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44.92% HOTD/ASOIAF: Unbowed Unbent Unbroken / Chapter 60: 60

Chapter 60: 60


112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"I still can't believe you convinced him to up and visit Dragonstone on such short notice..." I watch multiple ships sail away with the centermost one carrying the King.

"He also wanted to talk to my Uncle so when I told him about what is in the cave he seemed eager enough. There is not much going on at the moment anyway, just the day-to-day court antics." Rhaenyra lifts her chin seemingly proud of herself reminding me of a cat wanting to be shown affection. "Though I am dreading the flight myself and I wish I just got on the ship with him..." I roll my eyes and pull her flush to my side kissing her cheek.

"You are going to ride with me so you don't suddenly fall off." She is not that fragile and her annoyed look confirms she is having the same thoughts but I can at least make an attempt to have her on the saddle with me.

"You just want to show me those eggs again don't you?" I can't help but smile as I nod thinking about how it will surprise them all when one hatches, I can feel it in my bones.

But then again lots of people with the blood I carry have obsessed over hatching eggs that had 'turned to stone' and many died. Given that is in the 'future' but it still stands that those stone eggs have an odd allure in my blood. But at least in my situation, I have backups, Shrykos and Syrax have hit it off and should make some eggs eventually. The shy little dragon has become a tough character and it shines when the pretty lady dragon is around for him to show off for.

"I am telling you that they will hatch, you will see with your own eyes Balerion reborn come from that black egg." She humorously shakes her head as she wraps her arms around my waist matching the hold I have on her.

"Whatever you say, my Love." I honestly will sit on those eggs like a hen if I have to... I want to see those dragons with my own eyes and see if 'Drogon' actually grows faster.


112 AC


Viserys Targaryen


"There is plenty of room, your Grace, Rhaenyra seemed comfortable enough the whole ride over here. I will get you up to that cave without even so much as an ache in your back, trust in me." I look over at the large black dragon that brings back fond memories but the green eyes cut a strong contrast with my old mount.

"I suppose there is no other option..." I could ask Daemon to fly me up there on his Blood Wyrm but after he did not even come to greet me at the dock I am a little angry with him.

Putting aside the thoughts of my Brother I focus on approaching the dragon to climb the rope ladder to the saddle. The dragon does not even move at all as I approach and take the rope into my hands once more showing me how much it has changed. From the 'Cannibal' to one of the tamest Dragons, I have ever seen in all of my days.

My Daughter and Lady Myriah have already flown off to the cave on the other dragon saying I would be more comfortable on the larger saddle. But with each step and handhold higher toward the saddle, I feel a bit more winded. I don't remember it being half this difficult back in the day...

Grabbing the last handle I pull myself up and onto my knees and crawl forward to sit comfortably on the saddle. I notice a lot of saddle bags with arrows sticking out and even a spear fastened to the saddle. One saddle bag is nestled in the front and it draws my attention with how secured and locked down it is with many straps.

"The 'Cradle' as I call it." Daeron startles me as I look toward him and see him eyeing the saddle bag. "Safest place on in the world I think, but anyways unless you want my hands around your sides then I suggest scooting back and grabbing onto the side handles." I shake my head as I scoot back feeling my heart beating a bit quicker knowing I will once be rising into the sky even if just to reach a cave high off the ground.

"That is where you keep those eggs?" I ask as he gets in place on the saddle. "Balerion reborn?" I ask with some amusement at the idea of my old mount being reborn into the world.

He nods and his hands reach out and undo straps and locks with practiced ease and soon he flips the top back and a small chest is revealed. Once it is opened he lifts a black egg with small red swirls scattered on its scaled surface and hands it to me. My eyes widen feeling a bit of warmth but it also feels heavier than a living egg showing it is already turned. The heat likely coming from the sun and the dragon the egg is riding on the back of, but I still can't help but smile seeing the egg my good son claims will bring back Balerion.

"I take it the cream and gold will be Meraxes and the green and bronze will be Vhagar?" Even if the old she-dragon still rests somewhere it likely won't be for much longer, these eggs certainly have the right colorings but with small additions.

"I don't know yet, but I know for sure this one will be the 'Winged Shadow' who will cover cities as it flies over." He takes the egg back and looks at it for a moment before tucking it away and locking the box back up.

"Winged shadow." Certainly sounds like a name Balerion would have worn but I do not remember hearing anyone call him that.

Either way, if it hatches I am sure it will be a mighty dragon fit for a future King or Queen in the form of my Grandchild. If it does not hatch there are plenty more eggs from Dreamfyre's recent clutch and even reported recently four new hatchlings on the Dragonmont. The wild dragons will grow in number with Cannibal being claimed and it will be a problem if it is not monitored closely.

Something will need to happen to prevent them from growing too big and remaining wild, if too many take up claim to the Dragonmont fights will break out. It may spread to the villages or even lead to dragons leaving the Island in search of warm and safe homes. The last thing we need is dragons leaving and someone finding a way to claim them either with a Dragon seed or some other way.

I will think about it, either we need to hunt some down every now and then or we need more dragon riders to claim them...

Daeron and Rhaenyra are doing their part but I fear I can not help in any way with that problem. But Daemon certainly could honor his wife and have some children, one will need to be Lord of Runestone and a Royce but the rest could take the Targaryen name and claim a dragon. I am unsure of letting a Royce claim one... enough Houses have dragons at this point and I got lucky with the Martells marrying their two spares to the Velaryons who already had Dragon blood.

But regardless, I have time for those matters after this cave exploration... I want to see what my Daughter claims to be the written form of Aegons prophecy.


Walking through the cave I feel my heart racing in my chest from the short flight and also a sharp pain at Balerion's passing once more. I can still remember the way it felt to fly on him for the first time and how powerful I felt at that moment. Seeing a similar sight from the back of Gaelithox has opened old wounds I thought had long faded away to be forgotten.

"How are you feeling?" Rhaenyra asks with concern obvious in her tone and I wave her off.

"I should fret over you my Daughter, don't worry about me I am just lost in my thoughts." She nods but does not seem put at ease and I open my mouth to speak but stop seeing more torches being lit.

Daeron brought a few extra and has lit them and tossed them around on the ground before a large wall illuminating it. My legs stop as I freeze as if ice has filled my blood as I look at a very large work of art on the wall. It in no way looks recent as my Daughter said, my eyes go from one part of it to the next.

"It starts here, men and Children of the Forest uniting with what seems to be Giants." Rhaenyra is unbothered by me coming to a halt and walks forward dragging her hands across the wall. "It shows the fight and then beat the 'enemy' back before the wall is built." I take a few steps forward feeling fire return to my veins hotter than ever before.

"It ends with men once more fighting the enemy, but this time with a wall in place and... Dragons." I finish for her as I place my hand on the wall rubbing my fingers on it reminding me of the feel of my model of Valyria and painting it.

I am unsure of what to say... I knew Rhaenyra would not bring me out here for some foolish drawings but this is beyond what I thought. She told me she went over the stories of the Long Night and that is what she believes this is. She also believes the Darkness Aegon saw IS the Long Night coming again with these blue-eyed men being the true threat. I run my finger over one of the blue-eyed men and feel a chill that soon fades as if it never was there, to begin with, but the hair on my arm stands up.

"This is..." A warning.


112 AC


Daemon Targaryen


"Finished playing around with the children?" I ask seeing my brother enter, I have waited hours and if I knew it would take him this long I would have sought him out.

"The only child I see is yourself." He responds with a surprising amount of bite to his tone before sighing. "Daemon there is much I need to tell you and I need you to take this seriously." We lock eyes and I see a hardness in his eyes that he only rarely has, when he is serious.

"What happened?" I ask noticing his obvious worry and he takes a seat across from me before rubbing his brow.

"I need you to look into something, I have other things to ask of you such as visiting your Wife but I have something you HAVE to do. I can not send anyone else... I very well could send someone else maybe even hundreds to look into this. But for now, I want you to look into some things for me and hear some people speak of old times long passed." I shift in my seat feeling odd at the urgency in his voice but I nod.

"What needs to be done?" He turns to look out the window where I see the large black dragon fly off with the smaller one close behind.

"The Wall in the North, see how your dragon acts around it but you have to be careful..." He holds up his hand and looks at it with an odd look. "I once heard from Grandmother that Silverwing refused her to fly beyond the wall and the silver dragon did everything she asked. What I just learned very well may give some answers to why that is, but first I need to let you know what is going on." This seems to be going down a path I was not expecting with how serious he is acting, toward prophecy and visions.

I hate prophecy and visions.

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