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Chapter 42 - Mission accomplished

Deep in the night, Ryuu and Mitsuri were leaping on the rooftop with tremendous speed blinking through the whole town. They were barely noticeable despite the busy street below.

Ryuu had already found the location where the demons were residing thanks to his [ Byakugan ] that proved more useful than expected.

The reason being is having read countless fanfic that only gave the character the [ Sharingan ] which gives a lot of ability if it advances but there are many annoying drawbacks with the ability.

Even if he acquired the Doujutsu and used points to remove the weakness would prove troublesome. Ryuu enjoyed what he had and used it to the fullest.

"We're almost there!"

Mitsuri nodded, tightened her grip of her sword and even if she was skilled enough it was better to be prepared. Ryuu doubts that she would be any harm considering Mitsuri was a Hashira and killed her own.

Still he felt worried about her safety, pondering if she had grown important to him but shook his head as it was too early to assume things like Shinobu.

"Be careful, we don't know what kind of [ Blood Demon Arts ] they may have." Ryuu warned her of the possible danger that they were about to face.

"A-Alright, Ryuu-san. I'll keep that in mind, Thank you." Mitsuri complied.

"Once this is done, let's buy some Sakura Mochi later." Ryuu smiled when she saw her flinch.

"What!!? Really!??" Her eyes shone with excitement.

"Shhhh quiet, we don't want people to notice us but yeah, you muttered something like that earlier."

Mitsuri hides her face in embarrassment since she's been trying to stop eating them after her hair started to change color but after spending time with Ryuu who always complimented her hair started to feel more confident in herself.

Ryuu yet again wasn't trying to flirt and genuinely thought it was beautiful giving her a cute and alluring beauty. Despite the unusual color that would appear cringy in his world, it somehow works for Mitsuri.

"Hahaha no need to feel embarrassed, I haven't eaten one before so I'm a bit interested in how it tastes."

This is the first time that he experienced the outside world of Demon Slayer and hadn't tasted other Japanese cuisine before. The only thing he ate was pork and Chicken Katsu along with Tempura and some herbal tea.

Ryuu found a new favorite food in the form of Katsu and planned to explore modern Japan in the future.

"It tastes really good!!"

Mitsuri joyfully exclaims trying to be quiet but shows her excitement to let him have taste. Ryuu only knew about mochi as it's a sticky type of sweet. He had similar food in the Phillipines called Palitaw but couldn't compare it without trying.

"Now I'm interested. For now, let's focus on the task at hand."

Ryuu draws his weapon ready himself as they soon find themselves in an abandoned mansion on a quiet street. He could smell the sweet aroma of human blood around the place.

It made him thirsty wanting to drink some but more importantly he was drawn to the smell of demons. This was the first time he would encounter a demon and wonder how their blood would taste.

'I hope I can get their Blood Demon Art.'

Ryuu thought of the possibility and acquired the numerous abilities that a Demon could have but knowing there's always a catch in such ability lowered his hope just in case.

He used his [ Byakugan ] to pinpoint the location and see how many were inside. Ryuu soon finds multiple humans and one that shimmers in malicious energy that causes him to feel more thirsty.

'The hell!? I'm not even using Starving mode…unless strong prey makes me crave them? Well, that's fine for me.'

Ryuu smirked thinking about gaining their ability. He returned his focus on the task at hand and wondered how to enter the place without being detected.

"The Demon is in the underground with around 5 humans who seem chained up, barely alive."

Mitsuri nodded without question how he knew where the demon was since she is an air at times. They swiftly headed inside trying to find how to descend underground.

Ryuu easily found it thanks to his [ Byakugan ] and the two quickly descended into the underground where they were greeted by a demon with three large compound eyes that had the number 2 at the third eye in its forehead and four arms that were covered in carapace. They were also a long scorpion-like tail attached to its tail bone.

"Who are you and dared to come to my feeding ground!!?"

As it was about to devour a woman yelled out looking at them in killing intent. He took deep breaths, taking a firm stance preparing to attack and spun his weapon to create momentum before extending his weapon that made the demons only stand still, expecting it to flung by its thick carapace body.

Unfortunately, pierce the demons in the chest causing it to cough out blood and was pulled by Ryuu towards his direction before using his other to blade it to pieces but its limbs and tail deflected his every attack.

"Mitsuri, focus on protecting the human girls while I deal with this guy!" Ryuu shouted, letting her handle protecting the victim.

"Hai! Be careful."

Ryuu nodded before focusing his attention towards the Demon who pulled the dagger out of its chest and before it could anything was hit by a powerful kick to the head and sending It into the wall.

The space was large enough to be an enormous room and was the perfect place to fight.

"A demon slayer!? I'll be damned if I let you behead me!!" He roared in anger upon seeing his adversary.

"Then come and dance!"

They soon started a fierce battle with Ryuu using his weapon to deflect every attack and was careful to not sting by its tail.

The forces were enough to snap a person's bones and shatter boulders yet Ryuu was able to withstand them all.

'His blood tastes better than it because they're stronger?'

He dazely thought while fighting the Lower Moon demon with ease. Ryuu was taking samples of its blood and enjoyed a few drops of it.

"Damn you! Why won't you die!!" It's wasn't able to land a single hit as he dodge and deflecting all of his attack.

"Too bad for you our dance is about to be over soon."

Ryuu took a deep breath once more that made the Lower Moon demon step back before his body was enveloped by agonizing pain.

[ Third form - War Slash. ]

He performed a multitude of slashes that cleave every part of its body destroying its carapaces and behead. The Lower Moon doesn't even know what killed him.

"Whoa! You finish that Lower Moon Demon like it was nothing! Amazing!!"

Mitsuri screamed out who was watching along with the woman who was unchained by Ryuu. He turned to look at them with a friendly smile and felt like it was too much of a flex when he could easily end the fight but decided not to and helped him gauge himself.

He was unable to gain the [ blood demon art ] but it made him a lot stronger than before and decided to continue his experiment.

After a while, they sent the victims to the authority and told a story that was believable enough. Once that was done, Ryuu and Mitsuri decided to explore the city.

"Here, I bought a lot since we will be going back."

Ryuu passed a box of Mochi with a few flavors from Green to her favorite Sakura Mochi. Mitsuru happily eats her food while they roam the streets.

"How much for this?"

He spotted a jewelry store where they displayed numerous interesting trinkets and decided to buy a hair pin stick that had the shape of a butterfly while another had an elegant flower shape. Ryuu nodded before returning back to Mitsuri sitting at a table.

"Mitsuri-san, I hope you also like this."

She cutely looked at him with her face stuffed with mochi when Ryuu placed the hairpin into her hair that made her blush touching the gift from him.

"What is it, Ryuu-san?" Mitsuri asked curiously what he was giving her.

"It's a Hairpin stick and I thought it might look great on you. I've also bought one for Shinobu." Ryuu said with a bright smile.

"Oh t-thank you, Ryuu-san."

Mitsuri stuttered before giving a bright smile that warms Ryuu's heart afterwards the two ate dinner and bought some more souvenirs.

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