In a world where summoners wield the power to call forth vampires, elves, angels, demons, and all humanoid creatures from across the realms, Nathan found himself unable to summon beings except from beasts.
However, those beasts are not ordinary beasts. They are divine beings who once stood at the same level, if not higher, than the legendary creatures the world ever knew.
Casting his gaze to the left, Nathan sees numerous summoners accompanied by the likes of demon kings, archangels, vampire progenitors, and other legendary beings. Turning to the right, a massive army of alien symbiotes is waiting to attack.
There was no fear in his eyes, because standing on his left is a majestic wolf who managed to kill a god, the legendary eight-headed serpent coils on his right, above him is the bird who is glowing like the sun, and behind him is a dragon that once gnawed the roots of the world tree.
“Let the war begin.”
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Write a reviewI've read the author's previous books and that is enough for me to know that this book is peak. (Review sponsored by Fixteen)
The G.O.A.T is back again with yet another banger . I really enjoyed your God Of Tricksters novel and I can't wait to start and stick with this novel as well Keep up the good work sir
I really like the book so far, I love Summoning type books so that's a factor too but it's great writing and the characters are also quite interesting. The only complaint I've with the book is about fights being too long, sometimes lasting 6-7 chapters or more which can make me lose interest sometimes. But the fights are written decently enough that this issue can be ignored mostly, for other people at least. Definitely loving the book, keep including different mythologies, waiting for other beasts such as Hecatoncheires, Serpopard etc. As for others he should suggest the Titans and Giants from greek mythology like Chronos, Atlas or Norse mythology also has beings like Ymir and Surtr or even Odin, Vili, and Ve.
Either the author can’t write or the translation is so bad that I can’t tell the difference. Just skip this one.
Thos book is pretty good but honestly stop with the stupid monkey king bullshit!! just because U the author like it as a character doesnt mean u should be shoving it down everyone elses throats to MAKE them like it!!! I think that character is shity and over exaggerated and honestly no one ever talks about the monkey king so honestly he is just a washed up character that no one likes!!
Hey! I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to say how much I admire your amazing writing talent your story really left an impression on me, and I’d love to chat with you about it. I’m a commission-based digital artist and have worked on comics with authors across different platforms. I genuinely think your story would make a fantastic comic! You can also check out my work on DeviantArt under the name VanessaWick Feel free to reach out to me on Discord: losserishere Or on Twitter: @tirtatare
Read without much expectation but was actually a lot better then I thought keep up the good work 🫡
very well written and great characters. thoroughly enjoying the mix of other wordly creatures and earth mythological beasts with a bit of lovecraft thrown into the mix.
Amazing novel!! Great story. smart mc! This novel is for you if you are a fan of fights. every character in this novel is powerful one way or another , best power balance in any story I've ever read. mc familiar's power is way too controlled, a bit more power would be good but this is probably to balance them at start I hope . looking forward to seeing them overpowered . I like how even the mobs are shown powerfu l putting a long fight. story is progressing slowly compared to the no of chapters it took till now. Way too much fights one after the other , and they are too long. I have read upto 100 chs in which atleast 70 are fights. hope we progress more on story and academy life ( he is always our of academy doing ) good luck waiting for more amazing chapters
Reveal SpoilerI love it so much, bro! Your book deserves to be more famous.........The story, the characters, everything just pulls me in. Honestly, more people need to know about this masterpiece.
The author has made quite a few books, and it shows. The plot is well structured, and the logic and emotional development are very well thought out. I had a question about the MC, and about 40 chapters down the line, it was answered, so the author is giving us reasons for MCs development. If I were to give a slight criticism, it would be that the MC was too young to think as maturely as he does. However, I have seen and read enough to believe that this author will develop it well enough in the future. What a good read, and I'm kinda mad there aren't 1000 plus chapters yet.
I love summoners. The author has also written a book about mythology, so I have high expectation for the divine beasts the MC will summon.
Author Fixten
Hello, everyone. Fixten here. I'm a sucker for mythologies, and I find it fun writing about them. They are the legendary beings of the past that we know but will never see. However, I've read a lot about them being sponsors, backers, or whatever you call it. So, it'll be nice to actually have them as friends who will stand beside you and grow alongside you. Yeah, I'll be sure to enjoy this grand adventure. I hope you do too~