Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.
I only writing this for fun nor I am British.
"Chose a gun"
After a 5-minute break, the environment of the arena around us changed again, resembling a warehouse but in this warehouse, there was the Close Quarters Combat training ground. This whole environment takes me back to my time in the Special Air Service, where I first learned how to fight with lethal efficiency. I grinned, feeling a rush of excitement as we walked toward the range.
"All right, Temptress. This next test is a combat test. I want to see how well you can handle yourself in a close-quarters combat situation. You will have to face different scenarios and enemies, and use your skills and weapons to neutralize them."
I then pointed to a table where several guns were laid out. "You can choose any gun you want from this table. They are all loaded with simunition rounds, which are non-lethal but still hurt like hell. You will also wear a vest that will register any hits you take and beep when you are out of the game. The same goes for your enemies. They will be wearing masks and protective gear, but they will still feel the pain of your shots."
There were 6 guns all laid out on the table, 3 SMGs, and 3 pistols. There was a P90 with a suppressor, a classic Heckler & Koch MP5 with an underslung grenade launcher, a KRISS Vector with a red dot, and finally, for the sidearm, there was the Glock 17, a SIG Sauer P226, and a Beretta 92FS. They were all suitable for close-quarters combat, but they had different features and advantages.
I looked at Druuna and saw her eyes widen as she scanned the table. "Wow, these are some nice guns. How do I choose?"
"Well, you can pick whichever one you like best, or you can try them all out and see which one suits you best. They all have their pros and cons, depending on your preference and style." I explained.
"For example, the P90 has a high rate of fire and a large magazine capacity of 50 miniature rifle rounds. It also has an integrated optical sight without magnification, which allows you to shoot with both eyes open. However, it is also bulky and heavy, and the recoil can be hard to control. The MP5 is an all-around classic and reliable SMG that has a moderate rate of fire and a 30-round magazine. It also has an underslung grenade launcher that can fire 40mm grenades for extra firepower. However, it is not very accurate at long ranges, and the grenades are limited in supply. The KRISS Vector is a unique SMG that uses a recoil mitigation system that reduces muzzle climb and felt recoil. It also has a high rate of fire and a modular design that allows for different configurations. However, it has a low magazine capacity of 13 or 25 rounds, and it is not very accurate at long ranges.
The pistols are more compact and concealable than the SMGs, but they also have less firepower and range. The Glock 17 is a reliable and simple pistol that has a large magazine capacity of 17 rounds. It also has a polymer frame that makes it light and durable. However, it has no external safety or hammer, and some people find the grip angle uncomfortable. The SIG Sauer P226 is a more refined and ergonomic pistol that has a double-action/single-action trigger system and a decocking lever. It also has a metal frame that gives it more weight and balance. However, it has a smaller magazine capacity of 15 rounds, and it is more expensive than the Glock 17. The Beretta 92FS is a classic and elegant pistol that has a smooth action and a slide-mounted safety/decocker. It also has a large magazine capacity of 15 or 17 rounds, and it is easy to maintain. However, it has a large grip that may not fit smaller hands, and it is prone to jamming if not cleaned properly.
So, which gun do you want to try first?"
The Temptress looked at the guns and picked up the FN P90, a compact submachine gun that was designed for close-quarters combat. It had a high rate of fire, a large magazine capacity, and a low recoil. It also had a suppressor attached to it, which would reduce the noise and muzzle flash of the shots.
"I like this one," she said, admiring the gun. "It looks sleek and futuristic."
"It's a good choice," I agreed. "It's one of the best personal defense weapons in the world. It's used by many special forces and law enforcement agencies. It's also very accurate and reliable."
I then handed her a vest and a mask. "Put these on. They will protect you from the simunition rounds and register any hits you take."
She nodded and put on the vest and the mask. She then checked the magazine of the P90 and inserted it into the gun. She pulled back the charging handle and released it, chambering a round.
"I'm ready," she said, holding the gun in both hands.
"Good. Follow me," I said, leading her to the entrance of the warehouse.
We entered the warehouse and saw several targets set up along the walls and behind the cover. Some of them were human-shaped holographic targets, while others were just normal metal plates that would make a loud clunk when hit.
"This is your second test," I explained. "You have to clear this room of all targets as fast as you can. You can use any cover you find but don't stay in one place for too long. The targets will pop up randomly and shoot back at you with simunition rounds. If you get hit, your vest will beep and you'll lose points. If you hit a target, it will fall down or make a noise and you'll gain points. Your score will be based on your accuracy, speed, and tactics."
I then pointed to a timer on the wall. "You have two minutes to complete this scenario. Are you ready?"
Druuna nodded, her eyes focused on the targets.
"Alright then.!"
I pressed a button and started the timer. The targets began to pop up from behind cover, firing simunition rounds at Druuna.
Druuna reacted quickly, firing back at them with her P90. She moved from cover to cover, using short bursts of fire to take down the targets. She aimed for the head or chest of the cardboard cutouts and for the center of the metal plates.
She was fast and accurate, hitting most of her targets with minimal shots. She also used her surroundings to her advantage, ducking behind crates, barrels, and pillars to avoid getting hit.
She cleared the room in less than a minute, hitting all 20 targets with only 25 shots fired. She only got hit once in the shoulder, which barely affected her performance.
The Temptress lowered her gun and looked at me with a triumphant smile.
"How did I do?" she asked.
I checked the timer and the scoreboard. She had finished in 58 seconds, with a score of 95 out of 100.
"You did great," I said, impressed by her skills. "You're a natural at this."
Druuna beamed, "Thanks! That was fun!"
I smiled back at her, feeling proud of her progress.
"Don't get too cocky though," I warned her. "That was just the first scenario. There are more to come."
The Temptress nodded, "I'm ready for anything."
"Good," I said. "Let's move on to the next one."
"Baywatch" I call out to Quintero.
"You got it, dude" The UNSC AI interjected.
The environment of the arena around us has changed again to what looks like the outside world. And far away in front of us, there seems to be what looks like a small town.
I looked at the new scenario and saw that it was a simulation of a coastal town. There were buildings, streets, cars, and people. There was also a beach, a pier, and a lighthouse. The moon was shining and the sky was dark.
And there were also a fuck ton of Waffen-SS soldiers patrolling the town. There was a sign of Nazi occupation. They wore black uniforms with silver skulls and lightning bolts on their collars, and carried a variety of weapons, from rifles and submachine guns to grenades and rocket launchers.
"This is your third test," I explained. "You have to infiltrate the town and sabotage the enemy's communications and supplies. You will have to avoid detection and use stealth and guerilla tactics to complete your objectives. You will also have to deal with any resistance or civilians you encounter along the way."
I then pointed to a 3D holographic render of the town in front of us. "You have three main targets: a radio tower, a fuel depot, and a command post. You can choose the order in which you want to attack them, but you have to destroy them all within an hour. Are you ready?"
Druuna nodded, her eyes scanning the holographic map.
"Alright then. One last thing...You need to have a callsign for this mission. Something that suits your personality and style. and I already know what you want to be called."
Druuna nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"I want to be called Temptress," she said, smiling wickedly.
I rolled my eyes, "Of course, you do...with how many times you try to hit on me, it fits."
The Temptress laughed then seductively shook her impressive asset at me clearly trying to give me a show, "Hey, can't blame a girl for trying...handsome..."
I shook my head, trying to focus on the mission. "Let's focus on the mission, Temptress."
She nodded, her demeanor becoming serious again.
"Right, sorry about that. I'm ready," she said, picking up her P90 and checking the magazine.
I handed her a headset and a communicator. "Use this to stay in touch with me and Quintero and to receive updates on the enemy's movements and positions. Quintero will be monitoring you and providing support if needed."
She put on the headset and activated the communicator. "Baywatch, this is Temptress. Radio check, over."
"Baywatch here, Temptress. Loud and clear, over."
"Roger, Baywatch. Over and out."
(♪ Playing Eurythmics-Sweet Dreams ♪)
Quintero then started to play a cheesy 80s song as Druuna started to move toward the town. I watched her go, feeling a sense of pride and concern.
"Boss...." The concern in Quintero's voice is evident. "Are you sure that this is a good idea? Temptress might be skilled, but taking on a whole Nazi battalion by herself is suicide."
I sighed, "I know, Quintero. But I have a feeling that Druuna is more than what she seems…You know about Temptress's unique biosignatures so tell me have you been able to figure out what it is?"
While I was talking to Quintero, I was also observing Druuna's progress on a holographic screen in front of me.
(-♪Sweet dreams are made of this…Who am I to disagree? I've traveled the world and the seven seas…everybody's looking for something…♪-)
Temptress moved stealthily through the town, taking out enemies with quick shots and silent takedowns. She moved like a ghost, slipping through alleyways and buildings, avoiding the main streets and the patrols.
"I'm still analyzing the data, boss. It's definitely something unusual, but I can't say for sure what it is yet," Quintero replied.
I nodded then continued. "I know Eon sent Druuna to us to assist me in dealing with Amanda Waller and her Suicide Squad. But Eon also said that she has Quirks that I might "enjoy" Whatever the fuck she meant"
(-♪Some of them want to use you…Some of them want to get used by you…Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused♪-)
She reached the radio tower, which was located on a hill overlooking the town. It was guarded by a dozen Waffen-SS soldiers, who were armed with rifles and submachine guns. They also had a machine gun nest and a guard tower.
Temptress observed the situation and decided to use a stealthy approach. She waited until one of the officers went to take a piss behind a tree. She sneaked up behind him and snapped his neck with a quick twist. She then took his uniform and his submachine gun and disguised herself as one of them. She walked casually toward the radio tower, pretending to be on patrol. She nodded to the other guards as she passed them, hoping they wouldn't notice anything suspicious.
"Have you also checked her other biosignatures?"
"I have, boss. She has some unusual biosignatures that signify enhanced physical and mental capacities. She also has some foreign chemicals in her bloodstream, but I don't know what they do."
(-♪Sweet dreams are made of this…Who am I to disagree? I've traveled the world and the seven seas…everybody's looking for something…♪-)
Druuna reached the base of the tower and saw a ladder leading up to the top. She climbed up the ladder and reached the platform where the radio equipment was located. She saw a large antenna and a control panel with several switches and buttons. She pulled out a small explosive device from her pocket and attached it to the antenna. She then set the timer for 30 seconds and pressed the detonator.
"Is there anything else?"
"Yes, as we already know she has enhanced physical abilities like speed and strength. But there's also something else..."
"What?" I asked.
"There is also an indication that Druuna has a high libido and heightened sexual drive."
I groaned at that fact then shook my head, "Yes. I already suspect that is the case...", I then mumbled silently "A horny assassin infiltrating Nazi territory…"
"Yes, boss. The biosignatures suggest that she has an increased sex drive and might have a difficult time controlling her impulses."
I watched as the explosion rocked the radio tower, sending debris and smoke into the air. The guards nearby were caught off guard, and Druuna took advantage of the chaos to slip away and move toward her next target. She knew she only had limited time, and she had to move fast.
(-♪Hold your head up…Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up…♪-)
As she ran through the streets, she saw civilians trying to hide or flee from the Nazi soldiers. She knew she couldn't ignore them, and she used her skills to help them along the way. She took out guards harassing civilians or blocking their path and even provided some first aid to the injured.
"I just hope she doesn't get distracted by any handsome Nazis," I muttered to myself.
(-♪Some of them want to use you…Some of them want to get used by you…Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused♪-)
Temptress decided to go for a direct approach this time, taking advantage of her enhanced physical abilities. She ran towards the guards, firing her submachine gun at them while dodging their bullets with ease. She reached the fuel tanks and placed more explosives, blowing them up in a spectacular display of fire and smoke.
"Baywatch, this is Temptress. Objective complete, over." She reported.
"Temptress, this is Baywatch. Good work, but the enemy is now alerted. Expect heavier resistance from now on, over." Quintero warned her.
"Roger that, Baywatch. Moving to the command post now, over and out." Druuna nodded.
(-♪Hold your head up…Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up…♪-)
She then moved toward the command post, which was located in the center of the town. This was her riskiest target, as it was heavily guarded and fortified. She had to sneak past patrols and checkpoints, using her disguises and silent takedowns to avoid detection. She finally reached the entrance to the building, which was guarded by two soldiers.
"Hmm...anyway I may have a way to check what Temptress is capable of...."
I concentrated and all of a sudden multiple texts appeared in my field of vision.
{Team menu}
(In this feature, an avatar such as yourself can access all of the members' stats, abilities, and equipment. Keep track of their progress and manage their tasks efficiently. Good luck on your mission, Captain.)
[You team]
(Note that the name of your team can be changed anytime you want)
-Otto(You) AKA Vagabond-
-Quintero AKA Baywatch-
-Druuna AKA Temptress-
Hmm...Alright, but then a thought entered my mind...seems kind of strange that the system didn't notify me of anything really the first time Quintero joined the team...or even stranger that the system hasn't told me what Temptress or even Quintero LV yet...
Just earlier, the system clearly tell
me what Supergirl LV was, so why not for Quintero and Druuna?
And there is the Character Bio feature, it didn't appear after I met with Black Canary and Zatanna. But after my encounter with Kara, it appears...
I made a mental note to investigate this further once the mission was over and maybe met up with Eon...if she was available, to discuss with her what the fuck is going on with the System Forces. But For now, I had to focus on guiding Druuna through the last part of her mission.
I then opened up Druuna's stats.
Name = Druuna(Temptress).
Race = Human?
Gender = Female.
Occupation = Femme Fatale.
Level = 280.
HP = 11995/12000
MP= 7971/8000
STR = 270
VIT = 100
DEF = 220
DEX = 300
PER= 120
-Stealth Mastery Lv.3
-Guerilla Tactics Lv.3
-Firearms Mastery Lv.3
-Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery Lv.3
-Seduction Mastery Lv.3
-Enhanced Senses Lv.3
-Healing Factors Lv.2
-????? LV?
-P90 submachine gun
-Combat knife
-C4 Explosives
======================== Druuna was LV 280, higher than Supergirl who was LV 257. I whistle, completely impressed by Druuna's stats and abilities. Damn, it was a bit different from the stats I have. I didn't have a (ABILITIES) section on my [Stats]. I seem to be (from my point of view at least) more advanced than the [Stats] that I am stuck with... more subject to discuss with Eon if she is available...
But back to Temptress [Stats]. I noticed some...peculiar anomaly in her[Stats]. I am not sure how I feel about how the "human" in Her race ends with a question mark. Or the fact that at the bottom of her (ABILITIES) section of her[Stats] there seemed to be a hidden ability that I couldn't see. What was that about? Was it some kind of secret power that Druuna had?
Druuna assessed the situation and decided to use a distraction to lure the guards away from the entrance. She threw a rock at a nearby building, causing a loud shattering sound to fill the air.
The guards were distracted, and Druuna used the opportunity to slip inside the building. She moved silently through the corridors, avoiding the patrols and traps. She finally reached the command center, where the Nazi leaders were overseeing the operation.
Druuna observed them for a moment, trying to figure out the best course of action. She saw that they were surrounded by guards and heavily armed. She would need a distraction to give her an opening.
Taking out her last pack of C4, Temptress then attached the C4 to a nearby wall and set the timer for 10 seconds. She then hid behind a corner and waited for the explosion. As soon as the wall blew up, she ran into the command center, firing her P90 at the Nazi leaders and their guards.
(-♪Hold your head up…Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up, movin' on Hold your head up, movin' on Keep your head up…♪-)
Druuna managed to kill most of them before they could react, but a few of them returned fire. She dodged their bullets and threw her knife at one of them, hitting him in the throat. She then grabbed another one and used him as a human shield, while shooting the last one in the head.
She then dropped the dead body and looked around. The command center was a mess of blood and debris. She saw a large map of the town on a table, with several markers and notes on it. She also saw a radio and a phone, which were used to communicate with the other Nazi forces.
Druuna quickly took out her communicator and contacted Quintero.
"Temptress, this is Baywatch. Status report, over." He asked.
"Baywatch, this is Temptress. Objective complete. Enemy leaders neutralized, over." She reported.
"Temptress, this is Baywatch. Good job, you did it! You've completed the second scenario. Now exfil the AO before reinforcements arrive, over." He congratulated her.
"Roger that, Baywatch. Temptress out." She replied.
Temptress then looked for an exit and saw a window that led to the street. She ran towards it and jumped out, landing on her feet. She then sprinted like a certain American super soldier extraordinarily fast towards the edge of the town, where I was waiting for her with a Motorcycle.
Druuna reached the Motorcycle and hopped in. I smiled at her and started the engine. With Druuna holding onto me tightly, I drove away from the town, leaving behind a trail of smoke and fire. Druuna has completed her third test admirably.
"So how did I do...handsome?" Druuna asked, her tone of voice slightly husky, clearly enjoying the close contact. Her soft ample bosom pressed and grind against my back as she leaned forward to speak into my ear sending shivers down my spine. In hindsight...I probably should have picked a car instead of a motorcycle.
I ignored the sensation and focused on her performance instead. "You did great, Temptress. Your skills and abilities proved to be very impressive."
Druuna smiled at my praise, "Thank you, handsome. I'm glad I could be of assistance."
"Now onto our final test."
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