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84% Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter / Chapter 18: Time skip

Chapter 18: Time skip

(Oetsu POV)

Oh my ... what a beauty I have created. With this, I will put a new meaning to the term slavery. Goodness. Well, let's not call it that, let's call it ... the battery. Yes! Yes, I like that a lot actually. It works perfectly.

Well now, it would appear that I am ready. I guess the other two can come whenever they wish now. 

The door opens and Senjumaru walks in. We got closer but for some reason, she is still keeping her distance. But she also doesn't want me to keep my distance... I don't understand. For all of my intelligence, I have not yet understood this problem. 

Maybe I should delve into biology more and understand hormones ... No, too much work and nothing really to gain. At least for now. 


A few centuries have passed since my little tête-à-tête with Ichibe. He just stormed into my decoy lab and thought he had me all figured out. I mean if I was so smart, why would I keep my lab accessible to him in that way? Did he think about that? 

His arrogance is what sealed Ichibe's doom. And also my intelligence and planning ... but his arrogance played a big part. I mean had he not been so sure of himself, he would have at least thought to wait and make sure I didn't have any backup plans in case this thing went south.

But he never thought about that. I had about 20 backup plans which included unleashing a black hole on my disc and disappearing into my Hyperbolic Time Chamber until I was ready to confront Ichibe. But that wasn't even necessary. I can't wait to see his face for the time when the big reveal happens.


"Are you done? We have to be in the Tenchuren ... 10 minutes ago.", Senjumaru said.

"Yep, just finished. We can go.", I tell her.

"What was it this time? Time machine?", she says as a joke. I mean I don't know why she would ask me that. That is not even a problem anymore. I just don't like time travel. It messes things up badly.

"No, just something for a future project I got going on. We should be ready for plan 'Indipendence' very soon. In fact, I just got it done yesterday and today was the finishing touch. I can't wait for it to happen.", I say with enthusiasm.

"Well, you have been working on it a while now. I guess it makes sense for you to be this excited about it. But I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to truly do that. I mean what happens if things go south?"

"South is just the direction I want to take this. Don't worry about it so much. I got everything under control.", I assure her. 

You might be wondering what is Project: Indipendence. Well, no spoiling. That comes later. To say just one thing, it has to do with our situation in the Royal Guard. We are unhappy with just staying up here in the Soul King Palace and waiting for an enemy that won't come for another half a millennia. 

At least we can get down to Soul Society again and pick up our newest recruit. Tenjirō Kirinji has been accepted into the Zero Division and we are now going to get him.


My Nanomachines that I placed in the Lichtreich of the Quincies have managed to make contact with my main systems which are located in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. 

I managed to make them able to communicate with me inter-dimensionally. So that is no longer a problem. They are now in Wandenreich, waiting for my commands. And I already gave them some commands. I have managed to get samples of some of the interesting Quincies. 

They are not yet the same ones from the canon events. At least not all of them. Gremmy Thoumeaux already exists as does what appears to be Gerard Valkyrie, but they aren't what they were in the story. They are ... developing. 

If I go from what I know of the Kaiser Gesang it says that Yhwach will regain his pulse after 900 years, his mind after 90 years, his powers after nine years. So that means he will be in the comatose state he is in right now, for 990 years. And since that is still about close to 500 years from now, I have time to develop some ... things to make this more interesting. 

When I say that I have my Nanomachines collect samples, I mean samples of everything. Samples of their DNA, their Reiatsu ... anything that makes them Quincies really. I have time on my hands that needs to be filled. 


Senjumaru and I make it to the Tenchuren. We board it together with Ichibe and then shoot down to the Soul Society.

The flight doesn't take that long and we are down as fast as we were the last time. To my proposal to make the Tenchuren able to travel back as well and on his own Ichibe was not interested. He said that it was tradition for the noble family of Shiba, to do that and I am not to change that. 

F*cking piece of stagnant shit. Why can't we evolve and move forward like life usually does? This is the reason why he loses in the story. That and his arrogance. 

The Tenchuren lands and the door opens. We make our way out and get greeted by Shigekuni Yamamoto and other first-generation Captains who formed the Gotei 13. I am surprised to see that there are already some second-generation Captains here. 

Yamamoto is younger than in the story. Very much younger. The last time I saw him was when we grabbed Senjumaru. He was a young man back then. And now he is like someone in his 50s - 60s. An elderly man. But the power I can feel from him tells me that he is still the most powerful Shinigami in the Soul Society. Quite a feat for someone that old.

I see Yachiru Unohana has tied her hair into that frontal braid that she uses to appear harmless. But for me who knows her true power and character, this just makes me annoyed at her. Why would you make yourself weaker just because of a mistake? If you lose then train to grow stronger. Don't stop moving because you fall off the horse! 

Just like Son Goku said. If you fall off that horse, you get right back up ... and you eat that horse! 

Wise words.


"Ah look at all the familiar yet older faces. Oh, what do my eyes see? Is that someone with ... drip?", I say and approach Tenjiro.

"Ho? Did you say ... DRIP?"

"I did indeed day ... DRIPPP."


"Hahahahaha" "Hahahahaha"

"Ah, nice to meet you. Glad we're getting someone who has some style, yo. I'm Oh-Etsu, nice to meet you, man."

"You can call me Tenjiro, nice to meet you two Oetsu."

"God help us ... another idiot.", Senjumaru says.

"Excuse me? Did you just call us idiots? I will have you know that it is the appearance that defines us. We are what we wear ..."

"That is NOT the saying!"

"It isn't? Well, I guess it doesn't matter then."

"You! Urgh forget it. I'll just get wrinkles at this rate.", Senjumaru says and walks away. 

"Don't mind her Tenjiro. She also has style, we gotta give her that, but the true drip, that ain't something she grasped yet. Her name is Senjumaru, by the way. And the big bald guy with the oversized haori, that's Manako Osho. I can feel like you are a kindred spirit, my man."

"I agree. I'm sure we're going to have a great time."


The time in Soul Society is over fast. Ichibe likes his privileges and doesn't want to stay down here for too long. So we make our way to the Shiba clan compounds and enter the Tenchuren again. If the years have taught us anything, the best way to travel is in a narrow pillar by getting shot to and from the sky ...

I mean come on! Is it too much to ask to take a nice and relaxing elevator? Have some nice music, and make the ride fast but comfortable without that nasty ending all the time. It is embarrassing how stuck-up the monk truly is. 

Ichibe gives Tenjiro the same welcome speech as he did to Senjumaru and also me back in the day. I find all of this to be boring and just wait for Ichibe to call us to the Blood Oath's Seal room. I can't help but have a small smile on my face. 


"And this ... is the Blood Oath's Seal. It is a creation of Oetsu himself. Because each individual member of the Royal Guard possesses vast levels of Reiryoku, they can destabilize the three worlds by themselves should they unleash it all without restraint. So that is why we have this. It essentially prevents you from using your Bankai without a cost.", Ichibe explains the seal to Tenjiro. 

"To unlock this seal, two of the members have to take their own lives in order to enable the lone survivor to use their full power.", Ichibe says. 

"No ... my powers work differently than others. But that is not important right now. Right now we must ask Oetsu what you changed in the room that you said you would."

"Oh right. Well when you told me to add another seal for a new member, I got to work and did just that. The seal is now capable of being used on three people as you intended. But ... I added something else to the room.", I say and then walk in front of them to present them what I did. 

"Behold!!! True Level, Bitch!!!", I say and then tell them to walk inside. 

When everyone walks in they stop and look around. It all looks ... so wonderful. 

"What ... is this? What is this I'm feeling?", Tenjiro asks. 

"It looks ... amazing and the feeling ..."

"Truly ... ", Ichibe only says this. 

"Oh yeah ...that's what I'm talking about.", I say as I walk on it as well. This is perfect. But then ... it all goes black.



(3rd Person POV)

Everyone sees black for a moment and then wakes up again. Oetsu taps something on his wrist.

"What happened?", Tenjiro asks.

"It turned itself off. I made it so that should I not be able to stay conscious, the floor would stop and turn back to the way it was. I did not expect this to go this way. I might have to delete this from my memories, phew.", Oetsu explains.

"Would you mind telling us what that was!!!", Senjumaru asks.

"It's true level. A true-level shoe on the true-level ground would have 0 space between it and the ground. Since we don't have true-level shoes I simulated this true level on the floor and when we walked on it we experienced the true level. 

I must say I am impressed it worked like that.", Oetsu told everyone. 

"How does that even work? If there is 0 space between our shoes and the ground, wouldn't that create a vacuum or something?", Tenjiro asked.

"Haha, well this is how it works ...", Oetsu said and then began to explain to them the process of what he did to have everyone experience true level. It was far too long for their liking as they rather wished to experience it again. 

Oetsu told them that they should take one of his prepared capsules that counter the desire to experience True Level again.


"So you're saying with this, I won't feel like a junkie again, wanting to experience it again?", Tenjiro asked.

"Yes. Here I'll also take one.", Oetsu said.

Oetsu took a pill and then swallowed it, showing them that it was not harmful. Of course, no one believed that he would harm them ... at least two of them didn't.

Senjumaru and Tenjiro took one after the other. Then Oetsu held the last pill to Ichibe but ...

"I don't need it. Thank you very much though. HAHA, this was an enjoyable experience. But if this would make me weak and wish for more then I wouldn't deserve the spot as leader of the Zero Divison.", Ichibe said and then left.

Well ... that was ... disappointing for Oetsu ... 

"Well ... you can't have everything.", he said and then also left for his disc. On to another invention.

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