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43.03% Sex System in Solo Leveling / Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Rom-Com

Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Rom-Com

Author Note:

Today's chap's theme: Rom-Com ⁠(⁠ツ⁠)


".....N..No way..." She muttered and the phone fell off of her now trembling hands.

"Miss Yoo..? What happe—" Azaroth watched with 'concern' as Yoo Soohyun got up without a word,

She quickly ran towards the entrance of his Villa,

'Keke, I guess Jinho really got deleted.' Azaroth smiled deviously.

He didn't feel any remorse, he didn't even know the guy. He just knew that, if he wanted to come close to Soohyun then, Jinhoo's death would act like a great catalyst, plus don't forget about being Jinwoo's best supporter.

The guy was a fool, he chose to go inside a C-rank Dungeon for his 1st Dungeon raid, Pfft.. if the OG MC was not present there in the story, he was going to die.

As things should be, heh.

But as a kind and good human, he quickly followed after her. "Miss Yoo, wait!" he called out.

As SooHyun approached her car on shaking legs, Azaroth followed close behind. He could see she was barely keeping it together.

When she reached for the driver's side door handle, Azaroth gently grasped her wrist to stop her. "SooHyun, wait."

She turned to face him, lips trembling as if to protest. But no words came out. Her eyes were glassy with tears, face pale with grief and worry.

Azaroth spoke softly yet firmly. "I know you don't want to talk about it right now. But I can see you're in no state to drive. Please, let me do it for you... ok?"

SooHyun tried to protest, to insist she was fine. But another sob escaped her throat, giving away how utterly not fine she was.

"Shh.. whatever it is, it's gonna be alright, I'm with you..." Azaroth looked her in the eyes with his own bright blue eyes.

After a long moment, she nodded shakily in acceptance, "..Mhm"

Azaroth took his Aston Martin V-12 Ventage S-roadster. 

He opened the passenger door for her in a gentlemanly manner.

Once they were seated and buckled in, Azaroth peelled out smoothly onto the street. He focused intently on navigating while SooHyun sat quietly next to him with tears and trembling eyes.

Azaroth glanced over and gave her some tissues from the glove compartment.

SooHyun, on the verge of hysterics, took the tissues and dabbed at her eyes to no avail. She couldn't hold her tears back any longer as she remembered her dear brother Jinho and the life he could have had.

Azaroth could feel the weight of her sorrow.

'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, acting like this is so addictive...'

The thought of comforting the beauty while acting like a kind protag was really fucking addictive.

he understood that she needed a shoulder to cry on which he will be, heh.

He reached over and gently placed his hand on her thigh,

"Everything's gonna be alright."

He said with a pained expression, trying to offer her comfort in her time of need.

SooHyun let out a deep, shuddering breath and then finally found the strength to speak.


"I... I can't believe it. He was such a good kid... always so eager to learn and improve." Her voice quivered as she fought back sobs.

'Haha, You forgot to tell me 'who' lady, not that I don't know~' Azaroth chucked in mind but he knew that it happens in this kind of situation.

"J-Jinho... he.. he.." SooHyun tried to say but Azaroth squeezed her thigh.

"It's ok, you don't have to talk if it pains you, just remember that you are not alone," Azaroth said gently, glancing at her while giving a comforting expression.

"Mhm," Soohyun nodded and held his hand tightly closing her eyes.

After a few moments, she spoke.


"I-I'm sorry, I must look a mess r-right now." She glanced at him.

"Don't apologize," Azaroth said gently without taking his eyes off the road, "And believe me, you can never mess up that gorgeous look even if you try"

SooHyun took a shaky breath. "My c-cousin Jinho, he was so excited to g-go on his first dungeon run today. B-but now they're saying he n-never came out. What if..." Her voice broke into a sob.

"Try not to panic before you have all the facts, ok..?" He gently rubbed her thigh with his thumb.

Soohyun nodded and closed her eyes again.

This was certainly not how she'd imagined their day ending up. But she was glad that she was not alone.

The rest of the ride passed in contemplative silence as SooHyun slept on her seat, lost in her dreams.

"Miss Yoo... Miss Yoo, we have arrived..."


Azaroth pulled up outside the grand Yoo family mansion.

 She wanted all of it to be just a bad dream, but it was not,

"Ah!" SooHyun barely waited for the car to stop before throwing open the door and dashing inside without so much as a thank you.


Azaroth chuckled to himself as he watched her disappear through the large double doors. "Tsk* No problem, you're welcome for the ride," he said to the empty car.


Her abrupt exit didn't bother him in the slightest. In her distressed state, manners were understandably the last thing on her mind.

All that mattered was making sure she got to her family safely and him being the first person to comfort her during this difficult time.


With a flourish, Azaroth shifted into gear and pulled away from the mansion. As he drove leisurely back to his villa, his thoughts drifted to SooHyun and her poor cousin.


Sorry Jinho, but you see... Sung Jinwoo is under me now, so he wasn't present there, and you can't expect me to come and save you personally, right?

But don't worry, as compensation, I'll make sure to keep your sister happy~

After all, a princess like her deserved only the best~

"And Azaroth Morningstar always rose to the challenge when fair maidens were in distress, Bahahahaha..."

Azaroth bid his guests farewell at the beach party he hosted. He sent Song-Yi home in a private vehicle, reassuring her mother would worry if she stayed here tonight also.

Finally, alone, he took a long, relaxing shower, washing away the stresses of the day.

Wrapped in soft silk pajamas, Azaroth strolled to his bedroom while drying his hair. That's when he noticed the blinking light on his phone signaling a call.

"Oh! Heh," A smug smile played on his lips seeing the caller ID.

He had exchanged numbers with her when they chatted on the beach.


Azaroth picked up the call and said hello, but a reply didn't come.

On the other end, only hushed breaths could be heard, as if the caller was holding back tears.

Azaroth remained silent, wanting her to speak.

After a long moment, a small, tremulous voice came through. "A-Azaroth?"

And fuck, her voice sounded sexy,

He let out a horney breath and forcefully softened his tone at her obvious distress. "Miss Yoo, it's late. Is everything alright?"

A sniffle. "N-no, I'm sorry. I feel terrible about earlier..." Her voice wavered.

Azaroth laid back casually against his pillows. "And what troubles you?" he asked soothingly.

"I j-just rushed out of your car without a word of thanks," SooHyun said, guilt and grief lacing her tone. "That was so rude of me."

"Please, there's no need to apologize." His tone was gentle but firm. "You had suffered awful news and needed your family. I understand completely."

Another sniffle, this one sounding slightly relieved. "You're too kind. I don't deserve it after how I-I acted."

Even after losing her favorite cousin, she still called him to apologize..

'Now that puts a smile on my face...'

Azaroth smiled to himself, 

"You don't have to worry about those minor things with me ok? I can tell how tired you are, just from your voice alone. Try to get some rest, Miss SooHyun. We'll speak again soon."

She thanked him and hung up.

Inside Yoo Family Mansion...

After thanking him She sank onto the plush bed, the weight of grief pressing down as the room echoed with hollow loss.

Her thoughts fully focused on Azaroth.

Maybe her subconscious wanted to protect her brain from the sorrow and drifted her mind toward a comforting memory...

She replayed their moments in his car, his calming presence, gentle reassurances throughout the drive.

'You can never mess up that gorgeous look even if you try..' He had said...

A small smile crept onto her lips recalling his attempt at lightening the atmosphere with a compliment.

"He's a strange one," SooHyun softly said, fingers tracing absent patterns on the silky bedspread. "But maybe that's exactly what I needed in this strange situation." She didn't know what would have happened if she had driven her car in that situation.

Azaroth's kindness left an indelible impression. In a world of facades and hidden motives, his sincerity stood out. He is bigger than her, both in money and background, but he still... She marveled at how he navigated comforting her while giving her space.

"I... didn't expect comfort from someone like him," she admitted to the quiet room, voice barely a whisper.

And with these thoughts, she drifted to sleep.

Back to Azaroth...

A watery "Thank you" was the last thing he heard before she hung up. Azaroth gazed thoughtfully at the dark ceiling,

Feeling strangely protective of the fragile-hearted beauty even through the phone....

"Meh, she is basically going to be my property, so feeling a little protective is not weird I guess...?"

He put those thoughts out and went to sleep,

After all, he's going for his Hunter evaluation tomorrow... smirk


Gib mee Stones ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


Read ahead-

He has already put the whole world in shock

Chapter 34: Chapter 34 Guilds


Author Note: 

MC's father- Lucas Morningstar is an S-Rank now, and Berserkers is the no.5 guild now. I've also edited the previous chaps about him.

Reminder- He is the (VGM) of Berserkers Guild #5 on Worldwide.

V- Vice

GM- Guild Master


"I'm sure his friends must been awe-struck, seeing this place, heh."

Choi Jong-In strode confidently through the opulent halls of Azaroth's villa, the place's grandeur a testament to its status as a gift from the Elder Choi.

"Ah!" The maid, recognizing the esteemed guest, greeted him with a courteous bow.

"Good morning, Mr. Choi. How may I assist you today?" she inquired, her voice as polished as the marble floors.

"Oh! Eun-Su, I almost didn't recognize you in this maid's dress. How is your life being his personal maid and all..?" Choi Jong asked curiously.

She was, Eun-su, the former receptionist of the Hunters Guild which Azaroth had taken interest in and appointed as his personal 'blow Job' maid.

"Ah, i..its good Master Choi." She answered while remembering the daily 'tasks' she does with Azaroth.

"Good to hear that," He said, maintaining his kind personality was a must for him, "As you can guess, I'm here to meet him, where is he?" He asked.

Eun-Su responded with a nod. "Daddy— I mean, Master Azaroth is currently in the underground training hall, Sir Choi. I.. If you'll allow me a moment, I can inform him of your arrival."

The underground hall, a vast space that held a private gym, was equipped with state-of-the-art exercise machines made with materials from inside the dungeons.

Choi Jong-In raised a brow at her slipup, he chuckled in his mind and waved off the suggestion.

"No need. I know my way around here. Let's head down to there. I wanna see what he is doing. Heh."

He started going toward the training hall and Eun-Su quietly followed him.

In the center of the room, Azaroth was engrossed in his training routine, sweat glistening on his forehead. He was practicing his sword arts with his great sword, moving with a fluidity that showcased his mastery over it.

'...Yup, his father's gonna shit his pants after realizing what he has lost..'

Choi Jong-In observed silently for a moment, watching proudly and allowing his nephew to finish a set of intricate movements before announcing his presence.

 "Nice! Quite the swordsmanship you have there, Azaroth."

"Oh!" Azaroth turned, pausing mid-motion. A 'genuine' smile touched his lips at seeing his uncle. "1st- thanks, 2nd- why is the ever-busy Guild Master gracing me today?"

"Hmm? Can't an uncle check on his favorite nephew?" Choi replied lightheartedly.

"Well, If you don't have something urgent, I need to do a little training," Azaroth rolled his eyes. He knows his uncle's personality and is just playing with him.

Choi grinned. "Nope~Go clean up - you have got a big day ahead. Don't tell me you forgot about your hunter evaluation. Or are you just afraid and trying to cope with your training?" Choi tilted his head.

'Heh, look at him being happy for my awakening,' Azaroth chuckled in his mind.

Azaroth cocked a brow, nodding cockily. "Is that so? But I think that the evaluation would be a piece of a cake~ "

He swung his greatsword up to lounge casually against his shoulder. "Uncle, you've witnessed my flames within the Gate. Who would win between us, I wonder?"

'This brat' Choi laughed heartily at his nephew's bravado. "Keke, Do not be so hasty to challenge your elders, boy. Do you wanna find out..?"

"Sure do," Azaroth said and dissembled his sword and equipped his gloves.

Choi Jong looked at the magic with curiosity, "Was that magic? How did your sword just, eh, 'crawled'? And where did the gloves come from..?"

"Shh, it's a trade secret," Azaroth said with a mysterious smile.

He doesn't need to hide these things in front of his uncle, on the contrary, the more he surprises him, the more it will be easier for him to gain his full support and by extension, the support of the whole Hunters Guild for his future plans.

"So? Who do you think would win?" Azaroth asked curiously.

"There is only one way to find out." Choi Jong said, excited.

The atmosphere in the hall shifted almost instantly. He was curious to see Azaroth's capabilities. 

The pressure in the room increased, and the very air got filled with the aura of an S-Rank.

The maid, sensing the intensity of the moment, took a step back, her eyes darting nervously between the two powerful figures.

Just then, a frail yet commanding voice echoed down the hall. "And what's all this commotion about?"

Azaroth and Choi turned to find Choi's father, Azaroth's grandfather Senior Choi, peering at them curiously.

The maid visibly deflated in relief at the elder's presence.

Choi chuckled nervously. "Ah, we were just-"

But Azaroth burst into laughter. "Look at you, Uncle! You turn all meek in front of your father."

Senior Choi smiled, coughing lightly. "Now now, let's have a civil discussion in the drawing room. Young lady, please bring three cups of coffee there."

He motioned for Choi to leave. "You shall wait in the drawing room. I wish to have a word with my grandson." He said while stroking his beard.

Choi Jong-In nodded and left the training hall.

After Jong-in had gone, Azaroth looked at Senior Choi, who was still stroking his beard with an authoritative air.

"Oi, gramps, they've gone. You can drop the act now—" Before Azaroth had finished his sentence, Senior Choi let out a Santa Claus laugh.

"Ho Ho Ho!, Azy my boy! What were those stunts you did in the mall!! You looked super cool!" He said in a chairing voice with stars in his eyes.

Azaroth sighed, he knew all the questions his grandpa would ask.

He didn't know if it's because of this life's memories where he didn't get any love from his childhood, or if it's because of his previous life. 

But he sure liked this Santa of a Grandpa he has.....

He'll not go and die for his Korean family consisting of Jong-in and Senior Choi, but he sure likes this small family of his....

After talking about the important stuff like— the cute girls in his school, Song-Yi and Jin-ah's relationship with him, as well as Soohyun and others, they sat with Jong-in and talked about the boring stuff such as, His Evaluation being held in the evening, His father's secretory's secretory contacting them and the other guilds...


Top-ranking guilds in Korea...

The Hunters Guild—> Choi Jong-In (GM), S-Rank

Fame Guild—> Ma Dong-Wook (GM), S-Rank

White Tiger Guild—> Baek Yoon-Ho (GM), S-Rank

Fiend Guild—> Lim Tae-Gyu (GM), S-Rank [Used to be the no.1 guild in Korea until some of the members split off and formed the White Tiger Guild and rose to power.]

Knight Guild—> Park Jong-soo (GM), A-Rank


World Guild Rankings....

Scavenger Guild—> Thomas Andre (GM), National Level

Rulers Guild—> Christopher Reed (GM), National Level

China Guild Association—> Liu Zhigang (GM), National Level

India Guild Association—> Siddharth Bachchan (GM), National Level

Berserkers Guild—> Anthony Evans Blake (GM), S-Rank

Draw Sword Guild—> Goto Ryuji (GM), S-Rank




It was evening as the luxurious black limousine took to the streets, flanked on all sides by a procession of armored SUVs bearing the Hunters Guild's crest.

Inside, Korea's finest men sat in plush comfort - Choi Jong-in, revered Guild Master, alongside his prestigious father Senior Choi.

And the one and only Azaroth.

It was a long limo and everyone had a lot of space.

He leaned back against velvet seats, long limbs stretching languidly.

His red locks shone and eyes glittered with excitement, though smug smugness curled his lips more than nerves.

Heh, After all, when you were born destined for greatness, what was there to fear?

He is sure he'll be evaluated as an S-Rank~

"Haha, All of South Korea will watch your evaluation tonight," remarked Jong-in.

Azaroth smirked. "Then I shall give them a show to remember." 


Author Note:

Yay! 6th chap of the week! Usually, I upload 5 times a week, But here you go

Sorry for the short chapter though!

My Laptop is seized and my iPhone's battery is fuckedup. Join Patreon *ashamed laugh*

Don't worry, the next chap will be a BANGER! Heh Heh.

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