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18.75% I Am The Flash / Chapter 9: Joe Is In Danger

Chapter 9: Joe Is In Danger

**Central City Police Department - Forensic Lab**

Barry Allen was hunched over his workbench in the CCPD forensic lab, meticulously examining the latest batch of evidence from a recent case. His mind was focused, yet his thoughts occasionally drifted to the various abilities he'd been honing over the past three weeks. The speed, strength, and intellectual enhancements had made him more efficient in his work, but he still had to maintain a facade of normalcy.

The door to the lab opened, and Joe West walked in, carrying a thick file. His expression was a blend of concern and urgency. "Barry, I need you to take a look at this," Joe said, handing the file to him.

Barry opened the file and scanned through the gruesome photos and detailed reports. "This looks bad, Joe. Simon Stagg's head of security was brutally murdered last night," he said, his tone serious.

Joe nodded. "Yeah, and we don't have any leads. I thought maybe you could find something we missed. Your... skills might help."

Barry nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll get on it right away. I'll need to question Stagg and see if he knows anything."

Just as Barry was about to gather his things, he noticed Joe's eyes narrowing at something across the room. "What's up, Joe?" Barry asked, following Joe's gaze to a stack of empty pizza boxes piled on a nearby table.

Joe raised an eyebrow. "Barry, what's with all the pizza boxes? You throwing a party I didn't know about?"

Barry glanced at the boxes and gave a sheepish smile. "Uh, no, no party. I was just... really hungry. Training and all, you know? Takes a lot of energy."

Joe's eyebrow remained arched, skepticism clear on his face. "You ate all that by yourself?"

"Yeah, well, it's like... carb loading," Barry explained, trying to sound convincing. "Gotta keep up my energy levels."

Joe gave Barry a long, scrutinizing look before finally nodding. "Alright, Barry. Just take care of yourself, okay?" He turned and left the lab, leaving Barry to breathe a sigh of relief.


Just as Joe exited, Iris West walked in, her expression curious. "Hey, Barry. What was that about?" she asked, glancing around the lab.

Barry closed the file and set it aside, running a hand through his hair. "Joe brought in a case about a murder involving Simon Stagg's head of security. It's pretty brutal. I need to look into it."

Iris nodded, but her expression shifted to one of displeasure. She crossed her arms and looked at Barry with a not-so-pleased eye.

Barry noticed her demeanor and asked, "Iris, why are you mad at me?"

Iris sighed, "You were supposed to meet me at Jitters this morning to give me the scientific background for my article. I waited for over an hour."

Barry sighed deeply. "I didn't show up," he said at the same time Iris spoke over him, "Now I have to come up with a new article topic, or I'll fail my assignment."

Barry felt a pang of guilt. "Iris, I'm really sorry. I totally forgot."

Iris's eyes narrowed slightly. "You forgot? Barry, this isn't like you."

Barry rubbed his forehead, trying to find the right words. "The truth is, I've been so focused on... my work and all the new responsibilities. It's been overwhelming."

Iris softened a bit, though her frustration was still evident. "Barry, I get that you have a lot on your plate, but you need to communicate. You can't just vanish and leave me hanging."

Barry nodded. "You're right. I'll do better. Can I help you now with your article? Or at least make it up to you somehow?"

Iris looked at him for a moment, considering. "The article deadline has passed, so that's out of the question. But... maybe you can make it up to me by helping me with my next piece. And please, no more disappearing acts."

Barry smiled, relieved. "Deal. I'll be there, I promise. And if there's anything else I can do to help right now, just let me know."

Iris returned the smile, albeit faintly. "Alright, Barry. Just remember, we're a team. We need to be able to count on each other."

Barry nodded, his resolve firm. "I won't let you down, Iris. I promise."

With that, Iris left the lab, and Barry turned back to the case file. He had a murder to solve and a promise to keep.

**Central City Police Department - Forensic Lab**

Barry Allen, now alone in the forensic lab, refocused his attention on the case file Joe had handed him. He spread out the photos and reports, then turned to the DNA sample that had been collected from the crime scene. His enhanced abilities allowed him to process the data faster and more efficiently than before, but he still had to go through the standard procedures.

Barry loaded the sample into the DNA sequencer and waited for the results. As the machine hummed and processed the sample, he reviewed the details of the murder. Simon Stagg's head of security had been found with multiple lacerations and blunt force trauma.

The sequencer beeped, indicating that the analysis was complete. Barry pulled up the results on his computer screen and compared them to the database.

Barry stood up abruptly. He quickly decided on his next move. Without wasting any time, he rushed to the window of the lab, pushed it open, and in a blur of red lightning, sprinted out.


**S.T.A.R. Labs**

In seconds, Barry arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs. He didn't stop to talk to anyone, not even pausing as he grabbed his suit from the storage area. Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells, who were working nearby, looked up in surprise as Barry sped past them.

Cisco quickly ran to his computer, frantically typing. "Barry, what's going on? Why the rush?"

Barry's voice came through the comms, breathless but determined. "Joe is in danger."

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