The guild leader did not give Luna the proper information about the monster's strength, and she was almost overwhelmed by their number and strength. That was the last straw for Luna. Before long, Luna left the Neptune guild and decided to form her own guild. When Jane asked her about it, Luna said that she was tired of the bullshit they were trying to do, and she would rather be in her own group that she could control. The guild leader was not happy about this, and he tried to make Luna come back to the guild. There were rumors that he even challenged her to a fight where she would have to remain in the guild if she lost.
No one knows exactly how that fight went, but Jane knew that after that fight, the guild leader was never the same again. The Neptune guild eventually dissolved into nothing, and Jane left to join the GForce guild instead.
Jane is a workaholic who likes to be on the move all the time. She does this in order to forget how lonely she is when she is not moving. She has no close friends, and since all her remaining family members live far away in another country, she hardly sees them.
Her favourite food is Italian Spaghetti and Meatballs.
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