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Land of fire

Outskirts of Hima Clan base

On the outskirts of the clans base in the middle of the forest Yamamoto is holding is sword in front of him looking vigilantly at Akio who was in a combat stance

The clan head had called him out after the meeting and told him he just wanted to stretch but who knew the stretching he was talking about was actually sparing with him, it was an unexpected moment

"Are you ready clan head" Yamamoto says as he readies himself in a sword stance putting his sword horizontally in front of himself

"Yes, let's start" Akio says as he starts doing the handsigns he learned from one of his memories doing it carefully so as to not making any mistake


"Fire style:Dragon Flame Justu"

as soon as Akio says those words a big dragon head made of orange flames comes out of Akio's mouth and charges towards Yamamoto at a frightening speed burning everything in its path

Akio seeing the justu worked was instantly happy as this was the first time he tried it and it was cool for him to see a huge frame made out of flames come out of his mouth but his joy was Short lived as he saw Yamamoto effortlessly cut the justu and dashes towards Akio with a speed so fast that it only left afterimage

Before Akio could react Yamamoto was already in front of him with his hands clenched into fist positioned in front of his midsection

"Ikkotsu (一骨, Single Bone)"

Just like that Yamamoto punched Akio in the midsection sending him flying through all the trees before he crashed into a tree that was 500 meters away from the previous location

"Thank got I used chakra to reinforce that area or else I would be put back to bed again for five years" Akio says to himself as he pulls himself out of the tree touching his stomach feeling that 4 ribs had broken even through the reinforcement

Before Akio had time to think Yamamoto appears again right beside him holding his sword high aiming for his arms

"Hitotsume: Nadegiri(一ツ目・撫斬, The First: Killing Stroke)"

Yamamoto swings his sword down at super extreme speed aiming at Akio's hand, Akio seeing this instinctively moves back just enough for the sword to miss him and gets a hold of Yamamoto's hand swinging him to the ground and jumps in the air with the help of chakra reaching the height of 50 meters

'What if I use white flames since I can use all types of flames I should be able to use white flames' Akio thought as he lands on the ground already forming another hand sign


"Fire Style: Fire Shower"

As Akio finished the justu he launches a massive white fire ball in the sky leaving Yamamoto confused and cautious of what he was doing

"Aoi Ken(青い拳,Blue fist)"

Not giving Yamamoto anytime to think Akio charges at Yamamoto with the same speed Yamamoto used and punched him in the midsection with blue flames surrounding his fist making the punch hurt and burn

Yamamoto who received the punch was sent staggering back but he regained his balance after a second but that second was enough as Akio charged at him again with with his blue flamed fist aiming for his head

Yamamoto chakra coats his arms and blocks his fist while also punching him in the chest leading their fight to be a fist fight

As the fight grew on Yamamoto grew more and more suprised as the more Akio fought the more better and fluid his moves were, he was almost catching up to Yamamoto in terms of hand to hand combat. Yamamoto felt proud of his clan head as he knew his previous plan of always staying by the clan head side to protect him won't be needed anymore

Taken the moment when Yamamoto was stuck in his thoughts Akio punches Yamamoto in the stomach and jumps back leaving a space of fifty meters between them leaving Yamamoto confused as to why he would do that

But Yamamoto questioned were answered quickly. he felt something falling from the sky prompting him to look up only to see a rain of white flames coming down from the sky, hitting him with the sudden realization of why the clan head had done what he did before

Not wasting anytime he starts dodging the white flames leaving afterimages everywhere but Yamamoto wasn't that lucky as some flames still grazed him prompting him to increase the danger level of the flames in his head as that simple touch burnt through his skin exposing his muscles and a bit of his bones

Using the time when Yamamoto was preoccupied Akio used it to rest and think of a way to fix his injury as the hand to hand combat with Yamamoto had left his injuries to worsen 'I think green flames would do' Akio says in his mind as he starts circulating the chakra in the body to go to his hand while minimizing the amount of chakra that comes out

"Fire style: Healing flames"

Just like that green flames surrounded Akio's hands as he presses it against his midsection leading to his ribs healing back and the bruises on his skin to fade

When Akio looks to check on Yamamoto he sees that the White flame rain had already stopped and Yamamoto was looking at his direction with only two burn marks on his body while holding his sword

"Clan master lets end this and use our most powerful moves"Yamamoto says prompting Akio to stand up and cast him a serious glance as he knows how powerful Yamamoto is when he goes full power

"Alright but the last person standing wins" Akio adds as he thinking of what to use as his most powerful move

"Then let's begin" Yamamoto says as he starts sucking all the flames in the area to his sword while also adding his own flames to the sword increasing the heat of the area but the sword itself never showed signs of being consumed by flames and still looked like a normal katana

Akio seeing this knew that Yamamoto is using a move resembling that of his Bankai in bleach, Akio with his mastery over flames could also see the flames that were flowing into the sword and knew that the battle was coming to an end

Closing his eyes Akio starts thinking of what he can do to cancel the move Yamamoto wants to use. he then feels that he can activate his flame tattoos which had not happened before, without thinking about it Akio activates the tattoo and visual changes appear on his body the red flame tattoo on his arms light up and Lines start flowing out of it and enters his eyes causing flame like patterns to appear on his eyes resembling that of sage mode

Akio after activating the mode feels the surrounding chakra start entering his body and assimilate into his chakra creating a new type of chakra but he didn't have time to think about it as he just thought of a powerful move he could do while in this form

"Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin (残火の太刀 "北": 天地灰尽, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, North: Heaven and Earth End in Ashes)"

"Sei-jutsu: Onmyō no sōda(聖術:陰陽の双龍,Sage art: Twin Dragons of Yin And Yang)"

Just like that two gigantic dragons made of white and black flames come down from the sky circling each other before heading straight to Yamamoto scaring the clan members who saw the dragons coming down from the sky before Iroh assured them that it was just one of the clan master Justus leaving the clan in amazement at how strong their clan master is

Yamamoto seeing this just maintained his composure and swung his sword to the sky sending out a large flame arc that burnt everything within a 20 meter radius from it.

When the two met each other there was a deafening explosion followed by an earthquake that left many of the clan members falling down this went on for a few seconds before everything quiet down and the earthquake stopped prompting Iroh and a few of the clans ninja to see the results of the battle

When that reached the area they couldn't believe their eyes as the once lush forest filled with life as now reduced to a barren land with stone and fire everywhere resembling a war zone but didn't make it look like a war zone was the figure of Akio laughing with a smug look on his face sitting on the ground with his clothes torn while Yamamoto just layed on the floor while also laughing heartily

Iroh seeing this just smiles and commands a couple of ninja to carry Akio and Yamamoto to their tents and asks the rest to clean the area earning him glares from the ninja before they start dragging him along telling him to clean the area with them making the laughs of Yamamoto and Akio to grow louder


In an unknown location

Inside a dark cave no sound could be heard and no person could be seen. That was until a gigantic eyes opened up its white eyes the only thing you could see in the dark cave

"Hell Sage, there was a sudden burst of our sage chakra in the land of fire" a phoenix says as it enters the cave looking at the eye with a serious expression

"I know, I just felt it" The owner of the eye says as he just gazes into the air currently contemplating something

"What should we do, this as never happened before" the phoenix ask as it starts flapping its wings its flame body blazing fiercely

"Hmmm… monitor the disturbance first and when you feel the person is qualified bring him to the sage land" The owner of the eye says as it closes his eye again falling back to his slumber

"Very well, I will go myself" the phoenix says as it flaps away from the cave revealing the molten ground and environment around the cave

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