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The Plan (5)

Team B

The battlefield was engulfed in a fiery blaze as Yasuke, a member of the Hima Clan, and a Kaguya Clan member stood face to face. The two warriors were ready to enter a death battle, utilizing their unique abilities to defeat one another.

Yasuke's chakra-based fire bending was a sight to behold. He had trained tirelessly to master this skill, and now he was ready to put it to the test. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he focused his energy, conjuring up flames that danced around his body.

The Kaguya Clan member, known for their savage and battle-hungry nature, was not intimidated by Yasuke's flames. In fact, he relished the opportunity to show off his ferocity. He cracked his knuckles, a bone protruding from each one, ready to be used as his weapon.

Yasuke and the Kaguya Clan member circled each other, both assessing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses. The Hima Clan member knew that he had to be careful, as one wrong move could mean the end of his life.

As the two warriors charged towards each other, the ground beneath them shook with the force of their clash. Yasuke used his fire bending to create a wall of flames, attempting to trap his opponent. But the Kaguya Clan member used his bone to break through the flames, charging towards Yasuke with incredible speed.

Yasuke quickly dodged, narrowly avoiding the bone that was aimed for his heart. He retaliated with a barrage of fireballs, each one aimed perfectly at the Kaguya Clan member. But the Kaguya Clan member was quick on his feet, using his bone to deflect the flames.

The battle continued, with both warriors evenly matched. Yasuke's fire bending and the Kaguya Clan member's bone weapon were both formidable, and it seemed like neither of them was willing to back down.

As the battle raged on, Yasuke could feel his strength dwindling. He knew that he had to end this battle soon or risk defeat. Gathering all his energy, he created a massive fireball and launched it towards the Kaguya Clan member.

The Kaguya Clan member, caught off guard by the sudden increase in power, was unable to defend himself. The fireball hit him directly, engulfing him in flames. Yasuke stood, panting, as he watched his opponent fall to the ground.

Just when Yasuke thought that he had won this battle he felt a hand grab his legs prompting him to look down only to see the charred corpse of the Kaguya clan ninja holding his leg

"" The Kaguya clan manages to say before his life ends

The battle was over, and Yasuke emerged victorious. But he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness as he looked at the fallen Kaguya Clan member. Despite their savagery, he knew that they were still skilled warriors, and their death was a loss for the ninja world.

As the flames died down and the battlefield fell into silence, Yasuke's thoughts turned to the Hima Clan. He knew that this victory would bring them recognition and respect from the other clans. And he was proud to be a member of a clan that valued balance, growth, and unity above all else. Yasuke had proven that the Hima Clan's flames burned brightly, and he was ready to take on any challenge that came their way.

"Shit, The City lord" Yasuke exclaims as he finally remembers the city lord charging in the direction of were he ran to

Team A

Yamamoto sat on a nearby rock, watching intently as Ariko practiced her Ninjustu. Although he said that he wouldn't take her as a disciple that doesn't mean that he won't give her guidance so that she can be on the right track. As she took a break, she asked him a question that caught him off guard.

"Yamamoto-san, do you have a family?" she asked, her voice full of curiosity.

Yamamoto's expression turned somber as he gazed at the ground. "No, I do not," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "But I did have a son once."

Ariko's eyes widened in surprise. "What happened to him?" she asked, sensing the pain in his voice.

Yamamoto took a deep breath before answering. "He was my adopted son. I found him as a young boy, orphaned and alone. I took him in and raised him as my own. ," he said, memories flashing through his mind "He was always full of smiles, despite the hardships we faced during this turbulent era. He had a kind heart and a fierce determination. But one day, while we were in our home, bandits attacked our town. They killed almost everyone, including my son," Yamamoto's voice trembled with grief.

Ariko's eyes filled with tears as she listened to his story. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Yamamoto continued, his voice gaining strength. "But just when I thought I had lost everything, the head of my clan appeared before me. He saw the despair in my eyes and offered me a chance for revenge. He granted me the power to save others from suffering the same fate as my son," he said, his eyes burning with determination.

Ariko looked at Yamamoto with newfound respect and admiration. She could see the pain and guilt that still weighed heavily on his heart, but also the strength and resilience that drove him forward.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me, Yamamoto-san. I will master this Justus you gave me and I will become your disciple so you won't be alone anymore" she said, bowing her head in gratitude.

Yamamoto nodded, a small smile gracing his lips. "You are a bright child, and a cunning girl, something very rare to find in this war forsaken world were even children your age must go to war, I hope that someday someone changes this world and I'm sure my clan leader wants that to, I will also do anything in my power to stop this senseless fights and aid my clan into prosperity," he said, his tone filled with determination and resolve.

The two sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. But as they resumed their training, there was a newfound understanding and bond between them, forged through the shared pain of loss and the determination to make a difference in a war-torn world.

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