly avoided by twisting mid-air. She retaliated with a spinning kick aimed at his midsection, but Superman caught her leg and threw her back, sending her crashing into a nearby building.

Faora recovered quickly, launching herself at Superman again. The two engaged in a fierce exchange of blows, each strike creating thunderous echoes across the battlefield. Faora's precision and speed were impressive, but Superman's strength and resilience kept him in the fight.

As their battle raged on, Superman grabbed Faora by the arm and swung her into the ground, creating a crater. He hovered above her, eyes glowing with heat vision. "This ends now, Faora."

Before he could unleash his heat vision, a massive figure suddenly emerged from the spaceship and charged at Superman. It was Nam-Ek, Zod's giant enforcer. His fist, as large as a boulder, swung towards Superman with terrifying speed and force.

Out of nowhere, Flash appeared, grabbing Nam-Ek's fist just in time. "Hey, big guy, ever heard of personal space?" Flash quipped, holding back Nam-Ek's punch with a smirk. With a burst of speed, Flash delivered a single, powerful punch to Nam-Ek's jaw, sending the giant flying several miles away, crashing into the outskirts of the city with a tremendous impact.

Superman nodded at Flash in gratitude. "Nice timing, Flash."

Flash grinned. "Just doing my part. Now, let's take these guys down."

Faora, recovering from Superman's throw, stood up and glared at the heroes. "You won't stop us. Zod's will is inevitable."

Superman landed next to Flash, his eyes still locked on Faora. "We'll see about that."

Batman readied himself, glancing at his gauntlet to ensure the kryptonite was firmly in place. He looked at Lois, his expression serious. "Go back to the ship. It's time I get a piece of the action." With that, he jumped down and joined Flash and Superman on the battlefield.

Nam-Ek landed beside Faora, and several other Kryptonians arrived, forming an imposing lineup. Flash, taking in the scene, couldn't resist a quip. "Well, this looks like a fun party," he said, grinning. His eyes locked onto Nam-Ek. "Like I said earlier, I'll be taking the big guy."

Lightning crackled around Flash, dancing along his body and sparking in his eyes. He vanished from his spot in an instant, and the next moment, Nam-Ek was sent flying upwards by a powerful punch. Flash, having acquired the super jump skill, leaped into the air and delivered another punch, sending Nam-Ek hurtling back down to the ground with a tremendous crash.

Superman and Batman exchanged surprised glances. "I thought he was only fast," Superman remarked, eyes wide.

"Same here," Batman replied, equally astonished.

Flash, with lightning crackling around him, stood ready as Nam-Ek landed heavily in front of him. The massive Kryptonian sneered, clearly underestimating the speedster. "You think you can take me on, little man?" Nam-Ek growled.

Flash grinned. "Let's see if you can keep up."

Nam-Ek charged, swinging a massive fist. Flash sidestepped effortlessly, leaving afterimages in his wake. Before Nam-Ek could react, Flash delivered a rapid series of punches to his midsection, each blow landing with a thunderous impact. Nam-Ek staggered back, surprised by the speed and power of the attacks.

"Not bad," Flash quipped, "but I'm just getting started."

Nam-Ek roared in frustration and swung again, this time with both fists. Flash dodged, moving at lightning speed to land a powerful uppercut that sent Nam-Ek reeling. Taking advantage of the opening, Flash dashed around Nam-Ek, delivering blows from every angle, each strike fueled by his enhanced strength.

Nam-Ek, disoriented and enraged, tried to focus on the blur that was Flash. "Stay still!" he bellowed, swinging wildly.

Flash laughed, his voice a blur as he spoke from multiple directions. "Sorry, big guy, that's not really my style."

In a burst of speed, Flash launched himself at Nam-Ek, aiming for a decisive blow. With a powerful leap, he delivered a punch that sent Nam-Ek flying into the air. The force of the hit echoed through the battlefield, leaving the other combatants momentarily stunned.

Flash, not giving Nam-Ek a chance to recover, followed him into the air using his super jump ability. As Nam-Ek reached the peak of his ascent, Flash appeared above him, lightning dancing around his fist. "Time for you to take a break," he said, delivering a devastating punch that sent Nam-Ek hurtling back down to the ground, creating a massive crater upon impact.

Flash landed gracefully beside the crater, watching as Nam-Ek struggled to rise, clearly dazed. "That should keep you down for a while," Flash said with a satisfied grin.

Superman, witnessing the display, couldn't help but be impressed. "Nice work, Flash."

Flash gave a quick thumbs-up before returning to the fray, ready to help his teammates deal with the remaining Kryptonians. The exchange had shown not only his speed but also his strength, making him a force to be reckoned with in the battle against Zod's forces.

Faora snarled, launching herself at Superman with renewed fury. Superman met her head-on, their clash causing shockwaves that rippled through the air. Batman, meanwhile, engaged two of the other Kryptonians, using his agility and the kryptonite gauntlet to keep them at bay.

Batman stood his ground as two Kryptonians approached him, their expressions filled with disdain and overconfidence. He knew he had to be tactical and precise; sheer strength wouldn't be enough to win this fight. As they closed in, Batman activated his kryptonite gauntlet, the green glow casting an eerie light over his dark suit.

The first Kryptonian lunged at Batman with blinding speed, but Batman was ready. He sidestepped the attack and delivered a swift punch with his kryptonite-infused gauntlet, striking the Kryptonian's ribcage. The alien warrior staggered back, gasping in pain as the kryptonite's effects took hold.

"Not so invincible now, are you?" Batman taunted, keeping his guard up.

The second Kryptonian, seeing his comrade's distress, roared in anger and charged. Batman, using his agility, performed a quick roll to avoid the attack, then sprang up and delivered a powerful kick to the back of the Kryptonian's knee. The alien fell to one knee, and Batman seized the moment to strike again with his gauntlet, this time hitting the Kryptonian in the shoulder.

Both Kryptonians, though momentarily weakened, recovered quickly and attacked in unison. Batman found himself dodging and parrying blows from two sides. He used his grappling hook to create distance, firing it at a nearby structure and swinging away just as the Kryptonians' fists smashed into the ground where he had been standing.

As he landed, Batman pulled a batarang from his belt and threw it with pinpoint accuracy, hitting the first Kryptonian in the forehead. The projectile was laced with a small amount of kryptonite, causing the alien to reel back in pain and fury.

The second Kryptonian, seeing his partner in trouble, renewed his assault on Batman. This time, Batman met him head-on, using his gauntlet to block and counter every attack. He landed a crushing blow to the Kryptonian's jaw, sending him sprawling.

Seeing both Kryptonians disoriented, Batman didn't let up. He quickly closed the distance and delivered rapid, precise strikes to each of them, targeting vital points with his kryptonite gauntlet. The aliens' movements became sluggish as the kryptonite weakened them further.

Just then, one of the Kryptonians managed to grab Batman's arm, squeezing with enough force to crush steel. Batman grimaced in pain but didn't relent. Using his free hand, he pulled a small, cylindrical device from his belt and pressed it against the Kryptonian's neck. A high-pitched sonic blast erupted from the device, disorienting the Kryptonian and forcing him to release Batman.

Batman capitalized on the moment, delivering a final, devastating punch to the Kryptonian's chest with his gauntlet. The alien fell back, too weak to continue the fight.

The other Kryptonian, seeing his partner down and struggling to remain conscious himself, decided to retreat. He staggered back, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and fear as he glanced at Batman one last time before flying off.

Batman, breathing heavily, watched them go. He glanced at his gauntlet, satisfied to see the kryptonite still intact.

As the battle raged on, the teamwork between Superman, Batman, and Flash began to turn the tide. The Kryptonians, though powerful, were being systematically overwhelmed by the coordinated efforts of the heroes. Superman's raw strength and resilience, Batman's strategic acumen and kryptonite weaponry, and Flash's speed and power created a formidable combination.

Faora, realizing the tide was turning against them, called out to her comrades. "Fall back! Regroup at the ship!"

The remaining Kryptonians began to retreat, with Faora and a battered Nam-Ek providing cover. Flash moved to pursue, but Batman held up a hand. "Let them go. We need to regroup ourselves and assess the situation."

Superman nodded, his eyes still on the retreating enemies. "This isn't over. Zod won't give up easily."

Batman turned to Lois, who had watched the battle unfold from a safe distance. "We need to figure out our next move and prepare for whatever Zod has planned."

Lois nodded, her expression resolute. "We'll be ready. We have to be."

The heroes regrouped, knowing that the battle was far from over. But with their combined strengths and determination, they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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